Trentside Links July 2016

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A free community magazine

Trentside Links July 2016 - Issue 190

July 2016 Issue 190

Trentside Links A free community magazine

DELIVERED FREE TO Brampton • Drinsey Nook • Fenton • Gate Burton Kettlethorpe • Knaith • Laughterton Marton • Newton on Trent • Park Farm • Stow Park Thorney • Torksey • Torksey Lock

Agapanthus by Tim Ricketts


Trentside Links A free community magazine July 2016 Issue 190

Trentside Links MAGAZINE

Newton on Trent School ��������������������������� 04

Editorial Sue Oliver - 01427 718837

Charity Fundraising ������������������������������������ 06

Children win national art competition

Lincoln Golf Club raises important funds

Distribution Emma Barratt - 01427 718985

Kettlethorpe Choir ��������������������������������������� 10

Website & advertising Jon Oliver - 01427 718837

Trentside Memories �������������������������������������12


Thorney Village News ���������������������������������14

Brampton Drinsey Nook Fenton (1) Fenton (2) Gate Burton Kettlethorpe Knaith Laughterton (1) Laughterton (2) Laughterton (3) Marton (1) Marton (2) Newton on Trent (1) Newton on Trent (2) Park Farm Stow Park Thorney Torksey Torksey (The Elms) Torksey Lock Torksey Lock (Little London Park)

Richard Farley Paul Barratt Chris East Sue Eyton-Williams Pat Hammond Anne Harris Rosemary Burke Bob Watkinson Simon Clarke Amy Willis Helen Gee Sandra Moody Gill Kyme Colin Kyme Paul Barratt Geoff Lloyd Dawn Collins Elizabeth Rose Rob Prentice Sue Eyton-Williams Keith Oldfield

Something to say? Do you have something to say, something you’d like to share with the community? Then send your comments to the editor (contact details at top of the page). Disclaimer The contents and any opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of Trentside Links and remain solely those of the author(s). We accept no responsibility or liability for the contents of this magazine, including advertisements.



Trentside Links magazine is printed by: TUCANN design & print Unit 9, Blackthorn Way, Five Mile Lane Business Park, Five Mile Lane, Washingborough, Lincoln LN4 1BF Tel : 01522 790009 Email:

Appeal for information from 1926

Pre-order our book and details on the free launch event Celebrating the Queen’s 90th birthday

What’s On in Marton ���������������������������������� 20 Local village events

Social Activities in Torksey ������������������������21 An update from Torksey Action Group

Church Services ������������������������������������������� 22 Information on services and clergy in the local area

book project our book project is nearing completion. please turn to page 12 for details on how to order as well as our free launch event

Trentside Links Publication Dates Copy Deadline

Publication Date

31st December

31st January

28th February

31st March

30th April

31st May

30th June

31st July

31st August

30th September

31st October

30th November

Formats for email submission: Plain text email is best (please avoid using Word or any other word processing application). Please note we cannot accept Microsoft Publisher files. If you are sending images to use with your article please ensure these are sent as separate attachments in your email and not embedded into any other document as this can cause quality issues if the images have to be extracted.

The Editor Trentside Links Magazine Fenton Lincolnshire

Readers’ Letters

Children’s Play Area at Fenton

Reader’s Response In response to the anonymous letter printed in the May issue I wrote

If Mr A Nonimouse, (who by failing

as a private individual, indeed as

to identify himself appears not to

a very concerned parishioner that

have the courage of his convictions)

the children of this parish still are

is under the impression that the

without the play area promised to

‘new council’ can have any better

them. This is brought home to us

effect in persuading the LCC Council,

with each of the Trentside Links

and the Highways Department and

publications which carry photos and

other authorities, to comply with

updates of the children enjoying

their demands despite there being no

themselves in our neighbouring

funds to do so, then I wish him every

parishes who have provided lovely

success in his endeavour.

play areas for their children.

chairmen and clerks, and despite

With regard to Mrs Wilcock’s letter

Would the anonymous writer answer

promised action by WLDC which

in your May issue. Well done Mrs

the following questions?

has not been forthcoming. The only

Wilcock, it would appear that you

contact that appears to have been

had the courage of your convictions

made is by one of the councillors, who

and put your name to your letter,

wishes to purchase the site for his

and the interests at heart of not only

own use.

the children of the parish, but also

As a past chairperson of the parish council I can assure Mr A Nonimouse, that despite constant resolve, the parish council made little progress regarding taking over the play area shown on the plans for the Fenton Fields estate. Unfortunately this was because the builder refused to acknowledge numerous attempts at contacting him by previous parish

The funding was, under the terms of the S106 agreement, to be donated by the builder, to construct and maintain the site, and the S106 was enclosed in the building inspector’s decision to allow planning permission for the building of the Fenton Fields project to proceed. This is a legally binding directive under the housing act.

the interests of future generations. Therefore parishioners of Fenton

1 If this parcel of land is unsuitable, why did the district council and the builder agree to mark this on the building plans as a play area before granting the builder permission to build his houses?

and Torksey Lock, please show your

2 Surely if these plots are prone to

support for Mrs Wilcock and, in the

flooding, why build houses there?

interests of present and future generations in the parish, find the time to pick up a pen and write to WLDC. Tony Longmate

July 2016 Issue 190

Trentside Links A free community magazine

3 If this piece of land is so problematic why does Cllr Neil Ingamells wish to buy it for himself?

Continued on page 4...


