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Whole school rules
The school rules apply to Sixth Formers. They are set out in the school diary.
Driving to school
Sixth Formers may not drive onto the school site unless permission has been given in advance from the Head of Year for a particular reason (e.g. some bulky equipment for a project). Sixth Formers may not park on the school site or on the Sandilands site. They should park in local roads and must be mindful of the need to observe the Highway Code and all legal requirements. They must show proper regard for the interests of the local residents. Sixth Formers may not use their car during lunch or break time but can do so to drive to school activities (e.g. Games lessons at Sandilands on a Wednesday afternoon, or sports fixtures during and outside of normal school time).
We strongly advise that Sixth Formers should not drive other pupils without the written permission of both their own parent and the parent of their passenger. Equally, they should not accept lifts from others without this prior permission. We would also recommend that they check their insurance policies carefully, as some insurers will not accept giving lifts to other students to or from a school related activity as ‘SDP’.