From the Junior School
Prep student Victor learning from home
What is a language? During Enhanced Learning sessions, students have been investigating extinct and ‘dead’ languages. We began the term focusing our learning on the Central Idea: Language is a vehicle for communication and self-expression. After being given many provocations
Luca and Ethan calculate the length of a book
Brian Gu with his beautiful mandala
to get them started, students selected a language that captured their interest. Many were intrigued by the Indigenous languages that have disappeared from our culture, so they decided to inquire into the ‘causation’ of their disappearance and the ‘function’ of this language when it was alive. The students
demonstrated agency as they used the Key Concepts of Causation, Connection, Form and Function to frame their inquiry. Ultimately, the boys discovered, as a result of their inquiry and research, that the evolution of language has a remarkable history and the languages of Australia are incredibly diverse.