County Opts for Poison for Lake Pend Oreille
by Jane Fritz
TROUT CREEK’S DEREK NAEGELI, spent a month this summer in Japan through an exchange between 4-H and Labo. Overlooking the Ariake Sea, off the coast of the island Kyushu, Derek took a moment to catch up with the news from home. He left his River Journal with his host brother’s English class. The teacher “loved it.”
Bull River Final Presentation
by Dennis Nicholls
rganizers for the Bull River Outdoors Programs are proud to announce Native American storyteller and musician Jack Gladstone will appear by the campfire Saturday, September 25 at the annual season-ending event called "Shoot the Bull." Gladstone will be accompanied by musician Kendall Flint. This program, in an outdoors setting around a campfire, has become a popular activity in recent years as a good way to welcome the changing of the seasons. The setting for Shoot the Bull is the Historic Bull River Ranger Station in the heart of the magnificent Bull River Valley. Turn north off Highway 200 onto Highway 56 and go 8 miles. Then turn east onto the East Fork Bull River Road and go two miles. Parking will be along the access road. This is a semiprimitive location with no facilities.
Fishing Gifts Boat Batteries & Accessories 24 Hour Gas Pumps PowerBall C-Store Open 5am to 7pm Lisa’s Savory Baked Goods
Café open 5 am to 3 pm
Featuring the best hamburgers around and homemade soups daily
Dock of the Bay open 3pm On Hwy. 200 in Hope
Participants are advised to bring their own chairs, dress appropriately for the weather, perhaps bring a blanket should the evening air be frosty and feel free to bring snacks and beverages. Some snacks and hot chocolate will be provided. The campfire will be lit at 6 pm and the program will begin at 7 pm. Gladstone, a Blackfoot Indian, is a well known storyteller throughout the American West. It will be a real privilege to have him and Flint at Shoot the Bull. In part, this event will mark and celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Wilderness Act in an area embraced by the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness, one of the original wilderness areas designated in 1964, and the Scotchman Peaks, an area long proposed for wilderness protection. Bring the entire family and your friends for a special night under the stars with Jack Gladstone and Kendall Flint. The event is free and open to everyone. Come early to get a spot close to the fire. For more information contact Dennis Nicholls at
he latest environmental conflict in Bonner County isn't over what constitutes the problem; it's about the best way to solve it. Nearly everyone resource managers, landowners, and lake users - agrees that Eurasian watermilfoil in the Lake Pend Oreille watershed is a serious problem. The aquatic plant is an invader species that has worked its way up the Pend Oreille River and taken root in the shallow bays of Lake Pend Oreille. When the weed colonizes, it can choke out native aquatic vegetation, diminish fish habitat, and surround boat docks with thick mats that makes swimming from them dangerous, especially for small children. Left unchecked, it can create a biologically dead zone, robbing oxygen from the water, suffocating plants and fish, and decreasing sunlight which shades out beneficial aquatic plants. Once it infests waterways, it can spread like a cancer to other waters. According to June Bergquist,
The Sailing Season Finale featured fine sailing and some underwater parts recovery
by Gil Beyer
y all reports the recently completed sixth annual “Spud Cup” Regatta, held over Labor Day weekend, was the best one ever. Of course, that could be considered a biased opinion since I had a small part in making it that way. This was my second Spud Cup and those of us in the Sandpoint Sailing Association like to think that we are capable of learning from the experience. To try and compare the races of 2003 to 2004 would be like trying to compare jellyfish to porpoise. Last year we held a total of six races over the two days. This year we had a total of nine races in the two-day period. Last year’s first day of racing was mostly an exercise in frustration
211 Cedar St., Sandpoint, Idaho 208-263-3167 ♦ 800-338-9849 ♦
(Continued on page 15)
Motor Overboard
One of a Kind Hand-notched, timber-framed home with open floor plan. 4 bedroom, 1 bath, plumbed for second bathroom, large deck with spectacular views of Schweitzer, second smaller deck, office, workshop, carport, and 4 storage rooms all on 30+/heavily timbered acres.
regional water quality compliance officer for the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, how it arrived in the Pend Oreille watershed in the first place was most likely as a hitchhiker on a boat coming from some infested lake in the region. Several lakes in Washington have battled Eurasian watermilfoil, as well as those in Kootenai County. More persistent than the native northern milfoils, it is a biologically tenacious species that spreads primarily by fragmentation caused by wind, waves and recreational activities. The smallest weed fragment can attach to boat props, fishing gear, oars, and paddles in addition to the undersides of boats. When carried from one place to another, the undesired plant part can establish roots and grow quickly into a new plant and colonize. With the increase of recreational boating in the watershed, the public bears a major responsibility for the growth of this invader weed.
Kathy Tully
and futility. The winds were light to non-existent. What winds we did have were ‘clocking around’ all over the place. Much of the day was spent drifting along veeeeerrrrry slowly in an almost dead calm for what must have seemed like days to the crews of the boats. This year the winds were much friendlier to sailors. On Saturday, a (Continued on page 11)
Page 2 | The River Journal | 22 September 2004
A Newspaper Worth Wading Through
Just going with the flow 307 N. 2nd Ave. #7 Sandpoint, ID 83864 208.255.6957 Fax # 208.263.4045 email “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle Masthead Photo: Lake Pend Oreille near Hope, Ida. Photo by Trish Gannon Calm Center of Tranquility Trish Gannon– Clark Fork and Sandpoint—208.255.6957 208.266.1154 Entertainment Just Ernie Hawks 208.255.6954 “Skipper’s” Friend Misty Grage– 208.255.6957 Cartoonists Boots Reynolds, Matt Davidson, Scott Clawson, Mike Gearlds Contributing Editor & Advisor Jody Forest- Dover "Ministry of Truth and Propaganda" Regular Columnists Sandy Compton; Mike Gearlds; Marianne Love; Lou Springer; J.J. Scott; Nancy Hadley; Idaho Rep. George Eskridge; Former Mont. Congressman Pat Williams; Mont. Senator Jim Elliot; Susan Daffron; Boots Reynolds and Melody Martz Priest River Distribution Carole Bethel Proudly printed at Griffin Publishing in Spokane, Wash. 509.534.3625 We appreciate your feedback. Please write to us at with your comments. Contents of The River Journal are copyright 2004. Reproduction of any material, including original artwork and advertising, is prohibited without the written consent of the publisher or the author. The River Journal is published the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month and approximately 6000 copies are distributed in Sanders County, Montana and Bonner, Boundary and Kootenai counties in Idaho.
