Trentside Links Issue 152 Mar 2010

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Trentside Links 路 March 2010


Trentside Links · March 2010

Trentside Links contributions

Trentside Links

wins lottery funding support

We welcome contributions to your magazine on all matters of interest to the community. Please do contribute if you can. All copy and artwork for the magazine to be presented by the first day of the month preceding publication. The magazine is published on the 15th of January, March, May, July, September and November. Trentside Links contacts Editorial Sue Oliver ......................... 01427 718837 Editor’s email: Advertising Jon Oliver .......................... 01427 718837 John Redgrove .................. 01427 718959 Distribution Emma Barratt ..................... 01427 718985 Trentside Links committee Chairman........................... John Redgrove Secretary .............................Emma Barratt Treasurer ..................................Sue Oliver Members Richard Farley Tracy Flinders Elizabeth Rose About Trentside Links Trentside Links (TL) is the name of both the magazine and the independent notfor-profit voluntary organisation that produces it. The aim of TL is to support and help improve the social life of the community, eg through regular publication of this community magazine. The magazine is delivered free by our team of volunteers to over 1500 homes & businesses.

Trentside Links has secured lottery funding from the national Awards for All scheme. In the words of the scheme itself, “Awards for All is a Lottery grants scheme funding small, local community-based projects in the UK” ( k). Now, Trentside Links (TL) is the name of both the organisation and the magazine that serves the communities of Brampton, Drinsey Nook, Fenton, Kettlethorpe, Laughterton, Marton & Gate Burton, Newton-on-Trent, Torksey & Torksey Lock and Thorney. The constitution of Trentside Links, drafted by its committee in November 2009, states the purpose of TL is: ‘To support and help improve the social life of the community, eg through regular publication of a community magazine.’ So at the end of November 2009 the committee applied for and was successful in obtaining a grant to provide start-up

‘What a relief’ said TL treasurer Sue Oliver on receiving the lottery award letter, ‘now we can start delivering on the promises made in our application.’ In our application we mentioned, among other things, that prior to launch of the current magazine there was a parish newsletter distributed to 330 homes, at a price of 50p per copy. It had been running for 25 years but did not reach all of the 1500 and more homes it should serve. ‘We want to reach the whole community, not just the few who pay’, said Sue, ‘... and provide a platform for people to air their stories and concerns.’ ‘We also want to be an important point of reference for new people so that they are properly welcomed and supported with information about community services and activities in their area.’ With Trentside Links, a community magazine freely available to all, and with your support, we hope in the coming months and years to bring these aims to fruition. Editorial Team

Barrie Hopper’s 65 Barrie celebrated his 65th birthday in style with his wife Marie, friends and family at the Gainsborough Conservative club. Boogying the night away to a live band, Barrie would shame any 25 year old!

Cover picture The anchor at Marton by Jon Oliver


The longer term aim is for the magazine to become fully funded through advertising and sponsorship support but until that time is reached we now have much welcomed lottery funding support.

Celebrating the people of Trentside

Publication disclaimer The contents and any opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of Trentside Links and remain solely those of the author(s). We accept no responsibility or liability for the contents of this magazine, including advertisements.

Trentside Links magazine is produced by TUCANNdesign&print, 19 High Street, Heighington, Lincoln LN4 1RG, t: 01522 790009, e:

funding of £7,000 towards publication of the magazine.

Happy birthday to Rose Lacey Rose, a resident of Fenton, celebrated her 80th birthday surrounded by gifts and flowers, sent by friends & family.

Do you have a special announcement? A birthday, anniversary, a personal achievement of some sort ...? Feel free to email them to the editor ( along with a picture.

This is Trentside Links Trentside Links is run by a voluntary committee of villagers from the Trentside area together with a team of volunteer distributors who deliver the magazine to your door. Funding for printing the magazine is obtained through sponsorship and advertising. Over 1500 homes and businesses in the Trentside area receive the magazine, free of charge, once every 2 months, starting from January. Now meet the people behind the community organisation that is Trentside Links. Firstly, there is the editorial team: Emma Barratt Secretary, editor, distribution coordinator, provides a positive and calming influence at meetings. Sue Oliver Treasurer, editor, coordinator of advertising & sponsorship support, important helmsperson with a firm grip on the purse strings. Jon Oliver Editor, webmasterto-be, a gentle and genial man who seems happy to do anything for TL and is good news to all who know him. John Redgrove Chairman and editorial overseer. (In case you’re wondering, the book is The music of the primes and I was reading it on the boat from St Petersburg to Moscow.) The TL committee comprises the above editorial team members plus Richard Farley, Tracy Flinders and Elizabeth Rose. The distribution team is responsible for ensuring the magazine gets to your door.

The members and the respective areas that they serve are shown below: Distributor

Delivery area

Chris East


Richard Farley


Helen Gee


Pat Hammond

Gate Burton

Gill Kyme (but there is a VACANCY for help)


Maureen Lyons

Little London Park (Torksey Lock)

Carol Penny

Laughterton and Saxilby (part) Marsh lane, Newark Road, Kettlethorpe Rd

Elizabeth Rose


Alan & Gill Watson

The Elms

Bob Watkinson



Drinsey Nook






Torksey Lock

Trentside Links · March 2010 And the rest of the constitution document (which is only a page long) is concerned with the formalities of appointing a committee, how we operate and what to do in the event of termination. So there you have it. We are all volunteers, working together to help support our local community. The magazine is currently our principal means of doing this but here’s the thing: our efforts are futile without the support of the community. By that we mean the people who contribute to the magazine by way of written contributions, photos and letters and also the advertisers and sponsors who help to pay for printing of the magazine and, in the near future, support the Trentside Links website. We are facilitators only and the real value of what we do is reflected in how you respond and engage in building and supporting the community of Trentside. We’ll just sit back now and wait for all the articles and letters and offers of advertising and sponsorship to start flooding in to Can’t wait. Really, we can’t. Editorial team

As you can see, there are some vacancies among the distributors. If you live in one of the unadopted areas please consider volunteering for the vacant post. As you will have read elsewhere in this issue, we have just won an A4A (lottery) award that will help us finance publication of the magazine until we hopefully become self-supporting through advertising and sponsorship support. This is vital. If we don’t manage to become self-funding this year then we shall not be able to afford further publication of the magazine. To be eligible to apply for the award we had to have a constitution. This is an important document that states what we aim to do and how we are organised. Here is the essence of it: The aim of Trentside Links is to support and help improve the social life of the community, eg through regular publication of a community magazine. 3

Trentside Links · March 2010

Proposed wind farm at Cottam high meteorological mast, substation, temporary construction compound, access tracks and associated site infrastructure.

