“Without the bursary award, I would not have been able to attend Trinity and, in turn, get into Cambridge.”

– Mahdeia Hidary (2022)
“Without the bursary award, I would not have been able to attend Trinity and, in turn, get into Cambridge.”
– Mahdeia Hidary (2022)
Iam incredibly grateful for my time at Trinity – I thoroughly enjoyed every second here. Until then, I had never experienced such dedicated teachers or the positive work ethic that was apparent in every lesson at Trinity.
I had wanted to go here ever since I visited Trinity when I was in year 5 with my primary school. However, there were two main hurdles – first, I was a girl and would have to wait until the sixth form, and second, the cost of attending an independent school.
I waited anxiously for the email that confirmed I had been awarded a bursary. Without that award, I would not have been able to attend Trinity and, in turn, get into Cambridge.
Attending Trinity has taught me so much. Alongside my academic subjects, I could try as many extra-curricular activities as I wanted in a welcoming and safe environment. I loved learning to sing and joining the professional-level choirs, planning star-gazing evenings for the lower school, and being able to try out squash.
My main worry before joining
Trinity was the other students. I was concerned about their different financial backgrounds and I wasn’t sure if I would be able to relate to them. I hadn’t realised that many students in the sixth form come from state schools and we were all just young adults with similar interests.
Everyone was supportive of each other and I felt very close to my classmates, who are now some of my best friends. I never felt disadvantaged by being a bursary student or because I had been at a state school. It simply didn’t matter. My teachers were more than willing to help and, with the extra lessons they provided, I quickly adjusted and came to love Trinity.
On our first day at Trinity, Ms Geldeard said she hoped that sixth form would be an enjoyable experience despite its challenges. I can proudly say that, for me, it was the most enjoyable and rewarding part of my education. n
I am incrediblythankful for the bursary scheme, which made a huge impact on my life. I know that it will continue to change the future of many students.more
The bursary I received from Trinity changed my life. The school encouraged my inquisitiveness and love of words-which I have used to build a career as a journalist.
– Alexis Akwagyiram (1997)Trinity Bursary Recipient
Not taking the bursary for granted has formed part of my drive to achieve academically, as well as to make the most of every opportunity that arises.
Receiving such an outstanding education as a result of Trinity’s bursary scheme is the reason for my being where I am today. Trinity effortlessly provides an environment that allows students from all backgrounds and walks of life to feel like they are equally valued members of a fantastic community of learning.
12.5 TIMES.– Current Trinity, Bursary Fund Recipient – Zayna Ahamadeen (2018) Trinity Bursary Recipient
At Trinity, we have a long history of supporting refugees and their families through our bursary fund. Education allows them to make roots in the UK and to establish themselves, despite having no means to afford a school like Trinity.
John Placek’s mother fled the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. She arrived at Liverpool Street Station with no family, network, or money. She worked as an au pair, married a fellow Czech refugee, but couldn’t visit her family in Czechoslovakia for more than 10 years.
John came to Trinity on a bursary, and his son has now come to study here. John’s bursary gave him a huge opportunity and he has shared the educational experience of a second-generation migrant from a refugee background.
Watch the full interview with John here:
It was an opportunity we didn’t think would be available to people like us.
– John Placek (2004) Trinity Bursary Recipient
– Alexis Akwagyiram (1997) Trinity Bursary Recipient
My background was very different to that of my classmates. My parents were asylum-seekers who fled a coup in Ghana only a decade before I began at Trinity.
The bursary support has helped me massively. Without it, a lot of people like me would not have the opportunity to come to a school like Trinity where there are amazing opportunities available to you.
– Gabriel Ibitoye (2016) Trinity Bursary RecipientThe Rowdown Inspire to Aspire Foundation has been set up to inspire children in Croydon to aspire to something big, something extra and to support them in their aspirations.
Croydon is ranked as the most deprived of all the South London boroughs. In terms of Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI), it is ranked 78 out of 317 boroughs across the whole country.