The next issue of The River Journal will be out 13 October 2004
The River Journal will be on vacation at the end of October. Ernie will undoubtedly spend his vacation time killing more trees. Misty and I will catch up on our volunteer work with Sandpoint’s upcoming Mardi Gras and plans for the Kinderhaven Festival of Trees. Our writers, I am sure, will use this vacation week to get a head start on their October stories. And the community as a whole will likely get to watch the trees change color as continuing cool temperatures push us into autumn. The entire world will celebrate Librafest—the October 3rd birthday of myself, Laura Wahl, Jacquie Albright, Kjell Gustafson, Bob Hess and a few others. Happy birthday to all of you—and to me! See you again in October. -TG
ere I sit in the middle of the garden of needin’, a vine-ripe tomato in one hand and a salt shaker in the other, a tear runnin’ down my face—or it could be tomato juice, this being my third and last tomato of the season. Growing up in the South, where we had several months of ripe tomatoes, it’s hard to believe that here we only get several days of ripe tomatoes...if we’re lucky. The taste or smell of a vine-ripe tomato instantly brings back childhood memories of big, slicedtomato sandwiches you had to eat over the sink or out in the yard, because the juice would be running off your elbow. My wife said if my taste buds were that good at bringing back memories, I should lick my car keys and I would always know where I’d had them last. She might have something there! The average housewife who is, ooh, let’s say 49-years-old or younger, has never tasted vine-ripe anything. In fact, they have never tasted tree-ripened fruit, either. And you know if the wife didn’t bring it home, then what’s-his-name and the kids haven’t ever tasted it either. They miss this treat because we insist on having fruit and veggies that are uniform in size, blemish-free and the perfect color—even if it’s dyed. It must be firm enough to ship around the world and lay on a shelf for weeks without spoilage. One time I watched a bin of apples for a couple of weeks at the grocery store. Thinking they should be starting to soften up, I bought enough for an apple crisp. They laid in a wooden bowl for over a week with no sign of a change, yet the six apples that mama bear left on our tree didn’t last a week at room temperature. Our fruit, veggies and grain have been so genetically changed to benefit the grower and seller that the final product has the consistency, taste and nutritional value of wet cardboard. I know you’ve heard the old saying, “you are what you eat.” Well, it works the same for your veggies, fruit, grain and meat. Sitting in our garden of needin’ (needin’ weeding, needin’ water, etc.) I noticed the beautiful color our grapes have turned this week. The only help we gave them this year was water, plus I trimmed the leaves back so the sun could get to the grapes. At the same time, a friend of ours in California, who raises grapes commercially, has fed his genetically-bred grapes all their food value through man-made fertilizer. He has sprayed them three times with insecticide, and will spray them with sulfur to keep them from mildewing if it rains or comes a heavy dew! See Dick and Jane run? Jane runs for TP because Dick has the runs—Jane didn’t wash the grapes. What should Jane have used to wash the grapes with? Water? Ha-ha-ha! Try solvent! It’s not just veggies—we in America are very touchy about our meat; it is a specialty we take pride in. While tossing down a few cold ones, men will stand around a porch torch loaded with steaks and with a large fork to poke at them, all the while laughing and telling stories of the hunt. Men take pride in their ability to cook meat over an open fire. When it’s brown, it’s still cooking. When it’s black, it’s done! Of all the nationalities in America, plus over 80 tribes of American Indians, we as a people have brought quite an assortment of meat to the table. Here’s some of the dos and don’ts, wills and won’ts about Americans and their meat: For instance, back East and in the South, they eat squirrel but not rats. The difference? Squirrel has long hair on its tail. From Texas all the way to the East Coast they will barbeque anything they can scrape off the grill of a truck or roadway. When they get the hair off of it and cook the meat ‘til it falls off the bone, you won’t even ask what it is, especially when it’s covered with that hot, sweet barbeque sauce. There are neighborhoods in the big cities where, when certain nationalities move in, all the cats disappear. In others, it’s the dogs! I believe I’ve eaten most all the different kinds of meat served in America and each variety, served in its proper state, was very good. My wife Lovie and I had a cougar roast some time back and were surprised to find it all white meat—not unlike a breast of chicken. But my favorite is an Iowa, corn-fed Porterhouse beef steak! Second favorite it horsemeat. “What?! You would eat old Blaze? After you rode him for 20 years, and all our children learned to ride on him, you would just butcher and eat him?!” Yep. Horsemeat is good. It’s sweet, and a little coarser than beef, about like moose. We here in the US ate it during World War II because of the shortage of beef. That went for the war effort. Stores and restaurants put signs in the windows advertising they sold horsemeat. In fact, most of the world today still eats horse, and America is its largest supplier. Well, where did you think all the horses in the US went when they were sold at auction, to the green grass of Wyoming? Nope. They’re shipped to Canada for processing, then on to all your favorite tourist destinations. There are certain groups who frown on eating one’s own horse, or even feeding such meat to one’s dog, and heaven forbid we make soap from such a noble beast. Therefore it should be sold at auction, where it will find a good home. (Right between the mashed potatoes and peas.) Processed is a word you should look up in your book of threedollar words. It will enlighten you to a whole new world concerning the food you eat. For instance, Canada can’t sell raw horsemeat to the US, but it can sell it ‘processed’ as an ingredient in, let’s say, Polish sausage hot links, sold off the rotisserie at truck stops, but not over the meat counter at your local grocery story. The word ‘processed’ will allow most any food item to pass USDA inspection. The bigger the corporation, by the way, the easier it is to pass. Advertising people will try anything. We sell only Black Angus
Boots Reynolds From the Mouth of the River
or Hereford beef, but when you get the hide off the carcass it looks the same. (Except for Wal-Mart’s beef—it’s all fire engine red! I don’t know where it’s processed, but American beef is not that color!) We all know where eggs came from, but do you want to know how chickens are processed? No? I didn’t think so. Tomato season will be over as you read this, so if you haven’t had a fresh, unprocessed tomato dripping down your chin, it’s too late this year. But the zucchini’s still good and it’s likely your friends with gardens have plenty to share. Give it a try—see what plain old water and sunlight can do for your food.
by Matt Davidson
Boner County
Acres 'n Pains
by Mike Gearlds
by Scitz (AKA Scott Clawson)
22 September 2004| The River Journal | Page 3
Lou Springer
ird migration is a very curious thing. It takes a tremendous effort to wing it for thousands of miles just to nest in a specific territory. There are two conflicting theories about bird migration. The first postulates that half a million years ago, during the Pleistocene ice age when most of North America was ice covered, birds dependent upon warm weather for food were forced south, but retained a memory of their northern breeding and hunting grounds. When the glaciers melted, the birds returned to North America during the warm months. A half a million years—that is a long time to remember, some strong instinct. Here is another theory: as the Northern Hemisphere warmed up, tropical birds expanded their territories into new hunting grounds, but are compelled each year to return south to escape a northern winter. Whichever reason or combination of reasons, bird migration remains a great mystery. It is possible that birds use magnetism (magnetite has been discovered in the tiny avian brain of pigeons) to navigate. Biologists have performed experiments that indicate some birds can navigate by sun or celestial positions. The use of landmarks—topographical clues—plays an important part in bird orientation. Since 1983, I have been jotting the arrival date of birds on the calendar, with the information later going into a yearly journal of bird information. Violet green, then tree, followed by cliff and barn swallows start appearing in early spring. The violet green and tree swallows probably come from Mexico or Central America. The cliff and barn could be coming from as far away as Argentina. The earliest arrival was March 3 in '93; the latest was May 1 in '97, but most swallow arrivals have been clustered in the last half of March. Every August a large flock of swallows starts dropping from the sky on a clear morning. Since 'our' (bird box users, under bridge nest builders) swallows moved to meatier pastures in July, this flock really catches our attention. The birds are noisy and hyperactive. When perched on the 1/8 mile of power lines that cross our hayfields, they can be counted. I get as high as four hundred or so when suddenly, in concert, like a zipper opening, the birds leave the double wires. Released of the weight, the lines
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Paul Koch, O.D.