Trentside Links A free community magazine July 2016 Issue 190

Work of Art Wins Trip to London for Newton on Trent Primary School

Continued from page 3...

Dear Parishioners, please let the district council, parish council or

“The children researched and

Trentside Links know if you think it

sketched favourite scenes

is high time our children got their

of London, and painted a

promised, long overdue play area.

representation of the bus that would take them on tour around

Janet Willcock

London. They decided they

A Thank You to the Parish Councils

wanted to show themselves, waving at the top of the bus,

Our thanks to the following parish

Children at Newton on Trent Primary

so everyone drew a waving and

School have won a national art

cheering self-portrait to add to the

competition and are on their way to

picture. This was important to them

Brampton £50

London for their own private tour of

as they are very proud of their school

Gate Burton & Marton


the capital.

and value their friends, helpers and

Kettlethorpe & Laughterton


councils for their kind donations towards the running of Trentside Links:

Thorney £100 Torksey £200 Newton on Trent


Fenton & Torksey Lock


gainsborough organ society The Weston Rooms, Hickman St Gainsborough, DN21 2DZ Thursday 1 September 7.30pm AGM followed by mini concert Thursday 29 September 7.30pm Paul Roberts For more information contact Mr Peter Naulls on 01427 615265

London-based company ‘The Original London Sightseeing Tour’ organised the art competition for schools all around the country, with the winning

younger ones with tricky cutting out or to search for a particular image on the internet.”

entry earning their class their own

One of three national finalists,

tour of London. The competition was

Newton on Trent was chosen as the

in celebration of The Original Tour’s

winner by public vote, through social

65th anniversary.

media (Twitter and Facebook).

Schools had to create a piece of

Mrs Jayne Clarke added: “Being such

artwork (painting, collage or mixed

a small school, we knew it would be

media) to show their favourite

hard to gain as much support and

London buildings, monuments or

votes as a bigger school might, but

views - whatever they love about

many people in the community went


out of their way to help us gain the

Mrs Jayne Clarke, teacher of the children in class Team Cheetahs (aged 7-11) explained: “Not only did the children want to include all the best bits of London but they also


teachers. The older children helped

votes we needed to sail to the lead. It just shows what a small school can achieve when they have dedication and vision, and a whole community behind them.

wanted to feature the Original Tour

“The joy of the children at winning

Company too, as it was their 65th

has been just wonderful. The trip

birthday. They also wanted to honour

is scheduled for 8 July, and we just

our Queen in her 90th birthday year,

can’t wait! This trip is going to be

by having her at the wheel of the

extremely educational, as well as


loads of fun, as most of the children

in Team Cheetah have never been to

As you may be aware, West Lindsey

London before. We thank everyone

District Council, along with the nine

for their support, and we look forward

other councils in Greater Lincolnshire,

to reporting back on the tour.”

has been talking to the Government

If you would like to support the school in covering the cost of travelling to London and back, we would love to hear from you. And if you would like your child to be part of this rural, friendly and supportive

about transferring some powers and resources to this area. The consultation is specifically on the scheme for a Mayoral Combined Authority, with directly-elected mayor.

school, with small class sizes and

The consultation will be available as

an array of opportunities, please do

both hard copy and online.

get in touch and come and visit us. Contact Newton on Trent Primary School 01777 228365 or email

Newton on Trent School Fete We had a very successful fete day, enjoyed by all and we even dodged the rain. We raised the magnificent sum of £1400 which will be shared equally between school and church

Consultation on the Scheme for a Mayoral Combined Authority for Greater Lincolnshire I would like to give you advance notice of a consultation on the above, which is to be launched on June 27, 2016, running until August 8 at 5pm.


