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Opportunities outside the classroom
To make the most of the Sixth Form at Trinity, we encourage all students to get involved with the many clubs, societies, music, drama and other opportunities available in school (such as participating in the Sixth Form Council). You may choose to participate, to lead sessions or to guide and mentor younger students. There is something for everyone. A full list of societies is in the school diary and we would encourage you to explore the options. Pre-university preparation sessions are also offered later in the Lower Sixth year and through the Autumn Term of the Upper Sixth. We encourage all to attend these sessions to support a UCAS application to a top university.
We also encourage activities outside school as long as they do not clash with school commitments (e.g. sports matches) or take such a lot of time that academic work suffers.

Research has shown that part-time employment, when kept to a few hours per week, can in fact improve the academic performance of Sixth Formers. However, it can become detrimental when it impinges on time that should be spent on academic work or causes additional stress or tiredness. Much depends on individual circumstances such as work ethic, ability and other commitments; however, one day at the weekend may be appropriate provided the above conditions are met. We would strongly discourage evening jobs during the school week, and certainly in the run up to exams. Ideally, paid work should not continue after Easter in either the Lower or Upper Sixth.