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The Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation has become a beacon of intercultural dialogue and knowledge about Arab culture

Headquarters of the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation.

The promotion of intercultural dialogue among Mediterranean and Middle Eastern peoples and cultures has been the core mission of the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation ever since its inception in 1999. As a result of its efforts in this field and, specifically, in the dissemination of Arab culture in its different manifestations –art, literature, music...-, the Three Cultures Foundation was selected as the host of the 5th World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES) which took place in Seville between the 16th and the 20th of July 2018. This nomination also served as recognition of the international scope of its activities which go well beyond the physical location of its headquarters in Seville with the organisation of international forums gathering the most prestigious experts and authors from the region, its ongoing participation in multicultural programmes such as ‘Connecting Cultures’1 or its collaboration with international institutions and bodies like the International Council for Middle East Studies, the Anna Lindh Foundation or the Moroccan Ministry in Charge of Communities Living Abroad and Migration Affairs.

1 For information about ‘Connecting Cultures’ please see: http://tresculturas.org/fundacion/noticia/convocatoria-connecting-cultures-2/ -1-

Headquarters of the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation.

In 2017 the Foundation was also the recipient of a European Union grant under the umbrella of the Creative Europe programme which enabled it to launch a project aimed at highlighting the value of diversity through crafts and design initiatives as a key factor in the creation of social and economic wealth. Its partners in this project come from the United Kingdom, Portugal and Morocco2. Recently, the Three Cultures Foundation was invited to present its work in the promotion of intercultural and interreligious dialogue at the European Parliament in Brussels on October the 9th 2018 and to participate in the 8th Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) held in New York on the 19th and 20th of November 20183. This letter aims to offer an overview of the main areas in which this institution contributes to foster intercultural dialogue and to disseminate Arab culture by outlining some of the most relevant activities it undertakes in these domains which have led the Three Cultures Foundation to achieve an international reputation in its field of competence.

2 3

See the annexed document ‘Creative Europe Grant’. See the annexed document ‘UNAOC Letter of Invitation’.


About the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation: An essential vehicle to facilitate a dialogue among equals

Wadah Khanfar delivers the keynote speech at the forum ‘The Mediterranean as a scenario of a potential Cold War between Russia and the US’.

The Three Cultures of The Mediterranean Foundation is a non-profit institution created in 1998 as an initiative of the Regional Government of Andalusia (Spain) and the Kingdom of Morocco with the aim of advancing the knowledge of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cultures. The overall objective of this institution is the promotion of intercultural dialogue under the premise that artistic expressions and intellectual exchanges are the best vehicles to facilitate a conversation among equals. Its mission has proven particularly relevant in a context of exacerbated nationalisms, economic and social transformations and political upheavals which in many European countries have led to the rejection of other cultures. The Three Cultures Foundation’s Board of Trustees is composed of a diverse array of personalities including politicians, cultural managers and University professors both from Spain and Morocco4. They gather biannually in order to approve its yearly strategic plans and review its performance.

4 For more information about the Board of Trustees please see: http://tresculturas.org/fundacion/patronato/


International students visit the Three Cultures Foundation.

In order to achieve its overall objective, the Three Cultures Foundation plans and implements an ambitious programme of activities which encompasses literary projects - including its library which specialises in Arab and Middle Eastern works -, publications, cultural productions (cinema, concerts, exhibitions...), educational and training offerings or international forums. Since its creation in the year 1998, the Three Cultures Foundation has been awarded some prestigious prizes and commendations for its work in the advancement of intercultural dialogue and the spread of Arab culture such as the Prix International Mémoire pour la démocratie et la paix granted by Morocco’s Centre de la Mémoire Commune pour la Démocratie et la Paix5. Other recognitions received by the Three Cultures Foundation include Seville’s Book Fair Award for its commitment to disseminating the work of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern authors and its contribution to the internationalisation of the Fair6 or the Hernando Colón Award bestowed by the Andalusian Association of Information and Documentation Professionals for the quality and diversity of its specialised publications and the activities undertaken by the Three Cultures library7.

5 See the annexed document ‘Mémoire pour la démocratie et la paix Prize’. 6 See the Three Cultures Foundation’s 2010 Annual Report at: http://tresculturas.org/tresculturas/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/MEMORIA10_2010_-Esp-2.pdf 7 More about this prize at: http://tresculturas.org/la-fundacion-tres-culturas-del-mediterraneo-galardonada-con-el-premio-hernando-colon-2009/ -4-

The Three Cultures Foundation’s literary projects showcase the most relevant Arab voices

Tahar Ben Jelloun and Mathias Enard at ‘Three Festival’.

Tahar Ben Jelloun, Leila Slimani, Elias Sanbar, Abdelá Taia, Zeina Abirached, Alessandro Barico or Mathias Enard are some of the authors who participated in the second edition of ‘Tres Festival’8 which took place in Granada between the 26th and the 28th of April 2018 coinciding with the city’s Book Fair. The Festival, organized by the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation, aims to showcase the most relevant literary voices from the Arab world and the Mediterranean and represents a culmination of the efforts of the Foundation to attract the best contemporary Arab writers and find a wider audience for their work9. Although the commitment of the Three Cultures Foundation to disseminate Arabic literature dates back to its origins it was the creation of its Specialised Library and Documentation Centre and its Publications Department in 2007 which gave a significant impulse to its literary activities. The Foundation consolidated its participation in Seville’s Book Fair with an extensive programme of presentations from 2008 and then extended its collaboration to other book fairs such as Granada’s, Córdoba’s or Hay Festival Segovia. In 2009 the Three Cultures Foundation launched a ‘Book Club’ with the aim of extending its reach to wider audiences including high school students, children, immigrant organisations or associations working in favour of social inclusion.

8 For the Festival’s full programme please see: http://tresculturas.org/tresculturas/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Programa_completo_TresFestival18_eng-2.pdf 9 For the programme of the first edition of this festival please check: http://tresculturas.org/tresculturas/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/programa-ESP-20-1-1.pdf -5-

Zeina Abirached signing copies of her book during ‘Three Festival’.

In order to consolidate its position as a specialised library and keep up to date with the latest developments in multicultural projects the Three Cultures library became a member of the Library Services to Multicultural Populations section of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) in 2010, hosting the annual meeting of its Permanent Commission that very year. Its increased involvement in literary projects has enabled the Foundation to work with some of the most renowned authors in contemporary Middle Eastern literature as well as engaging with young and emerging voices. Alaa Al-Aswani, Wassyla Tamzali, Rachid Boudjedra, Buket Uzuner, Yasmina Khadra, Yumana Haddad, Boualem Sansal, Mansoura Ez-Eldin, Hubert Haddad, Salwa al Neimi, Gamal Ghitany, Najat el Hachmi...are among the authors who have collaborated with the Foundation. In 2016 the Three Cultures Specialized Library and Documentation Centre adopted the name of ‘Fatima Mernissi Library’ both as a tribute to the Moroccan sociologist, feminist and writer and as a sign of its commitment to the promotion of female Arab authors whose works are increasingly engrossing the thousands of volumes that populate its shelves10.

Egyptian writer Khaled al-Khamissi with members of the Three Cultures Book Club.