July 2016 Issue 190

Trentside Links A free community magazine

We will write to you again when the consultation begins, but thought it would be helpful to give you this early notification. Councillor Jeff Summers Leader of Council West Lindsey District Council

Marton & Gate Burton Village Hall for Hire

Holds up to 100 Cost £11 per hour or £8 to villagers To book contact Lorraine on 01427 718422

Brampton Mr Jim Townend, Secretary Hermitage House Brampton Lincs, LN1 2EG Tel: 01427 718006 Fenton & Torksey Lock Miss. Ruth Keillar, Clerk Tel: 01522 811730 Kettlethorpe & Laughterton Mr R Gee, Clerk 2 Swynford Close, Laughterton Lincs, LN1 2LG Tel: 01427 717868 Knaith Miss Judith Bates, Clerk 38 Garfield Street Gainsborough Lincs, DN21 2LA Tel: 07824 811324 Marton and Gate Burton Mrs Gillian Martin, Clerk 6 Mount Pleasant Close, Marton, Gainsborough, Lincs, DN21 5AE Tel: 01427 718377 Newton on Trent Mr R Pilgrim, Clerk 2 Cedar Close, The Elms, Torksey, Lincs, LN1 2NH Tel: 01427 718388 Thorney Mrs Anna Dennison, Clerk Arden , Main Street, Thorney, Newark, Notts NG23 7BS Tel: 01522 702748 Torksey Mr R Pilgrim, Clerk 2 Cedar Close, The Elms, Torksey, Lincs, LN1 2NH Tel: 01427 718388


Trentside Links A free community magazine July 2016 Issue 190

Royal Birthday Celebrations in Marton

Lincoln Golf Club Donates £8,084.38 to Charity

The people of Marton & Gate Burton

captains of Lincoln Golf Club, Mr

celebrated the Queen’s 90th birthday

Eric King and Mrs Rachel Little’s

on Saturday 11th June at the village

nominated charities, the Lincolnshire

hall. The committee would like to

and Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance

thank all the people who attended

and Guide Dogs, benefitted from their

and made it a good day, a significant

fundraising efforts by £4,042.19 each.

During 2015-16 in their year as

and Rachel Little.

amount of money was made for the village hall. We would also like to

Receiving a cheque from Eric and

thank those people who donated

Rachel on behalf of Guide Dogs is Mrs

prizes for the tombola and the raffle

Catherine Ball and her husband Jim

and thanks to chef Steve from the

along with their retired dog Tasmin to

Ingleby Arms pub in Marton for

the left, and working guide dog Moss

donating a voucher towards a meal in his restaurant.

Receving a cheque on behalf of the

We would like to thank Anna, Cassie

Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire

and Sandra for their display of

Air Ambulance is Mr Steve Ullyatt

dancing with dogs, it was brilliant

(centre) with 2015 captains, Eric King

and entertaining. We also had Trevor who opened our celebration and entertained us during the rest of the day. We would also like to thank those people who came along on the Saturday morning to set up everything for this event and also for coming back on the Sunday to help take it all down, without their help these events would not happen.


on the right. Further information can be obtained from Club Manager Craig Innes on (01427) 718721.

True Neighbours

West Lindsey District Council Community Award

In our busy lives with so much coming and going it would be easy to

July 2016 Issue 190

Trentside Links A free community magazine

get wrapped up in ourselves and not notice our neighbours. One particular couple in our village however were no such people and when they noticed that a gentlemen, who although

Darron & Thelma with award

The Darron Childs Practice & friends on the ‘Big Walk’

refusing help, was obviously in need

West Lindsey have recently recognised

of assistance they stepped straight

a mother and son’s many years


of engagement within the local

The poor man in question, who was

a financial consultancy based in Lea, at The Lindens which Darron helped save and restore, winning an English


Heritage Angel Award in 2013. Over

well educated and had lived a full and

Thelma Childs founded the volunteer-

the last few years Darron and his team

interesting life, had found himself in

run Delvers local history group 30 years

have also raised thousands of pounds

bad health and had become a recluse.

ago. Since then the group has gone on

for charitable causes, the latest being

to make a significant contribution to

the ‘Big Walk’ along the Dorset coast

the study and recording of local history.

which raised £5,000 over a two day

This wonderful couple saw to his needs, cooking and cleaning for

mammoth charity walk.

him and getting him the medical

Darron Childs has written several

attention he needed. They had no

books and founded the award-winning

Darron & Thelma's work in the

medical training but found it in their

Ghost Trail which ran in conjunction

community was recognised at this

hearts to give him the best possible

with The Old Nick Theatre for many

year's West Lindsey Community

care to make his last few weeks


Awards with the chairman's Civic

comfortable. God bless you Jemma and Mark Newport.

More recently the group have been adding to the Delvers Blue Plaque

Lorraine Olsen

series and a book is also planned for


later this year. Darron is a partner in

Award presented to both Darron and Thelma Childs to recognise their work with The Delvers local history group over the years.

english country dancing gainsborough folk dance club Affiliated to the EFDSS Come and enjoy an evening with the GFDC We meet alternate Fridays 8pm until 10.30pm St George’s Community Hall, Heapham Road, Gainsborough Spend an evening folk dancing, ceilidh and barn dancing, contra and square dancing

You will enjoy it and it may help you keep fit. Friendly atmosphere and beginners always welcome. Light refreshments and your first visit is free. Just turn up and give it a try. For further information phone 07789 996190 or email: 7

Trentside Links A free community magazine July 2016 Issue 190

Kettlethorpe & District WI Report May 2016 Our organisation is nothing if not well

up in very decorated or entertaining shapes for greeting purposes.