In previous issues of Trentside Links we have reported on the proposed wind farm at Cottam. The proposal as shown on the Bassetlaw District Council website is for: Erection of twelve wind turbines, with a maximum height of 145 m, one 100 m

The matter has been under consideration for some time so we contacted the council planning department for an update. There appear to be various outstanding issues with regard to the planning application and the planning officer estimates that it may be another few months before the application is put forward to the Council’s Planning Committee. If you want to keep up to date yourself on the Cottam wind farm application you can do so by visiting the Bassetlaw District Council planning site at: and entering the Application Number: 12/09/00001. There is a wealth of information on the Bassetlaw District Council Planning site — including proposed views from Gate Burton & Trent Port Lane — and although strictly speaking some of it lies outside the Trentside Links area it could have a visual impact for us. Want to express your view on the wind farm? Email the editor and we will print your letter. Jon Oliver TL Editorial team 4

Correspondence Amazing Grace This is such a touching story I thought I’d share it with you… As a bagpiper, I play many gigs. Recently I was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man. He had no family or friends, so the service was to be at a pauper’s cemetery in the Kentucky back-country. As I was not familiar with the backwoods I got lost, and being a typical man I didn’t stop for directions. I finally arrived an hour late and saw the funeral guy had evidently gone and the hearse was nowhere in sight. There were only the diggers and crew left and they were eating lunch. I felt bad and apologised to the men for being late. I went to the side of the grave and looked down and the vault lid was already in place. I didn’t know what else to do, so I started to play.

Lincoln Cooperative support for Haiti The Lincolnshire Co-operative Society will be donating £10,000 towards the Haiti reconstruction effort. Co-ops across the country are making contributions as part of a wider international appeal led by the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA). The money collected by the ICA Reconstruction Fund will go towards rebuilding and creating cooperatives in Haiti. Members of the worldwide co-operative movement have been taking action as part of the Haiti relief effort and just a few examples include: •

Members of the US-based Cooperative Housing Foundation are helping to rebuild infrastructure and employing local people to clean up their community.

The workers put down their lunches and began to gather around. I played out my heart and soul for this man with no family and friends. I played like I’ve never played before for this homeless man.

The National Co-operative Council of the Dominican Republic is coordinating the collection of in-kind emergency relief items, including food and clothing.

And as I played Amazing Grace the workers began to weep. They wept, I wept, we all wept together. When I finished I packed up my bagpipes and started for my car. Though my head hung low my heart was full.

Members of the Bangladesh National Co-operative Union (BJSU) are helping to collect emergency medical supplies from co-operators and pharmaceutical producers to send to Haiti.

ICA member COOPEUCH of Chile has donated $10,000 to the reconstruction fund.

As I was opening the door to my car, I heard one of the workers say, ‘I never seen nothin’ like that before and I’ve been putting in septic tanks for twenty years.’ Elizabeth Rose Torksey


Girl’s glasses in St. Margaret’s Church (Marton) after Marton School Christmas afternoon. If yours please contact Marton School on 01427 718224 or email

Trentside Links · March 2010

Lincolnshire Co-operative’s President Margaret Tranter said: ‘Our members and staff have been deeply moved by the terrible events which have unfolded in Haiti ... We hope our donation, alongside the support from many other members of the international co-operative movement, will help the people of Haiti look towards a brighter future.’


Trentside Links 路 March 2010


Trentside Links · March 2010

In Brief The Trentside Bookbods have their first meeting

Trentside Links website under construction

You will recall in the previous issue I made a rallying call to folk interested in forming a book club. Well, there’s been a good response.

Trentside Links will soon have a community website, providing wideranging information of interest to the whole community. Among the main menu items will be headings such as the following: Business Church Events

Groups History Leisure

News Photos Services

For instance, Groups will provide a directory of clubs, organisations (eg Women’s Institute), societies and so on, while Services will list contact and other details for childcare, council, health care, transport and much more beside. Among the site features will be a Guestbook whereby users of the site can communicate with us, or their fellow users, perhaps to say what information they find particularly useful and could be further developed — and how — or what other information they would like to see on the site. Users will also be able to submit content to us for entering onto the site. It’s early days yet but we’ll keep you posted on developments.

The first meeting was held at my home in Fenton on 18 February. It was attended by nine people, all women, with one unable to attend due to family commitments. Among the things decided was the name of our club — the Trentside Bookbods — and that we should limit the number of members to 10 and have guests by invitation. I was elected chair but otherwise we agreed to be informal. We exchanged information on our reading interests and after some discussion of what we should do and how to operate we decided for the next meeting that we should each bring a book and, after giving the group a brief review of it, offer it to a member who would also like to read it. The meeting was held in a good spirit and everyone seemed to enjoy it so we’re looking forward to the next one on 11 March. Yvonne Redgrove Chairperson, Trentside Bookbods

Reports from the Kettlethorpe and District Women’s Institute January & February 2010 reports In January your reporter was missing at her post but according to members a talk was given by Mr Graham Keal, a journalist, who was an excellent speaker. He related interesting stories he had been associated with, including the low-down on some well-known celebrities. For February, there were quite a few notices to be dealt with to start the evening. A new Darts League is being started in the spring for which players are needed. Our Institute has done well at darts in the past, and it is hoped that the old together with some new players will make an appearance. Tickets have been reserved for 29 April at the Trinity Arts Theatre for the performance of the musical Oliver. Please apply to the secretary if interested. It’s a while away but make a note for Monday 14 June, when there will be a Treasure Hunt starting in Nettleham. The next group meeting will take place at Willingham in the village hall on 26 April, when we shall hear about ‘Hysterical Mysteries’ which sounds intriguing. Last but not least is the annual spring conference at Skegness. Please apply to Vivienne Elliot for coach or other information. Apparently for all the would-be dancers among us, there are ballroom dancing lessons at the Carpenters Arms, Fenton, on Wednesday evenings. At the February meeting we had been going to hear about wildlife I believe, and the talk was entitled Exit perused by a bear. However, the speaker was unable to attend and one of our own stepped into the breach. (You never know how many skilled women are in the WI until you need a speaker.) Lynn Rochester teaches women prisoners embroidery skills. There are many foreign women in Morton Hall prison, near Swinderby. As early as the 70s a prison visitor, Lady Anne Tree, thought up a scheme to both rehabilitate and interest the prisoners by having them taught special sewing skills, though many years passed before she could persuade the authorities to allow them to be paid for their work. 7

Trentside Links · March 2010 Skipping a decade or so, there are now twenty qualified embroiderers at Morton doing hand stitching needlepoint — all to a high standard. Commissions are taken, and their work graces many a great home. Lynn feels, and so did we, that these women — mostly duped into bringing drugs into Britain when young or threatened — suffer enough in the loss of their families, whom they seldom find again after their sentences and deportation. Seven out of ten have personality disorders and have been assaulted or abused. By having useful and interesting work to do in the long evenings they regain some pride and learn how to support themselves on release. Called ‘Fine Cell work’ the charity is used in other parts of Britain, notably in Brixton, where men take up similar work. We were both interested and admiring of our colleague’s venture. The competition for the most appealing bear was won by Mary Arden, followed by Yvette Capes and Yvonne Redgrove. The raffle prizes went to Christine Fogg, Doreen Wright, Yvonne Redgrove and Mary Broadbent. Elise Hawker Lea


Trentside Links · March 2010

Walking for health After reading Iain Hamilton’s Feel fitter, feel better article in January’s issue, Carol Jenkinson of Newton-on-Trent was spurred into phoning us about the Walking for health (WfH) scheme. It is a healthy walking programme resulting from a collaboration between West Lindsey District Council, Lincolnshire NHS Teaching Primary Care Trust, Natural England and Sure Start. Its aim is to promote regular and gentle exercise through brisk walking whilst enjoying the countryside.