Over the past few years, the Rowdown Foundation has developed its Tuition Programme to provide academically able pupils in Croydon primary schools with extra lessons in Maths and English to prepare them for
11+ entrance exams for selective and semi-selective state, grammar and independent schools.
In 2017, Trinity took over the tuition for around 50 primary school pupils a year, both boys and girls. The school pays the teachers and provides all the books, equipment, and refreshments for two hours every Saturday morning.
We have been able to offer Trinity bursaries to eight pupils from the Rowdown Foundation programme. It is a community initiative in every sense.
I believe strongly that independent schools such as Trinity have an important role to play in their broader communities.
Michael ShallcrossBursary funds like Trinity’s have the potential to be one of the key engines for diversity and social mobility, and creating a private education sector truly reflective of our community.
One of the toughest aspects of bursary support is simply ensuring that the right students know that it is something we offer. The American activist for civil rights and children’s rights, Marian Wright Edelman famously said: “You can’t be what you can’t see”. This understanding is now at the heart of our work with our local schools.
Our new Trinity Primary Partner Schools programme, launched officially this year, allows us to form much closer ties with a more limited number of local primaries. With these schools, we are building deeper relationships and welcoming local children into Trinity more consistently.
We hope that regular engagement with activities such as STEM days, photographic and sporting competitions, musical concerts and plays will help these students understand that Trinity is a place where they can thrive and, crucially, where they will be welcomed, whatever their means.
This programme also allows us to form stronger relationships with the
- Tuki Rounds Senior Deputy Headteachers in these primary schools by offering free professional development, subject-specialist advice, and by curating professional links. In turn, we hope this will encourage them to discuss the educational opportunities that Trinity can offer with their suitable families.
In time, we hope that students offered bursary places in this way will assist their former schools as role models and that, ultimately, they might give back once they are established in successful careers. n
Our goal is for the Trinity Primary Partner Schools programme to be an engine of educational aspiration which, supported by the Trinity Bursary Fund, shows young people in Croydon that there is a place for them in our community and a successful future ahead.
– Michael Shallcross (1975) Direct Grant Recipient
I benefited greatly from the scheme which provided children from modest backgrounds with fully funded access to a first-class secondary education at Trinity.
2022-2023 Academic Year 83% OF FEES
The bursary scheme, with its focus on diversity and access for all, is an important way of achieving equal opportunities and social mobility and allows those of us who had the privilege of a great education to pay it forward to tomorrow’s leaders.
I am excited about what the Trinity Bursary Fund means for any young person - the possibilities that are created, the difference it makes for them and their family, and more broadly. Can you imagine who that young person may become through this opportunity? That’s why I support the fundit makes such a difference.
My brothers and I are truly grateful for the time we spent at Trinity. I am pleased to support the Trinity Bursary Fund, which enables students from diverse backgrounds to benefit from the excellent teaching and facilities provided by the school.
It’s my privilege to support the Trinity Bursary Fund and I’d encourage everyone else to follow my lead. Trinity changed my life. I’m very happy to help change someone else’s life in return.
My passion is opening access to high-quality education for every student with potential, regardless of financial means.
I benefitted enormously from my time at Trinity 50 years ago. It is a pleasure and duty to help others to benefit from a first-class education
Many of the most positive aspects of our boys’ education and development at Trinity have been driven by the diversity of the student body. Supporting the fund helps to ensure this diversity can continue for the benefit of all current and future students.
I am delighted to support the Trinity Bursary Fund. After seeing what Trinity has done for our son and daughter, to be able to support other students to realise their potential in an exciting and diverse environment is one of the best feelings you can have.
