Trentside Links Issue 193 January 2017

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A free community magazine

Trentside Links January 2017 - Issue 193

January 2017 Issue 193

Trentside Links A free community magazine

DELIVERED FREE TO Brampton • Drinsey Nook • Fenton • Gate Burton Kettlethorpe • Knaith • Laughterton Marton • Newton on Trent • Park Farm • Stow Park Thorney • Torksey • Torksey Lock

Flowers in Fenton by Geoff Lloyd


Trentside Links A free community magazine January 2017 Issue 193

Trentside Links MAGAZINE

Snowdrop Walk �������������������������������������������� 05

Editorial Sue Oliver - 01427 718837

News from Thorney ������������������������������������ 07

Distribution Emma Barratt - 01427 718985

Details of this year’s popular walk at Knaith Hall Updates on village activities

The Nativity at Newton ������������������������������11 A report on the festive celebration

Website & advertising Jon Oliver - 01427 718837

Christmas Celebrations ������������������������������12


WI Report ���������������������������������������������������������15

Brampton Richard Farley Drinsey Nook Paul Barratt Fenton (1) Chris East Fenton (2) Sue Eyton-Williams Gate Burton Pat Hammond Kettlethorpe Anne Harris Knaith Rosemary Burke Laughterton (1) Bob Watkinson Laughterton (2) Simon Clarke Laughterton (3) Amy Willis Marton (1) Helen Gee Marton (2) Sandra Moody Newton on Trent (1) Gill Kyme Newton on Trent (2) Colin Kyme Park Farm Paul Barratt Stow Park Geoff Lloyd Thorney Dawn Collins Torksey Elizabeth Rose Torksey (The Elms) Rob Prentice Torksey Lock Sue Eyton-Williams Torksey Lock Keith Oldfield (Little London Park) Something to say? Do you have something to say, something you’d like to share with the community? Then send your comments to the editor (contact details at top of the page). Disclaimer The contents and any opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of Trentside Links and remain solely those of the author(s). We accept no responsibility or liability for the contents of this magazine, including advertisements.



Trentside Links magazine is printed by: TUCANN design & print Unit 9, Blackthorn Way, Five Mile Lane Business Park, Five Mile Lane, Washingborough, Lincoln LN4 1BF Tel : 01522 790009 Email:

Colour photos from local events

An update from the Kettlethorpe WI

What’s On in Marton ���������������������������������� 20 Local village events

Social Activities in Torksey ������������������������21 An update from Torksey Action Group

Church Services ������������������������������������������� 22 Information on services and clergy in the local area

front cover photos want to see your photo on the front cover? email it to

Trentside Links Publication Dates Copy Deadline

Publication Date

31st December

31st January

28th February

31st March

30th April

31st May

30th June

31st July

31st August

30th September

31st October

30th November

Formats for email submission: Plain text email is best (please avoid using Word or any other word processing application). Please note we cannot accept Microsoft Publisher files. If you are sending images to use with your article please ensure these are sent as separate attachments in your email and not embedded into any other document as this can cause quality issues if the images have to be extracted.

The Royal British Legion 2016 Poppy Appeal This year the Poppy Appeal raised

this year were the proceeds of a raffle

Eddie Harland and Margaret James,

£2715.46 which was less than last

of a painting created by Christine Slater

braved the elements. As always,

year (£3183.09), at first glance this

which raised £100 and was won by Joe

our thanks go to John Mannion for

may seem somewhat disappointing

Beard. So pleased was Christine by the

his kind permission and support.

but there are a number of factors that

popularity of the raffle that she even

influenced this. We have seen two post

painted a smaller version of the main

As I reported last year two villages,

offices closed this year, no house-to-

picture for the runner-up which was

Torksey and Marton, were too much for

house collections in Marton or Newton

won by Bradley Kyme, so our thanks

one person to undertake so this year

on Trent and last year of course we

must go to Christine for this wonderful

Bob Cook confined his energy to just

had a special one-off remembrance

gesture which was greatly appreciated.

Torksey. Unfortunately, this means

concert at Kettlethorpe. So all-in-all

we now have two villages where there

our community can still be proud of

Circumstances prevented Geoff and

are no house-to-house collections so

its contribution. Thank you to all who

Helen Mitchell from collecting at the

I would like to repeat my appeal for

helped and gave to support the appeal.

Torksey Car Boot sale this year, but

volunteers to help for both Marton

their place was kindly taken by David

and Newton on Trent where there

and Janet Wilcox who together with

are no house-to-house collections.

Included in the Newton on Trent total

January 2017 Issue 193

Trentside Links A free community magazine

If there is anyone, ideally from the Collection

£ 2015

£ 2016

two villages, who could possibly

Marton (Ingleby Arms, church, school and K & A shop)



lend a hand next year for this most

Brampton (inc golf club)



worthy of charities please contact me.