Knaith. And the current programme of walks by the Saxilby strollers has walks of between 3 and 6 miles, right through to 27 May. There are three levels of walks available, all led by a qualified volunteer walk leader and all free: WALK WELL An easy short walk for anyone who is new to exercise or recovering from illness. Walkers meet at 10.30 am for a 60-minute stroll. EASY WALK Between 2 to 3 miles, lasting about an hour, may include some stiles and slight inclines. MODERATE WALK A longer and more challenging walk of up to 4 miles, likely to include some stiles and ascents, lasting about one to one and a half hours.

A West Lindsay health walk

The walks are usually circular so that you finish where you began. The Trentside walks are mainly in the Gainsborough area but some are more local, meeting in Marton, Torksey or

A programme of these walks can be downloaded from the web or by phone – see the Further information box for details.

Further information If you have access to the internet: where you will find West Lindsey Health Walks covering Gainsborough, Lincoln, etc. and a much wider area across Lincolnshire and elsewhere. You can also download free Walking for Health publications. Or contact the coordinator personally: Jackie Brown Co-ordinator for West Lindsey Tel. 07778 622925 email:

WfH publications – an example The Walk more ... feel the difference booklet contains information about walking more and the benefits to be had, with sections on: Why walk? How much walking do I need to do? Getting started Your walking plan Joining a Walking for Health group How to stick with it! The booklet is also available in EasyRead for adults with learning difficulties, and in large print.


Trentside Links · March 2010

The Down to Earth Gardener Ever thought about having chickens in your back yard, producing your own plentiful supply of fresh eggs? Well here are the four steps you need to take to get you up and running. And to ensure you have some fresh vegetables to go with those fresh eggs I also explain how you can build your own hotbed, just as the Victorian kitchen gardeners once did. Your first chicken flock For those of you looking to achieve the self-sufficient good life a flock of chickens can be a welcome addition to your kitchen garden. Not only is it fun to see the characters of your flock grow, they will also provide you with a regular source of fresh eggs — and if you don’t mind getting your hands dirty they also produce excellent manure! Investing some time upfront will mean that by the time your hens arrive it will take only 10 minutes a day to make sure they stay in tip-top condition, so let’s get started.

Step 1 - the henhouse If chickens are to lay eggs successfully and be safe at night they will need a home. One that is draught-proof, waterproof and also well ventilated, so ensure there are air holes at the apex of the roof.

You might be lucky and find a cheap shed in the local classified adverts (www.stuff4 or even for free on Freecycle ( group/lincolnUKfreecycle/). If you’re handy enough you could even make your own.

Some henhouses cost upwards of £100 but you don’t need to overdo it — you could instead convert an old shed if you wished. Our first henhouse was the kids’ discarded Wendy House. After 30 minutes of converting, by cutting a hole in the door and inserting some old plastic bread baskets for egg-laying, we were up and running in minutes. You don’t need to overdo the accommodation ...


Trentside Links · March 2010

…hens will be just as happy with a converted garden shed

Step 2 - the chicken run You should give your hens the opportunity to roam as much as possible — this will produce healthy happy birds as well as delicious eggs! If you have a secure back garden they should be fairly safe. However, the sly old fox can be a problem so if necessary surround your henhouse with a run. I would recommend 2-metre high chicken wire with the bottom 6 inches buried in a trench to deter tunnelling predators. If you think this is unsightly try covering it with a few clematis plants, they will soon scramble up the side and cover it with beautiful flowers.

The Rhode island red hen — a popular choice for the home garden because of its egg-laying ability and general hardiness.

a Rhode Island Red hybrid which you can find at most country stores or poultry stockists, and if you can afford it start off with a trio. Once settled in they will probably produce an egg a day apiece.

... or a common commercial offering such as this A robust and effective chicken run encloses this henhouse, with the wire extending 6 inches below the surface to deter burrowing predators ...

... or this

... can be unsightly though so why not introduce a climbing plant like Clematis Montana that will grow quickly and produce an abundance of flowers.

... or this self-build

... or even something as compact as this, depending on flock size.

Step 3 - the hens Let’s get one thing straight — unless you have a large garden and you live a reasonable distance from your neighbour a cockerel is not a good idea. They’re just too noisy, as your neighbour will soon tell you! And unless you are planning on rearing your own chicks you will not need one. There is a bit of a myth that says unless you have a cockerel the hens won’t produce many eggs but from experience I can tell you this is not the case. As long as you keep your flock well fed and watered egg production should not be a problem. There are many breeds of hen to choose from but for starters I would recommend

Step 4 - aftercare Chickens take only a few minutes each day to look after. All you need do is to visit them twice a day to check their food and ensure they have a supply of clean water, and clean out their henhouse once a week. Chicken corn is widely available and for a source of protein you can use layers’ pellets — a common poultry feed, a big bag of which costs £8 to £9. But don’t forget you can also feed your chickens from readily available sources in the garden such as insects, worms, slugs and snails, and they will also welcome scraps from the kitchen, such as moistened bread, rice or pasta. As an occasional treat they will also welcome fruit, sunflower seeds, hard cheese, chopped cooked bacon rind, peas, sweet corn and tomatoes. Keeping hens may not be as difficult as you first thought but beware, some people get hooked and before you know it you will have your own Chickenopolis!

It’s all too easy to let your enthusiasm run away with you and before you know it you’ve got a Chickenopolis ...


Trentside Links · March 2010

... and occasionally one may make a bolt for it so be prepared to enlist help from a sympathetic neighbour or other appropriate personnel.

Hotbeds – getting your veggies ready to spring into action Hotbeds use the heat of decomposition to keep soil warm. They were used widely by gardeners in Victorian times to grow crops out of season. These traditional techniques are being used increasingly nowadays as people experiment with self-sufficiency. If you want to be eating fresh home-grown vegetables before your neighbours then give this a go. What you will need is: • • • •

A hotbed prepared for growing cucumbers under cover in Lothian, Scotland.

A bale of straw for insulation Some very fresh manure (horse is the best) Top soil Some planking or other material to make a sturdy frame

The traditional hotbed design below should give you a good idea of how these should be put together.

A commercial version of the hotbed frame, measuring 6 ft x 3 ft and 12 inches deep.

Traditional hotbed design (size about 6 ft x 3 ft x 2ft deep)

For further detail about hotbed construction try one of these sites: Gardener Jon 12

Trentside Links · March 2010

Jon’s TOP TIP This year I am growing my tomatoes, cucumbers etc in large pots. I could have paid garden centre prices (about 50p per large pot) but I spotted some cut flower containers for sale in the local supermarket (Morrison’s at Lincoln) and for just £2 I got 16 pots! They do need drainage holes but what a bargain and this will save the pots going off for disposal. They are also ideal for fuchsias, geraniums or just generally filling with summer flowers. How to set up a hotbed •

Start your hotbed at some time between 20 March and 1 April

Assemble your frame according to the diagram shown

After putting the straw in the bottom place your manure on top in a pyramid shape, and leave for 3 days, after which it should start producing some steam!