10 For more information about the Three Cultures Foundation’s Fatima Mernissi Library please see: http://tresculturas.org/en/library/


The Three Cultures Foundation specialised publications advance the knowledge of Middle Eastern cultures

The Three Cultures Book Stand at Seville’s Book Fair.

Supporting the publication of specialised works has been a fundamental tool to implement the Three Culture Foundation’s aim of advancing the knowledge of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cultures. Over the past 20 years the Three Cultures Foundation has thus collaborated in the edition of books, magazines and catalogues dealing with a variety of topics and periods centred on these geographical areas. In 2007, for example, the Foundation participated in the production of the catalogue Palestinian Women Artists (in Spanish, English and Arabic), in collaboration with the Spanish Consulate in Jerusalem and the Palestinian Art Court – al Hoash11. Similarly, the Foundation worked together with the Centre for European Policy Studies to publish the report Political Islam and European Foreign Policy12. Teaming up with the prestigious publishing house Turner allowed the Three Cultures Foundation to produce the Spanish version of the catalogue Islamic Arts from Spain by Mariam Rosser-Owen, curator responsible for the Arab World collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, a fascinating and exquisite book illustrated with objects drawn from the V&A’s collections which was presented by its author at Seville’s Book Fair13.

11 For more information about this publication please see: http://tresculturas.org/i-catalogo-de-artistas-palestinas/ 12 For more information about this publication please see: http://tresculturas.org/biblioteca/publicacion/political-islam-and-european-foreign-policy/ 13 To learn more about this project please see: http://www.turnerlibros.com/media/Ou1/ClipsPrensa/Arte%20isl%C3%A1micoESP.pdf -7-

In 2007 the Three Cultures Foundation decided to strengthen its commitment to disseminating original works dealing with or produced in the Middle East by launching its own editorial services. As a result of this initiative it published ‘culturas’, a quarterly monographic magazine centred on the contemporary Middle East with issues devoted to ‘Youth in the Middle East’, ‘Art and culture in the Middle East’, ‘Creation and Immigration’ or ‘Women in the Middle East’. The in-depth analysis of each subject was accompanied by articles dealing with contemporary artistic productions in all its manifestations –from visual arts to architecture-14. As part of this endeavour the Three Cultures Foundation also launched the ‘anfora collection’ intended to be a recipient of diverse topics such as ‘Arabs and Jews in Ibero-America’ (volume 4, 2008)15; ‘Al Andalus: Paradigm and continuity’ (volume 6, 2011)16 or ‘Diversity, Society and the City’ (volume 8, 2018)17. Three Cultures also commissions ad hoc research or studies such as The Image of the Arab and Muslim World in the Spanish Media which are then published by the Foundation18. In order to attract a younger audience by using more attractive formats the Three Cultures Foundation launched the graphic novel prize ‘Drawing among cultures’ with the purpose of exploiting the explanatory potentiality of this form to promote the knowledge of the Middle East and the Mediterranean. The prize entailed a monetary award as well as the publication of the novel and its presentation at different book fairs19.


nº 7 2010

la cultuRa egiPcia actual


ute for Women´s Studies, Birzeit University. a de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo


K haled a l -K hamissi

nº 5 2009

The publications of the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation have been very well received by both experts and the general public as an unprecedented effort to bring these subjects to a broader audience in an accessible manner.

Escritor y periodista egipcio, autor de la novela “Taxi”, traducida a varios idiomas

revisTa de análisis y debaTe sobre orienTe próxiMo y el MediTerráneo


la telenOvela. baluaRte de la cultuRa siRia

revista de análisis y debate sobre oriente próximo y el mediterráneo

nº 5 2009. 6 euros

K haled K halifa Novelista sirio y guionista de televisión. Autor de “Elogio al odio”, finalista del International Prize for Arabic Fiction 2008

nº 7 2010. 6 euros

aRte cOnteMPORáneO ¿Occidente de ORiente?

he Qur’an, the Media, and that Veil Thing”

K halil m’R abet Crítico de arte y profesor en la Université d’Aix-en-Provence



nuevOs PaRadigMas aRtísticOs. de la POsMOdeRnidad al MeRcadO glObal

rofesora, Georgetown University Law Center


R amón blecua Diplomático y consultor en el Centro Cultural Internacional Niemeyer

tendencias en la liteRatuRa áRabe cOnteMPORánea


Profesor, American University of Paris. Autor entre otras, de la obra “A Brief Introduction to Modern Arabic Literature”

Universidad Rey Saud, Riad, Arabia Saudí



Lebanese Association of Women Researchers



iversidad estatal de Arizona, Estados Unidos



nder Studies, Universidad de Tel Aviv, Israel



scritora y novelista egipcia. Lectora visitante, nd Cultures, University of Virginia, EEUU


otras, de la novela “El laberinto de Mariam”

la Odisea de la editORial andalus Publishing

Yael l eReR Fundadora de la editorial Andalus Publishing, especializada en la traducción de literatura árabe al hebreo

censuRa cultuRal

u Rsula l indseY Periodista freelance residente en El Cairo y doctora en literatura egipcia contemporánea. Escribe sobre arte y cultura en Oriente Próximo en el blog www.arabist.net/review

el cine RealizadO POR MujeRes en el MundO áRabe

a mal R amsis Cineasta egipcia, realizadora, entre otros, del documental “Sólo Sueños”. Titular de la Cátedra Euroárabe de las Artes y las Culturas

la escena Musical indePendiente en beiRut y daMascO

tonY s feiR Músico y productor independiente. Fundador del sello musical Incognito

Mujeres en oriente próximo

tengO dOs lenguas MateRnas

Z eina a biRached Dibujante de comics, autora de “El juego de las golondrinas”

ISSN 1888-7104


culturas. Revista de análisis y debate sobre Oriente Próximo y el Mediterráneo


ican Studies (SOAS), University of London. ca contadas desde 1948 hasta la actualidad”


david t Resilian

culturas. Revista de análisis y debate sobre Oriente Próximo y el Mediterráneo


rofessional Studies, York University, Toronto. o ejecutivo hasta que abandonó Irán en 1984

14 The magazine’s website can be visited at: http://revistaculturas.org/ 15 See: http://tresculturas.org/biblioteca/publicacion/arabes-judios-iberoamerica-similitudes-diferencias-tensiones/ 16 See: http://tresculturas.org/biblioteca/publicacion/catedra-al-andalus-al-andalus-paradigma-continuidad/ 17 See: http://tresculturas.org/actividad/presentacion-del-libro-diversidad-sociedad-y-ciudad-materiales-para-una-teoria-social-de-la-diversidad-de-luis-gonzalez-tamarit/ 18 The full study can be consulted at: http://tresculturas.org/tresculturas/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Informe-cicam-ingles-1.pdf 19 See: http://www.europapress.es/cultura/noticia-andalucia-sevilla-tres-culturas-presenta-manana-obra-jordi-bayarre-premio-novela-grafica-dibujando-culturas-20100513184304.html -8-

The Three Culture Foundation’s cultural programming is a fundamental tool to spread Arab culture

Opening of the LATINARAB FESTIVAL Showcase.

