OUTLOOK O house of Jacob, come let us walk in the light of the Lord! Isaiah 2:5
Welcome to Advent. This season of waiting in joyful expectation is marked by four Sundays before Christmas and brings special gifts of its own. To name a few: time, space, quiet reflection, prayer, and the opportunity to prepare inwardly for the coming of Jesus are just a few of the wondrous gifts of the Advent season. All of these gifts hold in common the ability to move us into God’s light. Which gift calls to you? Starting with that question may help you to experience a more meaningful Advent. To answer it requires some evaluation of your spiritual life, brings the current state of your spirit into God’s light, and can help guide spiritual practices during Advent.
Choices of spiritual practice at Trinity are plentiful this Advent. Sunday Forums will focus on Advent themes. Wednesday night worship includes A Service for Healing and A Service for Peace and Comfort. Mother Barbara Crafton’s book, “Let Every Heart Prepare – Mediations for Advent and Christmas,” guides our individual daily prayer and reflection time. The Advent Quiet Day offers a period of deep peace and refreshment as reading, reflection, prayers, and a meal are all experienced in an unhurried quiet. Each practice is meant to assist your spiritual journey. What do you plan to do with the gifts that Advent has for you? Where might God lead you in these weeks leading to the celebration of Christ’s coming into the world? How will God’s light illuminate the far reaches of your spiritual life? I am excited to see how God will work in our midst this Advent and I look forward to hearing about your Advent journeys. Welcome to Advent where questions, seeking, and resting are welcome. Grace and peace,
GRAB A TAG FROM THE GIVING TREE Trinity’s Giving Tree is up in the Parish Hall! On it you’ll find gift tags to benefit four groups: women and children through Opening Doors for Women in Need (ODWIN), lower-income students at McLean 6th Grade Center, and families through South Central Alliance of Churches and AIDS Outreach. We encourage you to select multiple tags off the tree. All gifts should be returned to the tree by Sunday, Dec. 15.
SHOP THE ALTERNATIVE GIFT MARKET On Dec. 8 and 15 you can make a contribution to the charity of your choice and receive a Christmas card to pass along to your loved one stating that you have given a gift in their honor. These are wonderful gifts in so many ways, and they have become more and more popular with the members of Trinity’s parish family. Your purchases are a tax-exempt offering to people in need and a priceless gift to those you care about. Enter the holiday season with a heart full of thanksgiving as you assist those less fortunate than yourself.
Trinity’s annual Cookie Bake and Sale are coming your way. Join the Trinity Cooks on Saturday Dec. 14 starting at 8:30 a.m. to begin the mixing, baking and packaging process. We welcome all comers for as long as you can stay—more bakers make quick work! You may also participate by making and packaging your own favorites and dropping them by the kitchen. (Please clearly mark the type.) All baking will be done on Saturday with the sale starting Sunday morning at the 8 a.m. service. For more information contact Cathy Neece Brown:
SATURDAY SUPPER UPDATE Our next Saturday Supper will be Dec. 21, 7 p.m., at the home of Kay WestMolyneaux and John Molyneaux, 4017 Edgehill Road, Fort Worth. Please bring a dish to share. Coffee and tea will be provided. This is a great way to get to know your Trinity family in a casual atmosphere!
See page 6 of this month’s update for a complete listing of Advent Programs HALFTIMERS HOST CHRISTMAS PARTY The Halftimers Christmas Party is Saturday, Dec. 14! The festivities will take place at Cafe Bella, 3548 South Hills Ave., 76109. Dinner reservations are at 5:45. After dinner, we will return to the church for a dessert buffet and ornament exchange. (Please bring a wrapped ornament!) Childcare will be provided for ages 6 weeks to 11 years old. Please bring a sack dinner for your child. Childcare begins at 5:30 p.m., and the doors will be locked at 5:45 p.m. The event ends at 8 p.m., and pick up will be completed by 8:15 p.m. Please RSVP to Brandy Bacon, or 817797-7796.
POTLUCK & WORSHIP: NEW YEAR’S EVE Mark your calendars now and plan to join us on Tuesday, Dec. 31 for New Year’s Eve Worship and Potluck Dinner from 8 to 10 p.m. Look for more details coming soon in your weekly e-newsletter and announcement bulletin.