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bounce. The swallows circle, dip, weave, dive, and drop again to the wires. The lines sag. The mixed flock will hang around all morning, then completely disappear. We figured that the resident swallows and their offspring returned to circle around our fields and imprint the spring destination. The converging valleys may be important topographical elements to recognize. August is our month for float trips so I don't have complete records of swallow departure, but the little mosquito eaters are always gone by mid month. Until this year. We were floating British Columbia Rivers in early August. We didn't see any swallows the rest of the month so figured the big flock excitement had occurred when we were gone. We were sorry to have missed them. I always like to yell, “Good bye, have a safe trip, see ya' next year.” There were plenty of opportunities to yell good bye in September. The first ten days of the month brought us a nearly continual contingent of excited tree swallows. There is no way to know if one large flock was returning every couple of days or if there were separate flocks, each heading south with the convergent valleys and convenient power lines over an open field on their map. Tree swallows are one of the species that biologists are studying for the effects of global warming. These little bug eaters are among the most numerous of the migrating species and are relatively easy to study. One study showed the egg-laying date of North American tree swallows advanced by nine days during the period from 1959 to 1991. Reported in 1999 by Peter O. Dunn, University of Wisconsin and David W. Winkler, Cornell University, the research correlated 3,450 nest records. "We conclude," wrote the biologist, "that tree swallows across North America are breeding earlier and that the most likely cause is a long term increase in spring temperature." Not only are these little opportunists making babies earlier, I think they are departing later. We live in interesting times. © Sept 14, 2004 Lou Springer
Look for Mike Gearlds’ column in the next issue
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Page 4 | The River Journal | 22 September 2004
Idaho Representative George Eskridge (R)
A Seat in the House
person asked me this week if it was true that the Idaho D e p a r t m e n t o f Transportation (ITD) had purchased the Lakeside Inn in Sandpoint and was going to burn the motel and all the furnishings (beds, dressers, desks, etc) inside the office and motel rooms. She had heard this and was wondering why the ITD wouldn’t offer the furnishings for sale, or at least donate them to a non-profit, charitable organization. ITD has purchased the motel in conjunction with the Sandpoint by-way project and will, in the near future, demolish the motel buildings, although not by burning. More interesting is that the timeliness of the purchase has provided a unique Homeland Security training opportunity that will be taking place at the motel site. The Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security and Idaho State University’s Institute of Emergency Management
are utilizing the motel to provide a “real-world training experience to as many as 600 Idaho first responders.” Mr. Arthur Dufault, the project manager, provided information on the exercise as well as a pamphlet providing more detailed information. The following is information taken from the pamphlet: The exercise, identified as “Operation Road Trip” (Readiness Operations and Defense to Train Rural Idaho in Preparedness) will use the 60 room Lakeside Inn as its base of operations for five weeks of training. “Before the motel is demolished, ISU’s Institute of Emergency Management will coordinate a fiveweek, multi-agency, multijurisdictional project to help first responders prepare and train for a Chemical Biological Radioactive Nuclear Explosive (CBRNE) masscasualty incident. The goals of Operation Road Trip are to: provide training and hands-on exercises to first responders through a cross-disciplinary approach; and to facilitate multi-agency cooperation.” Each week first responders will be participating in both classroom and hands-on training courses. They will then participate in a series of exercises, some on site at the motel, which will provide realistic feedback to the students. For example, I understand
Montana Senator Jim Elliott (D)
Montana Viewpoint
Bad Data Makes for Bad Decisions egislators as a group are not a terribly innovative bunch and much of what we claim as our own ideas has been passed down from organizations that have a particular political philosophy and propose methods to achieve it. There’s nothing wrong with this, as long as the organization has its facts straight and its numbers accurate. What can go wrong with this approach to governmental solutions is that legislators will embrace an organization’s proposal as if it were gospel, and never bother to check the facts and figures presented. Most state governments have independent, non-partisan research organizations. Montana’s is the Legislative Services Division, which has
separate entities that cover legal, financial, audit and environmental areas. It is staffed with some pretty sharp people, and recently one of them picked up a major error in an influential study. I do a lot of reading about tax policy and how it does and doesn’t affect economic growth, so when I read a study published by the accounting firm of Ernst and Young stating that Montana relies more heavily on business taxes than 42 other states, I paid attention. In fact, my attention was even more focused on the number w h e n t he M o n t a n a T ax p a ye r s Association used the study to make the point that even after years of cutting Montana’s business taxes, they were still out of line with the norm. The study—A 50 State Study of the Taxes Paid by Business in FY [Fiscal Year] 2003—was prepared by highly respected researchers in the field of tax policy for the accounting firm of Ernst and Young, and was published by the influential Council on State Taxation. The researchers included all taxes paid by businesses in every state— property, income, sales, alcohol and cigarette, etc. In cases where a tax was paid by both individuals and businesses, only the business share of
Printing Color Copying If it’s on paper, we can do it!