Yvonne Smalley came first with Carol Penney second. The Newmans have both a nursery and a florist centre

in advance for being prepared. We

For the competition members had

and do community projects in Lincoln

are asked for photographs to be sent

brought decorated cards themselves

and Horncastle. They find their kind

in to grace the 2018 calendar! Of

and the three judged best by Julie

of business is very appreciated by the

greater importance however, is that

were, Pat Starker - first, with Vivienne

lonely and also those with dementia.

our lovely Denman

Elliott and Nancy

College is in need of

Price following on.

necessary repairs so that it can continue to give interesting courses for members from all over the country. Our own branch has been booked in for a visit in April next year. Members have been to the theatre together recently and saw the Gainsborough Musical Theatre Society playing the musical Oklahoma with talent and enthusiasm.

Kay Paine is the lady to see in order to have an afternoon at bowls

The raffles were taken

on August 11th at Naylors Hills

home by Doreen

Farm, Laughterton. There will be

Wright, Mary Vinten,

refreshments for players and those

Krisie Vorbeck, Yvonne

who go to watch and enjoy the

Smalley, Sue Wright, Kath Hostad and Alison Brownlow.

scenery. The President had received a letter

For our meeting in June we shall be in

of thanks from the Salvation Army

Laughterton where Barbara Gilbert is

for being our charity of the year in

lending us her garden for the evening.

2015/6. She also reported on the

June 2016

recent tea party in honour of the Queen’s birthday, held in Marton to

This was our month for meeting

some well-dressed ladies looking

For those who like to try something

outside, to enjoy the almost mid-

suspiciously like WI members. She

new, there is to be a chance at gliding

summer evening of cosy warmth

said that our annual dinner this year

on July 27, the venue is at Kirton

and colour...and it was just that!

will be at the Hume Arms in Torksey.

Lindsey, while at Upton cum Kexby on

However our host member Barbara

June 15 another toast to the Queen

Gilbert had thought to arrange us

is taking place in their village hall. We

indoors, a sensible precaution since

plan to dress up (as though she was

the weather is so unpredictable.

coming) so if you see some rather

There were a number of raffles to be won since the Newmans had donated the flowers used in their demonstration. Those with

We enjoyed a lovely talk ‘Arranging

something to take home were

Flowers from your Garden’ given

Vivienne Elliott, Alison Brownlow,

by David and Jane Newman, who

Sylvia Johnson, Margaret Bennet,

Our speaker was Julie Mclean, a

have made it a part of their lives

Rosemary Procter, Linda Mullally,

very innovative lady who showed us

by exhibiting, growing and teaching

Yvette Capes, Pat Brown and Gill

many ways of making greeting and

how it’s all possible. David gave


gift cards with almost any handy

us the right plants and their good

material, in fact only the cards

properties while Jane built up various

themselves need cost money. She

floral displays to show how lovely

revels in finding anything from bits of

simple greenery and natural flowers

wool, pictures from old books, labels,

could look special. They judged our

ribbons - even old keys, and they end

competition for their entries with

dressed-up ladies you know what is going on.


garden flowers in cup and saucer, and

After some delicious strawberries and cream many of us strolled around Barbara’s beautiful garden before going home. Elise Hawker

July 2016 Issue 190

Trentside Links A free community magazine

COLLINGHAM PHARMACY YOUR local pharmacy dispensing NHS, private and veterinary prescriptions. Offering a wide range of medicines, vitamins, toiletries, pet medicines and seasonal gifts.

NHS services include:

Medicine use review

Morning after pill

Blood pressure Measurement

Minor ailments scheme

High Street, Collingham, Newark, NG23 7LB Tel: 01636 893038 email:


Trentside Links A free community magazine July 2016 Issue 190

Kettlethorpe Choir in 1926

4 The cross

Whilst on church duties on Sunday

bearer is Mr

5th June I found the attached photo

George Robinson

in a cupboard in the vestry of St Peter & St Paul’s in Kettlethorpe. The backing card to the photograph contains some information about the people in the picture but, regrettably, it has faded with the passage of time. What I have established so far is: 1 The photograph is named as ‘The First Surplused Choir of Kettlethorpe’



5 Mr Ernest Payne is one of the people in the photograph, but I do not know which one 6 The photograph is dated ‘Easter 1926’ Any information to

2 Seated in the centre of the would

photograph is Rev CAB Paris, Rector

be gratefully received.

3 The bearded seated gentleman

Once my research is complete I will

[front row, fifth from the left] is Mr

be happy to share it with Trentside

Arthur Scarborough, Organist and

Links and the community.