Laughterton (inc The Friendship and golf club)



CofE Primary School which collected

Kettlethorpe (inc church collection)



an amazing £151.23 which is 50%

Fenton (inc The White Swan)



greater than their previous record and



Thorney (inc church collection this year)



Finally, sincere thanks to all those

Little London Car Boot sale



other collectors and helpers who

Torksey (inc The Elms, post office, Hume Arms and GP surgery)

Newton on Trent (the school, post office and church collection)

I would also like to mention Marton

a splendid achievement for the school.




without them there would be no local appeal. They as we all do recognise the sacrifices our service personnel and families give to allow us the freedom we all enjoy every day. Richard Farley Poppy Appeal Organiser 01427 717030 email:


Trentside Links A free community magazine January 2017 Issue 193

Kettlethorpe Village Hall Available for Hire

Fully Equipped Kitchen Seating, Crockery & Cutlery for 80 Also Children’s Tables & Chairs Centrally Heated Disabled Access & Toilets Brochure available from Ann Close 01427 718517 Enquiries and Bookings: Sharon Wilcox Phone: 01427718637 Mobile: 07813564319

gainsborough organ society

Following on from budget cuts at Lincolnshire County Council, grass verge safety cuts will be reduced from 3 to 2 annually and the funding to cut

Lea Rainbows are looking for new

grass in areas defined as amenity grass

girls aged between 5 and 7 to join us

areas will be reduced to zero.

during term term at Lea village hall on

Cllr Geoff Newton Chairman Fenton & Torksey Lock Parish Council

baby owl. The girls choose activities to

Letter of Thanks

earn badges and we have lots of fun.

Fenton & Torksey Lock Parish Council

For more information contact Pauline

are extremely grateful for the sterling

Tyson on 07484253357 or email

efforts of Martin Flinders Electrical

Chestnut Corner in Fenton. On behalf

For more information contact Mr Peter Naulls on 01427 615265

we have visited a working farm to learn

Trentside Links Facebook page.

Thursday 23 February 7.30pm James Sargeant

Licenced bar available at all events and free car parking opposite the rooms.

We have lots of fun and this last term about harvest and had a visit from a

Ltd in once again providing the lights

Thursday 30 March 7.30pm Joanne Naulls

Thursday evenings 4.45pm to 6pm.

The full letter can be found on the

The Weston Rooms, Hickman St Gainsborough, DN21 2DZ

Sunday 12 March 2.30pm Phil Kelsall


Changes to Highway Grass Cutting

and decorating the Christmas tree at of the whole parish, the council thanks Martin, Tracy and Adam for their generosity. The parish council also takes this opportunity to wish all its parishioners a very Happy New Year. Cllr Geoff Newton Chairman Fenton & Torksey Lock Parish Council

WELCOME SPRING! Snowdrop Walk Knaith Hall near Gainsborough Sunday 12th February 2017


January 2017 Issue 193

Trentside Links A free community magazine

Brampton Mr Jim Townend, Secretary Hermitage House Brampton Lincs, LN1 2EG Tel: 01427 718006 Fenton & Torksey Lock Miss Ruth Keillar, Clerk Tel: 01522 811730

Spring is in the air, aconites and snowdrops are bursting from the sodden ground, a refreshing breeze blows from the River Trent, and all is hustle and bustle in the cake-making kitchens of Knaith and Knaith Park. Hurry up they say, it’s not too long before we welcome the hundreds of visitors who will wander along the yellows and nodding whites, who will take their dogs (on leads) and walk alongside the mighty River Trent to the Gate Burton Chateau which sits on a high knoll like a doll’s house. Visitors will breathe in the air and gaze at the peaceful setting of St Mary’s Church, discover some of its curious past, and then toast their toes in front of a roaring log fire in Knaith Hall to sample delicious homemade cakes. Do join us all to welcome spring on the Snowdrop Walk from 11am - 3pm. Entrance is £2.50 in aid of St Mary’s Church. Knaith Hall is on the A156 Lincoln/Gainsborough

Kettlethorpe & Laughterton Mr R Gee, Clerk 2 Swynford Close, Laughterton Lincs, LN1 2LG Tel: 01427 717868 Knaith Miss Judith Bates, Clerk 38 Garfield Street Gainsborough Lincs, DN21 2LA Tel: 07824 811324 Marton and Gate Burton Mrs Gillian Martin, Clerk 6 Mount Pleasant Close, Marton, Gainsborough, Lincs, DN21 5AE Tel: 01427 718377 Newton on Trent Mr R Pilgrim, Clerk 2 Cedar Close, The Elms, Torksey, Lincs, LN1 2NH Tel: 01427 718388 Thorney Mrs Anna Dennison, Clerk Arden , Main Street, Thorney, Newark, Notts NG23 7BS Tel: 01522 702748 Torksey Mr R Pilgrim, Clerk 2 Cedar Close, The Elms, Torksey, Lincs, LN1 2NH Tel: 01427 718388


Trentside Links A free community magazine January 2017 Issue 193

Joseph Wilmot - An Update I have some information on the people in the photo on page 10 of your last edition (in the article re Joseph Wilmot). The young girl bottom left is May Horne (neé Gourley), second left is Amy Francis Gourley (neé Lamming) - she was May’s grandmother and my great-grandmother. The lady top middle is Eva (known as Dolly) Gourley - daughter of Amy and

Members of the Wilmot family circa 1925. Shown in the photo are:

my great-aunt.

