Choose Your Own Adventure - Booklet

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Imagine how your child will choose their own adventure at Trinity Grammar School...

Choose your ow n adventure

Thank you to our Old Trinity Grammarians who volunteered their time to be part of this special project.

Some tools to help you on your journey…

Ho use an d Bu dd y sys tem s sy st em

The House and buddy systems at Trinity foster a sense of connection, camaraderie and community across the school.

En ha nced Le arnin g an d En ri ch me nt arni ng a nd m en t

With a purposeful, long-term approach to learning support, we aim to prepare our students for their journey within and beyond their time at Trinity.

Fa it h

Our chaplaincy team provides faith guidance to students throughout their journey at Trinity

We ll be in g an d Co unse li ng

Our wellbeing program strives to foster an inclusive atmosphere where students experience a true sense of belonging.

He al th Ce nt re

Our well-resourced Health Centre with registered nursing sta is on-hand for day-to-day support.

Welcome to Trinit y Grammar School!

You’re about to start your very own Trinity adventure.

We’re on an expedition at Trinity’s Outdoor Education site in Nillahcootie.

you like to reach your campsite?

Choose your own adventure


Af ter a long day of adventuring, we’ve just reached our campsite! It’s a beautiful shaded clearing next to the river with plenty of space to set up for the night with a cosy campfire.

How are you helping your team?

What is your choice?

Hospitality skills to cook the meal

Go to page 12

Knowledge of chemistry to start the fire

Go to page 10

Question 2



own adventure Question

The day’s journey winds you through the Victorian high country, encountering all sorts of native flora and fauna along the way. Being out in nature, you decide you want to learn more about the natural world.

What subject would you like to pursue?

What is your choice?

Animals and plants in Biology

Go to page 10

Minerals and rocks in Geography

Go to page 26

Question 3

Choose your own adventure


Welcome to the Trinity science lab! You pop on your lab coat and glasses and get to work. Your lab group is collecting data on the e ect of climate change on frogs.

How do you represent your findings?

What is your choice?

Create a set of graphs

Go to page 16

Develop a list of environmental factors

Go to page 24

Question 4


It’s a Thursday afternoon and you’re on the bus to Trinity’s sport facilities in Bulleen. The sun is shining and your sports bag is packed and ready to go! What summer sport would you like to try?

Question 5


During sport training, your coach gives you some speed drills. You know there’s a science behind them.

What subject do you delve deeper into?

What is your choice?

Question 6

Choose your own adventure

Af ter class, you decide you want to jump into something creative.

What extracurricular activity do you pursue?

What is your choice?

Explore the world of theatre

Go to page 18

Follow your passion for singing

Go to page 24

Question 7

Trinity Grammar School,

Choose your own adventure


It’s audition time for the Trinity/Ruyton musical production of Chicago! You’re ready to give ’em the ol’ razzle dazzle.

What are you auditioning for?

What is your choice?

Question 8

choice? Choose your own adventure


Question 9

Choose your own adventure


Take a bow! With the Trinity/Ruyton performance of Chicago, you’ve found a new love for the stage.

To continue to improve your confidence, communication and public speaking skills, what else would you like to try?

What is your choice?

Question 10

Question 11

Choose your own adventure

It’s study time in the Library! There’s lots of places to take a seat amongst the shelves and shelves of books.

Where would you like to sit?

What is your choice?


Reading nook with a book

Go to page 28

Beanbag with a laptop

Go to page 30

Question 12

Choose your own adventure


In the Library, you notice a poster for a design competition on the wall. The brief is to recreate Vincent van Gogh’s iconic house.

Creativity strikes – what medium are you using?

What is your choice?

Question 13

Choose your own adventure


You pick up Shakespeare’s Macbeth and can’t put it down.

You want to delve deeper.

What is your choice?

Explore the human mind in Psychology

Go to page 32

Discuss the themes in Literature

Go to page 36

Question 14

Your child’s story could look a bit like…


In the cl as sroom, I love d Physi cs , Ch em is try an d Physic s, Ps yc hology cl as se s

When I was at Trinity, I loved just trying and doing new things.

I wa s a member of musi c ensemb le s, an d i loved sp or t, pl ay in g afl and cr icke t

In most cases, I ended up enjoying them.

I was a member of music ensembles, and I loved sport, playing AFL and cricket.