there will be actual fires set in some of the motel rooms for the students to respond to. (This may be where the concern that ITD was going to burn the motel buildings originated.) The first five weeks will devote training to specific first responder organizations: week one will be a training exercise for law enforcement personnel, week two for EMS personnel, week three for firefighting personnel, week four for HazMat, and the fifth for Urban Search and Rescue. The training will end in a single scenario that will involve all the agencies participating in a multijurisdictional response to a Chemical Biological Radioactive Nuclear Explosive mass-casualty incident and training event based on lessons learned during the first five weeks. The State Board of Education approved the formation of the Institute of Emergency Management in 2003 to “offer workshops, courses, certificates and eventually degrees to meet the professional and career development needs of Idahoans in Emergency Management.” At the national level, the Office for Domestic Preparedness (ODP) is providing financial assistance to the states through the FY2003 and FY2004 ODP Homeland Security Grant Program. The Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security (formerly the Bureaus of Disaster Services and Ha za rd ous Mate ri al s ) has the responsibility of administering the grants and to carry out the mission of
the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Not only will this exercise provide training for personnel all over the nation, but it also brings an economic benefit to the Sandpoint area. I understand that most of the motels in the area have reservations for personnel taking part in the training and that these participants will be utilizing local restaurants and other services in the area. This will provide a great economic “shot in the arm” for local businesses during the interim between the summer and winter tourist seasons! I also learned that, with the exception of some of the furniture that will be used in the rooms for the training exercises, the motel furnishings have been offered to several different non-profit charitable organizations in the area. These organizations were on site the week of September 13 selecting furnishings they could use. Anyone who would like more information on Operation Road Trip can visit the website at www.isu.idu/ idiem. I finish this article with another quote on Democracy: “In free countries, every man is entitled to express his opinions and every other man is entitled not to listen.” (G. Norman Collie) Thanks for reading and as always feel free to contact me anytime. My home phone is 208-265-0123 and my mailing address is P.O. Box 112, Dover,
that tax was used. I wanted to find out if it was possible to determine the split between taxes paid by small and large businesses to see if one was being taxed more heavily than the other, so I asked a Legislative Services staff person to look into it for me. In going over the figures used he discovered something totally unexpected: the numbers that Ernst and Young used for Montana weren’t accurate. Errors were made even in reporting data that was readily accessible: corporate income tax was overstated by $39.7 million ($81 million versus $41.3 million actually received); business share of insurance premium tax was overstated by $5.2 million ($55.1 versus $49.9 million); and mining severance taxes were understated by $20 million ($89 versus $109 million). But the most disturbing discrepancy found by the legislative researcher—in fact, the one that was noticed first—was that Ernst and Young appeared to be overstating business property taxes by over $326 million... 40 percent higher than they actually were. Here’s how that came to light. The study claims that businesses paid $778 million in Montana property taxes in 2002. This seemed out of line to the researcher considering that the total amount of all Montana property taxes collected in 2002 was $827 million, and of that almost half would have been paid by homeowners, not businesses. In an effort to find out if we were
interpreting things differently than the study, the legislative researcher contacted Ernst and Young to try to reconcile the discrepancies. Was he missing something that Ernst and Young saw? Well, we don’t know, because repeated attempts to get Ernst and Young to respond to questions were fruitless. The short answer is, until we can know for certain one way or the other, the results of this study and the conclusions drawn from them are highly suspect. However, this did not prevent the study results from being broadcast as accurate. It was purely a matter of happenstance and the sharp eye of a state employee that brought this inaccuracy to light. While I might sometimes suspect our numbers were being manipulated to make a point, it would seldom occur to me that the numbers themselves were flat wrong. I do not believe that this was an intentional error. Regardless, the results of this study, however inaccurate, have influenced the opinions of policy makers across the nation. The most important factor in determining beneficial public policy is to have the numbers right, and Ernst and Young didn’t.
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Look for Pat Williams’ column in the next issue
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22 September 2004 | The River Journal | Page 5
Marianne Love
Love Notes
A Peek at the Papacy
y third book, Lessons with Love, will feature humorous and poignant stories spanning my 33 years as a Sandpoint High School educator. One selection, “Ya Mean SHE Taught the Pope!!!” may cause a stir. Certainly, I don’t look old enough to have taught John Paul II! So, how could this happen? You’ll have to read the book to learn the answer. I AM definitely old enough to have taught Cindy Wooden, as is my journalism mentor, Bob Hamilton. We, along with her local family and friends, have been busting our buttons for 15 years knowing that Cindy has followed the Pope’s activities as a reporter for Catholic News Service (CNS) in the Vatican Bureau. In fact, this 1978 SHS grad has flown on the Papal jet with the Vatican press corps more than 30 times when the Pope has taken his world tours. And, oh, the places she has gone— Ukraine, United States, France, several African and South American countries, Romania, Australia, Jerusalem’s Western Wall in 2000, Iran, etc. On a mid-August trip to Lourdes, France, the press corps accompanying the Pontiff numbered 67 reporters, photographers and television correspondents. Accompanying the Pope allows reporters guaranteed access to most of the papal events, including meetings with heads of state or private visits to churches where he is not celebrating Mass—which he usually does in a large outdoor space. “The flight time is devoted to reading the speeches the Pope will give throughout the day of his arrival and to
writing the arrival story—knowing full well that sights and sounds will have to be added and the whole story may change once we land,” Cindy explained. “...still and television photographers get off the plane first and quickly so that they can be in place to take pictures as the Pope descends from the plane. The rest of us file out and are usually herded to a press platform where we watch the arrival ceremony.” On a 2001 Ukraine visit, the Pope celebrated ten years of the country’s independence from the former USSR as well the resurgence of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, which was banned in 1946 by the Soviet Union. John Paul II also beatified Fr. Roman Lysko, a priest arrested for ministering secretly for three years after the church was outlawed. Besides covering the Pope’s visit, Cindy met Lysko’s wife Neonila (Greek Catholic priests can marry) and her daughter Zvenyslava. “Neonila, who was 79 . . . grasped a family photo which included her husband and told me that she still went several times a week to the jail where her husband was last seen alive in 1949,” Cindy recalled. “She has no idea what happened to his body . . . after all these years her eyes spill over with tears . . . the Soviets told her that her husband died of a heart attack, but other prisoners in the jail said he was brutally beaten and then sealed alive in a wall. For Neonila, the jail is his tomb.” Cindy’s career of chronicling these poignant stories was launched by journalism and religion degrees from Seattle University. During a stint with CNS in Washington, D.C., her call to
Rome came. She hasn’t looked back. She looks forward to many more years of meeting incredible people through this vocation she truly loves. Since her 1989 arrival in Rome, the “Cindy Wooden” byline has appeared in 200 Catholic newspapers and magazines in 40 countries around the world. “Each day my two colleagues and I read the Vatican’s daily newspaper and the transcript of Vatican Radio’s main newscast,” Cindy explained recently. “One of us spends four or five hours staffing our desk in the Vatican press office where we have access to Vatican spokesmen. The Pope’s daily list of appointments is posted there, and his speeches, letters and documents are released there. “There is always someone in the Vatican doing something interesting, and so we do a lot of interviews,” she added. Cindy has reported on several hot topics, ranging from the clerical sexual abuse crisis in the United States, to wars around the world, peace efforts, Mel Gibson’s movie The Passion, and ongoing efforts to promote Christian unity. “I’ve come to know the Pope’s attitudes and positions very well, but it’s not like I know him personally,” she said. “I think he recognizes me as one of the journalists who follow him around . . . . Whether you agree or not with some of his positions on moral or social issues, I don’t think anyone can doubt the strength of his faith or the fact that he seriously spends hours in prayer, has an uncanny ability to connect with young people and is truly moved when he sees people suffer.” With the 84-year-old Pope’s declining health, Cindy anticipates a hectic period when he retires or dies. “My life will get crazy,” she says. “Thousands of journalists will descend
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on the city, as well as all the world’s cardinals. I do not believe the Pope will retire; I am convinced that he believes that because he was elected for life to serve as head of the Catholic Church, he will remain until God decides his term should end. “...there will be a huge funeral… Cardinals who are under 80—as of Sept. 1 there were 123—will gather in the Sistine Chapel to discuss the needs of the church and vote for the person they think would be the best guide for the church,” she explained. “Like all news organizations . . . , we do have a plan for how we will cover the events . . . . like most of our colleagues we have a package of stories about Pope John Paul II’s life . . . which we update regularly so that we will not have to start from scratch when the time comes.”