Back row L-R Sarah Louise Wilmot, Eva Gourley, Amy Watson. Kind regards

Front row L-R May Horne (neé Gourley), Amy Francis Gourley (neé

Sarah Clark - Newton on Trent

Lamming), uknown, Ellen Wilmot, unknown

ROYAL OBSERVER CORPS - APPEAL FOR INFORMATION I am currently helping the ROC Heritage Officer and her staff find and collect old photographs, documents and any other memorabilia relevant to themselves or family members that can be preserved and added to the historical museum collection. If you are able to donate items or copies of photograghs etc please contact me on: Tel: 01427 628151 or email: Thank you Bill Warwick


News from Thorney

clean. Perhaps you’d like to help with

we will need new drivers and it would

that? Or would you like to help tidy the

be good to have some from Harby and

churchyard? Just let me know.

Wigsley. We sometimes give lifts to

St Helen’s, Thorney with Wigsley

people living at Clifton too, so some Thank you.

drivers from North or South Clifton

We have a new Rector! Rev Mandy

Anne Massey

would be very welcome. Training will

Cartwright was welcomed into the

Church Warden

be available for drivers, who can claim

East Trent Group of Churches at

01522 703120

50p per mile to cover their costs. Please consider being available for this,

her Licensing on 30th November. You can contact our group

as a lift can make a huge difference

More than 40 people attended our

administrator for weddings, baptisms

to someone who can no longer drive

Harvest Songs of Praise in October.

or funerals:

themselves and for those times when

Thank you for coming and I’m sure you

Mrs C Hasman 01636 679105

public transport just isn’t available. If

all enjoyed the accompaniment of the


you can spare an odd half an hour or so, contact:

Joyful Noise Music Group and looking at the Decalogues newly hung in the

Thorney, Harby, Wigsley, Voluntary Car

Anne Massey (Tel: 01522 703120) or

nave. Thanks to all who donated gifts of

Scheme - Funding bid success!

Clare Welfare (Tel: 01522 702837 ) Thank you!

foods and toiletries etc for Framework. We’ve had a lovely letter expressing

We have just heard that our bid for Big

their gratitude and telling us that they

Lottery funding has been successful

were able to make up 15 food parcels

and we will be receiving £5,450 to


get our scheme relaunched and to

The Macmillan coffee afternoon held

expand its use. Funding is to cover

on Saturday 15th October at St Helen’s

Help Required: Could you spare a

such things as setting up a website,

Church, Thorney was very well attended

couple of hours every two or three

training for new drivers, promotion,

and made over £200 altogether. Thanks

months to help clean church? The more

stationery and identity badges. We

you to all who helped in any way.

volunteers the fewer times needed!

have a very stalwart group of drivers at

Once or twice a year we have a big

the moment, mostly from Thorney, but




January 2017 Issue 193

Trentside Links A free community magazine

Coffee Morning

Continued on page 8...


Trentside Links A free community magazine January 2017 Issue 193

Continued from page 7...

On Sunday 26th June there was a good turnout for our celebration for the Queen’s birthday and Shakespeare. Some brave children dressed up and won prizes and others made cards or crowns and won prizes too. There was a fascinating Quiz Trail with clues placed all around the church and churchyard, causing many a puzzled expression! A beautiful display about Her Majesty and family was on view in church and held all the answers, if only we’d known! Many children joined in the races in the field beyond the swing park and all won rosettes. Adults too threw caution to the wind and headed towards the winning line with eggs in spoons or legs tied together! All good fun! The slow bicycle race got a new champion this time and senior and junior races had to be held due to numbers of participants. Thank you for great entertainment everyone! A variety of games involving bean bags or balls were available free too and scores were recorded. A huge spread of a wonderful variety of foods seemed to materialise in the marquee and everyone tucked in readily. As it started to cool down the raffle was drawn and prizes presented for games and the Quiz Trail. Then, as it started to

rain, the marquee was dismantled and

and she got a reply and a card with a

folded quickly, before it got too wet,

beautiful photo of the Queen on it! The

and people made their way into church

letter from the Lady-in-Waiting says:

for a nostalgic singalong, ending with a mini Last Night of the Proms and some

To Mrs C Welfare and the Residents

flag waving!

of Thorney

It was a great day, so thanks to all

The Queen wishes me to write and

who came along and enjoyed it, but

thank you for the letter you have

especially thanks to all who helped in

sent on the occasion of Her Majesty’s

any way. There are lots of you!