Mr Alan Tomsett
Prof Clive Baker
The late Mr Anthony Mundy
Mr David Candy
Mr Robert Cooper
Air Commodore John De’Ath & Ms Sonia Brough
Mr Anthony Harrow
The late Mr Leslie King
Mr Colin Nash
Mr John Parsons
Mr Martyn Pester
Mr David Picksley
Sir David Ratford
Professor Michael Tite & Mrs Virginia Tite
Mr Bent Weber
Mr John Winn & Mrs Lorainne Winn
Mr Robert Beere & Mrs Patricia Beere
Mr Steven Bostwick
Mr Stephen Boswell
Mr John Brooking
Mr Rodney Clarke & Mrs Christine Clarke
Mr Roger Cousins
Mr Paul Cuthbert & Mrs Jennie Cuthbert
Mr Trevor Dighton & Mrs Jo Dighton
Mr Terry Farebrother
Mr David Foster
Mr Christopher Great & Mrs Yvonne Great
Mr Benjamin Hamlin
The late Mr David March
Mr Dudley Mead & Cllr Margaret Mead
Professor Paul Murdin & Mrs Lesley Murdin
Sir Duncan Ouseley & Lady Suzannah Ouseley
Mr Michael Phillips
Mr Michael Pougher
Mr David Seymour & Mrs Elisabeth Seymour
Mr Michael Smith & Mrs Jane Smith
Mr Blair Southerden
Mr Keith Stalker
Mr John Symons
Mr Peter Taylor
Mr Michael Townsend
Mr Richard Tyler
Mr David Walter
Mr Philip Warn
Mr Peter Watts & Mrs Sara Watts
Mr Ian Brough
Mr Nicholas Butler
Mr Timothy Collyer
Mr Robert Croft
Dr Bryan Deane
Mr Jeremy Fern
Mr Geoffrey Gowers
Mr Philip Harris
Mr Andrew Hillburn
Mr Michael Hodson
Mr Andrew Holton
Mr Niall Humphreys
Mr Mark Johnson
Mr Alistair Johnston CMG & Ms Christina Nijman
Dr John Keeling & Mrs Catherine Keeling
Mr Laurie King & Mrs Amanda King
Mr Jonathan King & Mrs Janette King
Mr Justin Lees & Mrs Linda Lees
Mr Michael Luck
Mr Simon Maple
Mr Ian Marchant & Mrs Elizabeth Marchant
Mr Neil Raishbrook & Mrs Elizabeth Raishbrook
Mr Hilary Richardson & Mrs Ingrid Richardson
Mr Michael Shallcross
Mr Steven Sheterline
Mr Richard Urwin
- Matt Doherty (2020) Trinity Bursary RecipientThe Bursary award I received allowed Trinity to give me so much throughout the seven years I was there, and, ultimately, I want to give back to Trinity as much as they have given to me.
Mr Christopher Whiting
Mr Nicholas Woodman & Mrs Jane Woodman
Mr Ian Barnett
Mr John Bradescu & Ms Barbara Bradescu
Dr Kevin Bright
Mr Michael Cartwright
Mr Jason Court
Mr William Crawford & Mrs Alexandra Crawford
Mr Mark Fleming & Mrs Tanera Fleming
Mr Sudeep Ganguli & Mrs Dipa Ganguli
Dr Antony Gent
Mr Georgios Georghiou
Mr William Grove
Mr Philip Hawkins
Mr Mark Helyar
Mr David Jackson
Mr Michael Leonard
Mr Mark Liddiard
Mr Richard Mander
Mr Andrew Marshall
Dr Robert Oddy
Mr Vijay Patel
Mr Paul Petty & Mrs Rebecca Petty