CONTACT US @ TRINITY! CLERGY The Rev. Carlye J. Hughes, Rector The Rev. Dr. Andrew R. Wright, Associate Rector
CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES Tuesday, December 24 5:30 p.m. Rite II with Children’s Program Youth will help tell the Godly Play story of Christ’s birth; special children’s homily; candlelight
8 p.m. Rite I With music and candlelight
10:30 p.m. Join us in singing carols prior to the 11 p.m. Rite II service
11 p.m. Rite II With music and candlelight
Christopher Thomas, Operations Manager Jackie Robinson, Business Manager Sarah Martinez, Communications Manager Paula Gartman, Parish Administrator Kimberly Cooper, Children’s Ministry Coordinator Paul Morrissey, Sexton Melissa Pannell, Director of Trinity Episcopal School Debora Clark, Director of Music & Organist Alan Buratto, Choirmaster Bob Hunt, Folk Group Co-Director Paul Warren, Folk Group Co-Director
EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF FORT WORTH The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth is a welcoming, Christ-centered community of congregations committed to radical hospitality.
Trinity Episcopal Church 3401 Bellaire Drive South Fort Worth, Texas 76109 Office (817) 926-4631
Participatory by everyone—laity, bishop, priest and deacon. Transparent in all we do. Accountable to God, one another, and the wider church. Serving :: Accepting :: Worshipping :: Reaching Out
Greening of the Church Sunday, December 22 ď – 3 to 4:30 p.m. Anticipation turns to joy as we begin to prepare the church for the coming of the Christ child. Trinity parishioners of all ages are welcome to help hang Christmas greenery throughout the church. Afterward, we will gather in the Parish Hall for holiday refreshments and close the afternoon with prayer.
The light of
Wednesdays in Advent December 4 Service for Healing, 6:30 p.m.
Love Peace Hope Joy CHRIST
This quiet service will focus on healing of mind, body and soul. There will be two opportunities to come forward and offer your burdens to God’s care and healing during the service. Anointing with Oil for Healing will be offered just after Confession and Absolution. After communion, members of our trained Healing Prayer Teams will pray privately with those who need prayer. December 11 Labyrinth: The Walking Prayer, 6:30 p.m. Walking the labyrinth is a way of praying with the body that invites the divine presence into an active conversation with the heart and soul. Join us in the Parish Hall where Father Andrew Wright will facilitate a prayer journey using the Labyrinth. December 18 Service of Peace & Comfort, 6:30 p.m. Trinity will hold a special service of peace and comfort specifically for individuals dealing with trying circumstances during the holiday season. All are welcome, and visitors are encouraged.
Advent at Trinity Trinity Episcopal Church 3401 Bellaire Drive South Fort Worth, Texas 76109 817-926-4631
Churchwide Advent Meditations Each morning during the season of Advent and Christmas, we encourage you to incorporate the insight and inspiration of Barbara Crafton into your spiritual life by means of text and audio versions of her newly re-released book, Let Every Heart Prepare: Meditations for Advent and Christmas. The six -week audio series will be emailed to subscribers daily and available as a podcast series. Learn more here: publications/credo-reflection-series/advent-2013/
Children’s Advent Bible Study Friday, December 6 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. The Children’s Advent Bible Study (and Parent’s Night Out) is a fun-filled evening where your little ones will learn more about this season of peace and anticipation. In addition to Bible lessons, children will enjoy music, dinner and participate in a service project. To register your children for this event, please contact Kimberly Cooper, Children’s Ministry Coordinator: Or, call the church office: 817-926-4631.
Advent Quiet Day Saturday, December 7 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Surround yourself with Advent peace during this time of reflection and meditation. A simple lunch and childcare will be available.
Sundays in Advent 10:40 a.m. Parish Hall December 1 Advent Wreath Making Parish-wide preparation for Advent begins on Dec. 1 with an inter-generational Advent wreathmaking session. Materials provided. Just bring your creativity! December 8 Forum: Giving Without Expectation Many of our most precious Christmas memories involve giving (and receiving) all gifts with a joyful heart. Join us on a trip down memory lane during the 10:40 a.m. forum hour.
December 15 Film: Truman Capote’s A Christmas Memory Truman Capote remembers back to when he was about 10 years old and it was suddenly decided that “it was fruitcake weather.” The task of baking 30 cakes for mostly far away friends and other rituals of Christmas time are painted with loving and nostalgic strokes—a truly beautiful Christmas experience. December 22 Advent & Christmas Traditions Ever wonder where some of our holiday customs and traditions come from? Come to this Forum led by Father Andrew Wright and hear more about the origins of Christmas traditions.