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Personal development
Further details of our personal development Programme underpins school life. The emotional, mental, spiritual and physical health of our Sixth Formers is of primary importance and we aim to build resilience and offer methods to alleviate stress as well as to prepare all for the world beyond. There is a strong network of pastoral support at Trinity made up of tutors, Heads of Year, Deputy Head of Sixth Form, Head of Sixth Form, nurses with mental health training, counsellor and the Deputy Head of Pastoral. Further details on our Personal Development provision can be read later in this handbook.
Our programme of Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) is delivered through a combination of Diploma lessons, guest speakers, field days, tutor periods and our Sixth Form assemblies. We recognise the importance of our students’ spiritual, moral, social and social development (SMSC). Here is an example of the some of sessions that we deliver with our students’ personal development in mind, over the course of two years.