Mr Leyan Phillips
Mr David Price & Ms Julia Wiskow
Mr Timo Puig
Mr Andrew Reeves & Mrs Marion Reeves
Mr Pedro Romano
Mr Timothy Stedman
Mr Simon Steele & Mrs Nina Steele
Mr Daniel Talmage
Mr Andrew Thomas
Mr James Vigar
Professor Nicholas Wareham & Mrs Alison Wareham
Mr Hugo Were
Mr Andrew Widger
Mr Geoffrey Woodhouse
Mr Keith Yeates
Mr Nithaar Zain
Lord Gavin Barwell & Lady Karen Barwell
Mr James Boxall
Mr Christopher Dearden
Mr Thomas Geoghegan
Mr Bryn Hodges
Mr Paul Jackson
Mr Richard Kolarik
Mr Nicholas Karelis & Mrs Karina Karelis
Dr Mark Lloyd
Dr Barry MacEvoy
Mr Matthew Main
Mr Kiran Mohabir
Mr Raj Morjaria
Mr Samuel Morley & Mrs Helen Morley
Mr Richard Moyle
Mr Robert O’Donoghue
Dr Navin Peiris & Dr Yasasthrie Athapattu
Mr Graham Preedy
Mr Benedict Poynter
Mr Andrew Radley
Mr Darren Roiser
Mr John Taylor
Mr Andrew Wickes
Mr Roy Wood & Mrs Kathryn Wood
Mr Elliott Young
Mr Pulkit Agrawal
Mr James Bell
Mr Kevin Boakye
Mr Simon Cole
Mr William Coma
Mr Edmund Drage
Mr Luke Ellis
Mr Simon Harrington
Mr Simon Hearne
Mr Simon Holland
Mr David Horsman
Mr Guy Jacobs
Mr Duncan Johnston
Mr Christopher Lewis
Dr Thomas Lorkin
Mr Arun Iyer
Mr Kamau Lyon
Mr Charles Mason
Mr Raoul Neumann
Mr Michael Payne
Mr John Placek
Mr Ashkan Rahmati
Captain Adam Ravenscroft
Mr Sai-Cheong Chan
Mr Nicholas Scales
Mr Takeshi Shiomitsu
Mr Adam Turner
Mr Si Wang
Mr Thomas Wells
Mr Dominic Winter
Mr Ejaaz Ahamadeen
Mr Qasim Akhtar
Mr Babatunji Akinjobi
Mr James Ananthakumar
Mr Fraser Bernstein
Mr Jerome Bostwick
Ms Victoria Cape
Mr George Chan
Mr Faizan Chaudhrey
Mr Nayeeb Choudhury
Mr Zachary Colgan
Mr Alexander Cutbill
Mr Callum De Freitas
Mr Alexander Dugan
Mr Janarth Duraisingham
Mr Jason Ekundayo
Ms Katharine Fisher
Mr Elliot Fitzgerald
Ms Ajai Freeman-Lampard
Mr Alexander Gard
Mr Constantinos Georgiou
Mr Andreas Georgiou
Mr Matthew Gray
Mr Henry Hatfield
Mr Evan Herbert
Ms Sarah Hickmott
Ms Bridget Holmes
Mr Michael Kelly
Mr Tirenioluwa Ladega
Mr Krishna Lall
Mr Oscar Lally
Ms Eleanor Lewis
Mr Joshua Meyer
Mr Paul Morgan
Mr Moammar Nayeck
Mr Geoffrey Niu
Mr Christopher O’Brien
Ms Madelaine O’Connor
Ms Jessica O’Sullivan
Mr Timi Otudeko
Dr Laurence Pallant & Dr Marjay Pallant
Mr Louis Phillips
Mr Samuel Rakestrow
Mr Nicholas Ramdas
Mr Matthew Raven
Mr Jacob Regan
Ms Anna Russell
Mr Keval Shah
Mr Azad Sharma
Mr Luke Smithson
Mr Shiyamalan Sunthar
Mr Euan Tilley
Ms Isobel Warner
Mr Julian Wilkey
Mr Jonathan Williams
Mr Benjamin Woodrow
Mr Benjamin Taylor
Mrs Jennifer Aarons & Mr Matthew Hughes