With thanks Trevor Trevor Richmond MBE

July 2016 Issue 190

Trentside Links A free community magazine

Millfield Golf Club Affordable GOLF - One of the lowest-cost clubs in the Midlands Contact John Thomson on 07722 055713


Trentside Links A free community magazine

July 2016 Issue 190

Trentside Memories Now available to pre-order




Copies of our book are now available to pre-order online at or by post using the order form below. This is a limited print run so order early to avoid disappointment! Books pre-ordered can be collected at the launch event (details below) or will be posted the day after the launch event if requested for a small charge.

LAUNCH EVENT Saturday 24th September 2pm to 4pm At Marton Village Hall, DN21 5AR This is a free event to launch our book where you will be able to collect pre-ordered books and copies will also be available to buy. There will be free prosecco and canapés served on arrival. Books bought at the launch event or afterwards will be at the normal price of £15 each.

Please indicate on the order form below if you would like to attend the launch event or alternatively email us at

ORDER FORM You can also order online at:

Name: Address:

If sending a cheque with your order please make it payable to ‘Trentside Links’ and send it along with this order form to:

Phone no:

Trentside Links 7 Lincoln Road, Fenton, Lincoln, LN1 2EP Enquiries can be made to: or 01427 718837 12



Number of books ordered: Number of attendees at launch event:

Total cost of books: £

Postal delivery add £2.99 (tick if required)


Collect from launch event (free tick if required)



July 2016 Issue 190

Trentside Links A free community magazine


Trentside Links A free community magazine July 2016 Issue 190

Thorney Village News

for great entertainment everyone! A variety of games involving bean bags or balls were available free too and scores were recorded. A huge spread of a wonderful variety of foods seemed to materialise in the marquee and everyone tucked in readily. As it started to cool down the raffle was drawn and prizes presented for games and the quiz trail. Then, as it started to rain, the marquee was dismantled and folded

On Sunday 26th June there was a

in the races in the field beyond the

good turnout for our celebration

swing park and all won rosettes.

for the Queen’s birthday and

Adults too threw caution to the wind


and headed towards the winning

Some brave children dressed up and won prizes and others made cards

line with eggs in spoons or legs tied together! All good fun!

or crowns and won prizes too. There

The slow bicycle race got a new

was a fascinating quiz trail with clues

champion this time and senior and

placed all around the church and

junior races had to be held due to

churchyard, causing many a puzzled

numbers of participants. Thank you

quickly, before it got too wet, and people made their way into church for a nostalgic singalong, ending with a mini ‘Last Night of the Proms’ and some flag waving! It was a great day, so thanks to all who came along and enjoyed it, but especially thanks to all who helped in any way. There are lots of you! THANK YOU.

expression! A beautiful display about Her Majesty

Kettlethorpe Village Hall

and family was on

Available for Hire

view in church and

Fully Equipped Kitchen Seating, Crockery & Cutlery for 80

held all the answers, if only we’d known! Many children joined

Also Children’s Tables & Chairs Centrally Heated Disabled Access & Toilets Brochure available from Ann Close 01427 718517 Enquiries and Bookings:


Sharon Wilcox Phone: 01427718637 Mobile: 07813564319

DING DONG…AVON CALLING… Established Avon Representative based in Laughterton covering village and surrounding areas.

Girton Sailing Club, Girton Lagoon

July 2016 Issue 190

Trentside Links A free community magazine

If you would like a copy of the latest brochure please text or call me on 07990 975539 email:

Or through my online shop at:

The sailing season has started so if you are interested in sailing or learning to sail, or just being a part of the social side of the club contact one of the members. We will be pleased to show you round the club and take you for a sail if you wish. All ages welcome, we are a friendly bunch. Want to learn to sail? Training is available. Contact: Clive: Tel 01427 717 700 or Or contact Les: Tel 01427 718 539

St George the Martyr Church North & South Clifton Annual Summer Fayre & Novelty Dog Show! Sunday 24th July 2016 from 1.30pm To be held on the Sports Field, South Clifton Family fun & many attractions including: Bouncy castle • Face-painting • Tombola Games galore • Big prize raffle Home-made cakes Refreshments and much more! NOT TO BE MISSED! All proceeds will go to supporting our beautiful church.


Trentside Links A free community magazine July 2016 Issue 190

St Peter & St Paul’s Church, Kettlethorpe 2016 Fundraising Weekend Report items to purchase, the stallholders all said they had an enjoyable afternoon. Midway through the afternoon everyone listened to the delightful singing from the pupils from Newton on Trent Primary School. Picnic in the Park Garden Fete Despite a couple of light showers shortly after the start the fete was reasonably well attended. The BBQ and cream teas proved to be very popular and the games were very well supported. There were several different stalls with a wide variety of

Warm sunny weather was enjoyed by all on the Sunday afternoon for Picnic in the Park. We were entertained by an amazing singer, Blue Savannah, who sang a wide variety of songs including some classical numbers. We will certainly endeavour to have her back again. A good time was had by all.