90th birthday and for the charming handmade card which was designed

The Queen’s Birthday Party…some

by Mrs Julie Weston in honour of the

months later

Queen’s special day. Her Majesty was touched by your kind words and hopes

Following our glorious party in honour

that you all enjoyed the celebrations

of the Queen a beautiful card made by

which you held on 26th June to mark

Julie Weston was sent off to the palace

this event. The Queen hopes you

by Clare Welfare. The card said:

will understand that, because of the enormous number of letters, cards and

Happy 90th birthday

messages she has received in the last

To someone we love most dear,

few months, it has not been possible

And we want to celebrate this day

to reply to you until now and I am to

with you

thank you, once again, for your thought

In this your special year.

for Her Majesty at this time.

You are the most lovely 90-year-old That we have ever seen, So we’ve made a card that is

Well done Julie! And thank you Clare! That’s put Thorney on the map!

absolutely FIT FOR A QUEEN.

And needed to deliver

Lots and Lots of Love

the magazines. Since two people who

From our little village of Thorney

used to deliver our Trentside Links to outlying places have recently moved

In her accompanying letter Clare told

away, we’re looking for one or two

Her Majesty about our party and the

people who might take on this task.

card competition and sent our very

It’s every-other month and would

best wishes along with the card…

be perhaps ten magazines in all. If you live outside the village and have noticed that your TL hasn’t arrived you can see why! If you’d like to pick up your magazine let me know.


Anne Massey.

Equine Specialist Offers Local Service Faye Hayward BSc (Hons) is your

in the equine industry to detect the



origin of lameness and is becoming

Corley Equine Spinal Therapist with

common practice to assist vets and

12 years of experience in the equine


and canine world. She also is a fully

technology is also being used to help

qualified thermographer using Flir

identify back issues, detect and monitor


tendon injuries and recovery, pre-




for and









purchase examinations, saddle fitting

soundness and performance issues.

and detecting dental issues. This wide variety of applications, ease of use and

Thermal imaging has a wide range of

cutting-edge technology has resulted

applications and is used in multiple

in the increasing popularity of thermal

industries such as the military, police,

imaging in the equestrian world.

building and electrical inspections. A popular use for this technology is in

The technology works by detecting

the animal industry where it is used

heat loss (infrared radiation) emitted

to detect abnormal heat patterns to

by the body of the horse and turning

identify the source of injury and pain.

it into a colour map of the body. In a normal healthy animal the pattern of

Thermal imaging is now commonplace

heat is completely symmetrical on both the

sides body.


of Any


this symmetrical pattern, whether it is a region of hot or cold, highlights an



and provides an immediate evaluation of the structures being scanned. This technology is not limited to

January 2017 Issue 193

Trentside Links A free community magazine

horses and indeed any animal can benefit from it to detect issues. Its popularity is increasing in the canine world to assess similar issues as in the equine world. From agility dogs to racing greyhounds to the beloved pet, this technology offers the same benefits of a rapid, noninvasive method of issue detection in the animal’s own environment. So, if you suspect your animal is in discomfort or pain or you want to get to the bottom of a lameness then thermal imaging can help. This technology is not to replace your vet or other professional’s opinion but works alongside to assist in resolving




Faye Hayward 07751 473 477 Find me on Facebook Some images from my work:

that further

investigation. Thermal imaging is


and so

portable your


can be scanned in



environment which limits both stress



animal and cost,


Trentside Links A free community magazine January 2017 Issue 193

Millfield Golf Club Affordable GOLF - One of the lowest-cost clubs in the Midlands Contact John Thomson on 07722 055713


Mary Arrives at Church on her ‘Donkey’ at Newton on Trent Church of England Primary School

include her beloved pony, and this

vision, and a whole community behind

is the idea they came up with!”

us, we may be small but we think big! “The enthusiasm of the children at

“Cherry the pony came for a rehearsal

rehearsing for this year’s nativity has

The youngest children at Newton on

earlier in the week, to get to know her

been just wonderful. The Christmas

Trent Primary School gave a wonderful

role and to meet her fellow actors. Her

story is alive and well in our school,

performance of the Nativity in St

donkey costume fitted perfectly, and

and we enjoyed sharing it with all

Peter’s Church in Newton on Trent,

she was beautifully behaved. Luckily,

our parents and friends on the day.”

on Friday 16th December. The church

Cherry didn’t have any lines to learn!”

was packed, with standing room only, as everyone jostled for the best view!

January 2017 Issue 193

Trentside Links A free community magazine

If you would like your child to be part Newton on Trent Church of England

of this rural, friendly and supportive

Primary School is one of the smallest

school, with small class sizes and an

Year 1 pupil Isabelle wanted her pony,

village primary schools in Lincolnshire

array of opportunities, please do get in

Cherry, in on the act too, so the pony

and currently is home to 43 pupils as

touch and come and visit us. Contact

dressed up as a donkey and carried Mary

well as a pre-school setting, Sunbeams.