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Page 6 | The River Journal | 22 September 2004
Clark Fork, Idaho The Clark Fork Food Bank is currently open only on Wednesdays. To reach Janie Miller, call 208-266-1231. If you’d like to donate, call Janie or write PO Box 488, Clark Fork, ID 83811. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Well-known human rights and diversity speaker Sam Byrd will present a free community workshop focused on “Creating Inclusive Communities and Organizations” from 8 am to 1 pm Tuesday, September 28 in the Lake Coeur d’Alene Room of Edminster Student Union Building on North Idaho College’s main campus. Hope, Idaho Democrat Dale Van Stone, candidate for Bonner County Commissioner, will hold a fundraiser and meet-thecandidates get-together at Hope’s Memorial Community Center on Saturday, October 2 from 3 pm to 5 pm. Free hors’ douevres and wine will be provided. Many democratic candidates will be there. Sandpoint, Idaho Five schools in Sandpoint and Kootenai will be joining schools from around the world to celebrate Walk to School Day on October 6. Now in its
eighth year, Walk to School Day is expected to include more than 3,000 schools from all 50 states. The idea is to walk to school together with a purpose — to promote health, safety, physical activity and concern for the environment. Walkers from the U.S. will be joined by at least 32 countries from around the world. Local participation began last year with two participating schools. It is anticipated that more than 1,500 students from Farmin Stidwell, Kootenai and Washington Elementary Schools, Sandpoint Middle School and Lake Pend Oreille High School will be walking to school that day along with parents, teachers and community leaders such as mayors and city councilors from Sandpoint, Ponderay and Kootenai, Bonner County commissioners, Idaho’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator, others from the Idaho Transportation Department and local civic and business leaders. . The event will begin at 7:30 am, with kids, parents and community leaders walking from a variety of locations to the participating schools. Walk to School Day started as a simple idea: Children and parents, school and local officials walking to school together on a designated day. It is an energizing event, reminding everyone of the simple joy of walking to school, the health benefits of regular daily activity, and the need for safe places to walk and bike. To learn more about National Walk to School Day, visit the official website at www.walktoschool local contact for our event is Molly O'Reilly, who can be reached at 208-255-7336. Marianne Love will be the featured speaker at the Friends of the Library meeting at noon on Thursday, October 7 at the Sandpoint Library. Marianne, a former Sandpoint High School English teacher and now essayist for The River Journal, has written two books of
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personal reminiscences. Pocket Girdles and other Confessions of a Northwest Farmgirl and Postcards from Potatoeland, are both illustrated by her mother, Virginia Tibbs. Marianne has generously donated copies of both books to offer as door prizes at the meeting. A native of Sandpoint, Marianne will use the theme, "Sandpoint when Sandpoint wasn't cool," as a taking off point for her recollections of her hometown in its earlier days. As always, the public is invited to attend. FOL is having its annual Clearance Sale on Saturday, October 2, from 10 am until 3 pm at the Sandpoint Library. All books, both paperback and hardcover, as well as CD's and videos, will be 25 cents. Children's books will be on sale for 10 cents. Be sure to check our FREE table with many items including a special collection of tapes. The Kinnickinnick Chapter of the Idaho Native Plant Society will be meeting on September 25 at 9:45 am at the Bonner County Library in Sandpoint. Eva Lusk, Washington State University Master Gardener, will make a presentation on "Planting and Maintaining a Wildlife Sanctuary.” Participants will learn how to plant a garden designed to attract wildlife— especially birds. Eva has been making things grow her entire life and will germinate some creative ideas in her audience. Non-members are welcome and the program is free. For additional information please call Linda Drayton at 208-267-4459. James “Bean” Johnson, Independent candidate for Bonner County Sheriff, is hosting a FUNdraiser at the Oden Bay Community Hall on Saturday, September 25 starting at 6 pm. Cost is $5 per person if you purchase tickets ahead of time at the Everyday Internet Café, or Eichardt’s Pub and Grill in Sandpoint. The price is $7 at the door. Thompson Falls, Montana Presentations focusing on water quality issues and projects in the lower Clark Fork River in Montana and Idaho will be among the topics discussed at the Tri-State Water Quality Council’s bi-annual meeting on Thursday, October 7 at the Rivers Bend Golf Course in Thompson Falls, Mont. from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Call 208-265-9092 for more information. A synopsis of the newly developed
Nutrient Management Plan for Lake Pend Oreille in north Idaho will also be presented by the Council’s program director, Ruth Watkins, who has been meeting over the past month with local organizations and city and county governments to convey recommended measures from the plan that would reduce impacts to the lake’s shallow shoreline areas. Montana’s Clark Fork River is the lake’s largest tributary. Other topics at the meeting include finalizing a plan to update the decadeold Clark Fork-Pend Oreille Basin Management Plan with EPA and the states of Montana, Idaho and Washington, and expansion of the Council’s three-state water quality monitoring program in 2005. Heron, Montana Friends of Cathy Walk, Run, Bike for Life will be held Saturday, October 2, starting at the Heron Community Center Resource Building (behind Heron Community Center). Sign-up starts at 9:30 am, walk starts at 10 am (Mountain time). Ten mile loop (or whatever distance you can go) “walk, run, bike for pledged donations.” For more information and a pledge form, please call Diane Mosley at 406-8472024 or Heidi Dettwiler at 406-847-2247. This event benefits local Montana/ Idaho border residents with medical travel expenses for serious health conditions. Noxon, Montana The first annual Pioneers of the Past will be held October 8, 9 and 10 in Noxon’s Bicentennial Park. Booth setup is Friday afternoon with events all day Saturday and Sunday. Campfire Saturday night. Raffle for a Harrington and Richardson 45-70 and a Mosburg Ultra, benefits Noxon Scholarship Fund. Arts and Crafts, handmade items, entertainment, hands-on instruction of old fashioned items, sing along and silent auction. Participants asked to dress in time frame of 100 years ago or more.
Community Assistance League provided 14 scholarships for the 20042005 school year. Scholarships went to Corinne Haase and Sarah Baugh in Clark Fork, Ida. and to Rebecca Millard and Nina York in Priest River, Ida. In Sandpoint, recipients were Ashley Allen, Conor Baranski, Alex Calkins, Jaimie Hedrick, Allison Heim, Ben Lockwood, Carrie Moore, Liam Orton, Hayley Pearson and Jeffrey Reoch. CAL’s scholarship committee is chaired by Valerie Albi. CAL has over 160 area women who have awarded more than $16,000 this year to community groups and students. Bonner County Clerk Marie Scott announced absentee balloting for the November 2 General Election is now available. Ballots may be obtained in person at the Recorder’s Office from 9 am until 5 pm Monday through Friday. The office is located just inside the front door of the main courthouse building at 215 S. First Avenue in Sandpoint. To obtain a ballot by mail, send your request to that same address. Every request for an absentee ballot must be dated and signed by each requestor and must designate their regular residence location—not post office boxes—within
September Special—10% off! Dermalogica® Body Spa products & Dermalogica® Multi Vitamins
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22 September 2004 | The River Journal | Page 7 Bonner County, as well as providing directions as to where the ballot should be mailed. In order to be counted, all absentee ballots must be returned to the Clerk at the courthouse no later than 8 pm on election day. Under Idaho Code, precinct workers are not allowed to receive absentee ballots on election day at the polling places. Those not currently registered to vote in Bonner County are encouraged to do so. Registration for the general election closes on October 7. Voter registration cards may be obtained at the courthouse, at any City Hall, at the public library, through any of the 40plus taxing districts, or online at, under “election department.” You must include a photocopy of your photo ID card. You must be a US citizen, be at least 18 years old on election day, and have resided in Bonner County for 30 days prior to the election. You may also register on election day. Free subscriptions to both The River Journal and the Bonner County Daily Bee are available for local servicemen serving overseas in Iraq. For more information or to obtain a subscription, please call Joe at 208-265-9881, or Don Carr at 208-265-1435.