Raffle For several weeks prior to the fete raffle tickets were being sold leaving the last few to be sold on the day. Fortunately almost all the tickets went. The draw was made just before the end of the fete and many of the prizewinners were still there to collect them. The weekend raised £2451.68 for church funds. Thank you to everyone who contributed in any way to the success of the weekend. In particular we must thank The Right Honourable the Viscount Hailsham PC, QC and Baroness Hogg of Kettlethorpe for letting us use their grounds.

Torksey Ramblers We meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 10.30am at the top car park of The Elms Residential Park to arrange car sharing. Our walks take about one to one-&-a-half hours. 11th August – Drakholes (Ann’s ancestral seat) 8th September Walk across the Torksey Viaduct to the Nottingham side of the Trent 13th October Blyton stay for an Ice cream afterwards We will always walk unless extremely bad weather. Further details and information contact: Ann Bradshaw 07585 124659 16

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We have a range of solutions to suit all budgets and your advert will reach 1500 homes & businesses

July 2016 Issue 190

Trentside Links A free community magazine

Contact us today for more information. Contact details can be found on the inside front cover. Or visit


Trentside Links A free community magazine July 2016 Issue 190


TRENTSIDE LINKS MAGAZINE ARCHIVE View previous issues of the magazine online for free!


id you know that previous issues

archive. We are also in the process

on the magazine and website so if

of the magazine are online to

of updating the website which will

you would like to comment or give

feature the magazine and media

suggestions on these you can do so

archive as well as useful information

by emailing us at:

on the villages.

We are always looking for feedback

We look forward to hearing from you!

read and download for free? You can go back to January 2010 to read articles on village history and life as well as photos from the

Visit the archive at:

July 2016 Issue 190

Trentside Links A free community magazine


Trentside Links A free community magazine July 2016 Issue 190

what’s on at Village Hall, Marton Line Dancing

Parish Council Meeting

Tea Dance

Mondays 7.30pm - 10.30pm

First Tuesday of the month 7pm*

First Thursday of the month

Contact Christine or Richard

Contact Steve Spence on

2pm - 4pm

01427 617205

01427 718793 or

Contact John & Helen Nicholson on

Gill Martin 01427 718377

01522 702638

Mondays 2pm - 4pm


MGC (Marton Grub Club)

Contact Di & Jon Gibbs

Wednesday 10am - 11am

First Friday of the month

01427 718304

Contact Chris on 01427 718558

12.30pm - 2.30pm

Arts Class

Women’s Institute

Mondays 2pm - 4pm*

Third Wednesday of

Contact Joyce on 01427 717686 or

the month 7.30pm

Dog Training

David on 01427 718854

Contact Mrs G Worrel on

Sunday 9.30am - 10.30am

01427 718538 or

Contact Irene Cronshaw on

Mrs M Scott 01427 718844

01427 611535

Second Monday of the month

Art Class

Marton & Gate Burton Bowls Club


Wednesday 2pm - 4pm*

If you are interested in joining a group

Contact David Smith on 01427

Contact Arnold Nisbett

of friendly people who play matches

718275 or Chris Durning on

on 01427 718534

in the Gainsborough Standard Bowls

Indoor Bowls

Village Hall Committee Meeting

01427 718558

Mothers & Toddlers

Youth Club

Thursday 9am - 11am

Monday 4pm

Contact Gemma on 01427 717778

Marton Chapel in winter

Contact Chris on 01427 718558 or Lorraine on 01427 718422

League, and an afternoon league as well as social games against other local teams. For more information please contact: Chairman: Mike Treen on 01427 717087

Village Hall playing field

Club bowls are available

(weather permitting)

for practice sessions

Contact Elaine on 07702 830633 or Gareth on 07584 027742

* Indicates held in Committee Room

Football Club Contact Steve Horgan on 01427 717252

Come and play tennis at





The 2016 club season starts again in May. New members are always welcome and should contact: Phil Juhos 01427 613562




Our group meets on the first

The computer club meets alternate

Come and join us on the village green,

Wednesday of the month at 11.15 for

weeks 2nd & 4th Friday of the

Tuesday and Saturday afternoons

11.30am at the tea room at Torksey

month at 1.00pm at The White Swan,

from 2pm-4pm. It’s a fun sociable

Lock unless a visit out is planned.

Torksey Lock. For more information

game; come and give it a try, all the

For more information please contact

please contact Christina Moore on

equipment is provided. For more

Christina Moore on 01427 718539.

01427 718539 or Terry Bartlam on

information please contact Joe

We welcome all who have an interest

01427 858487

Laurenson, Membership Secretary,

in gardens and gardening.


on 01427 717846.


