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Sixth Form awards commendations
Sixth Formers may receive an Academic Commendation for exceptional effort or achievement and a General Commendation for other outstanding behaviour or commitment. Academic Prizes are awarded at the end of each year, as well as Scholar’s Ties and Scholar’s Badges for excellent Lower Sixth exam results. Society Ties and School Colours are awarded for outstanding contributions to running societies and for major contributions to school teams in the Sixth Form.
Detentions & sanctions
The school’s Behaviour and Sanctions Policy can be found on the website. There is a Sixth Form detention which usually runs on a Friday from 4.00pm - 6.00pm. A letter will be sent home from the teacher concerned. Detentions are also issued by the Heads of Year or Sixth Form Team for inappropriate behaviour.
If three Friday Detentions are given in one year, a Sixth Former is likely to receive a Saturday Detention which will take place from 9.30am-11.30am on a Saturday morning. A letter will be sent home and we will phone the parents. Depending on the circumstances the Sixth Former may also be placed on supervised private study.
Saturday Detentions are also given for other serious breaches of discipline such as being absent from a lesson or study period without permission.
A Report Card is an alternative sanction that may be used in the Sixth Form. This may require the Sixth Former to remain on the school site at all times during the school day, losing the privilege of being able to leave the school site. Report Cards may also require the student to check in with a member of staff at certain times and are only used for a defined period.
A Sixth Form Community is a sanction issued which can be issued by a member of the Sixth Form Team for poor behaviour or behaviour that does not promote a positive community atmosphere. This usually takes place on a Friday at 4.00pm for about 20 minutes and involves undertaking a job within the Sixth Form Centre.