The promotion of Arab culture in its different manifestations - cinema, music, art...- is the backbone of the Three Cultures’ mission to promote intercultural dialogue. Thus, the Foundation boasts an ambitious and varied programme of activities throughout the year making it a focal point in Seville’s cultural life. The project ‘Cinema on Tuesdays’ constitutes one of the most relevant and consolidated initiatives of the Three Cultures Foundation’s cultural programming as it brings recent cinematographic productions from the Middle East, North Africa and the Mediterranean to a loyal audience who can access films seldom available at commercial theatres. Through a structure divided into monthly thematic cycles, the programme of ‘Cinema on Tuesdays’ offers film productions selected on the basis of criteria such as quality (award-winning films acclaimed at major international festivals and praised by critics); originality (works that aspire to challenge stereotypes and break down taboos) and relevance (films or documentaries dealing with current affairs or situations which have led to political, social or legal changes in their countries of origin)20. The Three Cultures Foundation has also embarked upon a relevant work of translating and subtitling a selection of these films to bring them to Spanish-speaking audiences. This has also enabled the Foundation to show works that have been screened for the first time in Spain21. In addition to the screenings that take place every Tuesday at its premises, every year the Three Cultures Foundation also organizes some special sessions consisting on debates with filmmakers and industry experts such as the ‘LATINARAB FESTIVAL Showcase’ which brings to its headquarters samples of some of the most relevant films from this important event and which is made possible thanks to its collaboration with partners like the prestigious Cine Fértil from Argentina22. 20 ‘Cinema on Tuesdays’ programme can be consulted at: http://tresculturas.org/programa/martes-de-cine/ 21 Examples of movies translated and subtitled into Spanish by the Three Cultures Foundation include: Zal ar-raŷul (In the shadow of a man), directed by Hanan Abdalla (Egypt, 2011); Munādilāt (Militant women) directed by Sonia Chamkhi (Tunisia, 2012); and Bayt at-Tut (The mulberry house), directed by Sara Ishaq (Yemen, 2013). 22 For more information and the full programme please visit: http://tresculturas.org/actividad/muestra-del-festival-latinarab/ and http://tresculturas.org/tresculturas/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/programa-LatinArab-Web-1.pdf -9-

Other examples of these special sessions included the collaboration with the Association Souriyat without Borders-Spain to organize a film screening and a discussion panel addressing the situation of intellectual dissidence under the Syrian regime or the screening of the documentary film Journey to Memory (Rihla ila az-zakirah), directed by Hala Mohammad which was followed by a debate between her and the filmmaker Haitham Hakki.

Jordanian singer Farah Siraj at the Three Cultures Foundation.

As part of its cultural programming the Three Cultures Foundation pays special attention to the musical productions from the Arab world and the Middle East by organizing concerts at our headquarters and in other venues in or outside Seville at least once a month. From established artists to up and coming musicians and from classical music to newer artistic expressions, the Foundation tries to convey the rich spectrum of creations sprouting in the region. Farah Siraj, Mira Awad, Youssou N’dour, Amina Annabi, Aziz Maraka & RAZZ, Mad Sheer Khan, Barcelona Arab Orchestra, Gabacho Maroconnection, Oum, Anwar or rappers from Morocco are just some of the artists who have collaborated with Three Cultures. The Foundation also helped to create the ‘Three Cultures Choir’, an assemble of young musicians mainly from Spain and Morocco - although with the participation of young people from other places like Egypt, Palestine or France - who lived together for some weeks for rehearsals and were then invited to play at different places -for example, at Seville’s cathedral in 201023. The Three Cultures Foundation’s headquarters is equipped with over 1,000 square meters of exhibition space. This well illuminated flexible venue allows it to accommodate artistic output of a very different nature from paintings to sculptures, video art or artistic performances from Mediterranean and Middle Eastern artists.

23 For more information about the Three Cultures Choir please see: http://tresculturas.org/coro-tres-culturas-en-la-catedral-de-sevilla/

- 10 -

Opening of the UNRWA exhibition ‘Peace starts here’ at the Three Cultures Headquarters.

As well as the exhibitions commissioned by the Three Cultures Foundation itself there are also numerous collaborations with other institutions to serve as a host for their collections. For example, Three Cultures displayed the UNRWA exhibition ‘Peace starts here’ showing the everyday life of Palestinian refugees24 or the ‘Changing perceptions’ exhibition produced by the British Council and Our Shared Europe showing the photographs taken by 24 volunteers on their experience learning about other cultures25. Given the centrality of the cultural programming to The Three Cultures Foundation’s aim of fostering intercultural dialogue, it also organises an extensive portfolio of activities targeting children and younger audiences such as the performance ‘Music and rhythms from the Mediterranean’26 or ‘Morocco’s treasure’27. Throughout the year the Foundation invites primary and high schools to attend these activities whose objective is to promote the knowledge of and respect towards other cultures as necessary ingredients for a society that values cultural diversity.

24 For more information about the UNRWA exhibition please see: https://www.unrwa.es/actualidad/sala-de-prensa/notas-de-prensa/2010/exposicion-la-paz-empieza-aqui 25 For more information about the British Council exhibition please see: http://tresculturas.org/exposicion-cambiando-percepciones/ 26 See: http://tresculturas.org/actividad/la-musica-y-el-ritmo-del-mediterraneo-conciertos-didacticos-para-escolares/ 27 See: http://tresculturas.org/fundacion/noticia/tesoro-marruecos-espectaculo-teatral-audiovisual-publico-infantil/ - 11 -

Education is a central pillar in the Three Cultures Foundation’s endeavour to disseminate knowledge about the Arab World Education and training initiatives are an intrinsic part of the mission of the Three Cultures Foundation to disseminate knowledge about Arab culture. Thus over the past decade Three Cultures has teamed up with the International University of Andalusia (UNIA) to organize the Master’s Degree in International Relations which includes a specific module about the Arab World taught by some of the most renowned experts in this field. This official degree attracts students from all over the world especially from Latin America and Morocco. Students enrolled in the Master’s also benefit from the activities organised by the Foundation. Three Cultures also collaborates with the UNIA to offer summer courses every year such as ‘Intercultural Mediation’28, ‘The Sahel in a global world: a multidisciplinary approach’29, ‘The Maghreb in a global world’30 or ‘Protocol and the Arab World’31.

Students attend a class organised by The Three Cultures Foundation.

The Three Cultures Foundation is also committed to the dissemination of the Arabic language through the organisation of courses which take place at its headquarters. Modern Standard Arabic is taught throughout the year (in three levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced)32 as well as classical Arabic for children of Moroccan descent33. Over the past few years the Foundation has also added a Spanish language course for Moroccan immigrants organised in collaboration with Morocco’s Ministry in Charge of Communities Living Abroad and Migration Affairs in order to facilitate the integration of this population34. Ad hoc training courses are also offered every year such as the ‘Intensive course on Andalusian music’35 or the ‘Arabic Conversation Club’36. 28 See: https://www.unia.es/catedra-unesco/actividades-actuales/cursos-de-verano 29 See: https://www.unia.es/catedra-unesco/actividades-actuales/cursos-de-verano 30 See: https://www.unia.es/servicio-de-comunicacion-e-informacion/la-unia-aborda-en-un-encuentro-la-defensa-en-elmagreb-y-la-actual-crisis-de-refugiados-sirios 31 See: https://www.unia.es/servicio-de-comunicacion-e-informacion/la-unia-acerca-el-protocolo-en-el-mundo-arabeen-sus-cursos-de-verano-del-campus-la-cartuja-de-sevilla 32 See: http://tresculturas.org/tresculturas/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/PROGRAMACION-ARABE-MODERNO-ESTANDAR.pdf 33 See: http://tresculturas.org/actividad/clases-arabe-clasico-hijosas-inmigrantes-origen-marroqui/ 34 See: http://tresculturas.org/actividad/cursos-espanol-marroquies-residentes-andalucia/ 35 See: http://tresculturas.org/actividad/ii-curso-intensivo-musica-andalusi-teoria-musical-e-improvisacion/ 36 See: http://tresculturas.org/actividad/club-conversacion-arabe-espacio-al-zubaydi/ - 12 -

The Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation organises international forums which serve as a valuable platform to exchange ideas and enhance mutual understanding

Roundtable at the Forum ‘Women in the Mediterranean Space’.