Ms Jay Abai
Mrs Lucy Adeniyi & Mr Isaac Adeniyi
Mrs Nana Adu-Kwapong & Mr Charis Adu-Kwapong
Ms Salihah Agbaje
Ms Laila Ahamadeen
Dr Allan Ah-Weng & Ms Irene Man
Dr Olayinka Ajayi-Obe & Dr Folashade Ajayi-Obe
Mr Tunde Akinyooye
Mrs Abena Akohene & Mr Graham Voller
Mr Anthony Albuquerque & Mrs Wendy Albuquerque
Ms Hannah Ali & Mr Scott Hughes
Mr Rohan Alleyne
Mrs Buki Asanbe
Mrs Natalie Babiychuk & Mr Tomas Jakubkis
Mr Derek Baker & Mrs Tia Baker
Mrs Natalia Balakhnin
Mrs Atinuke Bankole & Mr Olugbenga Bankole
Mr Ian Banwell & Mrs Kathryn Banwell
Mrs Grainne Beeney & Mr Robert Beeney
Mrs Ruth Bellamy & Mr Paul Bellamy
Mr Mark Bennett & Mrs Jean Bennett
Mrs Caterina Bernardini & Mr Luca Bernardini
Mr Budha Bhattacharya & Ms Claudia Giannoni
Mrs Alice Bishop & Revd Canon Dr Andrew Bishop
Mrs Claire Bond & Mr Evan Bond
Mr Jitendra Borkar & Mrs Chetna Borkar
Mr Christopher Braganza & Mrs Catherine Braganza
Mr Alexander Brown & Mrs Jemma Brown
Mrs Sally Budden & Mr John Budden
Mr Jahanzeb Butt & Mrs Nudrat Butt
Mr Ian Campbell & Ms Denise Skehan
Mrs Daniella Carnerio Nicklin & Mr Phil Nicklin
Mr Mark Carver & Mrs Sarah Carver
Mrs Anita Cavell & Mr Martin Cavell
Mrs Barbora Celakova & Mr Jiri Celakova
Ms May Cheung
Mrs Emma Coldman & Mr Eddy Taylor
Mrs Vanessa Collier & Mr Mark Collier
Mr Nigel Collins & Mrs Gail Collins
Mrs Georgina Comrie & Mr Paul Comrie
Mrs Maja Connaghton & Mr Mike Connaghton
Mrs Catherine Connolley & Mr Dominic Connolley
Mrs Suzanne Cookson & Mr Rodney Cookson
Mr Nick Cribbens & Mrs Vicky Cribbens
Mr Brian Cummins & Mrs Angela Cummins
Mrs Roshani Dammalage & Mr Chaminda Weerasinghe
Mr Sam Dickinson & Mrs Amanda Dickinson
Mrs Kiran Dower & Mr Raju Dower
Mrs Kerry Driscoll & Mr Mark Driscoll
Mr Ivan Dyakonov & Ms Polina Davidovich
Mrs Kate Edwards & Mr Pete Edwards
Mrs Saeeda Effandi & Mr Ayaz Effandi
Mr Paul Exall
Mrs Angela Farquharson & Mr Robert Farquharson
Ms Elke Fidler & Mr Harish Khandke
Mr Jeffrey Flanagan
Ms Stephanie Fleary
Mrs Rachel Fletcher & Mr Michael Fletcher
Mrs Beata Franz & Mr Andrew Chilvers
Mrs Claire Frost & Mr Peter Frost
Mr Geoffrey Galbraith & Mrs Lindsay Galbraith
Ms Jennifer Genevieve & Mr Ross Watson
Rev Ian Gilmour & Mrs Denise Gilmour
Ms Christina Goncalves
Mr Ian Gormley & Mrs Lindsey Gormley
Mr Stephen Grainge & Mrs Sarah Grainge
Mr Nigel Gregory & Mrs Rachel Gregory
Mr Faisal Hameed & Mrs Shahina Hameed
Ms Li Ping Hardy & Mr Mark Hardy
Mr Ian Harley
Mrs Rita Harnett & Mr Robert Harnett