On the third day fork the pile over, shaking as you go into a pyramid by the side of the original pile, making sure the top now becomes the bottom and vice versa. Repeat this process on the sixth day

If the weather is dry then water will have to be added after the turning process

After nine days of turning, the manure mixture will have started to ‘ferment’ and the process should continue naturally without further input from you

You should then be able to add your top soil and cover with some insulation (garden fleece or some old pieces of carpet will be ideal)

After 3 days your hot bed should have reached maximum temperature and you can now add your vegetables

CAUTION: you will still need to protect your plants from spring frosts so if you have an old cold frame you can place it on top and this will be ideal. You will also need to keep a regular eye on the moisture of the topsoil as the rising heat could dry it out.

Your hotbed should provide enough warmth until the spring sunshine takes over. You can continue to sow and plant in the bed throughout the summer months and remove the rotted manure and dig into the ground in late autumn/early winter.

Now sit back and enjoy your fresh tasty produce! 13

Trentside Links · March 2010

Featuring Marton Village The remains of a Roman causeway can be seen at extreme low tides in the River Trent. There was a ferry here for centuries, carrying goods and people across the Trent River to Littleborough.

Marton - the name is derived from the Saxon for farm (or hamlet) on the marsh - is a small village on the A165, lying about 5 miles south of Gainsborough, with a population of between 400 and 500 people. As a vivid reminder of the days when sailing boats made their trade along the river — the river used to be busy with tugs towing strings of barges to Lincoln or Boston — there is a blue anchor dredged from the Trent and now displayed in front of the village church. The coming of the railways in the mid-19th century led to a severe decline in river trade and the river was allowed to become silted up and partially blockage by wrecks, possibly the anchor came from one of these.

The Wesleyan chapel, built in 1814.

chapel in Wapping Lane but it has since been demolished. The school The village school, with its chequered brickwork and small bell tower was built in 1846, for a maximum of 63 children. It stood for 116 years until it was replaced in 1962 by the current Marton Primary School in Till Bridge Lane. The old school’s site was then occupied by St Margaret’s home for the elderly.

Looking south along High Street, Marton.

The church

In the churchyard there is a tall cross, probably a Medieval market or butter cross - a type of medieval English market cross associated with English market towns - that commemorates villagers who gave their lives serving in the world wars.

The causeway could only be used at low tide, at other times the river crossing had to be made by a chain ferry which continued in use until the 1900s. This was one of the oldest ferries in England and the remnants of the machinery can still be seen near the ramp into the river. The mill

At the centre of the village is the Anglican parish church of St Margaret of Antioch. The building is a mixture of Anglo-Saxon and Norman styles and has an 11th century tower of traditional Saxon herringbone stonework. In the west wall of the porch are the remains of what is thought to be a Saxon cross shaft, laid horizontally in the masonry. In the chancel is a small crucifix that was discovered during building work on the church. The crucifix is unusual in that Jesus’s feet are separated, rather than overlapped, as is common.

Littleborough ferry exists due to the military road that was built by the Romans. This road left the main road at Doncaster cutting through Bawtry, Everton, Clayworth, Wheatley and Sturton-LeSteeple and eventually joined Ermine Street at Scampton, Lincolnshire. The road was taken across the Trent by means of a massive stone causeway 18 feet wide and 12 feet high, that was built in the time of Emperor Harden (117-138 AD). On the eastern bank the road continued in a straight line through Marton and Sturtonby-Stow, the road now called Till Bridge Lane.

The old village school, with charming chequered brickwork and small bell tower.

The inn Marton has a restored coaching inn, the The Black Swan Coaching Inn Guest House, which is featured elsewhere in this issue.

The small Marton Tower Mill, on the bank of the Trent, was known to be in existence by 1799. It drove two pairs of stones and in 1853 had two common and two spring sails Marton windmill but finished with four patent sails. It was dismantled completely in 1927 and now stands as a shell. Part of the cap frame remained in 1978 but this has now gone.

The ferry

The chapel Marton’s Wesleyan chapel dates back to 1814 and it is still in use today. There used to also be a smaller Primitive Methodist 14

A small rowing boat ferrying passengers across the River Trent at Littleborough.

Marton windmill, fully operational in 1926

Trentside Links · March 2010 Jim Porter and Big Bertha Marton has been fortunate to have had a number of community-minded people who help to make village life such a pleasure. One such was Jim Porter. He was Marton’s mobile grocer and the sight of his van, known as Big Bertha, became a familiar symbol of the care and attention that he lavished on his customers.

I Kitchinson, Mr & Mrs C Leaning, Mr & Mrs P Fotheringham, Mrs Coote, Mr H Jubbs and Mr S Little. Comedy sketches, monologues, solo and community songs were performed and, along with a raffle, the total proceeds raised was £44.

Comedian Alan Carr at the Ingleby Arms. Barmaid Ashley Dawson recalls ‘Alan was on his way to a family party and stopped off for refreshments. He was happy to pose for photos, which was great as I am a big fan!’ Alan also stayed the night at Marton’s Black Swan Guest House.

Jim Porter with Big Bertha.

Jim’s dedication was publicly recognised in 1983 when he won £600 in prizes in a nationwide competition to find the ideal family trader. On Friday 7 October Jim and his wife Beryl were whisked off to London for a special reception at which he was chosen from thousands of nominations as one of the top six ideal traders in the British Isles. Jim was singled out because of his longstanding and unselfish devotion to others, over and above the call of duty.

Beryl Porter performing on the accordion.

Concert party on stage for the opening number. Jim & Beryl Porter receiving Jim’s award as one of Britain’s top family traders from comedian Bob Monkhouse.

As well as keeping the more vulnerable residents of the village well supplied with groceries Jim would also deliver medical supplies for the elderly and raised money for local charities and voluntary organisations. After 50 years of dedicated service Jim finally sold his business to enjoy his gardening and walking but still remained an active part of community life.

The mediaeval buttercross outside the church.

Concert for Silver Jubilee In March 1977 a comedy concert was held in Marton Parish Hall in aid of the Royal Silver Jubilee celebration fund. Taking part were Mr & Mrs J Porter, Mr & Mrs

While on the subject of the performing arts, here is local resident Al Duncan in a convincing turn as Elvis at the Marton fair.

The inscription acknowledges soldiers who lost their lives in the war.


Trentside Links · March 2010

Church of St Margaret’s of Antioch — a mixture of Anglo-Saxon and Norman architecture going back over 900 years.

Marton’s anchor, dredged from the local River Trent, mounted on the Millennium Stone.

Columns within the church bear some fine stone carving.

... the carved stones might have been part of an original doorway to the church.

During alterations in 1868 a carved stone crucifix was found. Unusually, Christ’s feet are shown separated. Its age is uncertain, though probably 12th century.

Marton High Street — called Main Street when this photo was taken. The Ingleby Arms sign is visible at the end of the row of houses on the right, with the church just beyond. The village shop on the right later became Marton Post Office (see photo below). Beyond the charmed group of children on the left is a garage.