As well as the above mentioned literary forum ‘Three Festival’ held biannually in Granada, the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation organizes a series of international encounters that bring together the best talent and expertise in each field. The Forum ‘Women in the Mediterranean space: identity, political participation, leadership and emancipation’ takes place every year in Jerez (Cadiz) with the aim of analysing the evolution in the role of women in spheres such as the economy, politics, society or culture37. Equally, under the banner of ‘TresMed, Media coverage of the Mediterranean’, journalists, reporters and media experts from the region gather every two years in Malaga to discuss the latest trends and issues impacting the news agenda and the growing number of outlets carrying the news38. The cultural relations between Spain and three countries from the Maghreb –Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco- was the focus of the first edition of the forum ‘Tanmía, Cultural diversity, a space for development and resistance against radicalisation’ which took place in Seville in 201639. 37 Full programme at: http://tresculturas.org/tresculturas/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Programa-definitivo-Foro-mujer-23.5.2017-1-1.pdf and http://tresculturas.org/tresculturas/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Programa-avanzado.pdf 38 For further information and the full programme please visit: http://tresculturas.org/fr/fundacion/noticia/tresmed-communiquer-la-mediterranee/ and http://tresculturas.org/tresculturas/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/programa-de-manoTresMed_320x180-1.pdf 39 For further information and the full programme please visit: http://tresculturas.org/fr/proyecto/tanmia/ and http://tresculturas.org/tresculturas/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Programa-Foro-CON-EMPRESAS-TANM%C3%8DA-1-1.pdf - 13 -

A diverse programme of activities – including concerts, exhibitions, film screenings, etc. – usually accompanies these gatherings which are organised in collaboration with institutions such as the European Institute of the Mediterranean, the Anna Lindh Foundation Spanish Network or Morocco’s Ministry in Charge of Communities Living Abroad and Migration Affairs. Finally, the most relevant issues in the international agenda with a special impact on the Middle East and the Mediterranean are the focus of some of the international forums the Three Cultures Foundation organises throughout the year. The roundtable ‘The Mediterranean according to Donald Trump’ (March 2018)40; the international encounter of experts ‘Islam and Modernity’ (September 2017)41; the forum ‘The Mediterranean as a scenario of a potential Cold War between Russia and the US’ (November 2017)42; or the forum ‘Andalusia and Morocco: Educating for Diversity’ (November 2017)43 serve as an illustration of the international encounters organised over the past few months.

International Forum ‘Educating for Diversity’ at the Three Cultures Foundation.


See: http://tresculturas.org/en/activity/roundtable-discussion-the-mediterranean-according-to-donald-trump/


See: http://tresculturas.org/en/activity/international-encounter-of-experts-islam-and-modernity/


See: http://tresculturas.org/en/activity/the-mediterranean-as-scenario-of-potential-cold-war-between-russia-and-the-us/


See: http://tresculturas.org/en/activity/forum-on-andalusia-and-morocco-educating-in-diversity/ - 14 -

The Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation was selected to host WOCMES in recognition of its international reputation as an advocate of Middle Eastern cultures and intercultural dialogue

His Majesty the King of Spain delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of WOCMES Seville 2018.

The Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation was selected to host the 5th edition of the World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), the biggest and most prestigious gathering of scholars and experts in the region which occurs every four years44. The congress took place in Seville from the 16th to the 20th of July 2018 and His Majesty the King of Spain delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. The main building of the University of Seville - a historical building dating from the XVIII century - served as the main venue for the academic programme while an extensive cultural agenda was organised in different places around the city such as the Alcázar of Seville - declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1987 and one of the most representative monumental compounds in the city, the country and the Mediterranean culture as a whole -. Seville’s Opera House –Teatro de la Maestranza – hosted the WOCMES Award Ceremony, a tribute to Dr. Rashid Khalidi, elected by WOCMES International Advisory Council for his outstanding contribution to Middle Eastern Studies.


See the annexed document ‘Certificate WOCMES Int. Advisory Council’. - 15 -

Book Exhibition area at WOCMES Seville 2018.

Film screenings, concerts and exhibitions were also part of the cultural programme organised by the Three Cultures Foundation at its headquarters45. WOCMES Seville 2018 attracted the largest number of participants and proposals of any previous editions, convening more than 3,000 experts from some of the most renowned academic institutions and research bodies in the world covering over 90 different countries, with a large representation from the United States, the MENA region, the United Kingdom, Germany or France46 who gathered around 25 themes (including Al-Andalus, Ancient Middle East, Contemporary Middle East, Media Studies or Migration Studies). Over 2,400 proposals were presented including Individual Papers (1,785 of which 1,769 belonged to a panel); Panels (405); Posters (42); Symposia (16); Meetings in Conjuction (10); Cultural Activities (17); Film Proposals (36); Roundtables (27); or Side Events (5). The International Book Exhibition assembled 26 exhibitors including some of the most prestigious publishing houses specialised in the Middle East or with important sections devoted to this region such as Brill, Cambridge University Press, I.B. Tauris, Jordan Language Academy, the Library of Arabic Literature/NYU Press, Librería Diwan / Editorial Diwan Mayrit or the American University in Cairo Press.

45 For the complete WOCMES Seville 2018 programme please see: http://wocmes2018seville.org/web/images/doc/programme/ WOCMES_program.pdf 46 See document ‘WOCMES Seville 2018 Brochure’. - 16 -

Rashid Khalidi at WOCMES Seville 2018 Award Ceremony.

WOCMES International Advisory Council unanimously described the 5th edition of the congress as the most successful both in terms of audiences, number of proposals and organisation. WOCMES Seville 2018 represented a major challenge for the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation and served both as recognition of its endeavours to promote intercultural dialogue and spread Arab culture and as a significant boost to its stature as a committed, earnest and unbiased organisation which has managed to achieve an international reputation in its field of competence.

Street exhibition about the Three Cultures Foundation organised during WOCMES Seville 2018.