If your friends have ever suggested you’re a “cheap” tipper, you might want to stay away from a pizza restaurant in Lake George, NY. A diner there was charged with “theft of services,” a misdemeanor crime, after leaving less than a ten percent tip at the restaurant. The place of business adds a mandatory 18 percent tip to bills for large parties of customers. The gentleman charged stated he was dissatisfied with the service as his reason for leaving a smaller tip. The restaurant says it’s not the money— they’ve pursued the charge because they say the customer was “obnoxious.” The charge will help settle the question of whether these types of gratuities are a legally enforceable debt. The Associated Press reports that the Sandia Motor Raceway, located in Albequerque, NM, is for sale—on Ebay. After eight hours online it had a high bidder of $10,100. The track’s appraised value is $4.24 million. The group of investors who own the track say they chose this somewhat unconvential method of sale because they were having “no luck” going the traditional sales route. They retain the right to pull
the listing from Ebay if the bids aren’t “high enough.” The track will remain for sale at this online auction house until October 17. It looked like San Francisco Giants slugger Barry Bonds would hit 700 home runs this season, and investment banker Michael Maher was among hundreds, maybe even thousands, who really wanted to catch that ball for a souvenier. Maher, however, put his money where his mouth is when it comes to making dreams come true, and he purchased 6,458 seats—$25,000 worth—at Los Angeles’ Dodger Stadium for the Oct. 1 and Oct. 3 games, hoping that’s where Bonds would hit his mark. Unfortunately for Maher, Bonds hit the mark last week, reaching his 701st homer against San Diego. Bonds is only the third player to hit 700, coming in behind Babe Ruth (714) and Hank Aaron (755). There’s still a few games to go before Maher reaches the stands, however, and it’s not impossible he’ll have the chance to catch another home run record… 715 anyone? Sometimes, you really do get what you deserve, as a Florida man found out last week. After deciding to kill a litter of unwanted puppies by shooting them in the head, he was surprised to find he himself in hospital—when one of the puppies managed to cause the .38 caliber revolver to discharge, into the man’s wrist.
for a black laborador recently seen driving his owner’s pickup truck through town. The owner, it appears, was off watching Canada win hockey’s World Cup. His dog, left in the truck, managed to put it in gear and coast through town. No one was hurt and, when police responded to the report of a dog driving a truck, found him sitting unconcerned behind the wheel of the vehicle. The Whitehorse Royal Canadian Police issued a press release stating the dog had been “celebrating” Canada’s win. Are body lice different than head lice? Do you really care? If you do, you’ll be glad to know that the New Scientist reports a recent DNA study shows the two are definitely genetically different. Inglewood, Calif. could stop it but Mexico City was no match for Wal-Mart when the Arkansas-based company decided it wanted to build one of its supercenters—just a little over a mile from the Mexican pyramids at Teotihuacan. Not much is known of the pyramids’ builders—they were first discovered by the Aztec over 1,300 years ago. The Aztec believed they were built by giants with the help of the gods. No one knows, but it seems reasonable to suspect they might not think the same about Sam’s Supercenter, even if the prices are “always falling.”
Sri Lanka’s national handball team has gone mysteriously missing and, if you were wondering why this hasn’t made the major news channels, let us be the first to let you know—they didn’t have one to begin with. That didn’t stop a group of… well, unknown people from applying for visas to visit Germany—and disappearing once they got there. You might think, when traveling in Yukon, Whitehorse Territory, that their new traffic circle is something you want to watch out for. If it’s game day, however, keep your eyes peeled instead
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208-263-7294 Sophia Center of Montana PRESENTS
October 16 & 17—10 am to 4 pm Noxon, Montana Saturday: This day-long workshop will provide tools for understanding the language of dreams. Learn to unlock the meaning dreams hold Sunday: Anita will guide five participants to deep, transforming insight of their personal dreams REGISTER BY OCT. 1, 2004 For information and to register:
There were women in the Continental Army, even a few who saw combat? Probably the best known is Mary Ludwig Hays, nicknamed "Molly Pitcher." She replaced her wounded husband at his cannon during the Battle of Monmouth in 1778. Another wife of an artilleryman, Margaret Corbin, was badly wounded serving in her husband's gun crew at the Battle of Harlem Heights in 1776. Thousands of other women served in Washington's army as cooks and nurses.
Noxon and Heron Weather Summary, 2004
By Frank Coupal
he hot dry weather of July extended into August, but with some welcome rain at the end of the first week. Following a quick return of hot and dry weather, late August brought unusually cool days and heavy rains. Temperatures reached 98 degrees at both Noxon and Heron and a low of 44 was recorded at Heron. Average daily maximums were relatively low but cloudy nights brought the average nightly minimums to near record warm levels. Precipitation was far above normal at both locations with a total of 4.25 in. at Noxon and 5.09 in. at Heron. The total at Heron was second only to the record of 7.22 in. set in 1976. The average 3-month summer temperatures were a little above normal, although again, relatively cool daytime highs were offset by warm nights. A drier than normal June and July were offset by a very wet August, yielding summer totals about 40 percent above normal and bringing year-to-date totals to about 10 percent ahead of average.
Page 8|The River Journal | 22 September 2004
p in the mountains the trees are beginning to show fall colors; orange and yellow are replacing summer greens. Although fall is not officially here, it feels like summer ended a couple of weeks ago. Football has begun and it is time to do fall clean up in the yard. There is the usual talk of a hard winter on the lips of some of the old-timers... we’ll see. Where did summer go? It would be nice to take a trip to a beautiful, sunny climate in January when the sky is gray and the days are short and cold. Or maybe I should consider trading-in my old truck for a brand new four-wheel-drive to prepare for slippery winter roads. Of course, the house could use some new appliances, countertops, carpet and furniture. Whew, each one of those purchases could take a lot of money. Where do you begin when looking at major purchases? It can certainly be a difficult undertaking, and even seems overwhelming at times. While there is no easy solution, a little time and planning may be all you need to make those purchases happen. It may also help you to get the most for your money. When looking at my list, I would recommend a little prioritization and long-term planning.
