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Grocery Delivery
Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility
This centre offers “Lend-An-Ear” Loaner Hearing Aid program, providing refurbished hearing aids at nominal cost to individuals. 604-736-7391 | wavefrontcentre.ca Grocery Delivery
Dairyland Home Service
This service offers more than 500 products. Its no-hassle process allows you to take delivery through a regularly scheduled order. 1-877-341-8700 | Morethanmilk.ca
Freshsmart Port Coquitlam
2535 Shaughnessy St., Port Coquitlam For residents of Port Coquitlam only. Groceries are delivered twice daily at noon and 3 p.m. except on Sundays and holidays. Two options: Call in your order and have it shopped and delivered for $5, or stop in, shop and have the order delivered for $3. 604-942-6126
This service provides online shopping and delivery service from a number of Tri-City stores. Instacart.ca
Meadowfresh at Home
This is an online service that allows customers to order dairy and plant-based products to be delivered to their doorstep. Contactless curbside pickup is also available in Port Coquitlam. 604-472-3021ß | shopmeadowfresh.ca
Order your groceries online for same-day delivery. Fee applies. saveonfoods.com
Superstore offers click and collect service and online grocery ordering, pickup or delivery in as little as an hour. realcanadiansuperstore.ca
Thrifty Foods
170 Brew St., Port Moody A small delivery fee may apply. Try the Sendial program where a volunteer will call you weekly to take your order, which is shopped and delivered the very next day for a nominal fee of $5. 1-800-667-8280 | thriftyfoods.com/sendial
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info@bigheartshomecare.ca bigheartshomecare.ca

HonouredtoserveasyourvoiceinOttawa. Contactmyofficetojoinmy ConstituencySeniorsAdvisoryCouncil.
ron.mckinnon@parl.gc.ca 604-927-1080 101-3278 WestwoodSt, PortCoquitlam,BCV3C3L8
/ronmckinnonlib @ronmckinnonlib @ronmckinnonlib www.ronmckinnon.org