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What others say about the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation  His Majesty the King of Spain, WOCMES Seville 2018 Inauguration Ceremony, Headquarters of the Three Cultures Foundation “I would also like to thank the Three Cultures Foundation - our hosts during this year’s WOCMES - for their dedication and hard work to make this Congress possible. The Foundation, which was created by the Kingdom of Morocco and the Regional Government of Andalusia, is an outstanding example of what Moroccans and Spaniards can achieve when we join forces to nurture our relationship. (...) Our policies are based on a firm conviction that within the relations between the two shores of the Mediterranean, true cooperation must grow, to address the great and multiple challenges placed upon all of us today; at this very hour with pressing urgency, and also well ahead into the future with deep and longstanding consequences. The Mediterranean must be the shared space of peace, prosperity and stability for which our citizens yearn. This goal requires a joint responsibility that goes beyond the countries of the Mediterranean. Because the stability and prosperity of European societies is —and has always been— closely linked to the destiny of the countries of the Middle East and North Africa. I would like to take the opportunity presented by this Congress, to reaffirm Spain’s unwavering commitment to championing initiatives that help offer effective political and economic responses to the challenges posed by the region.(...) we must always keep in mind that the countries of the Middle East and North Africa are also home to young, dynamic and creative people who want to fulfil their dreams, who are proud of their identity, call for their deserved human dignity, and who also naturally −and legitimately− feel they are global citizens47”.

 Günter Meyer, Chairman of WOCMES International Advisory Council “Congratulations for the overwhelming World Record of WOCMES-5! This means not only the absolute record as far as the figures of participation are concerned, but also concerning the quality of this global event”.

 Mari Luomi, Emirates Diplomatic Academy -UAE “I am writing on behalf of the Emirates Diplomatic Academy team to congratulate you for a truly amazing congress and to thank you for all your support to our team – you really went the extra mile for us! It is rare to see such well-organised conferences and even rarer when it is the biggest event of the Middle East Studies community, with a record-high participation”.

 Leila Slimani, winner of the Prix Goncourt “Il y a un an, j’ai été invité à Séville par la Fondation Tres Culturas. Je garde de cette conférence un souvenir extraordinaire. J’ai pu y faire une présentation de mon travail dans un cadre splendide : le Pavillon Maroc de l’Exposition Universelle. Et je me souviens qu’avant d’entrer en scène, je suis montée sur la terrasse pour observer la vue incroyable sur Séville, cette ville qui dans son architecture, dans son art de vivre est le symbole du mélange des cultures. Elle prouve à quel point les civilisations du Nord et du Sud de la Méditerranée ont su se nourrir, s’enrichir. Et c’est précisément ce que j’ai ressenti auprès de chaque membre de la Fondation Tres Culturas : l’envie de créer du lien, de favoriser le dialogue, de créer un pont entre les cultures. Le public qui était présent ce soir là était à l’image de la fondation. Il y avait des gens de toutes les religions, réunis par amour de la littérature. Dans les temps troublés qui sont les nôtres, des fondations comme Tres Culturas nous redonne de l’espoir”.

47 For the full speech please see: http://www.casareal.es/ES/Actividades/Paginas/actividades_discursos_detalle. aspx?data=6047

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Commendations in support of the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation’s candidacy for the UNESCOSharjah Prize for Arab Culture The Three Cultures Foundation has received the commendation of some prestigious bodies and institutions in support of its candidacy for the UNESCO-Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture*: • The High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations. • European Association for Middle Eastern Studies (EURAMES). •

Asociación Civil Creciente Cine Fértil para la Promoción de la Diversidad Cultural.

• Permanent Commission of Arab Culture, Arab League Educational Cultural and Scientific Organization –ALECSO. • Association Projet Aladin • International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. • Le Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale, de la Formation professionnelle, de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique du Royaume du Maroc. • Morocco Consulate in Spain. • Mgara Rebahi Fondation, Tétouan, Morocco. • Permanent Conference of Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators (COPEAM). • Centre de la Mémoire Commune pour la Démocratie et la Paix. • Asociación Hispano Árabe para el Desarrollo y la Cultura. • Cultural Association of Western Mediterranean (MED-OCC). • Kamel Lazaar Foundation. • The Egyptian Association of Hispanists. • Farh Siraj, Jordanian singer. • Escuela de Estudios Árabes (Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas). • Casa Asia. • Fundación Barenboim Said. • Pablo de Olavide University. • Universidad Loyola Andalucía. • Universidad Internacional de Andalucía. • Centro Andaluz de las Letras. • Mayor of Córdoba. • Mayor of Granada. • Fundación Mujeres por África. • Centro Universitario San Isidoro.

The commendation letters can be found in the annex at the end of this document. * See Annexed Documents

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More information about the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation For more information about our institution and activities please visit the following links: • Our website: http://tresculturas.org/en/ • Annual reports: http://tresculturas.org/en/the-foundation/activity-memory/ • Virtual tour of our headquarters: http://tresculturas.org/en/the-foundation/hd-virtual-tour/ • Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoMPjse3dtYBpSvjWxmAiPg • Twitter: https://twitter.com/FunTresCulturas • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TresCulturas • WOCMES Seville 2018 Website: http://wocmes2018seville.org/web/index.php/en/


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Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency Creative Europe: Culture

Brussels, 25/04/2017 EACEA/KB/ND FUNDACION TRES CULTURAS DEL MEDITERRANEO José Manuel Cervera Gragera Calle Max Planck 2 ES - 41092 SEVILLA direccion@tresculturas.org


Creative Europe - Culture Sub-programme (2014-2020) – 'Support to European cooperation projects – Smaller scale cooperation projects' projects' – Call for proposals EACEA 45/2016 – Budget 2017 – Results of the selection procedure

Your application 583691-CREA-1-2017-1-ES-CULT-COOP1 - Craft, Art and People Together Dear Sir/Madam, You have submitted an application to the Creative Europe programme, 2017 call for proposals for the action specified above. The call for proposals closed on 23 November 2016. The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) received 548 applications for this call, out of which 430 for the smaller scale category. I am writing to inform you about the selection decision taken by the Director of the Executive Agency, acting in his capacity as authorising officer, based on the recommendations of an Evaluation Committee assisted by external experts. I am pleased to inform you that your application has been selected for EU co-funding. It received 88/100 points, which is on or above the minimum threshold for funding of 82/100 points given the available budget for the smaller scale category. For your information, out of the 386 smaller scale category eligible applications, 66 have been selected for funding. The list of all selected projects will be published on the website of the Agency when all applicants have been notified about the selection results: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/creative-europe/selection-results_en Attached to this letter you will find an evaluation report based on the opinion of the external experts. Please take into account that most of the evaluation reports were written by non-native speakers. The Executive Agency will not elaborate further on these assessments. Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency Avenue du Bourget 1 – 1049 Brussels - Belgium Office: SPA2 1/43, Telephone: direct line (32-2) 29.50.695.

