3 minute read
All Sixth Formers must ensure that they are on-site by 8.15am and that they have registered with their tutors at 8.30am. They must attend all school and Sixth Form assemblies. Late arrival is not permitted, even if the Sixth Former has free periods at the start of the day. These are the more detailed arrangements for when and how Sixth Formers can be absent from school, other than for illness:
– The Sixth Form Centre is open from 7.30am until 5.30pm (sometimes later if there is an after-school event)
– Sixth Formers must attend all timetabled sessions including Games and the Diploma programme and supervised private study (if relevant). They must arrive on time with necessary materials
Sixth Formers requesting time off school for a day visit or interview for higher education, sponsorship or permanent employment, should complete an absence request on My School Portal which will be considered and approved by the Head of Year. A relevant exeat form may be required in order to inform teachers of the lessons that will be missed
Sixth Formers requesting time off for specialist medical or dental appointments or a driving test should complete an absence request on My School Portal which the tutor will consider and approve. Please note, routine medical and dental appointments and driving lessons must be arranged outside school hours
Except at lunchtime/breaktime (see below), Lower Sixth Formers should not leave school before 3.45pm, even if they have free periods at the end of a day. Upper Sixth Formers may go home after lunchtime registration, provided they have no afternoon lessons or afterschool commitments. They must follow proper registration and signing out procedures. If a Sixth Former is on ‘supervised private study’ as a result of underperformance, the option of leaving early will be temporarily withdrawn until effort improves
Break and lunch times
– Sixth Formers have the privilege of being allowed to leave the school at break time and/ or lunchtime in order to have a short walk or to visit the shops across the road. They must not bring fast food onto the school site. They must not use cars, public transport or enter licensed premises when leaving the school for these purposes. We advise them to remain in groups when leaving the school. This privilege can be withdrawn if it is abused, for example by the Sixth Former returning to school late for lessons or registration
– Sixth Formers who leave or return to school premises during the school day (except at break or lunch or at the end of the day) must sign out and in at the school office
All other requests for a leave of absence from school for more than one day (other than university interviews) must be made to the Senior Deputy Head by parents in writing, well in advance of the event, explaining the exceptional circumstances.
For all absences, it is up to the Sixth Former to ensure that they find out any assignments set in their absence and catch up on any missed work.
Dress & appearance
Details of our uniform code are available in the school diary and on our website. We expect students to take pride in their appearance and to be clean and tidy: as such, uniform should be worn at all times and in the correct manner, including to and from school and when representing the School, unless specific relaxations are in place.
The school is proud of its diversity, and the individuality of each member of its community: whilst there is inevitably a sense of ‘uniformity’ about uniform, we strive to provide an inclusive and collaborative environment for all students. Any parent or student who is unsure about the suitability of particular items of clothing, or who would like to discuss reasonable adjustments to this uniform code, is advised to discuss this with the Head of Sixth Form, prior to it being worn. In matters of Sixth Form dress and appearance, the final arbiter of what is acceptable is the Head of Sixth Form, and ultimately the Senior Deputy Head.
Sixth Form uniform
The overall effect of Sixth Form clothing should be one of smartness and appropriateness within a formal context. Sixth Form students should wear smart, formal clothing comprising::
– A tailored, formal suit: either a trouser suit or a matching jacket and skirt (skirt lengths should be just above the knee or lower than the knee); a discreet belt, through belt loops, may be worn, if required.
– Either a formal shirt and tie, or a collared blouse (light in colour).
– Formal and flat black, dark navy or dark brown polishable shoes.
Where necessary, in cold weather:
– Overcoats (dark in colour), with no slogans, may be worn. If worn in the day coats should be removed before entering classrooms for lessons, or for assemblies.
– A fine knit, plain, smart jumper or cardigan may be worn over, but not instead of, a shirt and under, but not instead of, a jacket. Hooded tops, tracksuit tops or sweatshirt tops are not permitted. Jumpers should not have large logos or slogans.
Hair, facial hair and piercings should be appropriate in a formal setting, and safe for all school activities. Notably:
Hair should be smart, neat, off the face, of a natural colour and tied back for activities such as Games, Science, Art and DT.
– Discreet make-up and jewellery may be worn, although jewellery should be removed for PE lessons/ sports events. Tattoos must not be visible, and facial piercings should not be worn in school.
Facial hair is permitted in the Sixth Form but should be short and well maintained.
Trinity specified kit must be worn for games afternoons and sports events.