Are you interested in or have


Meetings will be held 3rd Tuesday of

knowledge of local history? Meetings

Meet at The Elms top car park to

the month at the tea room at Torksey

will be held on the 3rd Wednesday of

arrange car sharing. We leave the

Lock at 11am. Please contact

the month at 2pm at the tea room at

Elms promptly at 10.30 am. All

Joyce Jones on 01427 717686

Torksey Lock.

welcome, no need to book, just turn


20th July

Meetings will be held on the 2nd

The Tale of Tom Otter by Chris Hewis

Wednesday of the month at 2pm at

of Saxilby History Group

the tea room at Torksey Lock. Please contact Margaret Lea on 01427 717110 TAI CHI Tai Chi lessons will be held Thursday afternoons from 3.00pm until 4.00pm at the Hume Arms Torksey. For more

17th August Visit to Epworth – Home of John Wesley (to be confirmed)

Mark Bennett on the history of Torksey For more information contact

John Viney on 01427 800004

Ray Watling on 01427 717435

well as the number.

up. We will always walk unless in extremely bad weather. Please see the main advert on page 16 for more details. For more information please contact Anne Bradshaw 01427 717492

21st September

information please contact You will need to dial the area code as

July 2016 Issue 190

Trentside Links A free community magazine


TEA DANCING Come and join us on the first


Thursday of the month 2pm–4pm at

Interested in target shooting? We

Marton village hall, music by Helen

are a group of enthusiasts affiliated

and John Nicholson. Cost £4.00 which

to a Lincoln HFT club who share

includes tea and biscuits. For more

transport and techno-chat to pursue

information please contact

our enthusiasm for this great sport.

John and Helen on 01522 702638.

Visit the new website at:

For more information please contact Clive Weal on 01427 717700


Trentside Links A free community magazine July 2016 Issue 190

Church Services ST HELEN, THORNEY AUGUST 7 TH 10.30am HOLY COMMUNION at St Helen’s AUGUST 21 st Patronal Festival Service at Langford Church

About our church

Kettlethorpe, Newton & Torksey The Saxilby Group of Parishes is currently searching for a new vicar. During the intervening period until one is appointed, for information concerning church services please ring the individual church wardens as follows:

OCTOBER 2 nd 10.30am Holy Communion at St Helen’s

St Helen’s is open every Thursday afternoon from 2.304pm just for a quiet time. There are candles to light if you like, and cards to write on, to make a note of any concerns you have. Let us know if there is someone who needs our prayers. We refer to the cards to pray for people during our Sunday services. Feel free to just pop in for a short time or stay as long as you like.


Anne Massey (Churchwarden) 01522 703120

Web address

Come and celebrate with us and join us for cheese and wine afterwards.

We are part of the East Trent Group of Churches

NEWTON ON TRENT Mrs Kay Minnitt 01777 228777 Mr Mike Price 01777 228437

Please bring tins or packets of food, household and toiletry items for FRAMEWORK, a Charity working with the homeless in Newark. Thank you.

Contact our Group Administrator for weddings, baptisms etc Christine Hasman tel 01636 679105

We look forward to seeing you at any of our Services.

SEPTEMBER 4 th 10.30 Holy Communion at Harby SEPTEMBER 18 th 10.30 Morning Worship at St Helen’s Lay led, visiting speaker

WE CAN HELP Kettlethorpe United Charities has funds to help people in need who live in Fenton, Kettlethorpe or Laughterton. Apply in confidence to see if you are eligible by

or email:

To insert a community notice email us on: or call 01427 718837

contacting one of the Trustees:

KETTLETHORPE Mr Guy Lister or Mrs Ann Lister 01427 718608

parish clergy Rev Pam Rose Tel: 01427 787578 Rev Phillip Wain Tel: 01427 613188 To arrange for christenings & weddings please contact the appropriate vicar from the above list.

St Peter’s Church Torksey “Bring a Tin Sunday” every 4th

The tins and packets will go to

01427 718619

Gainsborough Salvation Army and

Mrs Anne Wingham 01427 717545

TORKSEY Mrs Elizabeth Rose 01427 719027

Sunday in the month.

Mrs Rosalie Fowler


Church Services

Lincoln Community Larder.


Lincoln ● Saxilby with connections to Gainsborough 106 SSH

106 SD





Lincoln City Bus Station Saxilby High Street arrive

0740 0740 0910 1110 1310 1735 0753 0753 0924 1124 1324 1750







Saxilby High Street depart Newton on Trent Laughterton Fenton Torksey The Elms Marton Church Sturton by Stow Stow Willingham Kexby Chapel Upton Heapham Springthorpe Corringham Queen Elizabeth School Gainsborough Bus Station

0755 -----0800 0805 0808 0811 0813 0817 0821 0825 -0837

0755 -----0800 0805 0808 0811 0813 0817 0821 0825 0840 0845

0927 0937 0940 0942 0946 0951 0956 0958 1001 1003 1005 1007 1010 1013 -1025

1127 1137 1140 1142 1146 1151 1156 1158 1201 1203 1205 1207 1210 1213 -1225

1327 1337 1340 1342 1346 1351 1356 1358 1401 1403 1405 1407 1410 1413 -1425

1753 1804 1807 1809 1813 1818 1823 1825 1828 1830 1832 1834 1837 1840 -1850


Gainsborough ● Saxilby with connections to Lincoln 106



Gainsborough Bus Station Queen Elizabeth High Sch Corringham Springthorpe Heapham Upton Kexby Corner Willingham Stow Sturton by Stow Marton Church Torksey The Elms Fenton Laughterton Newton on Trent Saxilby High Street arrive