The process of awarding a grant and the preparation of the grant agreement can only be finalised once the Executive Agency has received and approved a number of documents. Please send us within 10 days of receipt of this letter the following documents (please mention the application reference number in the subject of the e-mail): 1. Signed financial identification form* (only for project leader) http://ec.europa.eu/budget/contracts_grants/info_contracts/financial_id/financialid_en.cfm 2. Financial capacity form* (only for the project leader, not required for public bodies) https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/sites/eacea-site/files/financial-capabilityform_en_3.doc 3. Financial statements (including balance sheet and profit and loss accounts) of the project leader for the last two financial years for which the accounts have been closed (only for the project leader, not required for public bodies). You might be contacted by the Executive Agency's staff in order to ask you for additional documents/information if necessary. We would also like to draw your attention to Annex 2 to this letter. Please circulate this information to your partners immediately, and follow-up on their progress in uploading the required documents to the Participant Portal. This letter does not represent a financial or legal commitment of the Executive Agency. The offer of an award is confirmed only when the legal representative of the Executive Agency signs the Grant Agreement associated with this application. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any further questions. Yours sincerely,

Karel Bartak Head of Unit Contact: EACEA-CREATIVE-EUROPE-COOPERATIONPROJECTS@ec.europa.eu (*) Only use the templates available on our web site: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/creativeeurope/funding/support-european-cooperation-projects-2017_en Annexes:

1. Evaluation report 2. Letter on PIC validation


The High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations New York, 1 August 2018 Dear Mr. Antonio Chaves Rendon, I have the honor to invite you to participate in the forthcoming 8th Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), to be held at United Nations Headquarters, New York City, on 19 and 20 November 2018. The overarching theme of the Forum is “Commit2Dialogue: Partnerships for Prevention and Sustaining Peace”. The United Nations Secretary-General will participate in both days of the Forum. As you know, the scourge of violent extremism conducive to terrorism remains an ongoing challenge. We have also witnessed a rise in cultural and religious-based discrimination and xenophobia. Intolerance and fear of the other continue to prevail in many societies. There is an urgent need to re-commit to inter-faith and inter-cultural dialogue and to the promotion of tolerance, diversity and a culture of peace. The primary mission of UNAOC is to forge collective political will and to mobilize concerted action at improving cross-cultural dialogue and cooperation among countries, peoples and communities in order to prevent conflict and promote social cohesion. The UNAOC Global Forums are a leading platform for promoting intercultural dialogue, understanding and cooperation. This year’s Forum will bring together our partners including political leaders, representatives of international and regional organizations, faith-based organizations, the private sector, civil society, media experts, youth leaders and academia. Participants will explore new and innovative methods of promoting inclusive approaches to conflict prevention as a pathway for sustaining peace. The Forum will act as a catalyst for building partnerships and networks to achieve this aim. During the Forum, participants will convene in plenary and breakout sessions. A Group of Friends High Level Ministerial meeting for official delegations will be held during the Forum. PLURAL + award ceremony will be celebrated on 19 November; invitations to the gala dinner will be sent separately. Please find enclosed a preliminary programme outline. A detailed programme and logistical note will be communicated in due course. Queries about the Forum and all practical arrangements could be submitted to Ms. Nihal Saad (saadn@un.org) and Ms. Mehrangez Rafieva (mehrangezr@unops.org) I hope that you will be able to join us in New York for two days of lively and productive meetings. Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser

Mr. Antonio Chaves Rendon Strategic Planning and Programming Tres Culturas 730 Third Avenue, 20 Floor • New York • NY 10017 Tel: +1 929-274-6217 • Fax: +1 929-274-6233 • Web: www.unaoc.org

Rabat, 26 septembre 2017

2ème édition du prix international Mémoire pour la démocratie et la paix Abdesslam BOUTEYEB Directeur exécutif du prix international Mémoire pour la démocratie et la paix COMMUNIQUÉ Conscient de l’importance et de l’utilité du travail sur la mémoire pour renforcer la démocratie et la paix, convaincu que la consolidation des valeurs humaines, dans leur dimension universelle, contribue à atténuer l’impact des problématiques relatives à la mémoire collective et commune, le Centre de la mémoire commune pour la démocratie et la paix défend le principe de coexistence entre les peuples, les cultures et les individus, prône la réduction des écarts d’ordre religieux, linguistique et identitaire et préconise la résolution des différends par le recours au dialogue, à la communication et à l’interaction. C’est pourquoi il salue l’abnégation et l’engagement des défenseurs des droits humains (individus, associations, institutions) et reconnait le rôle déterminant que jouent des personnalités notoires et des institutions officielles et civiles pour consolider les valeurs du vivre ensemble entre les individus, les États et les cultures. Cette reconnaissance transparait dans les initiatives prises par le Centre, notamment la création du prix international Mémoire pour la démocratie et la paix dont le lauréat de la 2ème édition est la Fondation des Trois Cultures (Séville). Parmi les principaux objectifs de ladite Fondation, on peut citer: le soutien des valeurs de tolérance et le renforcement de la coopération entre les peuples et les cultures du bassin méditerranéen. Ce prix est une valeur ajoutée pour le CMCDP qui cherche à maintenir et perpétuer une culture qui perd de sa sacralité dans un contexte marqué par le terrorisme, les guerres, les violences de tous genres, le non respect des droits de l’Homme et l’intolérance. C’est aussi une preuve additionnelle que le Maroc est une terre de paix, de dialogue, d’harmonie et d’égalité entre tous les êtres humains.

Il est à rappeler que ce prix est décerné à toute personne physique (femme ou homme) ou morale (association, groupe de recherche, institution...) qui militent pour les droits humains, la démocratie, la paix et la tolérance dans tous les domaines (politique, artistique, culturel, religieux, académique, sportif, juridique...). Il sera remis au représentant de la Fondation des Trois Cultures par le leader tunisien Hussein ABBASSI, lauréat de la 1ère édition, lors de la cérémonie d’ouverture de la 6ème édition du festival international de cinéma et mémoire commune qui aura lieu à Nador du 6 au 12 novembre 2017.

World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies

To whom it may concern.

Prof. Dr. GĂźnter Meyer, as Chairman of the International Advisory Council of WOCMES, CERTIFIES: that on April 30th, 2016, after the counting of the votes of the members of the International Advisory Council of the World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies regarding the location of WOCMES 2018, The Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation was elected to host the 5th Edition of WOCMES in Seville from July 16th to July 20th, 2018 after receiving 76 % of the votes of the Council members.

Mainz, Germany, May 21st, 2018

Prof. Dr. GĂźnter Meyer Chairman of the International Advisory Council of WOCMES

Participants by region

The High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations

New York, 29 October 2018 On behalf of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), I am pleased to express my appreciation to Fundaciรณn Tres Culturas del Mediterrรกneo for its continuous endeavours in fostering knowledge among peoples, promoting intercultural dialogue and mutual respect among diverse communities. This mission that the Foundation has undertaken since its inception in the 90s had been strengthened through the implementation of its cultural, educational and literary programmes which developed and evolved over the years. We, at UNAOC, have had the opportunity to collaborate and participate in some of these events. As such, we had first-hand experience in witnessing the role played by this institution in promoting international cooperation and the values of culture and mutual understanding. Moreover and against the odds of the strained economic situation, Fundaciรณn Tres Culturas del Mediterrรกneo

continues to offer high-level quality activities covering academic cultural and artistic

programming. , By virtue of this letter, we would like to express our full support for the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation as a candidate for the UNESCO-Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture

Sincerely Yours, Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser

EURAMES Secretariat Centre for Research on the Arab World (CERAW) University of Mainz 55099 Mainz - Germany Ph. ++49 - 6131 - 39 22701 eurames@geo.uni-mainz.de

Fundatión Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo Pabellón Hassan II, E 41092 Sevilla