Mrs Anna Harriman & Mr Martin Harriman
Mrs Hazel Haycocks & Mr Max Haycocks
Dr Sherene Hilsley & Mr Richard Hilsley
Mrs Josephine Hocquellet & Mr Pierre-Yves Hocquellet
Mrs Marisa Holland & Mr Giles Holland
Mrs Sophie Hooton & Matthew Hooton
Dr Mehjabeen Hussain & Mr Imtiaz Hussain
Dr Fuad Hussain & Dr Shahnaz Hussain
Mr Muhammad Imran & Mrs Quratul Ann
Mr Paul Jackson & Mrs Caroline Jackson
Ms Kate Jaggar & Mr Simon Virley
Mrs Preethi Jayakar & Mr Roshan Shetty
Mr Barney Jones & Ms Polly May
Mr Babatunji Joseph & Mrs Oladoyin Joseph
Mr Nilesh Kale & Mrs Rajashree Kale
Mrs Angeliki Kallionizi-Sevastakis & Mr Christos Sevastakis
Mr Zoher Kanchwala & Mrs Najma Kanchwala
Dr Azra Kazmi & Mr. Anser Rizvi
Ms Caroline Keaney & Mr Rahul Luthra
Mr Mohammad Khan & Mrs Shazia Khan
Mr Julian King
Mrs Miranda King
Mr Anwer Kirmani
Mr Harmony Kwawu & Ms Xia Chen
Ms Tiannie Lai & Mr Chun Wong
Mrs Carmel Laidlaw & Mr Peter Laidlaw
Mr Alexandar Lalic & Mrs Maria Lalic
Ms Rhian Lally
Mr Robert Lamb & Mrs Alice Lamb
Mrs Maria Lambert-Carter & Mr Jason Carter
Mr Benoit Lanaspre & Dr Effie Lanaspre
Mrs Lucy Larkin & Mr Stephen Larkin
Mr Tom Lees & Mrs Katy Lees
Mrs Linda Leggett & Mr Mark Leggett
Mr Nicholas Lipczynski & Ms Lesley Lipczynski
Mrs Sarah Lyske
Miss Louise Machin & Mr Richard Steele
Mrs Ingrid Macpherson & Mr Jamie Macpherson
Mrs Deirdre Mahon & Mr Simon Strevens
Mrs Kavita Malhotra & Mr Raman Malhotra
Mr David Mann & Mrs Noelia Mann
Mr Chris Martin & Mrs Debbie Martin
Mr Ese Matebalavu & Mrs Emma Matebalavu
Mr Michael Matta & Mrs Sara Botros
Mr David McAllen & Mrs Anne-Marie McAllen
Ms Corinne McCarthy & Mr Damian McCarthy
Mrs Charlie Miller & Mr Alex Miller
The Trinity Bursary Fund is being enabled by generous individuals who have committed to helping students like my son enjoy the benefits of attending a school like Trinity without having to worry about their ability to pay
– parent of current Trinity Bursary Recipient
Mr Paul Minton & Mrs Julia Minton
Mr Edward Missin & Mrs Anna Missin
Mr Olu Morgan & Mrs Wendy Morgan
Mrs Lucy Morrell & Mr Graham Morrell
Dr Suk Ng & Mr Philip Wild
Ms Gifty Nmaju
Mrs Grace Nwosu & Mr Emmanuel Nwosu
Mrs Bola Ogunnaike & Mr Tokunbo Ogunnaike
Mrs Vivian Omonbude & Mr Ekpen Omonbude
Mrs Stella Oppong & Mr Matthew Oppong
Mrs Catherine Palmer & Mr Neil Palmer
Mr Nitin Paranjape & Dr Ruchira Paranjape
Mrs Elizabeth Passman & Professor Michael Passman
Mr Dionysios Patakas & Mrs Vicky Papadopoulou Patakas
Mrs Sonal Patel & Mr Jignesh Patel