Newton on Trent Primary School

Mrs Sam Wilks added: “Being such a

01777 228365

small school, everyone in the school

(Isabelle) up the church path to herald the start of this year’s nativity play. Mrs Sam Wilks, teacher of the children

is able to be involved in all our events

in class Chimp Champs (aged 4-7)

and activities, and it is a joy to see how

explained: “Not only did the children

all the children across the year groups

want to lead the nativity play this

support and encourage each other in

year, they also wanted Isabelle to

all that we do. With dedication and


do you fancy getting involved in decisions that affect our community?

If you live in the Fenton & Torksey Lock area and you can spare a couple of hours once a month we would love to hear from you! The Parish Council has vacancies for councillors. The meetings are formal but friendly and usually last around 1.5 to 2 hours and are held on the second Thursday of the month, at Kettlethorpe Village Hall. There are lots of training courses to help you learn the ‘rules’ and you can REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE It is important to keep a Parish Council in our community – if we don’t use it we lose it! If we lose it ALL the decisions that affect us will be made by District Council. To be eligible at least one of these must apply to you: You are on the electoral register You’ve lived in or within 3 miles of the parish for 12 months or more Your main job is in the parish for 12 months or more To apply: contact or call 01522 811730


Trentside Links A free community magazine January 2017 Issue 193

Newton School Nativity

Christmas Eve Disco - Laughterton A very enjoyable afternoon was had by all at the Friendship Inn, Laughterton with the usual Christmas Eve party. Better still it raised £125.70 to be split between Ethan’s Foundation and Newton school. Many thanks to all who came. A big thank you must also go to Jamie Kyme for running a great event for the children free of charge.


January 2017 Issue 193

Trentside Links A free community magazine


Trentside Links A free community magazine January 2017 Issue 193





Kettlethorpe & District WI Report November 2016

the Lincoln-based Weirfield Wildlife Hospital, Alison, Freddie and Rachael.

It’s such a busy social time of the year

With the help of many slides Alison

that many will read about things we are

told of the work they do in looking

going to do, and those we have done

after injured wild animals which are

will be behind us in the new year. There

brought to them. The hospital was set

is to be a festive concert

up in 1989 in the garden of

in Kettlethorpe church by

a house in Rookery Lane.

the Salvation Army and a

Since then they purchased

WI similar evening for our

the house next door and

group in Willingham to

expanded into that garden

name a couple, but before

too, later acquiring a piece

spring is upon us we have several visits

of nearby land,

planned as well. These include a visit to see how a good rubbish incinerator

A variety of animals and birds have

works and the Spring Meeting at

been brought to them. Deer, badgers

Skegness to meet the other groups in

and foxes to hedgehogs, swans,

Lincolnshire North Federation.

herons, owls and even young peregrine

Our speakers for the evening came from

falcons which had fallen off the roof

of the cathedral. Alison had brought a barn owl which we were able to stroke but they have been unable to release it in to the wild again because it became

January 2017 Issue 193

Trentside Links A free community magazine

too attached to them. As a charity they have received a little help from the RSPCA but rely chiefly on donations. Unfortunately they are unable to open to the public, as the animals are kept wild for eventual release. For this reason too they carefully document each each patient so that they can be taken back to their own locality if possible. The




for won

a by

wildlife Alison

Brownlow, followed by Barbara Watson and Rosemary Procter.

COLLINGHAM PHARMACY YOUR local pharmacy dispensing NHS, private and veterinary prescriptions. Offering a wide range of medicines, vitamins, toiletries, pet medicines and seasonal gifts.

NHS services include:

Medicine use review

Morning-after pill

Blood pressure measurement

Minor ailments scheme

High Street, Collingham, Newark, NG23 7LB Tel: 01636 893038 email:


Trentside Links A free community magazine January 2017 Issue 193

CallConnect at a glance What is CallConnect? CallConnect is a unique bus service whose timetable is not fixed but responds to passenger requests. This means its routes are different each day depending on the bookings made by passengers. Journey requests can be made by telephone, online or by SMS text message. There are CallConnect services


Lincolnshire designed

and to



throughout service



opportunities in rural communities and some market towns where there is an infrequent conventional bus service. We do not operate in Lincoln. Who can use CallConnect? Everyone! All are welcome to use the service regardless of age or status. You can use the service as frequently as required for anything from shopping or travelling to work or school to a social event or medical appointment How do I book a journey? You can book a CallConnect journey by calling our booking team on 0345 234 33 44 you can also book online at You can make a booking up to seven days in advance and you can also request same-day journeys but please give a minimum of one hour’s notice. All bookings are subject to availability. Fares The amount you pay to travel depends on your journey. Each service area is divided into zones – the further 16







If you hold a valid concessionary bus

Opening and Operating Times

pass due to age or disability, you can


use it on CallConnect buses which

Monday-Friday, and 8am-6pm on

means there is nothing to pay!

Saturdays. Details

operates of

7am-7pm, any local

variations are available from the Need a little help? Home


booking office. The booking office is are



open from 8.30am-6.30pm Monday-

those who have a disability, mobility

Friday; 8.30am-4.30pm on Saturday;

impairment or live in an isolated location

and closed Sundays and Bank Holidays.