A gathering at the war memorial.

The eastern face .of the tower shows the outline of the original steeply pitched roof of the nave

Marton High Street today. The Ingleby Arms remains steadfastly in place but the quaint village shop has disappeared.

An example from the church exterior of the occasional knotwork and cable stone carving ... (left) The oldest part of the church is the bell tower. Built in the 11th century, it is made throughout of fine ‘herring-bone’ masonry.


In more modern times the old village shop had become Marton post office ...

Trentside Links · March 2010

... but is now a private residence, with the central entrance having disappeared.

High Street approached from the south, with the church on the left. On the right is the old Marton School, in front of which stands a camera-struck group of children.

The view today. The former village school, with its chequered brickwork and bell tower, had stood for 116 years. If it was still here today it would be a treasured (and listed) building.

Left is a garage sign painted on the building wall and beyond the garage is what looks like a shop or petrol pump paraphernalia ...

... the view today leaves no obvious clues as to what exactly was there.

Ingleby Arms in 1950.

Marton Village lies between Lincoln and Gainsborough on the A156, nestled up against the hamlet of Gate Burton.

REFERENCES 1. The Lincolnshire Village Book (Villages of Britain) by Lincolnshire Federation of Women’s Institutes, published in 1990 by Countryside Books 2. The church of St Margaret’s of Antioch has a website: index.asp?catId=20777

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Ingleby Arms, more than 120 years old and still thriving in 2010.

Thanks are due to readers who sent in pictures of Marton, some of which are featured in this article. The full collection, with others, will be uploaded soon to the Trentside Links photo archive, which you may see at http: // Most of the contemporary photos featured

in this article were taken by Jon Oliver and John Redgrove, while the photographers of the period photos are generally unknown.

POSTSCRIPT If any reader has further information about Marton or would like to correct or clarify anything in this article then please feel free to contact us. If you can also send pictures that would be very welcome.

Next month we are looking to feature Gate Burton. Please start sending in your photos, stories & articles now, the more the better! 17

Trentside Links · March 2010

Black Swan guesthouse at Marton usually stayed at the Black Swan and the White Swan, providing work through the night for numerous local blacksmiths. As an inn, the Black Swan was permitted to remain open as long as a bed was empty, offering basic accommodation, simple victuals, home-brewed ale, and stabling to the lawful traveller. The Black Swan as seen from Stow Park Road. The Black Swan as seen from High Street, Marton.

The Black Swan guesthouse stands at the junction of the A156 and Stow Park Road, leading into Till Bridge Lane, part of a Roman road that runs from Ermine Street (the A15) to Doncaster, via the River Trent ford at Littleborough. A grade 2 listed building, the Black Swan was built on the site of a previous property called The Black Swan Posting House. Part of the cellar of this original building still remains.

Bricked-in window spaces are visible either side of the existing front-facing window, a legacy of the window tax that was eventually abolished in 1851.

The classical Georgian style building you see today was constructed in three stages. The oldest part is the main house seen from the road and it dates back to about 1760. What were originally barns were built next and then a two-storey linking building was built between the house and barn in the early 19th century. The barn, with the arched entrance to the enclosed yard and stables, was at one time a ropery, a place where ropes were made. There is still a ‘hit and miss’ window in the private dining room of the main house which would once have opened out into the archway, allowing the occupants to see how many people were arriving by horsedrawn coach.


The courtyard with the main house in the background. The stables and interior arrangements of the house remain much as they have always been.

The bricked-in archway, once the entrance for horse-drawn coaches visiting the inn.

Marton was an important halt for drovers en route to Newark from Gainsborough and some of the droves were upwards of a mile in length. Cattle and sheep owners

Like other inns and alehouses in rural Lincolnshire, the Black Swan brewed its own ale; the popular parish drink was a form of malty mild; heavy, dark, sweet and strong, that varied considerably from brew to brew. The average county gravity was 1060, the second highest in England. Georgian and Victorian licensing hours

Trentside Links · March 2010 were long, 18 hours a day, 4 am to 10 pm, seven days a week, closed only during Divine Service, Christmas Day and Good Friday.

... and here is the front end of the lorry clad with the shattered remains of the window and supporting brickwork. (The bend in the road has since been smoothed to ensure safer driving in this area.) The imminent demolition of the White Swan inn is announced in the local paper in 1959. This building stood opposite the Black Swan, which stands on the right corner, just out of view.

Farmer John Abraham was the last innkeeper of the Black Swan. He was recorded in the 1841 census aged 45, with his wife Ann, 45, and family of four: Elizabeth, 15, Ann, 15, John, 15, and Mary, 5. They had two guests, and employed two servants. It is believed that the Black Swan was a coaching inn until 1860. Certainly, by the time of the 1871 census the property is recorded as Manor Farm, by which time it had ceased trading as a coaching inn following development of the railway, particularly as there was now a station up the road towards Sturton. Manor Farm remained the name until 1993 when the property was bought by Brian and Myra Cunliffe, who fully renovated it, opening it once again as The Black Swan Coaching Inn Guest House. We acquired the property in 2003 and have now added a further two letting rooms to the eight which were originally here. If any readers have photographs of the building we would be delighted to see them if you care to drop in and see us. John and Judy Patrick

A new window, sympathetic to the original, can now be seen surrounded by repaired brickwork ...

... and inside the dining room there are some shards of glass, now in a frame, that were part of the original window, bearing a scratched inscription.

The fragment at top left has the word ‘Dear’ and below that ‘Sweet’, the fragment top right has ‘of Ga’, and the bottom fragment shows ‘May 17’, all written in a charming cursive script. The full original text was: Dear Betsy Whitmoure of Gainsburgh May 17 – 1779 Sweet heavenly maid Not only that, during removal of the fireplace various papers and visiting cards were discovered, having dropped down behind the mantelpiece. One of them had been there for 133 years.

One thing you really don’t need is to have an articulated lorry coming at speed through your dining room window (this occurred in 1980) ...


Trentside Links ¡ March 2010

Marton Chapel Marton Chapel, built in 1814, is thought to be the second oldest chapel in Lincolnshire still in use. Services are held every Sunday from November to March at 3pm and from April to October at 6 pm. There is a coffee morning on the last Wednesday of the month at 10 am. Currently there is a congregation of 20. The chapel has always been actively involved in the village. In the 50s – 70s there was a large Sunday school but this has sadly had to close although the annual Skegness outing continues. Below is a photo of Marton Sunday School, taken sometime in the 1950s, with Mrs Constance Kitchinson (left) and Mrs Henrietta Holman (right).

The next features the annual Skegness outing and Mr Harry Williams, who drove the bus for many years, is being presented with a tankard by Mrs Doris Kitchinson. Also pictured are children from the Sunday school and Mrs Sheila Worrell (left) and Mrs Gwen Molson (right).

Photos courtesy of Doris Kitchinson.