Mainz, 26 Sept. 2018

Recommendation for UNESCO-Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture Dear colleagues, We are pleased to express our appreciation to Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo for its ongoing endeavour in favour of fostering knowledge among peoples, intercultural dialogue and mutual respect. This task has been mainly developed based on an in-tense cultural, formative and engaged programme of events from late 90’s. We have had the chance to collaborate and even participate in some of these events, in particular the outstanding and extremely successful hosting of the Fifth World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES) in July 2018 with more than 3000 scholars from all over the world. During the preparation and execution of this outstanding event, we had the possibility to confirm firsthand the role developed by this institution always promoting the international cooperation and the values of culture, understanding the last ones as the leitmotiv of this cooperation. We esteem that Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo offers a high level of quality in its academic, cultural and artistic activities, all of them chosen with care in order to achieve the objectives mentioned above. Equally, we would like to stress out the ability of the foundation to keep on offering such a quality level despite the adversities faced due to this worldwide difficult economic situation, looking for alternatives and developing imaginative projects. In consequence and through this letter, we would like to manifest our fully support to the candidature of Fundación Tres Culturas to the UNESCO-Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture Sincerely Yours,

Prof. Dr. Günter Meyer Director of the Centre for Research on the Arab World (CERAW) Chairman of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO) President of the European Association for Middle Eastern Studies (EURAMES) Chairman of the World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES)

Buenos Aires, Argentina. October 17th, 2018 From Asociación Civil Creciente Cine Fértil para la Promoción de la Diversidad Cultural we are pleased to express our appreciation to Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo for its ongoing endeavour in favour of fostering knowledge among peoples, intercultural dialogue and mutual respect. This task has been mainly developed based on an intense cultural, educational and literary programme of events from the late 90’s.

We have had the chance to collaborate and even participate in a LatinArab Cinema Days in Sevilla for third consecutive years. We therefore had the possibility to confirm first hand the role developed by this institution always promoting the international cooperation and the values of cultural diversity, understanding the last ones as the leitmotiv of this cooperation.

We esteem that Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo offers a high level of quality in its academic, cultural and artistic activities, all of them chosen with care in order to achieve the objectives mentioned above. Equally, we would like to stress out the ability of the foundation to keep on offering such a quality level despite the adversities faced due to this worldwide difficult economic situation, looking for alternatives and developing imaginative projects.

In consequence and through this letter, we would like to manifest our full support to the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation for the UNESCO-Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture.

Sincerely Yours,

Edgardo Bechara El Khoury President Cine Fértil Civil Association

+54 11 62 68 47 89 www.cinefertil.org / info@cinefertil.org Resolución IGJ Nro. 1008530

: /CineFértil : /latinarab_ :/latinarab_

Rabat, le 13 octobre 2018

En ma qualité de président de la Commission Permanente de la culture arabe à l’Organisation arabe de l’Education, de la Culture et de la Science- Alecso, je tiens à exprimer mon soutien à la Fondation des Trois Cultures de la Méditerranée pour son travail constant et continu dans la compréhension entre les peuples, le dialogue interculturel et le respect mutuel. Un travail que la Fondation promeut à travers la réalisation d’un programme périodique et intense d'activités culturelles, éducatives et informatives. En mon nom personnel et en ma qualité de représentant du Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication du Royaume du Maroc au sein de ladite commission, et en harmonie avec mon inébranlable conviction en les valeurs de la paix du dialogue et de la tolérance, ma collaboration avec la Fondation des Trois Cultures, m’a permis de voir sous un jour nouveau, son rôle de promoteur de la coopération internationale et des valeurs du respect de la diversité. Il faut souligner que la Fondation des Trois Cultures de la Méditerranée offre un haut niveau de qualité académique, culturelle et artistique dans ses activités et les sujets des programmes choisis répondent judicieusement aux objectifs cités ci-dessus. Cette reconnaissance est d’avantage légitimée par le fait, que la Fondation a maintenu cette qualité malgré les adversités d’une situation économique si difficile comme celle de nos jours, en trouvant des voies alternatives dans le développement de nouveaux projets. Par conséquent, et à travers cet écrit, je tiens à exprimer mon appui à la candidature de la Fondation des Trois Cultures de la Méditerranée aux Prix UNESCO-Sharjah Prize pour la Culture Arabe. Le président de la Commission Permanente de la Culture Arabe - ALECSO

Signé : Dr. Morad Riffi

Partenaire officiel de l’UNESCO Comité du parrainage Jacques Chirac Bill Clinton Haya Al Khalifa Gerhard Schroeder Hassan ben Talal Abdoulaye Wade

Paris, le 30 octobre 2018 Madame la Directrice générale, Le Projet Aladin tient à exprimer son soutien à la Fondation des Trois Cultures de la Méditerranée pour son travail sans relâche depuis les années 90 dans la promotion du dialogue interculturel et du respect mutuel, grâce à un programme intense composé d'activités culturelles, éducatives et informatives. Nous avons eu l’occasion de collaborer avec la Fondation des Trois Cultures de la Méditerranée en septembre dernier en parrainant deux concerts de l’Orchestre symphonique royal de Séville, dédiés à la paix, à la mémoire et au rapprochement interculturel et en organisant une table ronde intitulée « Gestion de la diversité au XXIe siècle » qui avait reçu le haut patronage de sa Majesté le roi Felipe VI d'Espagne. Il faut souligner que la Fondation des Trois Cultures de la Méditerranée propose des activités et programmes académiques, culturels et artistiques de qualité qui sont riches et variés. Nous saluons également le travail remarquable de la Fondation qui a pu maintenir cette qualité malgré la situation économique difficile de nos jours, en trouvant des voies alternatives pour le développement des nouveaux projets. Par conséquent, le Projet Aladin souhaite appuyer fortemment la candidature de la Fondation des Trois Cultures de la Méditerranée pour le prix « UNESCO-Sharjah ». En vous renouvelant toute notre gratitude, je vous prie d’agréer, Madame la Directrice générale, l’expression de ma considération distinguée.

Abe Radkin Directeur exécutif Madame Audrey Azoulay Directrice générale de l’UNESCO 7, place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07


国际图书馆协会与机构联合会 ‫اﻻﺗﺣﺎد اﻟدوﻟﻲ ﻟﺟﻣﻌﯾﺎت وﻣؤﺳﺳﺎت اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺎت‬

25th September 2018 Recommendation Letter From the International Federation of Libraries Associations and Institutions, we are pleased to express our appreciation to Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo for its ongoing endeavour in favour of fostering knowledge among peoples, intercultural dialogue and mutual respect. This task has been mainly developed based on an intense cultural, formative and engaged programme of events from late 90 ’s. We have had the chance to collaborate and even participate in some of these events. In them, we had the possibility to confirm first-hand the role developed by this institution always promoting the international cooperation and the values of culture, understanding the last ones as the leitmotiv of this cooperation. We esteem that Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo offers a high level of quality in its academic, cultural and artistic activities, all of them chosen with care in order to achieve the objectives mentioned above. Equally, we would like to stress out the ability of the foundation to keep on offering such a quality level despite the adversities faced due to this worldwide difficult economic situation, looking for alternatives and developing imaginative projects. In consequence and through this letter, we would like to manifest our full support to the candidature of Fundación Tres Culturas to the UNESCO-Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture Sincerely Yours, Glòria Pérez-Salmerón IFLA President


Tetuán, October 17th , 2018

From Ahmed Mgara, President of Mgara Rebahi Fondation, Tétouan, Morocco. We are pleased to express our appreciation to Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo for its ongoing endeavour in favour of fostering knowledge among peoples, intercultural dialogue and mutual respect. This task has been mainly developed based on an intense cultural, educational and literary programme of events from the late 90’s.