(please ask for details). Our vehicles are also fitted with low-floor steps

For more information:

and tail-lifts/ramps to ensure they

Call our friendly booking team on 0345

are as easy as possible for everyone

234 3344 or visit our website at

to use, including wheelchair users. or twitter@callconnectbus


trentside links magazine archive

January 2017 Issue 193

Trentside Links A free community magazine

Back issues of the magazine are available on-line for free and to download. You can also keep up-to-date with the magazine on our Facebook page.

local recycling centres opening times Lincoln - Great Northern Terrace Household Waste

Gainsborough - Long Wood Road

Recycling Centre, Great Northern Terrace

Corringham Road Industrial Estate

Lincoln , Lincolnshire, LN5 8LG

Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 1QB

Opening Times

Opening Times


9.00am - 4.00pm



9.00am - 4.00pm

Tuesday Closed


9.00am - 4.00pm

Wednesday Closed


9.00am - 4.00pm

Thursday Closed


9.00am - 4.00pm


9.00am - 4.00pm


9.00am - 4.00pm


9.00am - 4.00pm


9.00am - 4.00pm


9.00am - 4.00pm

Closed: Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day

9.00am - 4.00pm

Closed: Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day


Trentside Links A free community magazine January 2017 Issue 193


GAINSBOROUGH CHORAL SOCIETY Verdi ‘Requiem’ Gainsborough Choral Society and QEHS Choirs All Saints Parish Church, Gainsborough 7.30pm on Saturday 25th March 2017

January 2017 Issue 193

Trentside Links A free community magazine

Saturday March 25th 2017 sees the Gainsborough Choral Society pushing the boat out considerably, as they present Verdi’s mighty ‘Requiem’, his only large-scale work not intended for the stage. It is unashamedly theatrical though, veering between the really tender and the intensely dramatic. Requiring experienced and powerful soloists, four established (and therefore more expensive) singers have been engaged and the 100-strong Society core is being augmented by the choir from Queen Elizabeth High School, and some extra choral singers from the surrounding region attracted to this particular project. Accompanied by a full professional orchestra, no expense has been spared to put this together; what it needs now is a packed house to appreciate the culmination of all their hard work. Please spread the word, come, and bring a crowd of friends with you! Tickets will be available from Horsley’s, 27 Church Street, Gainsborough (or online at from 26th February.


Trentside Links A free community magazine January 2017 Issue 193

what’s on at Village Hall, Marton Line Dancing

Parish Council Meeting

Tea Dance

Mondays 7.30pm - 10.30pm

First Tuesday of the month 7pm*

First Thursday of the month

Contact Christine or Richard

Contact Steve Spence on

2pm - 4pm

01427 617205

01427 718793 or

Contact John & Helen Nicholson on

Gill Martin 01427 718377

01522 702638

Mondays 2pm - 4pm


MGC (Marton Grub Club)

Contact Di & Jon Gibbs

Wednesday 10am - 11am

First Friday of the month

01427 718304

Contact Chris on 01427 718558

12.30pm - 2.30pm

Arts Class

Women’s Institute

Mondays 2pm - 4pm*

Third Wednesday of

Contact Joyce on 01427 717686 or

the month 7.30pm

Dog Training

David on 01427 718854

Contact Mrs G Worrel on

Sunday 9.30am - 10.30am

01427 718538 or

Contact Irene Cronshaw on

Mrs M Scott 01427 718844

01427 611535

Second Monday of the month

Art Class

Marton & Gate Burton Bowls Club


Wednesday 2pm - 4pm*

If you are interested in joining a group

Contact David Smith on 01427

Contact Arnold Nisbett

of friendly people who play matches

718275 or Chris Durning on

on 01427 718534

in the Gainsborough Standard Bowls

Indoor Bowls

Village Hall Committee Meeting

01427 718558

Mothers & Toddlers

Youth Club

Thursday 9am - 11am

Monday 4pm

Contact Gemma on 01427 717778

Marton Chapel in winter

Contact Chris on 01427 718558 or Lorraine on 01427 718422

League, and an afternoon league as well as social games against other local teams. During the winter, members meet once a week, socially at the leisure centre to play indoor

Village Hall playing field

bowls where bowls, if required, can

(weather permitting)

be provided. For more information

Contact Elaine on 07702 830633 or

please contact the Chairman John

Gareth on 07584 027742

Barton on 01427 719051

Football Club Contact Steve Horgan on 01427 717252

Come and play tennis at





* Indicates held in Committee Room

The 2016 club season starts again in May. New members are always welcome and should contact: Phil Juhos 01427 613562


Meetings will be held 3rd Tuesday of

Our group meets on the first

the month at the tea room at Torksey

Wednesday of the month at 11.15 for

Lock at 11am. Please contact

11.30am at the tea room at Torksey

Joyce Jones on 01427 717686

Lock unless a visit out is planned.