Minister Rev Keith Lackenby, BA, MMin Theol 20

Marton football past & present

Trentside Links · March 2010

Marton was long known for its past football teams and after several years without one we were delighted when Ingleby Arms Marton FC was formed in 2008. The Ingleby Arms Marton team, comprising players from Marton and the surrounding villages, was formed in 2008 and entered into Division 4 of the Gainsborough Sunday League. Sponsored by the Ingleby Arms and managed by John Kitchinson, the team managed in its very first season to win the Junior Trophy. Below is a photo of the team, wearing the team tie, outside the Ingleby Arms on their way to the Northolme, Gainsborough (a multi-use stadium, home ground of Gainsborough Trinity FC) to play the cup final match. They won 3–1.

The team following their cup win

Any new players interested in joining the team can contact John Kitchinson on Tel. 01427 718741. During the season training takes place on Tuesdays 8-9pm, at the Trent Valley Academy, Gainsborough. Pre-season is likely to start early June.

The Marton football team of 1910 The present day football team on their way to the victorious Junior Trophy final of 2008

Stephen Horgan

Pupils of Marton School – can you spot yourself?

Top row left to right: Mrs Rhodes, Jean Williams, Alan Spafford, Steve Spence, Sue Nicholson, Janet Burton, Jacqueline Moody, John Spafford, Chris Molson, Peter Moody, Dennis Williams, Shirley Clifton, Silvia Muir & Mrs Warwick Second row left to right: Mike Spence, Pete Wyers, Rob Garner, Mary Charity, Bruce Magee, Malcolm Rook, Tony Nicholson, Trevor Tindale, Linda Cutts & Diane Locke Third row left to right: Linda Clifton, David Williams, Linda Ford, Sue Spence, Linda Burton, Lorraine Robinson, Leslie Robinson, Trevor Moody, Eric Humphries, Pat Brignall & unknown Fourth row left to right: Pauline Muir, Stuart Heppenstall, Dawn Spence, Maureen Ford, June Clifton, Christine Nicholson, unknown, Kevin Ford, David Scott & Lesley Humphries Can you name the two unknowns? If so, please contact the editor. (With thanks to Sandra Moody for the photo & names.)


Trentside Links 路 March 2010

Local Bus Timetables


Trentside Links · March 2010


Rector writes One of the Bible readings in church last month was the story of the Covenant God made with Abraham, promising that he will be the Father of a great nation. The problem with this is that Abraham is childless and his wife, Sarah, is past child-bearing age. To try and solve this problem, Abraham has a child with Sarah’s Egyptian slave girl, Hagar, and his first son Ishmael is born. But then, God miraculously enables Sarah to conceive and 14 years later she gives birth to Abraham’s second child, Isaac. The problem now was which of these two boys was the legitimate heir to God’s promise, the elder Ishmael, or the child born to Abraham’s wife, Isaac? 3000 years later people are still arguing about this. Muslims believe that Ishmael, Abraham’s first born son, is the true heir while Jewish people believe that it is the legitimate son, Isaac, and his descendants, who are the true heirs to the promise. Today this dispute rages on. The bitterness, hatred and killing that still goes on between Arabs and Jews has its roots in this story, which lies behind the most dangerous conflict in our world. What is even more tragic is that in this story God promises that both Ishmael and Isaac will be the father of a great nation. The story also acknowledges that both Arab and Jew is dependent on God for their very existence, and that God is the Father of them all. This story makes clear that Arabs and Jews are children of the same heavenly Father, so how is it the root of such bitter hatred between these peoples? It seems to me that this stems from a narrow literalist reading of the Bible. Rather than seeing this story as a beautiful, poetic description of what it means to be a human being before God, and

of God’s loving purposes for all his people, it is taken as a literal account of something that actually happened. That God really appeared to Abraham and promised him and his descendants ‘all this land from the river in Egypt to the great river, Euphrates.’ Those who take this story literally believe this land to be given them by God, so it is rightfully theirs forever and, because it is God’s gift to them, this is non-negotiable. But, the trouble with this certainty is illustrated by the story of Ishmael and Isaac in which God made the promise to Abraham, but didn’t say which of the two boys, Isaac or Ishmael, should inherit the promise. So we end up with two groups of people fighting over the same piece of land which each of them believes is a gift of God. For me this is a warning that we should be careful how we use the Bible. Stories such as God’s promise to Abraham are intensely powerful accounts about what it means to be human, and how our humanity finds its true meaning, purpose and fulfilment when lived in relationship with God. But these stories are not history or science. The bloodshed in the Middle East in our own time just goes to show how dangerous it can be to treat these beautiful, poetic Bible stories as literal truth. Rhys Prosser Tel. 01522 702427 Rhys is priest with responsibility for Newton, Kettlethorpe, and Torksey and can be contacted as follows: Revd Canon Rhys Prosser The Vicarage 69 Mill Lane Saxilby LN1 2HN Please contact Rhys to arrange baptisms (Christenings) and weddings, or if you need to have the banns of marriage called in one of the above churches, but are getting married in another Anglican Church.


Trentside Links ¡ March 2010

Trentside Links Church Notices Church Services in Kettlethorpe, Newton and Torksey Sunday 7 March 9.00 am Communion at Kettlethorpe 9.00 am Morning Prayer at Newton Sunday 14 March (Mothering Sunday) 9.00 am Communion at Kettlethorpe 9.30 am Morning Prayer at Torksey Sunday 21 March 9.00 am Communion at Newton

9.00 am Morning Prayer at Kettlethorpe 9.30 am Communion at Torksey Sunday 28 March (Palm Sunday) 9.00 am Communion & distribution of palms at Kettlethorpe 9.00 am Communion at Torksey Wednesday 31 March 7.30 pm Kettlethorpe Annual

9.00 am Communion at Newton 9.00 am Morning Prayer at Kettlethorpe 9.30 am Communion at Torksey 12.00 noon Newton Annu al Meeting at The White Ha rt Sunday 25 April 9.00 am Communion at Kettlethorpe 11.00 am Communion at Torksey Wednesday 28 April 7.30 pm Torksey Annual Meeting in Church Sunday 2 May 9.00 am Communion at Kettlethorpe 9.00 am Morning Prayer at Newton Sunday 9 May 9.00 am Communion at Kettlethorpe 9.30 am Morning Prayer Torksey

Meeting in Church

Thursday 13 May (Asce nsion Day) 7.40pm Group Commun ion at Newton

Thursday 1 April (Maundy Thursday) 7.30 pm Group Communion at Saxilby

Saturday 15 May - Sund ay 16 May West Lindsey Churches’ Festival Weekend

Friday 2 April (Good Friday) 2.00 pm Group Service of the Last Hour at Saxilby

Sunday 16 May 9.00 am Communion at Kettlethorpe 9.00 am Morning Prayer at Newton 9.30 am Communion at Torksey

Sunday 4 April (Easter Day) 8.00 am Communion at Torksey 9.00 am Communion at Kettlethorpe 9.00 am Communion at Newton Sunday 11 April

9.00 am Communion at Kettlethorpe

Holy baptism

St Peter & St Paul Church, Kettlethorpe Keira Jade Lewis 24

Sunday 18 April

Sunday 23 May 9.00 am Communion at Kettlethorpe 11.00 am Communion at Torksey Sunday 30 May 9.00 am Communion at Newton 9.00am Morning Prayer at Kettlethorpe 9.30 am Communion at Torksey