Mrs Trihasta Patel & Mr Kartik Patel
Mrs Alka Patel & Dr Sandip Patel
Mrs Nicole Patrick & Mr Maurice Patrick
Mr Jonathan Pauling & Mrs Katrina Pauling
Mrs Anne Pavalarajancroos & Mr Juwan Pavalarajancroos
Ms Caterina Pavone & Mr Claudio Riolo
Mrs Jane Payne & Mr Edward Payne
Mrs Fiona Pearson & Mr Simon Pearson
Ms Geraldine Perry & Mr Brian Wade
Mr Paul Phillips & Mrs Angela Phillips
Dr Antoinette Pillai & Mr Sakthy Pillai
Miss Simone Pinto
Mrs Carla Pryce & Mr Richard Pryce
Mr Matthew Quarendon & Mrs Gemma Quarendon
Ms Sabin Qureshi
Mrs Farhana Rafi & Mr Rafi Choudhary
Mr Mike Reuter & Ms Annalisa Piazza
Mrs Philippa Robson & Mr Martyn Robson
Mrs Janette Ruiz & Mr Julian Ruiz
Dr Tarun Sabharwal & Dr Nandita Sabharwal
Mrs Ruth Salama & Mr Nabil Salama
Mr Matthew Sargaison & Mrs Sian Rose Sargaison
Mrs Julie Scally & Mr Steven Scally
Mr Simon Scott & Mrs Nicola Scott
Mrs Fiona Sharpe & Mr Craig Sharpe
Mrs Alissra Sinclair-Knopp & Mr James Sinclair-Knopp
Mrs Sindhu Singhal & Mr Amit Singhal
Dr Lucy Smith & Mr Graham Smith
Mr Steven Smith & Mrs Sarah Smith
Mrs. Nicky Smith & Mr Andrew Smith
Mr Barnaby Southcombe & Mrs Chione Southcombe
Mr Robert Stephenson & Mrs Andrea Stephenson
Mrs Helen Strathearn & Mr Daniel Strathearn
Dr Emer Sutherland & Mr Craig Sutherland
Dr Cristina Tacu
Mr Jason Temple & Mrs Nicola Temple
Mr Ben Terrett & Ms Lisa Rajan
Mrs Emma Thomas & Mr James Thomas
Mrs Ulita Thorpe & Mr Raymond Thorpe
Mr Andrew Tough & Mrs Laura Tough
Mr Matt Treanor & Mrs Simi Treanor
Mr Amitav Tripathy & Mrs Madhusmita Mishra
Mrs Annick Tuesley & Mr Peter Tuesley
Ms Susan Turner & Mr Jonathan Turpin
Mr Parul Wangoo & Mrs Anil Wangoo
Mr Hugh Watchorn & Mrs Susie Watchorn
Mr James Waters & Mrs Agnes Macskovics
Mr Matthew Webb & Mrs Claire Webb
Mr Mickael Weiss
Mr Simon Wilcox & Mrs Sara Wilcox
Mr Danny Wilding & Mrs Catherine Wilding
Mr James Wilkie & Mrs Carlie Wilkie
Mr Damian Wisniewski & Mrs Debbie Wisniewski
Mrs Ling Wong & Mr Kim Wong
Mrs Fiona Woodman & Mr Michael Woodman
Mr Paul Woodward & Mrs Stacey Woodward
Ms Tessa Wordsworth & Mr Dan Boyde
Mrs Anne Wright & Mr Simon Wright
Mr Ian Yeulett & Mrs Nicola Yeulett
Mr Bekir Yusuf & Mrs Laura Yusuf
Mr Michael Bright
Ms Francesca Catling
Mr William Coma
Ms Amy Cooper
As parents, Trinity is our school of choice for its diverse mix of students from every background and walk of life. Being part of an inclusive community enriches all our children’s school careers, building confidence and social awareness.