I did the odd drama production and was in the debating team. I used to love being the third speaker because I didn’t have to prepare!

The experience of just doing so many extracurricular activities taught me the value of being open and adventurous.

In the classroom, Physics helped me understand the physical world, and Chemistry enhanced my interest in the way the body works. Psychology classes sparked my dream of one day becoming a psychiatrist.

I took both of th es e ex pe ri en ce s wi th me as I st arted ou t as a arted t ju nior doc tor

I took a ga p ye ar an d spen t ti me li vi ng in re mote commun it ie s, volu nt ee ri ng

I took a gap year after graduation and spent time living in remote communities, volunteering, and travelling.

A few years later, I deferred my medicine degree to build a number of social justice organisations I’d help start, some with fellow Trinity alumni.

I took both of these experiences with me as I started out as a junior doctor.

No w, I work in ps yc hi atry , spec ia li si ng in child an d fa mi ly me nt al he al th


Now, I work in psychiatry, specialising in child and family mental health. It’s demanding, but it’s fulfilling. You feel like you are contributing.

As I’ve continued down my career path, I’ve tried to have an openness to adventure and to look for ways to lead and contribute to community, just as I did at Trinity.

Your child’s story could look a bit like…


I loved Vi sual Comm un ic at ions , an d the 3D/p er spec ti ve dr aw in g sk il ls I ga in ed

ou t door pu rs ui ts , fr om ca mp in g tdoor to cl im bi ng, ra ft in g and sa il in g were very mu ch up my alle y

When I was at Trinity, I was very much drawn to the subjects and activities that were practical and involved communication and teamwork.

In that sense, I was thrilled to be provided with more ways of learning than just in the classroom.

I loved Visual Communications, and the 3D/perspective drawing skills I gained I still use in the workplace today.

All the outdoor pursuits, from camping to climbing, rafting and sailing were very much up my alley.

Part of the outdoor program that I really enjoyed was the leadership development and the communication and people skills that came with that.

I still enjoy sailing today, and have since done six Sydney to Hobarts which was a really awesome experience.

Af ter school I st udie d cons tr uc ti on ma nageme nt an d ha ve worked ac ro ss commer ci al an d re sid en ti al sec tor sinc e

th e ou t door pr og ra m taught me commun ic at io n an d people sk il ls

I gave singing and acting a go as part of the House performance competitions. While I didn’t find a passion for it, it helped me be part of a team and understand it takes everyone to contribute to achieve success, again which is an ethos that I’ve taken into my life and work. After school, I studied construction management and have worked across the commercial construction and residential sector since.

I stil l enjoy sa il in g an d ha ve co mp le ted si x sydn ey to ho bart s


At Trinity, everyone had the chance to lead in different ways which gave us the confidence to tackle new challenges. Having the mindset to take up new and different opportunities at work has allowed me to grow in my career and life well beyond school.

Your child’s story could look a bit like…

I th ri ved in the Ou t door Educ at io n tdoor pr og ra m, an d on e of fo nd es t memo ri es and on wa s a tr ip to Pa pu a Ne w Gu in ea

In the cl as sroom, I re al ly li ked Engl is h and Li te ra tu re

When I began at Trinity, I was a “stickler” for the rules.

Pretty quickly, I noticed the camaraderie between my peers and felt supported, particularly by my House, which put me at ease almost immediately.

In the classroom, I thrived in English and Literature, and I quickly involved myself in the Athletics team.

I loved the Outdoor Education program, and one of fondest memories of my time at school was an overseas trip to Papua New Guinea.

I became very engaged in community activities, and I took every opportunity to take on further leadership opportunities in this space.

Post-school, the loss of routine was a real challenge for me, and I was actually diagnosed with OCD the following year.

Wi th so me peer s, I st arted HoMi e - a st re et we ar clothi ng so ci al en terp ri se

Th is ye a r, I st epped back ar, as the CE O of HoMie to take up th e p osi ti on of be in g posi a fu ll-t im e Da d -t

I took ev ery op po rt un it y to ta ke on fu rt her le ader ship op po rt un it ie s


However, I’m very grateful for the experience, funnily enough, as it helped to further set me on my path of trying to make life a little easier for others too.

With some peers, I started HoMie — a streetware clothing social enterprise helping young people affected by homelessness and hardship. We provide employment pathways and are a registered charity.