I identify a major purchase as a product or service that cannot easily be paid for out of your current budget. If you haven’t already made a major purchase, chances are you will probably be faced with one sometime in the future. Here are some important things to consider: Is it a necessity now, or a luxury that can wait? Can you afford it? How much will you need to save? How will you pay for the purchase, with cash, credit, lease or loan? Once you have the answers to these questions, it is time to start planning. Create a budget, save wisely, and you will be on your way to making those big-ticket wants and needs happen. Putting a savings program in motion as soon as you see a major purchase on the horizon will give your money the best chance to work long and hard enough to reach your goals. If you are going to use a loan or credit to pay for the item, try making payments into a savings account for a few months to see how comfortable you are with the debt. This will accomplish two things; it will give you money for a down payment and allow you time to consider your purchase. It can pay to research your purchase by talking to other people that have purchased a similar product or looking into consumer guides for tips. Evaluate your current budget; if you haven’t already created a budget, begin now. Where is your income going now? Can you afford to redirect some of it for that major purchase? To find out, record every expense from morning coffee and utilities to movies and dinner. While some expenses are fixed, such as rent or a mortgage payment, you may be able to cut back in other areas. This could help you identify areas where you could redirect some money. Only you can decide how your income is spent or what your lifestyle should be. Any lifestyle changes that you make in order to provide money for your purchase
may be short term or long term. Well with all of that said and done, I guess I will be driving my truck for one more year and ice fishing will take the place of a fishing trip in Mexico. We have started putting money away for a graduation trip for my oldest son. It seems like yesterday that he was starting kindergarten. That reminds me, I will have two children in college soon. Planning does not happen overnight; take your time and evaluate where your hard-earned dollars are spent.
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22 September 2004 | The River Journal | Page 9
Trish Gannon
Politically Incorrect
e was 17 years old. In my mind’s eye I picture him as a big, strapping boy, the kind of kid who could be the entire offensive line all by himself. He’s dark, so dark he might be Italian or Spanish or maybe even Indian. His hair is as black as night and his eyes… well, maybe his eyes are green. I don’t know if he looks like this, this 17-year-old boy. To tell the truth, I’m not even totally sure that he is a he and not a she. All I know is that it’s important for me that he look totally unlike my own 17-year-old, slightly built, fair-haired boy. A thing I do know about this boy is that something terrible happened, something unexpected, something so tragic that parents everywhere pray “not my child; not my family” in the hope to avoid such a thing, to ward off the evil eye. I know this because early on a Tuesday morning in September, this boy’s parents made an agonizing decision—to turn off the machines that kept their child’s body alive even though his brain was dead. And then
they did something more, something so enormous I can hardly comprehend it— they chose to donate his organs in the hope that others might live. It was around 9 am here in Idaho when all this occurred, around noon in Fort Wayne, Ind. My nephew, Charles, was wheeled into surgery. There, his chest was opened and machines took over the task of circulating his blood and filling his lungs with oxygen while his heart was removed—the same heart that grew just under my sister’s heart 28 years ago. It was a heart that no longer worked after a virus felled my nephew last September, just one year ago. Into his open chest, doctors placed the heart of that 17-year old boy. How many tears can one person cry and for how many reasons? I want my nephew to live. I do not want my sister to go through what those unknown parents went through early this month. But I will tell you, for a time that day I mourned a 17-year-old boy I’ve never met, never knew, almost as if he were my own. I saw his face in the faces of all my son’s friends and schoolmates. Worse, I saw his face on my son’s face and I cried as if the tears might never stop. That’s been several weeks ago now. In the language of story-telling, in the ebb and flow of the tale, I should be writing of Charles beginning a new life with a new heart. But this is real, and in real life, the stories don’t always go where we want them to. The transplant surgery did not go well. 800-338-9849
211 Cedar Street Sandpoint, Idaho 208-263-3167
Charles was on the operating table until midnight that first night. Half of his new heart could not, would not, beat. When his doctors wheeled him out of the surgery, they told my niece, “Don’t get your hopes up.” They did not expect him to live through the night. He’s a fighter, though, Charles is. Half his body was paralyzed— whether from the new heart that wouldn’t beat, the stroke he’d had a few days before, the trauma of the one knew. He was bleeding internally, and my niece would call with periodic reports on blood pressure and pulmonary pressure, with measurements of things I didn’t know could be measured. Charles was still hooked to a machine that pumped his blood, as he had been ever since he caught a cold that wouldn’t go away, and as he struggled back to consciousness he would reach to feel for the leads, to see, even before fully awake, whether the surgery had been a success. Since that time he’s had five more surgeries. One of those removed the heart pump when his new heart began to beat fully on its own. The prognosis, however, is still not good. His nurses say to hope—he has gone through so much, and come out of it better than anyone expected. His doctors say to prepare ourselves, that the trauma he’s been through is immense, and we should understand that his body may not be strong enough to deal with all its been given. As I write these words Charles is in complete renal shutdown. Brain swelling is today’s battle, and yesterday’s, and maybe tomorrow’s. Recipients of a heart transplant have a 75 to 80 percent chance of surviving the first year, a 60 percent chance of surviving for five years. Those are good odds, but they point to the fact that 20 to 25 percent of all transplant recipients will not make it through that first year. We do not know in which set of percentages Charles will fall. Of course, we never know what the day will bring, never know on what
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side of the percentages we will find ourselves at any given time and really, who would want to? Besides, that’s not really the point. And the point is not to live every day as if it’s your last; at least, that’s not what I’ve taken out of this road my family is walking right now. We already know that’s how we should be living, and on some days we put it into practice really well. No, the point for me is that, in the words of author Stephen Donaldson, “there is yet good in the world.” It is easy to become overwhelmed with all that is negative in the world today. At the same time my nephew struggles to live, my friend Doris’ son Jay was badly injured in an accident with a skidder that the skidder won. My youngest older brother, Clay, is having chest pains. My mother is struggling to keep her blood pressure and her blood sugar in an acceptable range, and to somehow come up with the money to pay for her medications. The other way to look at it is that at the same time, Doris’ son Jay is alive. My brother Clay is alive. My mother is alive. And that is good. Tyler kicking the soccer ball around the yard, Dustin wearing a fuzzy blue hat and dancing with pom poms as he cheers on the team, Amy doing a perfect set… that is good. Charles reaching out with an arm that had been paralyzed for a week to wrap it around his mother’s neck and pull her down for a hug… that is good. A family, coping with the worst grief a person can be asked to bear, reaches out to people they don’t even know with the gift of their child’s life… that is good. The point isn’t for how long we get to experience these things that are good… the point is that we do experience them. There is good in the world. Enjoy it. I know I will. Look for The Hawk’s Nest in the next issue
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Page 10| The River Journal |22 September 2004
JJ Scott, ID Fish & Game Warden
The Warden’s Words
keep checking my toes for the webbing that I am sure has started to grow. Hasn’t this been some serious, but much needed, rain? I’m sure the archers are wishing for not quite so much liquid sunshine while they are tromping the hillsides. As I mentioned before, the hunting seasons are upon us and most hunters should be checking out their favorite hunting spots and scouting any new areas they plan to hunt. There is just so much happening all at once that sometimes we just do not have enough time to accomplish everything we planned, nor to prepare, as we should. Those little, niggling things that keep popping up and disrupting life have a way of overwhelming some of us. As I got ready to put this article together I kept thinking there were items I should be addressing, but had not as of yet. Finally I had to sit down and just think really hard, and after the pain subsided I did recall some items that needed discussing. So here goes! Coming up on the 25th and 26th of September is the youth-only early waterfowl hunt. This hunt is designed so that dad or a mentor can take a hunter 15 years of age or younger on a waterfowl hunt without lots of other folks around. Only the youth can hunt, but what an excellent time to impart your knowledge and love of waterfowl hunting to that first-time hunter. Who knows, just maybe you will have taught your future hunting partner! All the rules and regulations apply to this early hunt and remember, just the youth can hunt.
