Ampersand 2019

Page 34

Andrew Lim, Year 11

Time is… Time is that eternal companion which knows and loves and cares From day of meeting ‘til day of parting its shadow is always there. It knows your innermost secrets, but never stands to tell. It never speaks, never stops

Time is that stalking predator

just listens day by day.

It but only walks with a commonplace gait

Time is the thing that wallows in its vast soaring sky – in its vast deepest darkness – Untethered from you and I. One may find one lost within it or lose one found without it To seek, to know – to understand: meaning sans purpose, purpose sans meaning would drive many a traveller mad. Time is the thing that flies, not on a wing but perhaps on a prayer; in fleeting moments of joy and love in unending spells of pain and despair. It winds and spirals and twirls then falls, crashes but never burns. It unfurls itself amidst the flame a friendly wind-gust lifts it high

always one foot behind, taking us slowly but firmly towards an inevitable demise It never rushes, never runs for why disturb its prey? but keeps course all the same. Yet our time is what we make it from morning to night each day. It guides through life, robs at death waits then sprints, flies then crawls as it winds its unknown way. onwards together,   forwards apart,     headlong through the fire;        knows no pain,           feels no doubt:      There but for now goes time.

sends it back from whence it came to greater pursuits in greater times up among the lofty skies.

Nat h an Be n -D avi d - Ye ar 8

34  A m p e rs a nd 2 0 1 9

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