There will not be a meeting in December

For more information please contact

CROQUET CLUB Come and join us on the village green, Tuesday and Saturday afternoons from 1.30pm in the winter months. It’s a fun sociable game; come and give it a try all the equipment is


provided. For more information

Are you interested in or have

please contact Joe Laurenson

knowledge of local history?

membership secretary on 01427

Meetings will be held on the 3rd

717846. (During the colder months

Wednesday of the month at 2pm at

please check with Joe that play will


the tea room at Torksey Lock, unless

take place)

Meetings will be held on the 2nd

an outing is planned.

Christina Moore on 01427 718539. We welcome all who have an interest in gardens and gardening. There will not be a meeting in December

Wednesday of the month at 2pm at the tea room at Torksey Lock. Please contact Margaret Lea on 01427 717110 There will not be a meeting in December



21st December Christmas Lunch

Meet at the Elms top car park to

(to be confirmed)

arrange car sharing. We leave the

18th January will be a social meeting

Elms promptly at 10.30am. All

For more information please contact Ray Watling on 01427 717435

Interested in target shooting? We


are a group of enthusiasts affiliated

Come and join us on the first

to a Lincoln HFT club who share

Thursday of the month 2pm–4pm at

transport and techno-chat to pursue

Marton village hall, music by Helen

our enthusiasm for this great sport.

and John Nicholson. Cost £4.00 which

For more information please contact

includes tea and biscuits. For more

Clive Weal on 01427 717700

information please contact John and Helen on 01522 702638.

January 2017 Issue 193

Trentside Links A free community magazine

welcome, no need to book, just turn up. We will always walk unless extremely bad weather. 8th December Willingham followed by Christmas lunch at the Fox and Hounds 12th January Whisby Nature Reserve For more information please contact Anne Bradshaw 01427 717492

Marton & Gate Burton Village Hall for Hire

Holds up to 100 Cost £11 per hour or £8 to villagers To book contact Lorraine on 01427 718422


Trentside Links A free community magazine January 2017 Issue 193

Church Services For information concerning church services at Torksey and Newton please ring the individual church wardens as follows: TORKSEY Mrs Elizabeth Rose 01427 719027

ST HELEN’S THORNEY January 29 United service for Candlemas 10.45am at Collingham St John the Baptist


February 5 Holy Communion at Harby, 10.30am February 19 10.30am Morning Worship (lay led) at St Helen’s Thorney

NEWTON ON TRENT Mrs Kay Minnitt 01777 228777 Mr Mike Price 01777 228437

Church is open each Thursday afternoon between 2.30 and 4pm for a time of quiet.

St Peter’s Church Torksey

We look forward to giving you a warm welcome in church. Anne Massey (Churchwarden) 01522 703120

“Bring a Tin Sunday” every 4th Sunday in the month. The tins and packets will go to Gainsborough Salvation Army and Lincoln Community Larder.

On Christmas Day our Holy Communion at 9am was attended by 30 people, including some children, which was marvellous! Coffee Morings with Library Van

You can contact our Group Administrator for weddings and baptisms: Mrs C Hasman 01636 679105, or our Rector Rev Mandy Cartwright, 01636 361657

To insert a community notice email us on: or call 01427 718837

On Wednesday 14 December at 7.30pm Carols by Candlelight with the Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Band was held, with over 100 people in church. Warm mince pies, hot drinks and lots of chat followed. Thanks to all who helped in any way. Magical!

Wednesdays February 15, March 15 and April 12 Church is open from 10.30am until about 12 noon for coffee and chat and a Raffle. The library van parks outside from about 11.20 to 11.50. Come along and support the library service and catch up on all the latest local news.

WE CAN HELP Kettlethorpe United Charities has funds to help people in need who live in Fenton, Kettlethorpe or Laughterton. Apply in confidence to see if you are eligible by contacting one of the Trustees: Mrs Rosalie Fowler - 07989 450 309 Mrs Anne Wingham - 01427 717 545 Mrs Sharon Mosedale - 01427 718 538 22


Lincoln ● Saxilby with connections to Gainsborough 106 SSH

106 SD





Lincoln City Bus Station Saxilby High Street arrive

0740 0740 0910 1110 1310 1735 0753 0753 0924 1124 1324 1750







Saxilby High Street depart Newton on Trent Laughterton Fenton Torksey The Elms Marton Church Sturton by Stow Stow Willingham Kexby Chapel Upton Heapham Springthorpe Corringham Queen Elizabeth School Gainsborough Bus Station

