Outlook September 2013

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“But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33 What are the things you strive after? What goals have you set for yourself at work? How do you commit to improving your relationships with family, friends and neighbors? In what ways do you commit to better physical, financial or spiritual health? What is so important that you stick with it over time and through obstacles? Do those goals bring you into deeper relationship with God? That last question is one that can make us fret. Many of our goals are norms learned from family, friends or colleagues we admire or aspire to emulate in some way. They are not hard to figure out and while they might be challenging to achieve, we can actually see the way to meet those goals. But how are we to achieve a deeper relationship with God? We get an immediate reprieve when we remember that God wants to be in deeper relationship with us. Though if we stay with that knowledge and never take a step to move ourselves more fully into God’s will and plan, then we distance ourselves from God and from the hope of something more. Our church calendar is filled with activities this year. Each one is planned to give you a chance to get to know other parishioners, to help you learn more about Holy Scripture and the Anglican Church, and most importantly to support you as you strive for a deeper relationship with God. I hope you take advantage of classes, gatherings, outreach, worship, and retreats. And I hope you strive to be a part of every one that piques your interest. Even more, I pray your relationship with God deepens this year. I am convinced that God has much to do in each of our ministries within the parish and in the world beyond our doors. In business, schools, organizations and neighborhoods all over our community and all over the world, God seeks disci-

ples who will follow the leading of Jesus into serving God’s people. It takes being ready and willing to serve. This year our activities are centered around a focus on nurturing discipleship and discerning God’s vision for our ministries. Will we strive this year? You can count on it! You can also count on the fact that God will meet our efforts with abundant grace. Grace and peace,

The Rev. Janet G. Nocher celebrated her retirement on Sunday, Aug. 25. She sends her heartfelt thanks to everyone for making this day special… Dear Trinity Folk: There are no words to adequately express my gratitude and thanks for the wonderful retirement gifts and celebration of last Sunday. Your caring and friendship over these past years has meant so much to me and I have been blessed to be Deacon at Trinity Church. I will miss being with you on Sundays but hope to come back and sit in a pew and worship with you in the future. Thank you again for your generosity and love. ~Deacon Janet Rector: The Rev. Carlye J. Hughes chughes@fortworthtrinity.org Associate Rector for Children, Families & Young Adults: The Rev. Dr. Andrew Wright awright@fortworthtrinity.org Operations Manager: Christopher Thomas cthomas@fortworthtrinity.org Business Manager: Jackie Robinson businessmanager@fortworthtrinity.org Communications Manager: Sarah Martinez communications@fortworthtrinity.org Parish Administrator: Paula Gartman trinity@fortworthtrinity.org

3401 Bellaire Drive South Fort Worth, 76109 817-926-4631 www.fortworthtrinity.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/ FortWorthTrinity Twitter: @TrinityEpiscFW

Looking back. Looking ahead.

Our annual Prayer Bear Drive is this month. These teddy bears will be delivered at the end of the month to Cook Children’s Medical Center where they will provide comfort to young patients and their families. Bears must be new (for immune compromised patients) and without attachments (bells, ribbons, etc., that might pose a choking hazard). Please place donations in front of the altar. They will be blessed before delivery to the hospital.

Homecoming Sunday is September 8. We hope you will come and bring a friend. We will have one combined worship service at 10 a.m. followed by food, fun and fellowship. This isn’t the Rally Day of past years. (Signups for Ministry Groups, Bible studies, etc., will take place on Ministry Sunday, Sept. 22.) On Homecoming Sunday our focus is saying “Welcome Back!” or simply “Welcome!” to newcomers. It’s a day to celebrate, invite, reconnect and know you walk among friends on your faith journey.

The Coffee House @ Trinity will present a special Songwriters in the Round session featuring Kate Hearne, Cary Cooper, Lindy Hearne and Bill Kuhlmann. Join us Saturday, Sept. 14. Doors open at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 online (www.fortworthtrinity.org) and at the door.

Sept. 15 is the first Trinity Forum for the program year. Mother Carlye will present the big idea for year: The Great Commission: What it means to be a disciple. Join us at 10:40 a.m. for a thoughtprovoking discussion.

Also on the 15th: A potluck luncheon following the 11:30 a.m. service. Cynthia Gill and Mark Sams will be doing a presentation on their recent medical ministry work. Mark and Cindy are part of CLASP International, a group working to bring change in nations where children and adults with handicaps are abused and neglected. This summer Mark and Cindy spent two weeks working with children in the slums and orphanages of Zambia, one of the poorest nations in the world.

Saturday Supper returns on Sept. 21 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Parish

Hall. The Newcomer’s Ministry Group and Jack & Mary Holstein will be the hosts. Childcare will be provided. Bring a dish to share and your favorite beverage. Coffee and tea will be provided. This is a relaxing way to get to know your Trinity family in a casual atmosphere. We hope to see a lot of newcomers so that we can get to know you better.

Meet people, make connections and learn more about Trinity on Ministry Sunday! Between the two morning services we will have a Ministry Fair in the Parish Hall. Tables will be set up for you to discover different ministry groups, as well as sign up for activities and volunteer positions.

What did you do this summer? Nothing too exciting? Well, the Trinity youth are excited to tell us about their summer mission trip! The Women of Trinity launches its program season on Monday, Sept. 23, at 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall. The session is open to anyone interested in hearing about the youth service project and supporting our young people.

