7 minute read
Sports / Leisure / Clubs
Preserve your memories! Book a session in the Poirier branch’s Digitization Station to convert photos, slides and home movies to digital format. Call 604-937-4141 for more information or to book a help session. Library Collection - Movies and Books Coquitlam Public Library offers streaming movies and movies on DVD as well as popular reading in a variety of formats including regular and large print, CD and MP3, eBook and audiobook. Exclusive Audiobooks The Poirier branch has a collection of audiobooks exclusively for people who cannot read regular print material due to visual or physical challenges. To register for this service call 604-937-4165 or email outreach@coqlibrary.ca. CELA - Centre for Equitable Library Access CELA has taken over literary services previously provided by CNIB. Coquitlam residents with visual challenges receive MP3 audiobooks, accessible eBooks and Braille delivered to their homes by mail. Register online at www.celalibrary.ca or call 604-937-4165 for more information.
Public Library: Port Coquitlam
Terry Fox Library
2150 Wilson Ave., Port Coquitlam Come check out Terry Fox Library, located inside the new Port Coquitlam Community Centre. It has a variety of free virtual programs of interest to people ages 50 and better, along with exciting items to borrow from our Playground, including Sunshine Lamps, Specdrums, ukuleles, telescopes and birdwatching backpacks. With an FVRL card, you also have access to the library’s vast collection of materials, including accessible formats like audiobooks, eBooks and large print books. Contactless holds pick-up is available at the library via FVRL Express. 604-927-7999 | fvrl.ca FVRL’s Library For You This service provides materials to people who are unable to visit the library due to illness, age or disability. To learn more, contact the Outreach Services Department: 1-888-668-4141 (extension 7076) or www.fvrl.bc.ca/outreach_services
Your Daily Laugh
I knew a guy who collected candy canes... they were all in mint condition
Stay up to date with yourfavourite magazinesonLibby! Accessthem(alongwithaudiobooks andebooks)onthefreeLibbyappwith your CoquitlamLibrarycard. Learnmore at coqlibrary.ca
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Public Library: Port Moody
Port Moody Public Library
100 Newport Dr. 604-469-4575 Ex-Libras Talking Book Club This club meets the first Friday of every month on Zoom between 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This is a talking book club for people with visual or print disabilities. Complete books recorded on cassettes, DAISY books and Victor readers are available for loan from September to June. For information call Rennelle 604-469-4637 Computer classes The library offers free computer and technology classes on a variety of topics throughout the year at the Port Moody Public Library. View the online calendar for dates. calendar.portmoodylibrary.ca Computer and tech help with a teen volunteer Get help with your computer, phone, or tablet from a knowledgeable and patient teen volunteer. This program is perfect for beginners and intermediate users who want help getting started, or want to learn more about the different features of their devices. View the program and event calendar to register for this program. calendar.portmoodylibrary.ca Additional tech help services Can’t make it to our classes? You can book a 45-minute appointment with library staff to get your beginner-level computer and mobile device questions answered. 604-469-4577 | portmoodylibrary.ca Sports / Leisure / Clubs
Many clubs and organizations have moved to a virtual meeting space. Some sporting groups may be currently on pause. Please refer to the website for updated information.
50+ Slo-Pitch Club
(Women 50+; Men 55+) Town Centre Park Games are played Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. Contact Len Damberger at lenraili@shaw.ca or 604-941-0081. Mundy Park Contact Barry Lang at the.langs@shaw.ca or 604-936-8436
Barnet Lions Club
This club meets first and third Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at Coquitlam Grill (2635 Barnet Hwy., Coquitlam). barnetlions.com
Centennial Stamp Club
The club meetings are held at 6 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesday of each month except July and August and fourth Wednesday in December. stampclub.ca
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Coquitlam Lawn Bowling Club
1655 Winslow Ave., Coqutilam 604-931-6711 | coquitlamlawnbowls.club
Dogwood Garden Club
1655 Winslow Ave., Coquitlam It meets third Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. except December at Poirier Community Centre, Centennial Room. dogwoodgardenclub.weebly.com.
Drifters Rod & Reel Club of Port Coquitlam
Members volunteer at numerous local events and are involved in river clean ups and environmental monitoring. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at the Hyde Creek hatchery in Port Coquitlam. For more information call Don 604-942-0428.
Kin Club of Coquitlam
This is a co-ed club for people interested in doing some volunteer work in their community in a fun and social environment. It meets on second and fourth Wednesdays, 7 p.m. at Woody’s Pub on Brunette Avenue. coquitlamkinsmen.com
Port Coquitlam Chess Club
Glen Pine Pavillion, 1200 Glen Pine Crt., Coquitlam The club meets every Wednesday from 5 to 8:30 p.m. The drop-in fee is $1. You can also play online. 604-562-3736 | pocochessclub.com
Port Coquitlam Elks Lodge 49
100-300 Schoolhouse St., Coquitlam Members meet first Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at ABC Family Restaurant. 604-942-7217 | elksofcanada.ca
PoCo Bowl
2263 McAllister Ave, Port Coquitlam Family-owned 5 pin bowling centre. Phone or check website for more information. 604-942-5244 | pocobowl.com
PoCo Garden Club
2211 Prairie Ave., Port Coquitlam The club meets third Tuesday of the month 7:30 p.m. (except July and August) at Trinity United Church. pocogardenclub.wordpress.com
Port Coquitlam Lions Club
133-2675 Shaughnessy St. The club meets the first and third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Port Coquitlam Legion. portcoquitlamlionsclub.com
PoCo Old Timers Hockey
Members play out of Planet Ice Coquitlam. 604-941-9916
Port Moody Curling Club
Port Moody Recreation Complex, 300 Ioco Rd. 604-409-4377 | portmoodycurling.ca
Whether youused to bowl,orhave never triedbefore-allskilllevelsare welcome! Bowlingisa great way to get activeand makenewfriends.
Drop by foragameorlearnmore at
Port Moody Oldtimers Hockey
Port Moody Recreation Complex This club is for players over 35 years of age. It meets on Thursdays with 12 teams. www.pmoha.org
Rocky Point Dragon Boating
Old Mill Boat House - Watersports Centre 2715 Esplanade St., Port Moody This club provides dragon boating experience to the local community. rockypointdragonboating.ca
Rotary Clubs
Rotary Club of Coquitlam This club meets Wednesdays at 11:45 a.m. at the Vancouver Golf Club. 771 Austin Ave., Coquitlam portal.clubrunner.ca/797 Rotary Club of Coquitlam Sunrise This club meets Tuesdays at 7:15 a.m. Poirier Sports and Leisure Complex, Room 2 633 Poirier Ave., Coquitlam portal.clubrunner.ca/657 Rotary Club of Port Coquitlam Centennial This club meets every Thursday afternoon at 5 p.m. at the Port Coquitlam Recreation Centre, 2nd floor. pocorotary.ca Rotary Club of Port Moody This club meets every Wednesday at 7:15 a.m. at St James Well Pub. 248 Newport Dr., Port Moody portmoodyrotary.ca
Royal Canadian Legions
Memberships are required but open to anyone. Branch 263 Coquitlam 1025 Ridgeway Ave., Coquitlam 604-937-0111 Branch 133, Port Coquitlam 2675 Shaughnessy St. 604-942-8911 Branch 119, Port Moody 2529 Clarke St. 604-492-1840
Square & Round Dance Society
1-800-335-9433 | squaredance.bc.ca
Volunteer Cancer Drivers
Book a ride or volunteer with this non-profit group. 604-515-5400 | volunteercancerdrivers.c


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