0755 -----0800 0805 0808 0811 0813 0817 0821 0825 -0837

0755 -----0800 0805 0808 0811 0813 0817 0821 0825 0840 0845

0927 0937 0940 0942 0946 0951 0956 0958 1001 1003 1005 1007 1010 1013 -1025

1127 1137 1140 1142 1146 1151 1156 1158 1201 1203 1205 1207 1210 1213 -1225

1327 1337 1340 1342 1346 1351 1356 1358 1401 1403 1405 1407 1410 1413 -1425

1753 1804 1807 1809 1813 1818 1823 1825 1828 1830 1832 1834 1837 1840 -1850


Gainsborough ● Saxilby with connections to Lincoln 106



Gainsborough Bus Station Queen Elizabeth High Sch Corringham Springthorpe Heapham Upton Kexby Corner Willingham Stow Sturton by Stow Marton Church Torksey The Elms Fenton Laughterton Newton on Trent Saxilby High Street arrive

0940 -0950 0953 0955 0957 0959 1001 1004 1007 1013 1019 1022 1025 1028 1041

1140 -1150 1153 1155 1157 1159 1201 1204 1207 1213 1219 1222 1225 1228 1241

1340 -1350 1353 1355 1357 1359 1401 1404 1407 1413 1419 1422 1425 1428 1441

1540 1545 1555 1559 1603 1607 1609 1612 1615 1618 1624 1630 1633 1636 1642 1650

1545 -1555 1559 1603 1607 1609 1612 1615 1618 1624 1630 1633 1636 1642 1650






Saxilby High Street depart Lincoln City Bus Station

1045 1245 1445 1652 1652 1100 1300 1500 1707 1707

106 SD

106 SSH

To comply with Department of Transport guidance, this service connects at Saxilby. The connection is guaranteed and passengers may stay on the vehicle.

Lincoln City Bus Station Lincoln Unity Square Lincoln Castle Academy Saxilby High Street Fenton Torksey Hume Arms Marton Church Sturton by Stow Stow Willingham Gate Burton Kexby Chapel Upton Knaith Park Knaith Lea Green Gainsborough Lea Rd Stn Gainsborough Bus Station Laughton Lane End


10.30 10.42 10.50 10.51 10.53 10.56 10.59 11.01 11.04 11.07 11.12 11.22

105 SD F

--1445 1459 ---1504 1509 1512 -1514 1517 1521 -1525 1529 1535 --

105 SD MTH

--1525 1539 ---1544 1549 1552 -1554 1557 1601 -1605 1609 1615 --

107 SSH

107 CD

1530 ---1550 1553 1557 ---1600 ---1601 1603 1607 1613 --

1730 1735 --1755 1758 1802 ---1805 ---1806 1808 1812 1818 1824

105 107


Monday to Saturday except Bank Holidays 107

Laughton Lane End Gainsborough Bus Station Gainsborough Lea Rd Stn Lea Green Knaith Knaith Park Upton Kexby Corner Gate Burton Willingham Stow Sturton by Stow Marton Church Torksey Hume Arms Fenton Saxilby High Street Lincoln Castle Academy Lincoln City Bus Station journey codes

-0640 0644 0648 0650 ---0651 ---0652 0658 0700 --0720

105 SD

-0725 0729 0733 -0736 0740 0743 -0746 0750 0755 ---0800 0825 --


0717 0727 0731 0735 0737 ---0738 ---0739 0745 0747 --0810

SD Schooldays CD College Days SSH Saturdays and School Holidays F Fridays MTH Monday to Thursday

For additional journeys between Gainsborough and Lincoln please see separate InterConnect 100 timetable

FREE BUS TO TESCO, GAINSBOROUGH - EVERY THURSDAY Marton Church. . . . . . . . . . . Marton (Tillbridge Lane) . . . . Sturton (Cross Roads) . . . . . . Sturton School. . . . . . . . . . . Stow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Willingham. . . . . . . . . . . . . Kexby Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . Upton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heapham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Springthorpe. . . . . . . . . . . . Corringham (Becket Arms). . . Arrives TESCO Gainsborough. . . . . . . . . . .

105 107


route number journey codes journey codes

route number journey codes

Monday to Saturday except Bank Holidays route number journey codes

Monday to Saturday except Bank Holidays

Monday to Saturday except Bank Holidays route number journey codes


January 2017 Issue 193

Trentside Links A free community magazine

Departs TESCO . . . . . . . . . . . Gainsborough Corringham (Becket Arms). . . . Springthorpe. . . . . . . . . . . . . Heapham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Upton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kexby Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . Willingham. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sturton (School). . . . . . . . . . . Sturton (Crossroads). . . . . . . . Marton (Tillbridge Lane) . . . . . Marton Church. . . . . . . . . . . .

13.00 13.10 13.15 13.18 13.21 13.23 13.26 13.29 14.01 14.02 14.10 14.12

FREE BUS TO TESCO, LINCOLN TO TESCO, CANWICK ROAD, LINCOLN EVERY WEDNESDAY - SERVICE T15 Departs from: The Elms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torksey Caravan Site. . . . . . . Fenton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laughterton . . . . . . . . . . . . Newton on Trent . . . . . . . . . Arrives TESCO Lincoln . . . . .

09.20 09.30 09.35 09.38 09.42 10.15

Departs TESCO Lincoln. . . . . 11.55


Trentside Links A free community magazine January 2017 Issue 193

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