L achlan Chen, Year 9
Of Weather and Scho ol If I were to describe a day at school I’d call it unexpected, unique and erratic A familiar experience to Melbourne weather The forecast tells tall tales glorifying The patters of rain and gusts of wind Or a lucky day, clear sky at twenty-six Mostly wrong, misleading information Always differing to reality Politics and weather, polls and forecasts – perhaps a familiarity? Sometimes with violent and turning winds Or awful flooding downpour Worse still extreme heat, pollution, humidity
Et h an Or r - Year 9
But when night falls, the day is lost in memory, for Under the umbrella or bunkering in bed and hidden at home Is familiar space, love, warmth and shelter
S o nny Z ha ng - Ye a r 8
To m G u t te r i dge - Year 12
A m p e rs an d 2 0 19 39