The next meeting of Christian Education Ministry Group will be Saturday, Sept. 28 at 10 a.m. in the Trinity Library. New members are welcome. For questions or more information, please contact Jefferson George at rjeffgeo1952@att.net or call 817-7068175.

We will kickoff the Stewardship Season with a special Trinity Forum at 10:40 a.m. Join us as we discuss how God’s grace and stewardship go hand-in-hand.

Sunday 1



















Prayer Bear Drive Begins


Homecoming Sunday


Coffee House, 7 p.m., Parish Hall






Trinity Forum, 10:40 a.m., Parish Hall


Saturday Supper, 7 p.m., Parish Hall

Potluck & Presentation, following 11:30 a.m. service, Parish Hall 22







Ministry Sunday

Women of Trinity, 7 p.m., Parish Hall



1 October











Christian Education Ministry Group Meeting, 10 a.m., Library

Stewardship Season Begins



School has started, which means it’s time for children’s programming to begin at Trinity. My job as the coordinator of these activities is to engage children and their parents in the life of this church. Our programming this year will provide worship, learning and fellowship opportunities for children together and also with the congregation as a whole. We have had a very active summer and now it’s time to settle into our regularly scheduled programs. The nursery is available on Sunday mornings from 9:10 a.m. until after the 11:30 a.m. service. Children 6 weeks to preschool-age are welcome in the nursery during worship. The

nursery is staffed by two experienced, trained employees. Parents or grandparents can bring children to the double door in the back hallway to be signed in. Children are picked up at the same location. Please do not leave children who have had fever, diarrhea, or vomiting in the past 24 hours. This is a peanut and nut-free room. Children’s Church is for children ready to start transitioning out of the nursery, but not quite able to follow the worship during the 9:15 service. It is an opportunity for kids to worship with language they understand and a bit more moving around. This time is especially for children ages 3-8. (Includes Kindergarteners too old for the nursery!) Children, under school age, who have a hard time following the worship in Children’s Church will be escorted to the nursery. At the beginning of the 9:15 service, two adult guides will process between the choir and the clergy. Kids can join in the procession and head upstairs for worship. Parents are always welcome to come too! The children will return to their parents before communion. Please note that Children’s Church is integrated in the 11:30 service. Children stay with adults where they get the opportunity to dance and play musical instruments. Sunday School begins at 10:40 a.m. and ends at 11:25 a.m. Our youngest class starts at 2 ½ years. We are doing a Montessori based program called Godly Play for the preschoolers up to second grade. The 3rd-5th graders will engage in Bible study and learning about the Book of Common Prayer. Parents please escort your elementary-age kids upstairs to their classes by 10:40. Please return to pick them up from their teachers at 11:25 a.m. We are blessed to have some amazing teachers involved in our children’s education here at Trinity. But we can always use more people to serve as assistants for both Children’s Church and Sunday School. These positions are scheduled on a rotating basis. Volunteers never serve more than once a month. For information or to sign up as a volunteer, contact Kimberly Cooper: childrensministry@fortworthtrinity.org. On Homecoming Sunday, parents and kids have an opportunity to come upstairs and see their classrooms and meet some of the teachers. Sunday School and Children’s Church begin Sunday Sept.15.

The Christian Education Ministry Group sponsored its first live event on August 24. More than two dozen parishioners and children gathered for pizza and literary fellowship. We celebrated a summer full of reading and had the opportunity to talk about finding God in literature. A big “thank you” goes out to all participants and everyone who helped organize this successful event. The Christian Education Ministry Group received some very positive feedback and looks forward to its next book party.

Don’t miss out on this special opportunity! On Ministry Sunday, Sept. 22, you’ll have the chance to donate flowers for Trinity— and commemorate important dates in your family’s life. It only takes a few minutes and a small amount of your treasure (minimum of $50) to make our beautiful church even more lovely with the gift of flowers. There will be a chart for you to sign up for a special date that is meaningful to you. (Or call Dolly Bush, “the keeper of the chart” 817-426-6522) Use your flower gift for birthday/anniversary blessings, thanksgivings or in remembrance of family or friends who are celebrating the anniversary of new life with our Lord. These flowers are not used only for worship on Sundays, but also in the chapel all week long. Look at your calendar to see what dates you wish to remember in a special way. It makes you heart feel good, and others will share in your love. You will receive a phone call just prior to the date you select so the proper announcement will be in the bulletin. Your gift of flowers will be noted as a tax deductible donation to Trinity Church.

We recently caught up with our Junior Warden, Maggie Withroder, regarding the latest progress on Trinity’s Master Plan. As we reported in our weekly e-newsletter, the time has come to address the individualized needs of five ministry areas: administration, worship, Christian education, Parish Hall/kitchen/hospitality, building & grounds. According to Maggie, ministry leaders are hard at work convening small groups to discuss these particular concerns. Our operations manager, Christopher Thomas, has already hosted a session on administrative needs. A session focusing on worship concerns will convene the second week of September. Maggie stressed the importance of gleaning input from many different groups at Trinity. If you’d like to be more involved in this process, call the church office, 817-9264631, or send an email to trinity@fortworthtrinity.org.

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