Year ear
James Tsui (Year 11)
Eason Yang (Year 11)
Scott Jin (Year 8)
Albert Yao (Year 8)
Nicholas Creasey ear 9
Hayden Randle Year 10
James Tsui (Year 11)

From The Editors
Albert Yao

Elon n Muskk: The Struggles Behind Success
An analysis of what success is in the modern world and how it is achieved.
By Albert Yao (Year
: Why long words should not scare you
By Hayden Randle (Year 10)
The Fall of Rome and The Future of America
An analysis of the stark comparisons between the historical fall of the roman empire and the current state of the US. By Nicholas Creasey (Year 9).
Mathematicallcurves s hiddennaround d us. . Investigating the mathematical curves that James Tsui 1
Dungeons s anddDragonssClub
An overview of the mystical club that has taken the school by storm Futoshiki

Elon Musk: The Struggles Behind Success
An overview on our current society's obsession with success.
By Albert Yao (Year 8)
Some people crave success with an insatiable hunger that knows no bounds, chasing it with the wrath of a thousand storms. The obsessive drive to achieve “success” consumes their every waking moment. They want to cross the finish line of life in triumph and glory. They may lust for it. They dream and pray for it. They would move mountains, bend the very fabric of reality, and sacrifice everything just to grasp the shimmering, elusive jewel of success. But they fail to understand that there is no real shortcut to success; it requires us to act daily, to be persistent and consistent in our efforts, which is not always easy to do.
There are people who lust and envy the success of others, but those who truly succeed understand the importance of following the footsteps of those who already achieved success. Elon Musk – one of the richest people in the world and arguably a successful person, did not achieve that status magically but got there through an insane amount of hard work and determination

When Elon Musk was a child in South Africa, he felt out of place, was bullied constantly at school, and was struggling to find a sense of belonging. But instead of letting those hardships define him, he dared to dream big, beyond his circumstances. After years of studying science and technology, Musk was able to start the first of his companies; most of them failed early on. SpaceX faced multiple rocket explosions. Tesla was on the verge of bankruptcy several times, and many people doubted him at every turn.
While most people would have given up, blaming all their adversities on fate, Elon Musk pushed forward. He worked day and night, sometimes even sleeping on unwashed factory floors. He did everything to keep his vision of success alive. His dreams of revolutionizing the world seemed impossible to everyone around him – until he made it reality.
As Steve Harvey said, in the game of life, there is no elevator to shoot you to the top. No, you must take the stairs. The only way to reach the top and succeed in life is through hard work, persistence, and unwavering determination. So, keep climbing, step by step, and remember: the view from the top is worth every struggle, every sacrifice, and every single step. Keep pushing forward, for each step you take brings you closer to success.
Image e : : A A photo o of f Elon n Musk in his youth
Image e :: Space e X X rocket t in n launch h

In response to Hippopotomonstroses-quippedaliophobia: Why Long Words Should Not Scare You
Hayden Randle ( 10 academic
Trinity - Issue 12, came across h H
, .

In response to Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: Why Long Words should Not Scare You

of the Trinity Inquirer - Issue 12,
long words can be
T The Fall of Rome and the Future of America

The Fall of Rome and the Future of America
Nonetheless, the fall of Rome was not limited to external pressures. Significant political instability also played a major role. The Roman Empire faced highly present leadership changes, internal power struggles, and corruption. The lack of a clear succession plan led to a series of ineffective and disputable rulers, undermining state stability and its ability to respond to challenges.
In modern America, political instability demonstrates through intense ideological divides and leadership crises. The contrasting nature of current U.S. politics, marked by controversial elections and frequent shifts in policy, mirrors the Roman experience. The upcoming 2024 election between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris demonstrates this divide, with both candidates representing vastly different visions for the country. This political variance raises concerns about governance and national cohesion, reflecting the fragmentation seen in Rome.
A key factor in Rome's decline was military overreach. The Roman Empire expanded significantly, stretching its military resources thin.

As it fought distant wars, defending these territories became increasingly difficult. This overextension weakened Rome’s military and strained its economy, making it vulnerable to external threats. Similarly, in modern America, military overreach is demonstrated in the prolonged engagements in Iraq and Afghanistan and the various other areas of conflict America is involved in. These ambitious military actions often became complicated without clear exit strategies, for example the mass evacuation in Kabul, Afghanistan where the United States had no clear exit plan which led to chaos and the situation became every man for himself. These crises and military overextensions drain resources and raise concerns about America’s global role and domestic stability.
In summary, the fall of Rome offers important lessons for Modern Day America. The challenges of economic troubles, military overreach, and political instability can threaten even the strongest nations. As the U.S. faces its own difficulties, the parallels with Rome serve as a reminder that no empire is permanently stable.
"He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight." – Sun Tzu


Mathematical Curves hidden around us
S Science

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Mathematical Curves Hidden Around Us

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Scott (Teacher-in-Charge)

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Challenge Yourself

Puzzle e Solutions

Want to Write for the Inquirer?
e would academic journal the 2025 Co-captains of Academics, James Tsui at 623423@trinity.vic.edu.au, and Eason Yang at 635064@trinity.vic.edu.au.

I 1: Keio University, 2008 – “An experiment tracing the path of a hammer, parabolas and cycloids”As part of a published book: 日常に潜む数理曲線 (“Mathematical Curves Hidden Around Us”), published by Keio University Masahiko Sato Laboratory
Image 3: Courtesy of Tom White, https://tom-e-white.com/assets/2015-03-08-image-0000.jpe
Image 5: Courtesy of Course Sidekick https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSzcaPKfB7hidXEDIc0TYImgKbbNiZHVy-cA&s
Image 6: https://www.differencebetween.info/sites/default/files/images/hyperbola.jpg
Image 8: Still frame from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh1sVA8S8DI
Image 10: Keio University, 2008 – Sine waves in swings
As part of a published book: 日常に潜む数理曲線 (“Mathematical Curves Hidden Around Us”), published by Keio University Masahiko Sato Laboratory
Image 12: https://media.istockphoto.com/id/1769052661/photo/directly-below-view-of-a-spinningceiling-fan.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=zNdpXCtAxmMnIugHeN3jyvh0FAyMcCkbw4jMJ3TJOOg= Image 13: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images
Images 19, 20: https://www.shutterstock.com/shutterstock/videos/6347972/thumb/1.jpg?ip=x480 Club
Image 1: Courtesy of Andrea Stöckel. https://tinyurl.com/5yfrcc5p
Images 2, 3, and 4: Courtesy of D&D Beyond, published by the Wizards of the Coast. https://dnd.wizards.com/media-gallery