We have had the chance to collaborate and even participate in some of these events. We therefore had the possibility to confirm first hand the role developed by this institution always promoting the international cooperation and the values of culture, understanding the last ones as the leitmotiv of this cooperation.

We esteem that Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo offers a high level of quality in its academic, cultural and artistic activities, all of them chosen with care in order to achieve the objectives mentioned above. Equally, we would like to stress out the ability of the foundation to keep on offering such a quality level despite the adversities faced due to this worldwide difficult economic situation, looking for alternatives and developing imaginative projects. In consequence and through this letter, we would like to manifest our full support to the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation for the UNESCO-Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture Sincerely Yours, Ahmed Mgara. President of Mgara Rebahi Fondation. Tetuán – Morocco.

Meknes, October 17th , 2018

From CMCDP-Maroc and FICMEC-Nador we are pleased to express our appreciation to Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo for its ongoing endeavour in favour of fostering knowledge among peoples, intercultural dialogue and mutual respect. This task has been mainly developed based on an intense cultural, educational and literary programme of events from the late 90’s. We have had the chance to collaborate and even participate in some of these events. We therefore had the possibility to confirm first hand the role developed by this institution always promoting the international cooperation and the values of culture, understanding the last ones as the leitmotiv of this cooperation. We esteem that Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo offers a high level of quality in its academic, cultural and artistic activities, all of them chosen with care in order to achieve the objectives mentioned above. Equally, we would like to stress out the ability of the foundation to keep on offering such a quality level despite the adversities faced due to this worldwide difficult economic situation, looking for alternatives and developing imaginative projects. In consequence and through this letter, we would like to manifest our full support to the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation for the UNESCO-Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture Sincerely Yours,

Philadelphia, October 30​th​ , 2018

We are pleased to express our appreciation to Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo for its ongoing endeavour in favour of fostering knowledge among peoples, intercultural dialogue and mutual respect. This task has been mainly developed based on an intense cultural, educational and literary programme of events from the late 90’​s​. We have had the chance to collaborate and even participate in some of these events. We therefore had the possibility to confirm first hand the role developed by this institution always promoting the international cooperation and the values of culture, understanding the last ones as the leitmotiv of this cooperation. We esteem that Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo offers a high level of quality in its academic, cultural and artistic activities, all of them chosen with care in order to achieve the objectives mentioned above. Equally, we would like to stress out the ability of the foundation to keep on offering such a quality level despite the adversities faced due to this worldwide difficult economic situation, looking for alternatives and developing imaginative projects. In consequence and through this letter, we would like to manifest our full support to the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation for the UNESCO-Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture Sincerely Yours,

Farah Siraj

Granada, 27 de septiembre de 2018 Estimada Fundación Tres Culturas: Desde la Escuela de Estudios Árabes (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) queremos expresar nuestro apoyo a la Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo, por su labor continuada en pro del conocimiento entre pueblos, el diálogo intercultural y el respeto mutuo; una labor que esta Fundación promueve y desarrolla a través de una intensa programación cultural, formativa y divulgativa desde finales de la década de los 90. Al haber tenido ocasión de participar en dichos eventos y colaborar con Fundación Tres Culturas, hemos podido constatar de primera mano su papel como entidad promotora de la cooperación internacional y los valores de la cultura, entendida ésta como motor esencial para dicha cooperación. Estimamos que la Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo ofrece un elevado nivel de calidad académica, cultural y artística en todas sus actividades, a la vez que las temáticas elegidas concuerdan ampliamente con los objetivos descritos anteriormente. Además, queremos resaltar la capacidad de la Fundación para haber mantenido esta calidad a pesar de las adversidades que puede conllevar una situación económica tan delicada como la actual, buscando vías alternativas y desarrollando nuevos proyectos. Por todo ello, y a través de esta carta, quisiera manifestarle nuestro apoyo para optar a los premios UNESCO-Sharjah Prize para la Cultura Árabe. Mª Teresa Penelas Meléndez Directora Escuela de Estudios Árabes, CSIC


CUESTA DEL CHAPIZ 22 18010 GRANADA ESPAÑA TEL: +34 958 22 22 90 FAX: + 34 958 22 47 54





Sr. D. José Manuel Cervera Gragera

Director de la Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo

Córdoba, 25 de septiembre de 201


Estimado José Manuel:

Desde el Ayuntamiento de Córdoba queremos expresar nuestro apoyo a la Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo, por su labor continuada en pro del conocimiento entre pueblos, el diálogo intercultural y el respeto mutuo; una labor que esta Fundación promueve y desarrolla a través de una intensa programación cultural, formativa y divulgativa desde finales de la década de los 90.

En numerosas ocasiones hemos tenido ocasión de participar en dichos eventos y colaborar con Fundación Tres Culturas, por lo que hemos podido constatar de primera mano su papel como entidad promotora de la cooperación internacional y los valores de la cultura, entendida ésta como motor esencial para dicha cooperación.

Estirnamos que la Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo ofrece un elevado nivel de calidad académica, cultural y artística en todas sus actividades, a la vez que las ternáticas elegidas concuerdan ampliamente con los objetivos descritos anteriormente. Además, queremos resaltar la capacidad de la Fundación para haber mantenido esta calidad a pesar de las adversidades que puede conllevar una situación económica tan delicada como la actual, buscando vías alternativas y desarrollando nuevos proyectos. Por todo ello, y a través de esta ,tcarfa, quisiera manifestarle nuestro apoyo para optar a los premios UNESCO-Sharjah Prize paralaCultura Árabe.

M. Isabel Arnbrosio Palos ALCALDESA DE CÓÐOEA Capitulares,


14071- Córdoba. Tel. 957 49 99


Fax 957 48 58 05


Mª Teresa Fernández de la Vega Sanz Presidenta

FUNDACIÓN TRES CULTURAS DEL MEDITERRÁNEO Madrid, 17 de octubre de 2018 Desde La Fundación Mujeres por Africa no queremos dejar pasar la oportunidad de expresar nuestro más sincero apoyo a la Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo, poniendo en valor la importante labor que lleva a cabo en favor del conocimiento entre pueblos, el diálogo intercultural y el respeto mutuo. Muestra de ello es la amplia experiencia que en ello vienen demostrando gracias a su intensa programación cultural, formativa y divulgativa desde finales de la década de los 90. La Fundación Mujeres por África, desde la perspectiva del empoderamiento de la mujer africana como principal agente de desarrollo del continente, ha tenido la oportunidad de participar en diferentes eventos organizados, coordinados e impulsados por la Fundación Tres Culturas. Es por ello por lo que podemos constatar su papel como entidad promotora de la cooperación internacional y los valores de la cultura, entendida ésta como motor esencial para dicha cooperación. A través de la presente, queremos manifestar así nuestro más sincero apoyo a la Fundación Tres Culturas y resaltar su capacidad para haber mantenido su calidad a pesar de las adversidades que puede conllevar una situación económica tan delicada como la actual, buscando vías alternativas y desarrollando nuevos proyectos. Por todo ello, y a través de esta carta, como Presidenta de la Fundación Mujeres por África, quisiera manifestarle nuestro apoyo para optar a los premios UNESCO – Sharjah Prize para la Cultura Árabe.

Paseo de la Castellana, 144 – 28046 Madrid | T. +34 914 570 945 | mujeresporafrica.es

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