Trinity Outlook January 2013

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Greetings Trinity Family! I wish you all a Happy and Blessed New Year! First things first: This is not the monthly newsletter you’re used to. In fact, it’s not a “newsletter” at all. Think of it as a “snapshot” of happenings at Trinity. This update, issued the first week of each month, will be your streamlined guide to events in upcoming weeks. We’ll also look back and follow up on recent ministry projects. Never fear—our beloved Trinity Episcopalian isn’t going away! It is being re-invented as a quarterly e-magazine filled with features, images, interviews and stories of faith. Look for your first issue at the end of March. In the meantime, continue to send your parish news, photos, story ideas, etc. to —Peace ~Sarah

“You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid.” Matthew 5:14a Do you want to be a dynamic keeper of the faith? Scripture shows us routinely that God plans for our faith to deepen throughout our lives and expects us to share in Christ’s ministry to God’s people. Christ exhorted disciples, crowds, students and leaders to serve God to the best of their ability. He talked with complete confidence of the great things that believers would do in God’s name. His expectation speaks directly into our lives today. Christ empowers, urges and expects that our lights will shine in our world. Yet, I wonder how many of us ask at the start of the day, “How am I to shine as Christ’s light in the world today?”

EYC’s December lock-in provided the perfect opportunity for Trinity’s youth to send some comfort to Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. The paper snowflakes were requested by Connecticut PTA, and will be used to decorate the new school that will serve those affected by the tragedy. (The concept behind the project: Each child, like each snowflake, is unique.) EYC members also made banners that were sent to Trinity Episcopal Church and St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church in Newtown, Conn. Our parishioners had the opportunity to sign the banners following Sunday services before they were shipped to the churches for display.

With Epiphany our thoughts shift to the light guiding visitors to the Christ child. In that same way Christ guides us to deeper faith, to fulfilling ministries, to sharing the light of Christ with the world. All around you are opportunities to share God’s love in the world. Not sure where to start? Then ask for help or advice. Your friends, your family, your parish and your priest are all there to support you as you seek to serve God. Most importantly Christ will guide you. You are the light of the world. Go. Shine.

Rector: The Rev. Carlye J. Hughes Operations Manager: Christopher Thomas Business Manager: Jackie Robinson Communications Manager: Sarah Martinez Parish Administrator: Paula Gartman

3401 Bellaire Drive South Fort Worth, 76109 817-926-4631 Facebook: FortWorthTrinity Twitter: @TrinityEpiscFW

Looking back. Looking ahead.

Photos: Judy & Abby Cariker

Join us for the Trinity Forum on Epiphany Sunday, Jan. 6, at 10:40 a.m. in the Parish Hall for the first session in a two-part discussion. The day’s topic: A detailed overview of the direction the Rector sees our parish taking in current and future ministries. Where are we now? What is God calling the parish to now? How are we living into God’s call?

Sunday, Jan. 13 has been designated as Baptism Sunday. If you would like to be baptized or have your child baptized, please contact Paula Gartman, our Parish Administrator, at 817-926-4631, or via email: You will need to complete a form, return it to the office and attend Baptism Preparation Class on Wednesday Jan. 9 at 6 p.m.

Each year Trinity produces a Lenten Devotional Booklet that is made available for distribution on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday and is also available on our website. The booklet contains 47 devotionals, including Easter, and the devotionals, which are all written by Trinity parishioners, are based on the readings from the Daily Office Lectionary. If you would like to contribute send an email to by Friday, Jan. 11

Join us for the Trinity Forum on Epiphany Sunday, Jan. 13, at 10:40 a.m. in the Parish Hall for the final session of this two-part discussion. The day’s topic: “The nuts and bolts of taking a parish in a new direction.” All that you want to know about staffing additions, the 2013 budget, and stewardship.

Sunday, Jan. 13: Join us on a culinary journey as we feast with the saints of Spain! Bring your own adult beverages and a big appetite! (Our resident chefs recommend a Tempranillo wine.) Tickets are $15 per person. Childcare is available for children up to age 4.

David & Shelia Yeomans will host this month’s Saturday Supper at their home—2501 Wabash Ave.—from 7 to 9 p.m. Bring a dish to share and your favorite beverage. Coffee and tea will be provided. This is a relaxing way to get to know your Trinity family in a casual atmosphere.

Join us for the Annual Meeting on Sunday, Jan. 20 immediately following the combined morning service. Ministry leaders will report on events from the past year, and members will elect five new Vestry representatives.

Join us in the Parish Hall at 7 p.m. as Bill Crawford Jr. discusses the basic definition of dementia, types and causes of dementia, normal aging vs. dementia, challenges and solutions for dealing with dementia. Crawford is a qualified Dementia Care Specialist through the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America. He is a former board member of the North Central Texas Alzheimer’s Association and a current member of University of North Texas Health Science Center’s Healthy Aging Council, which focuses on the Center’s research into Alzheimer's Disease.

We encourage all guest writers to submit their Lenten devotionals by Thursday, Jan. 31. We will begin production of the booklets the following week. If you can assist in copying/stapling the books, please contact Paula Gartman,

January Birthdays

Hinds, Helen

Wedding Anniversaries

Bell, Copeley Mathe', Noah

Riley, Dub Winston, Charlotte Elkouri, Gertrude McGilvray, Charleen Castro-Balbi, Leonardo Neyland, Nancy Weidler, Barbara Bice, Barbara Dickinson, Burney Britain, Isabel

Durham, Patricia Harwell, Glenn Steffgen, Tracy

Joe & Jane Romine

Michael & Emily Williams

Ned & Sealy Barlow Victor & Debra Mashburn

Jim & Karen Goldthwaite John & Betty Dieb

Marabeti, Phyllis Smith, Sue

David & Sue Smith

Jerry Lobdill & Phyllis Marabeti

Matthew & Jennifer Snellgrove

Tate, Priscilla

Preparing the Way for our Ministry

Berdan III, Barclay Shook, Skipper Wilson, Barclay

Edmonds, Drew Sheldon, Mary

Britain, Caroline Kuhlmann, Eileen

Arnold, Watson Benson, David Smith, Gabrielle

Sands, John D. Peterson, Evan Sands, John Carter

Normand, Catherine

Hold the church, its leadership and ministries in daily prayer. The prayer below is meant to get you started, but you can use any prayer including your own words. Ask yourself and the parishioners you are in ministry with the following questions: 

In what ways am I Christ’s light in the world?

In what ways do I cover my light with a bushel basket?

In what way is our ministry Christ’s light in the world?

In what ways is the light of our ministry covered with a bushel basket?

Bartell, John A Prayer for Trinity Episcopal Church

Harris, Sally James, Mark Newsom, Doug

Smith, Paul Wilson, Jackson

Almighty and everliving God, ruler of all things in heaven and light of the world, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent. Help us to see your church, our lives, and your world through the light of your love. Inspire our thinking, guide our actions, grant us all things necessary for our common life, and teach us to be your light to each other, our community, and the world. Bring us to be of one heart and mind within your holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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