Outlook August 2013

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“Now if you are unwilling to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served in the region beyond the River or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

I cannot count the times and places where I have seen a plaque, painting or pillow beautifully adorned with the words, “But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” I have always liked seeing those statements of faith in various homes I have visited, and for years have kept my eye out for just the right version for my home. Sometimes we need to see the words in print to remind us of our identity and to guide our actions. Imagine saying those words all through the day, at the start of each activity or interaction, while planning for the future, when in discussion or disagreement…But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” Reading the paper, listening to the news, and responding to debates we are transformed as we say, “But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.”

Top 4 things to know about Saturday Suppers: 1. You’re invited. Yes, you! 2. It’s a casual affair. Parishioners take turns hosting this informal meal where good food and good conversation reigns! 3. Bring yourself, a covered dish and the beverage of your choice (if desired). 4. Hosts are needed...can you help? Saturday Supper hosts are needed for the following dates: Dec. 15, 2013; Feb. 15, 2014; March 15, 2014 and May 18, 2014. The host provides the place, an appetizer, the plates/cups/flatware (paper or plastic is fine!) coffee and tea. Please contact Mary Sheldon via email at mwssunscap@sbcglobal.net if you are able to fill one of the dates.

Saying, thinking, and living into those words returns us to a special facet of God’s grace—the ability to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God. In some way, every day we are encouraged to forget our identity and to serve the gods of the culture. People of faith are as susceptible to consumerism, scarcity, anxiety, hoarding, and an endless focus on self as those caught hopelessly in the powerful currents of our culture. It is the grace of God time and again that leads us to serve God instead of ourselves. God’s grace guides us and our households to serve the Lord. Thankfully we do not rely on our own power. We simply make a choice to follow, and God over time gives us the grace to live boldly. When we do our lives become a tangible and visible example of the words, “But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” More tangible, more visible, and more beautiful than any plaque, painting, or pillow could be. Grace and peace,

Rector: The Rev. Carlye J. Hughes chughes@fortworthtrinity.org Associate Rector for Children, Families & Young Adults: The Rev. Dr. Andrew Wright awright@fortworthtrinity.org Operations Manager: Christopher Thomas cthomas@fortworthtrinity.org Business Manager: Jackie Robinson businessmanager@fortworthtrinity.org Communications Manager: Sarah Martinez communications@fortworthtrinity.org Parish Administrator: Paula Gartman trinity@fortworthtrinity.org

3401 Bellaire Drive South Fort Worth, 76109 817-926-4631 www.fortworthtrinity.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/ FortWorthTrinity Twitter: @TrinityEpiscFW

Looking back. Looking ahead.

The school supply drive for McLean 6th Grade Center runs Aug. 1-18. Pick up a shopping list on the visitor’s table in the Parish Hall, grab a digital copy from the Download Center in the weekly e-newsletter or print out page 5 of this newsletter. Donations will be accepted in the church office. You can save extra money on your purchases Aug. 9-11 during the Texas sales tax holiday!

“Tell It on the Mountain” is the theme of Trinity Vacation Bible School 2013! Look for daily updates on this fun-filled event on our Facebook page.

Please bring your school supply contributions by Sunday, Aug. 18. EYC members will be sorting and organizing donations, which will be delivered to the school the next day.

Celebrate the end of summer with food, fun, beach-reading discussions and vacation tales! The Christian Education Ministry Group is sponsoring a Summer’s End Beach Party Aug. 24 from 5 to 8 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Come and catch up with your Trinity family! Engage in lively discussions about books we’ve read. Share stories and photos from your vacation. Make new connections and visit with old friends! Childcare will be available and special children’s events will be available after our family meal. Dinner will be hot dogs with all the extras (including Fritos— remember Frito chili pie at the beach?); coffee, tea and Kool-Aid to drink; and a dessert of ice cream and fruit. You may bring your favorite side dish and we will have plenty of food to share. Please call the church office to RSVP and come prepared to talk about your summer and enjoy the company and fellowship of our church family. Look for more information as we get closer to the 24th. Save the date and come prepared to ask members of the Christian Education Ministry Group what book they read over the summer. You might be surprised.

Our dear Deacon Janet Nocher is retiring! Please make plans to join us on Aug. 25 to say “thank you” for her many contributions!












School supply drive begins







Vacation Bible School begins! 9 a.m. to noon Monday-Friday



















School supply drive ends


Summer’s End Beach Party 5 to 8 p.m. Parish Hall 26












Farewell reception for Deacon Janet Nocher 10:40 a.m. Parish Hall 1 Sept.


McLean 6th Supply List Please purchase the following: Students to Use School Wide in ALL Classes 1 String Backpack – There are NO lockers at McLean 6th. Students will get a set of books for home and there will be a class set of books in classrooms. There is not enough room for full size back packs, so if your child needs to carry something then they will need to use a string backpack. 1 Zipper Binder 1 pencil pouch 1 flash drive to save computer work 1 package of colored pencils 1 package of #2 Pencils 1 Package of Black or Blue Pens 2 packages of wide ruled loose leaf paper 1 hand held pencil sharpener with cap to hold shavings 2 Glue Sticks 1 ruler with, 12 inch with metric marks on one edge with holes to keep in binder 3 Composition Books 1 for Science and 2 for English 1 One Subject Spiral with no pocket 6 dividers 1 separate eraser 1 hand sanitizer 1 package of Crayola Washable Broad Line Markers 8 ct 1 package of Crayola Original Fine Line Markers 10 ct 2 bottles Elmer’s liquid glue 2 boxes of tissues – turn in to library and then will be distributed to teachers Subject Specific 6 pocket folders with brads – 2 for Social Studies, 2 for Math & 2 for English 1 package of Construction Paper – Assorted Colors for Social Studies

1 Three Subject Spiral -120 Pages for Social Studies 1 package of lined note cards for Science 1 Protractor for Math 1 Five Star Brand 1 Subject Spiral with pocket & 200 plus pages for Math 1 Package of #2 Pencils to give to your math teacher 1 Package of Broad Dry Erase Markers to give to your math teacher ***All elective teachers will have their own supply list.

Thanks – Laura Stegall, Principal Laura.Stegall@fwisd.org

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