Last year, I stepped back as CEO of HoMie to take up into the position of being a full-time Dad.

This experience has been one of the proudest achievements in my life so far.

I think what I learnt most from my time at school was to be open to trying new things as you never know where they’ll lead you.

Your child’s story could look a bit like…


in Ye ar 10 I to ok an elec ti ve ca ll ed Sp or ts Sc ie nc e

When I started my Trinity journey, I immersed myself in everything the school had to offer, from cricket and athletics to drama and choir.

I stepped aside from Drama in my senior years, but the performance opportunities I said “yes” to taught me confidence and resilience that I still carry with me today.


im me rs ed mysel f in cr icke t and athl et ic s to dr am a and choi r

I was very interested in my sport, and Trinity allowed me to pursue that.

After spending a lot of time on the cricket pitch, in Year 10, I took an elective called Sports Science which sparked an interest in health and human development.

Af ter gr ad ua ti ng I di d a Mast er s in Te achi ng, spec ia li si ng in Biol og y and He al th

I pu t the degree on hold an d spen t si x mo nt hs pl ay in g semi-p ro fe ssiona ll y over se as

I’m now re ady to be gi n a ca reer as a te ac he r

I recall so vividly how engaging that teacher made the subject and how encouraging they were in me pursuing my passion, and it got me thinking about teaching myself someday.

After graduating school, I started down the science path with a Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science and then pivoted to Masters in Teaching.


Not long after I started studying, I received an offer to play cricket overseas, so I put the degree on hold and spent six months playing semi-professionally across the UK, Iceland, Ireland, Scotland, Poland, Spain and Portugal. On reflection, it was these experiences and choices have led me to now feel ready to begin a career as a teacher.

Your child’s story could look a bit like…




I st udied a bach elor of Sc ie nce at un i and re al is ed th at wa sn't th e pa th I wa nt ed to go down

When I began at Trinity, I remember feeling like there were endless opportunities to sink my teeth into.

In the music studio, I nurtured a love for the viola, and in the art room, I was challenged to try my hand at oil painting - something that I’d always thought was too complex.

So I st udied a Bach elor of Music at the Mel bourn e Conser va tor iu m

Sometimes, the challenging experiences are the ones to lean into, as great things exist just outside the comfort zone.

In my later years of school, I was set on becoming an engineer. I really enjoyed science and maths.

At university, I began studying a Bachelor of Science, but continued playing the viola in parallel with a Diploma in Music.

It took this experience for me to realise that the path I wanted to go down looked a little bit different.

So, I decided to change to a Bachelor of Music.

Now, I am a Viola Fellow with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra.


There are so many ways to express yourself and to contribute to society through music, which I find really invigorating.

And at a core level, I love how music makes people feel.

I think it was an accumulation of a vast set of opportunities that I had at Trinity that encouraged me to find and create my own path in and beyond school.

Th en Sy dn ey Sy mp hony Orch estr a

Your child’s story could look a bit like…


I entered Trinity through the scholarship program it has with the St Paul’s Cathedral Choir. Singing in the choir really enriched my spiritual and musical development and helped me become the person I am today.

I join ed the choi r when I wa s in Ye ar 4

I be ca me intere st ed in st ud yi ng an d pr ac ti ci ng la w th ro ugh an elec ti ve ca ll ed"S le ut h"

In Year 9, I became really interested in law through an elective called “Sleuth”. It inspired me to choose Legal, Commerce and Economics VCE subjects, and has resulted in me now pursuing a double degree in Law and Economics in Canberra. I always try to give every opportunity my all — just like I did at Trinity.

fo r our vi ol in busk in g e or ts fo r ch ar it ies ev ery Ch rist ma s

My br other an d i were rece nt ly awarded the City of Bo ro ondar a Yo ung Citi zen of the Ye ar award

I’m now pu rs ui ng a double degree in La w and Economic s


While studying, I’ve been working at the Royal Australian Mint in the area of employment law and privacy. The work is really varied, and what makes it interesting is that my work leads to real-world outcomes. And to think that this was all inspired from a subject I did in Year 9 is crazy to me.

Trinity’s culture of service and giving back was something that really resonated with me. Every Christmas, even after graduating, my brother and I spend time together busking to raise money for local charities. Service, community, and a commitment to always challenging myself are things I’m still cherishing at this early point in my career.

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