– Jenny Aarons, parent
Mr Jason Court
Dr Flavia Dietrich-England
Mr Peter England
Mr Peter Friend
Ms Ali Fulker
Mrs Melodie Johnson
Mr Ian Kench
Mr Alasdair Kennedy
Mr Laurie King
Mrs Donna Lewis
Ms Lilian McCann
Mr Sam Powell
Mr David Price
Ms Julia Wiskow
Mr Nicholas Ramdas
Mr James Robertson
Mr Simon Steele
Mrs Nina Steele
Mr Paul Todd
Mrs Elizabeth Beroud & Mr Olivier Beroud
Ms Ann-Marie Costello
Mrs Annie Fairley & Mr Don Fairley
Mr Philip Harris
Mr Ian Marsh
Ms Charlotte Riddle
Mr Alan Smith
Mr Robin Wilson & Mrs Caroline Wilson
Mr David Young & Dr Sarah Young
Revd Canon Dr Andrew Bishop & Mrs Alice Bishop
Mrs Marcia Buxton & Mr Martin Buxton
Mr Timothy Cattell & Mrs Jeanette Cattell
Mr John Crozier & Mrs Jan Crozier
Dr Barry MacEvoy
Mr Asif Patel & Mrs Shirin Patel
Mr Neil Raishbrook & Ms Elizabeth Raishbrook
Mr David Seymour & Mrs Elisabeth Seymour
Mr Andrew Thomas
Mr Michael Webb & Ms Jane Speller
Mr Roy Wood & Ms Kathryn Wood
Mrs Helen Brandom
Mr William Clark
Mr David Hanlon
Ms Martha MacDonald
Mrs Anna Macey
Mrs Heather Sexton
Mrs Muriel Stocker
Ms Heather Wolfenden
The Trinity Club
Deutsche Bank
Mr Robert Beere
Colonel Michael Bennett
Mr Alan Brown
Mr John Bruce
Mr Paul Cleal
Mr Roger Cousins
Air Commodore John De’Ath
Mr David Edwards
Mr Jeremy Fern
Mr Ian Fletcher
Mr David Foster
Mr Christopher Goscomb
Professor Christopher Grey
Mr Marc Houghton
Mr Paul Huish
Mr Timothy Illston
Mr Alistair Johnston
Mr Justin Lees
Mrs Monica MacEvoy
Sir Stuart Matthews
Mr Colin Nash
Mr Michael Pougher
Dr Brian Price *
Sir David Ratford
Mr David Seymour
Mr Michael Shallcross
Mr Michael Smith
Mr John Starling *
Mr Brian Stocker *
Mrs Muriel Stocker
Professor Michael Tite
Mr Alan Tomsett
Mr Robin Wilson
(* deceased)
Many of us in the alumni and parent communities take Trinity’s commitment to social inclusivity for granted. When I was here, my friends came from all over Croydon, lived in every conceivable home, from social housing to a lovely semi or detached house.
Many years later, while reflecting on the biggest positive influence I had from my school days, I concluded that it was my school friends. They represented a cross-section of economic backgrounds and differing world views, and that early exposure to a broad spectrum of experience helped me build a successful career in the City, where relationship-building is everything.
In my new role as the Director of Development, I can pay forward all the opportunities that being a Trinity School student gave me. Cost-of-living increases affect us all, but they disproportionally impact our bursary families.
While the economic situation may affect the ability of some or our community to support the bursary fund when it is most needed, collectively we need to ensure that the disparity between those who have and those who don’t doesn’t grow wider. Talent is spread equally among our community, but opportunity is not. Thanks to your support we can extend access to a first-class education to more children with talent. n
Talent is spread equally among our community, but opportunity is not. Thanks to your support, we can extend access to a first-class education to more children with talent.
Jason Court, Director of Development
Iam very grateful for your continued and generous support of the Trinity Bursary Fund over the past year.
The economic problems that the UK is experiencing are increasing demand on our bursary programme and, while the downturn affects everybody, it has a disproportionate impact on our existing bursary families and on our ability to support children who need bursary awards to access a Trinity education.
Our bursary programme helps break down the gulf in educational opportunity that has grown between those who have and those who do not, providing a channel for social mobility among lower income families in Croydon, and keeping the school a diverse, inclusive community.
The impact of your support on all our students at Trinity is immediately apparent in the day-to-day life of the school and is appreciated enormously. n
Our bursary programme helps break down the enormous gulf in educational opportunity that has grown between those who have and those who do not.
Alasdair Kennedy, Headmaster