Trentside Links Church Notices West Lindsay Churches Festival 8-9 May and 15-16 May 2010 The 2010 Open Churches Festival will this year be held over the weekends of 8-9 May and 1516 May. At 86, there will be more churches than ever joining in the celebrations. Among the scheduled activities will be organ trails, flower and art displays, bell ringing and Big Brunch breakfasts. During the second weekend, the picturesque church at Blyton is celebrating its connections with the famous childrens’ author Enid Blyton and staging its weekend around ‘The Wedding’ — so why not pop along and enjoy tea and wedding cake? And once again the community of Middle Rasen are using the festival to deepen their

links with friends of the congregation of St George’s Church Baghdad. During 8-9 May St Peter’s and St Paul’s church will be hosting an Arts and Crafts exhibition where local artists and craftspeople will be donating items, including paintings, pots, bags, keepsake books and decorated cakes for auction. Proceeds will be sent to Baghdad to help them continue the good work within the Christian Community. Alternatively, if all you want is a bit of time to yourself, to relax in the quiet oasis of a beautiful spiritual building, then choose one of the self-nominated ‘quiet’ churches. Many churches will have refreshments available, from tea, coffee and biscuits to a full cooked English Breakfast. There is also a competition for you to enter. If you like photography why not try and take that winning photograph and see it used on the front cover of the 2011 Churches Festival Brochure.

Trentside Links · March 2010

All together, 2010 promises to see the best festival ever. Details of the events and activities can be found in the festival’s 2010 brochure. To request a copy contact Gary Cooke on 01427 811573 or send an email to gary.cooke@gainsboroughtownc Visit the website for details of participating churches in your area: St Margaret’s Church, Marton 15-16 May 2010 As part of the West Lindsey Churches Festival, our church will be open on both 15 and 16 May, 12 noon to 4.00 pm Displays of Church Kneelers Displays of Arts and Crafts Refreshments available If anyone has any craft work they could lend us for this event please contact Pauline Haley on 01427 718803.


Trentside Links · March 2010

Trentside Links Community Notices BUS TIMES TO TESCO



10.40 10.42

Marton Church Marton (Tillbridge Lane) Sturton (Cross Roads)

10.50 10.51

Sturton School Stow Willingham

10.53 10.56

10.59 11.01

Kexby Corner Upton Heapham

11.04 11.07

Springthorpe Corringham (Becket Arms)


Arrives TESCO Gainsborough


Departs TESCO Gainsborough Corringham (Becket Arms)


Springthorpe Heapham

Upton Kexby Corner Willingham

Stow Sturton (School) Sturton (Cross Roads) Marton (Tillbridge Lane) Marton Church


13.10 13.15

13.18 13.21

13.23 13.26

13.29 14.01

14.02 14.10



Departs from: The Elms ..................................0920 Torksey Caravan Site ...............0930 Fenton.......................................0935 Laughterton ..............................0938 Newton on Trent .......................0942


Departs TESCO, Lincoln at 11.55

Arrives TESCO Lincoln .......10.15

Country Market at Gainsborough Friends Meeting House, Market St (opposite Marshall’s Yard shopping complex) A co-operative enterprise selling fresh home produce, cakes, crafts including handmade cards, etc. Tea, coffee & refreshments served, including bacon baps. Every Tuesday 8.45am to 11.30am 26

Kettlethorpe Village Hall needs your support New committee members required. Anyone from Kettlethorpe, Fenton, Torksey Lock or Laughterton would be very welcome. We usually meet once a month. For more information please contact: Mr Don Jowett – Chairman - tel 01427 718349 Mrs Ann Close – Secretary – tel 01427 718517

Trentside Links · March 2010

Trentside Links Community Notices LING sites


Gainsborough e, Gainsborough DN21 1AH Lan ngs rga Summe Lincoln Terrace, Lincoln LN5 8LG rn the Nor at 97 Gre Opening hours Summer (April to September): Monday to Friday 8am - 6pm, Saturday to Sunday 8am - 4pm Winter (October to March): Monday to Sunday 8am – 4pm Closed Christmas Day & Boxing Day. as per weekday (Open all other Bank Holidays ve.) times listed abo Whisby Eagle Road, Whisby LN6 9BT Opening hours Summer (April to September): Monday to Friday 8 am – 6 pm Saturday 8 am - 12 noon nday to Friday Winter (October to March): Mo 8am – 4pm Saturday 8am - 12noon Closed Sundays & Bank Holidays



Fenton Mrs K Gissing 19 The Grove, Lea, Gainsbor ough, Lincs, DN21 5EP Tel: 01427 678994

Kettlethorpe and Laughterto


Mr R Gee 2 Swynford Close, Laughterto n, Lincs, LN1 2LG Tel: 01427 717868

Marton and Gate Burton Mrs Gillian Martin 6 Mount Pleasant Close, Marton , Gainsborough, Lincs, DN21 5AE Tel: 01427 728377

Newton-on-Trent Mr R Pilgrim 2 Cedar Close, The Elms, Tor ksey, Lincs, LN1 2NH Tel : 01427 718388

Torksey Mr R Pilgrim 2 Cedar Close, The Elms, Tor ksey, Lincs, LN1 2NH Tel : 01427 718388

Kettlethorpe Village Hall - Available for hire

gs and The refurbished village hall is available to hire for private functions, parties, meetin sher, dishwa any social gatherings. It boasts a brand new kitchen with full cooking facilities, crockery and cutlery.

• Seating for 80 people • Stage available by request • New eco-lighting • Oil-fired heating system with radiators A licence to serve alcohol can be obtained provided sufficient notice is given before

Please contact the temporary booking secretary for details: Don Jowett 01427 718349

the event.


Trentside Links · March 2010

Trentside Links Community Notices Kettlethorpe United Charities We have limited funds to assist people in need who live in the parishes of Fenton, Kettlethorpe & Laughterton. Apply in confidence to see if you are eligible by contacting the Trustees: Mrs Rosalie Fowler 01427 718619 Mrs Anne Wingham 01427 717545 Revd Rhys Prosser 01522 702427 WE CAN HELP IF WE KNOW YOUR NEED

Torksey Fete Sunday 13 June 2010

The Torksey Fete takes place on the village green (behind The Hume Arms) at 2 pm on Sunday 13 June 2010. If anyone would like a stall or has any items of good quality bric a brac (sorry, we cannot take any thing electrical), books, tombola or raffle prizes could you please con tact Elizabeth Rose Tel. 01427 719027 or Pam Withers Tel. 01427 717657. We would welcome any ideas for other attractions that could be included.

Marton & Gate Burton Diary Da



at Village Hall, Trentport Road, Marton


Playgroup ...............................................

Art Class (in committee room)................

Indoor Bowls ..........................................

Line Dancing ........................................


9.30 – 12 noon

2.00 – 4.00 pm

2.00 – 4.00 pm

7.45 – 10.00 pm

Playgroup ...............................................

9.30 – 12 noon

Playgroup ...............................................

9.30 – 12 noon


Country Dancing

(2nd & 4th weeks only) ..............................

.......... 7.30 pm


Playgroup ...............................................