0940 -0950 0953 0955 0957 0959 1001 1004 1007 1013 1019 1022 1025 1028 1041

1140 -1150 1153 1155 1157 1159 1201 1204 1207 1213 1219 1222 1225 1228 1241

1340 -1350 1353 1355 1357 1359 1401 1404 1407 1413 1419 1422 1425 1428 1441

1540 1545 1555 1559 1603 1607 1609 1612 1615 1618 1624 1630 1633 1636 1642 1650

1545 -1555 1559 1603 1607 1609 1612 1615 1618 1624 1630 1633 1636 1642 1650






Saxilby High Street depart Lincoln City Bus Station

1045 1245 1445 1652 1652 1100 1300 1500 1707 1707

106 SD

106 SSH

To comply with Department of Transport guidance, this service connects at Saxilby. The connection is guaranteed and passengers may stay on the vehicle.

Lincoln City Bus Station Lincoln Unity Square Lincoln Castle Academy Saxilby High Street Fenton Torksey Hume Arms Marton Church Sturton by Stow Stow Willingham Gate Burton Kexby Chapel Upton Knaith Park Knaith Lea Green Gainsborough Lea Rd Stn Gainsborough Bus Station Laughton Lane End


10.30 10.42 10.50 10.51 10.53 10.56 10.59 11.01 11.04 11.07 11.12 11.22

105 SD F

--1445 1459 ---1504 1509 1512 -1514 1517 1521 -1525 1529 1535 --

105 SD MTH

--1525 1539 ---1544 1549 1552 -1554 1557 1601 -1605 1609 1615 --

107 SSH

107 CD

1530 ---1550 1553 1557 ---1600 ---1601 1603 1607 1613 --

1730 1735 --1755 1758 1802 ---1805 ---1806 1808 1812 1818 1824

105 107


Monday to Saturday except Bank Holidays 107

Laughton Lane End Gainsborough Bus Station Gainsborough Lea Rd Stn Lea Green Knaith Knaith Park Upton Kexby Corner Gate Burton Willingham Stow Sturton by Stow Marton Church Torksey Hume Arms Fenton Saxilby High Street Lincoln Castle Academy Lincoln City Bus Station journey codes

-0640 0644 0648 0650 ---0651 ---0652 0658 0700 --0720

105 SD

-0725 0729 0733 -0736 0740 0743 -0746 0750 0755 ---0800 0825 --


0717 0727 0731 0735 0737 ---0738 ---0739 0745 0747 --0810

SD Schooldays CD College Days SSH Saturdays and School Holidays F Fridays MTH Monday to Thursday

For additional journeys between Gainsborough and Lincoln please see separate InterConnect 100 timetable

FREE BUS TO TESCO, GAINSBOROUGH - EVERY THURSDAY Marton Church. . . . . . . . . . . Marton (Tillbridge Lane) . . . . Sturton (Cross Roads) . . . . . . Sturton School. . . . . . . . . . . Stow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Willingham. . . . . . . . . . . . . Kexby Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . Upton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heapham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Springthorpe. . . . . . . . . . . . Corringham (Becket Arms). . . Arrives TESCO Gainsborough. . . . . . . . . . .

105 107


route number journey codes journey codes

route number journey codes

Monday to Saturday except Bank Holidays route number journey codes

Monday to Saturday except Bank Holidays

Monday to Saturday except Bank Holidays route number journey codes


July 2016 Issue 190

Trentside Links A free community magazine

Departs TESCO . . . . . . . . . . . Gainsborough Corringham (Becket Arms). . . . Springthorpe. . . . . . . . . . . . . Heapham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Upton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kexby Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . Willingham. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sturton (School). . . . . . . . . . . Sturton (Crossroads). . . . . . . . Marton (Tillbridge Lane) . . . . . Marton Church. . . . . . . . . . . .

13.00 13.10 13.15 13.18 13.21 13.23 13.26 13.29 14.01 14.02 14.10 14.12

FREE BUS TO TESCO, LINCOLN TO TESCO, CANWICK ROAD, LINCOLN EVERY WEDNESDAY - SERVICE T15 Departs from: The Elms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torksey Caravan Site. . . . . . . Fenton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laughterton . . . . . . . . . . . . Newton on Trent . . . . . . . . . Arrives TESCO Lincoln . . . . .

09.20 09.30 09.35 09.38 09.42 10.15

Departs TESCO Lincoln. . . . . 11.55


Trentside Links A free community magazine July 2016 Issue 190

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