3 minute read
■ Active Living
Being An Active Senior
According to the World Health Organization, the aging population is one of humanity’s greatest triumphs. But it’s also one of society’s greatest challenges. As populations in every province get older — in B.C., nearly one in four people will be over the age of 65 by 2031 — agencies are changing to adapt to seniors’ wants and needs. You can make healthy lifestyle choices such as staying physically active and being involved in the community to be happier and more independent. • Eating: According to the British
Columbia Nutrition Survey, most seniors would benefit from eating more vegetables and fruits, more protein (e.g., nuts, tofu, fish, lean meats), and less fat and salt. • Exercise: Low-impact activities like walking, hiking, swimming and water aerobics or aquafit classes are great choices. • Education: By taking a class or attending a workshop, you not only learn new things but also meet new people, share ideas, develop our thinking skills and improve memory.
• Intergenerational connections:
Research shows that intergenerational programs boost self-esteem and feelings of well-being for older and younger participants.
To learn about the Intergenerational Society of Canada, go the website intergenerational.ca. And to get details about the Volunteer Grandparents program, visit volunteergrandparents.ca. • Working: In 2008, the province of
B.C. eliminated mandatory retirement at the age of 65. Many employers are realizing the benefits of hiring older workers, who have a lifetime of skills and experience to share. Service Canada has a list of resources for older workers via jobbank.gc.ca. — Government of B.C.
50PlusProgramming andServices Available
Stayactiveandengaged, connectwithotherssafelyorparticipatein onlineactivitiesfromourvibrant,accessibleadult communitycentres.
Checkout availableprograms at coquitlam.ca/registration ClickonprogramareaslistedunderAdults. We updateourprograms regularly! Discoverwhat’shappening at thepavilions —subscribeto PavilionNewsat coquitlam.ca/notifyme Glen Pine Pavilion
Dogwood Pavilion
Keeping Fit and Active in the Tri-Cities
City of Port Coquitlam Wilson Seniors is open again for in-person fitness classes. Join us for Pickleball, line dancing, aquafitness and more 604-927-7529 portcoquitlam.ca/wilsonseniors City of Port Coquitlam drop in fitness classes have resumed with protocols in place. Visit our website for class information and access to virtual fitness class videos. https://www.portcoquitlam.ca/recreation/weights-and-fitness/ City of Coquitlam Weight rooms and group fitness classes have restarted at some Coquitlam facilities with safety protocols in place. Join our virtual Fitness Classes too: Our fitness instructors are offering low-cost online fitness classes for all activity levels using the Zoom platform. Don’t have all the necessary equipment? Not to worry – the instructor will show you how to use ordinary household items as fitness equipment. Check out the weekly schedule to find a class that will help keep you moving. Registration is required. 604-927-4386 I coquitlam.ca City of Port Moody The City of Port Moody offers a variety of fitness, social, and educational programs for seniors to keep your body and mind active. Offerings may change seasonally so be sure to visit www. portmoody.ca/signmeupto view and register for current programs. Programs take place at the Port Moody Recreation Complex and Kyle Centre. Social and educational programs include: • Educational workshops • Nature walks in the community • Dance and musical theatre • Sports like pickleball, walking soccer, indoor bocce and bowling • Community volunteer opportunities • Fitness and wellness programs are dedicated to seniors of all ages and mobility levels and usually include: • Spin • Zumba • ActivAge & Stay Active • Chair Yoga & Gentle Yoga • Seniors Strength & Stretch • Forever Fit & Forever Move • Joint Works & Osteofit • Tai Chi www.portmoody.ca/signmeup
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