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Assisted Living
Red Door Housing Society
This society provides affordable rental housing with units for older singles and tenants who require wheelchair accessibility. 604-431-9225 | reddoorhousing.ca
Residential Tenancy Branch
A provincial government agency that provides information to landlords and tenants about their rights and responsibilities. The branch also helps to resolve disputes related to tenancy, such as claims for damages to premises, return of security deposits or disputing an eviction notice. 604-660-1020 | gov.bc.ca
Seniors Supportive Housing
Seniors’ Supportive Housing (SSH) provides accessible, affordable housing combined with support services to assist seniors in remaining independent. The program may include a daily meal, weekly housekeeping and linen laundry, social and recreational activities and 24-hour emergency response. 604-433-2218 | bchousing.org
Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER)
The SAFER program helps make rents affordable for BC seniors with low or moderate incomes. 604-433-2218 I bchousing.org/programs/SAFER
Snow Angels
The Snow Angel program attempts to unite people who need help clearing their adjacent city sidewalks of snow, with eager volunteers from our community who want to help. 604-927-6922 | coquitlam.ca
Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre (TRAC)
TRAC’s purpose is to promote the legal protection of residential tenants across British Columbia by providing information, education, support and research on residential tenancy matters. 604-255-0546 | tenants.bc.ca Assisted Living & Residential Care
These services provide subsidized residential care for adults who can no longer live safely or independently at home due to their need for 24-hour nursing supervision in a secure environment. Assisted living is personal care and hospitality services for adults who can live independently. Residents live in apartment units furnished with their own furniture and belongings. They maintain a great deal of independence and privacy, while being supported with services.
Belvedere Care Centre
739 Alderson Ave., Coquitlam 604-939-5910 | belvederebc.com
Tri-Cities Community Response Network
VisittheBCCRN website: https://bccrns.ca Tri-CitiesCRN Coordinator: Verla Scoffins ContactEmail: v.scoffins@gmail.com
What is aCommunityResponse Network(CRN)?
ACommunityResponseNetwork (CRN)ismadeupof adiverse groupof concerned communitymembers, communityagencies,localbusinesses,government agencies,professionals,andotherswho come together to create acoordinatedcommunityresponse to abuse, neglect, andself-neglectinvulnerableadults. TheTri-CitiesCRNis reachingout to the communityto jointhenetwork and work toraisethe awarenessof abuse,neglect, andself-neglectinvulnerableadults, and to ultimatelypreventitfromhappening.

Advocating forSeniorsLocally Hosting eventslike Transportation Forum, Housing Forum,ElderAbuse &Wellness Forum, World Fest--ASeniors’CelebrationofCultures, Age-Friendly Tri-Cities Forum,Household EmergencyPreparedness forSeniorsForum Contact us at
Call Kenat 604-949-0599 TCSASWebsite: https://tcsas.ca