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Meal Programs
Osteoporosis Canada
1-800-463-6842 | osteoporosis.ca
Pain BC
An online support group that meets via zoom or by phone. 1-844-430-0818 | painbc.ca/supportgroups
Parkinson Society
This group offers support and services. 604-662-3240 | parkinson.bc.ca
Provincial Respiratory Outreach Program
This program is dedicated to enabling people who need assisted ventilation to meet their respiratory needs while living in the community. The program provides a comprehensive range of equipment and supplies, respiratory therapy, education and peer group support. Toll free: 1-866-326-1245 (24hr) | bcits.org
Qualicare Home Care
Caregivers, homemakers, companions, nurses, errands and appointment accompaniment are available. All services are provided with oversight from a nurse manager and unique 360 approach. Flexible care options for AM/PM care, short or long term, 24/7 care, dementia, ALS, Parkinson’s, MS, palliative care, and more. 778-730-0225 | qualicare.com
Safe Care Home Support
211-3030 Lincoln Ave., Coquitlam Safe Care Home Support offers many home support services including respite for family caregivers, in-home care, palliative care, Alzheimer’s/dementia care and much more. 604-945-5005 | safecarehomesupport.ca
SAIL – Senior Abuse & Information Line
This service is open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 604-437-1940; TTY 604-428-3359 | seniorsfirstbc.ca
Seniors Professional Services
1-800-835-4043 | seniorsprofessionalservices.ca
SHARE Family and Community Services
3020 Lincoln Ave., Coquitlam SHARE’s programs and initiatives for seniors are growing each year, as the need for services and supports for our community elders increases. The supports include Better at Home to assist seniors living independently in their own homes, adult substance use services, urgent access to mental health support, general counselling, English practice groups, legal advocacy support and many groups full of activities, community connection opportunities and supports for aging. 604-540-9161 | sharesociety.ca
Social Connections Program
Do you know a person 55+ in Coquitlam who is living on their own and could benefit from more social connection? Coquitlam’s Social Connections Program is a great way for seniors to connect with others, spark new friendships and learn about what’s happening in the community — all through a weekly phone call. 604-927-6098
Time Well Spent Senior Wellness
Providing seniors with in-home exercise and social activities to improve quality of life. 778-984-7144 | timewellspentbc.com
Tri-Cities Better at Home Program
2615 Clarke St., Port Moody The program offers eligible seniors 65+ who reside in their own homes non-medical support services such as light housekeeping, transportation, grocery shopping and visits. 604-937-6991 | betterathome.ca or sharesociety.ca
Tri-Cities Community Response Network
v.scoffins@gmail.ca I https://bccrns.ca Tri-Cities Seniors’ Action Society
Phone Ken 604-949-0599 I tcsas.ca
Tri-City Transitions Society
402-207 Kingsway Ave., Port Coquitlam Tri-City Transitions supports all individuals who have experienced domestic violence, and offers women and children a safe, secure place to rest, rejuvenate and rebuild their lives. 604-941-7111 | tricitytransitions.com
VictimLink BC
This is a toll free confidential phone service available 24 hours, seven days a week providing information, referral services to all victims of crime and immediate crisis support to victims of family violence. Available in 130 languages. 1-800-563-0808 | victimlinkbc.ca Hard of hearing TTY 604-875-0885 Meal Programs
Better Meals
This is a healthy foods service provider that prepares and delivers delicious meals to your door. Extensive experience in preparing food for the elderly with input it from qualified dieticians. 604-299-1877 | bettermeals.ca
Coquitlam Meaningful Meals for Seniors
Coquitlam seniors can purchase healthy, balanced meals for delivery from the city’s 50-plus pavilions. The city’s initiative is through a referral process. If you think you may qualify, you can self-refer. Please note: To be eligible for this program, you must be a Coquitlam resident, be over 50 years of age and be facing barriers that prevent you from accessing in-person City of Coquitlam services. 604-927-6098 or 604-927-6940 coquitlam.ca/meals
I am an actor born in Toronto, Canada, on May 5, 1970. I gained fame on an arresting television series and a popular Tina Fey-driven series, and later I appeared in many films both in-person and as a voice actor. My deep voice lent itself well to a Lego movie hero.
Answer: Will Arnett