Over 60s Club

9.30 – 12 noon

(in committee room) ..............................

.. 2.15 – 4.00pm

Youth Club ..........................................


..... 6.45 – 8.00pm

Playgroup ...............................................9

.30 – 12 noon

Whist Drive ..........................................

...7.30 – 9.30 pm


1 Wednesday each month Village Hall Committee Meeting ............ ............7.30 pm st

1st Tuesday each month

Parish Council Meeting ........................

.............7.00 pm

3rd Wednesday each month

Women’s Institute ....................................

..........7.30 pm

Hall available to hire, holds up to 200

The Village Fête by Peter Paul Rubens 28

people. Cost: £10.00 per hour or £7.00 per hou r for villagers. For further details contact: Sandra Moody (Caretaker), tel 01427 718792.

Trentside Links · March 2010

Bats about bats The general public’s perception of bats is similar to marmite, you either love the stuff or you don’t! Their depiction in horror movies and the like doesn’t do them any favours and Bram Stoker has a lot to answer for. Within the UK, bats are the only mammals capable of independent flight.

discovering more about the secret world of these fascinating creatures.

Worldwide there are approximately 1000 species with a mere seventeen of those found throughout the UK. All the UK bats are insectivorous with the three ‘vampire’ species only to be found in South America.

• Bats do not build nests - they just use whatever space they can.

Now let me dispel some myths: • Bats do not chew electric cables although they have teeth, these are for crushing insects.

• Bats do not get caught in your hair - a bat purposely put in someone’s hair will crawl out.

The Pipistrelle, the commonest and smallest bat in Britain, weighing just one tea bag!

and the felling of trees - eleven of our bat species have been known to use trees with

The smallest and commonest bat species within the UK is the Pipistrelle (Common and Soprano) with a weight range of 3 g to 8 g which equates to the weight of a tea bag! Our largest bat, the Noctule, only weighs 18 – 40 g or up to five tea bags. The bats most likely to be seen within the Trentside Links area are the two Pipistrelle species mentioned above, the Brown Longeared, as per the photograph, (taken within a roof space near you!) and the Noctule. Daubenton’s bats may be seen flying low over water and I have seen them along the River Trent. British bats eat only insects, ranging from pesky midges to resting butterflies and quite large moths, which are caught mostly in flight by a form of radar emitted by the bat through its mouth with the rebound received via its modified ears. It is a complicated system but very effective, the bat able to produce a 3-D picture of its environment without flying into objects — or people! — although the presence of wind turbines is a problem but that is the subject of another article in the future. Scientific calculations have indicated that the Pipistrelle bat may consume up to 3,000 midges during a single night. The very young amongst us are able to ‘hear’ some of our bat species as they fly around foraging for their prey. However, as we get older we lose sensitivity to certain frequencies of the hearing spectrum and have to rely on sophisticated equipment in order to ‘hear’ our bats. Prices for such equipment range from the simplest at around £60 to professional models at several thousand pounds. Technology is improving all the time and so is the ability to study bats and we are constantly

Brown long-eared bats roosting in a roof space.

As insect numbers decline during the winter, our bats go into a deep torpor (hibernation) between the end of October and March when their heart rate reduces from 900 beats per minutes whilst flying after prey to a mere 10 beats per minutes whilst in torpor and take a breath once per minute! It can take half an hour or so for a bat in deep torpor to rouse, using up vital energy in the process and a hibernating bat should be left alone. Licences from Natural England (an independent public body concerned with protecting and improving England’s natural environment) are required for anyone entering any known bat roost or checking hibernation sites, including bat boxes. Most of our species are in decline for a variety of reasons, including loss of habitat for insects, loss of roosting sites due to unsympathetic building conversions

one species, the Noctule totally reliant on them - and deliberate persecution. All our bat species are protected by law and there are severe penalties for intentionally or recklessly killing or injuring any bat or destroying a bat roost. Bat boxes go some way to providing suitable roosting sites for most of our species and details are readily available on a range of internet sites although putting boxes up won’t necessarily give instant results — my bat box currently houses a pair of blue tits! I hope this article has helped in some small way to shift perception of bats from one of loathing to at least liking. Richard Fox Fenton 29

Trentside Links · March 2010

Fish & chips for charity Want to eat fish and chips while raising money for charity? Hold a fish and chip supper on 21 May whilst raising awareness of spinal cord injury and supporting SIA’s information and support services. You can hold a fish and chip supper in your own home, at work or hold a larger supper at your local community centre. The Spinal Injuries Association (SIA) will provide a fundraising pack containing hints and tips, recipes, invitations and donation envelopes. By inviting 7 friends and asking them to donate an additional £5.00 means you will raise at least £35.00 from your supper but we will also give you additional fundraising ideas to raise even more money for SIA. Last year we had over 80 suppers taking


part in England and Wales. In 2010 we want to double that figure and ensure we can provide more support to spinal cord injured people. The money raised from the suppers will help the SIA offer support to individuals who become paralysed and their families, from the moment a spinal injury occurs, and for the rest of their lives by providing services and publications which enable and encourage paralysed people to lead independent lives. Every year in the UK over 1,000 people experience a spinal cord injury and there are an estimated 40,000 spinal cord injured people in the UK alone. Community Fundraising Officer, Elizabeth Wright, says, ‘The Fish and Chip Supper is a wonderful opportunity for a great

evening with friends and family. We are also encouraging people who work to hold a Fish and Chip Lunch in their work places to raise even more funds. You may be a local community group wanting to run a fun evening with your group.’ Be a part of something special and make a real difference to help spinal cord injured people gain access to the information and support they need to enable them to live full and independent lives.’ Hold a Fish and Chip Supper to help spinal cord injured people live full and independent lives. For full details: website: email: tel: 0845 678 6633 (Elizabeth Wright)

Trentside Links · March 2010

Gainsborough Rural South Neighbourhood Policing Team There have been some changes to your local Neighbourhood Policing Team, and we would like to take this opportunity to welcome PCSO Daren Grace to the team. The team’s contact details can be found below. Please feel free to contact us if there is anything at all that we can do to help, whether it be in assisting with a problem or incident or even to provide crime prevention advice. We would also like to take this opportunity to encourage residents to be more vigilant within your communities, and are keen for you to report to police any suspicious individuals seen in the area, in particular cold callers going house to house without a peddler’s licence. Also of interest to police are any sightings of vehicles seen in suspicious circumstances. If at all possible please make a note of any vehicle details and/or descriptions of individuals seen at the time of the incident and report to either the control room or to your local neighbourhood policing team. Please feel free to contact us at any time on our mobiles listed below, or even via email. Our contact details are as follows: PC 326 Martin Doherty Community beat manager 07939 890958 email: PCSO 2209 Sonia Lewis Police community support officer 07796 267137 email: PCSO 2061 Daren Grace Police community support officer 07900 325735 email: The above numbers SHOULD NOT BE USED for REPORTING CRIMES or INCIDENTS. If you need immediate action then you should always call 0300 111 0300, the phone number for the control room, which is manned 24 hrs a day. In an EMERGENCY dial 999 31

Trentside Links 路 March 2010


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