Sanders County Resource Advisory Committee Proposal Deadline Extension and Meeting The Sanders County Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) has extend the June 30 project proposal deadline to October 31, 2004. Project forms can be found at: r4/payments_to_states.nsf and can be submitted on-line if desired. The next meeting is scheduled Wednesday, November 10, 2004 at 6:30 pm at the Sanders County Courthouse, Commissioner’s Office, 1111 Main Street, Thompson Falls, MT 59873. At this meeting the RAC will: vote on proposed projects to receive funding and receive public comment. The Sanders County RAC was created under Title II of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-393). More information regarding the Sanders County RAC is available by contacting Brian Avery or Shana Neesvig at 406-827-3533, or the Committee Chairman, Bill Nolen at 406-827-3881.
Talking about teaching someone to hunt, somebody out there has not done a very good job. The reason I know this is that in my freezer is an osprey. This osprey was found on the Johnson Creek Road (Clark Fork) where it lay after someone shot the bird from its roost. The bird was found during Labor Day weekend. Somewhere, someone is thinking they are a great hunter because they shot an osprey from a tree. How sad. If you have any information about this, please give me a call. The Forest Service has been busy on both sides of the valley with construction projects and improvements(?). On Lightning Creek we have the crossing on the East Fork Creek. I was kind of tickled when they did some work and laid down a concrete bottom at the crossing. I figured that after all these years they were hearing the users. Then I found out that they had improved the crossing to help with the trucking of mine waste out of the area. But they did leave the concrete bottom in and the crossing is now nice and should help folks to access the drainage. Bigger changes have been occurring in Unit 4. In the “Beaver Basin area” the Spruce Creek road, that runs from the bottom of the Buckskin Road to Bishop Springs, has been obliterated. The bridge has been removed and you will need to walk from that point to access the bottom of the Larch Mountain Trail. The Spruce Ridge road #205 has been fixed up and only needs the fog lines painted to rival Hwy 200. The point is that you need to scout your hunting area before the season. This year there is a regulation change that everybody should be aware of. Because the results from the mandatory elk check-in and the mandatory hunter report card you mail in have been relatively the same, your Fish and Game commissioners decided to do away with the mandatory elk check-in here in the Panhandle. This means you do not have to bring out the
Timbers Up to 40 Ft.
jaw or check-in your elk. However, the mandatory bear and moose check-in still apply. One less niggling thing to do. I am going to list local spots where you can check-in your critter: Bonners Ferry (Far North Outfitters); Naples (Alt’s Meat Cutting); Oldtown (POR Valley Sportshop); Priest Lake (Tamarack True Value); Clark Fork (Arrowhead Taxidermy and River Valley Farm & Garden); East Hope (Holiday Shores Marina); Sagle (Cravens Taxidermy); Sandpoint (Sandpoint Marina Shop and Woods Meats). The weather has affected the hunting season so far. Archery take has been slow and a few moose have been taken. Grouse have been seen taking swimming lessons and there is an old, bearded guy mumbling about town saying “two by two.” Speaking of grouse, as is typical I counted 17 grouse on a three-hour patrol two days before the season. Since then (two weeks) I have seen six—go figure. Just a reminder, yesterday I watched a bear cub (this year’s) wandering around without a mother near Trail 65. I don’t know what happened to the sow, but you need to remember that it is illegal to kill a sow with cubs. Please be sure of your shot before you pull the trigger. I discovered that a few more people read this column than I thought. I found this out when I went to raid my neighbor’s (Mike and Betsy’s) tomatoes. Instead I found a bag with tomatoes inside and a note saying they hoped that tomatoes given would taste better than those stolen. I’m just not sure they do. When I was a youth, the apples I stole from old Mr. Robert’s tree always tasted better than store bought! I guess I will need to be more careful as to what I write. I still have other chores I need to do right now, such as prepare for my Hunter Safety class this afternoon. And as I have bent your ears enough I should end this. Please remember to enjoy what we have, enjoy it with the family and leave it better than when you found it.
From Celebrate Sand Creek:
don’t know what might be buried under all the layers of muck at the bottom of Sand Creek. One year, when I was working at Outdoor Experience, we got a desperate call from the manager of Coldwater Creek asking if we had a kayak we could launch on Sand Creek. An elderly woman was having lunch on the deck and had dropped her purse into the water. I grabbed one of the rental boats and paddled out to the purse that was barely floating above water. It was like picking up a chunk of lead and I almost capsized when I grabbed it. I dumped the water out of it and returned it the woman who waited on the bank. She was so grateful that she reached in and handed me a sopping wet fifty dollar bill. I refused to take it but her daughter told me it would mean a lot to her mother. The pictures of her grandchildren were damp but survived. -Steve York remember coming down from Kootenai cutoff road in a kayak and a moose standing right in the middle of the stream looking at me as if it were asking, “Where are you going?” I especially remember one year when the creek froze; it was a great freeze. We were clearing the snow off and it seemed like for that year there were a lot of people skating on it. One day I counted almost a 100 people out skating on the creek.-Kevin Nye lex Murray, who lived in a condominium on Sand Creek, courted me on Sand Creek. We spent lots of our early times together on and near the creek and we loved eating at the Garden Restaurant. -Jill Kahn y grandparents had the first modern hotel in Sandpoint, the Pend Oreille Hotel, made of wood. Originally it was on the far side of the tracks but they moved it to the west side of the tracks, in front of where the train depot is. It burned down. When I think of Sand Creek, I always think of that hotel.-Barb McCrum round the winter of ‘84-’85, Sandpoint’s volunteer fire department put on a ski poker run to
(Continued on next page)
“Shoot the Bull” a presentation of the Bull River Outdoors Education Association Saturday, Sept. 25, 6 pm MST at the historic Bull River Ranger Station on Montana Hwy. 56. Featuring Native American storyteller Jack Gladstone
Lumber Rough sawn Low prices
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Largest Deer Proof selection in North Idaho! Tulips ♦ Daffodils ♦ Garlic ♦ Alliums ♦ Frittilaria
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(Continued from previous page)
raise funds. They set up a track for cross country skiing all around Sand Creek between the marina and under the Cedar Street Bridge. You skied from point to point, picking up a playing card at each of seven stations. The ice skating is what I love about Sand Creek, and the kids out there all times of the year. And the rope swing.-Rod Crawford here was the train station. There used to be a train we called the dinky. It stopped to pick up milk. You could board it at 9:10 in the morning and go to Kootenai or Hope or on to Clark Fork. It came back through Sandpoint at 4:10. The family would get on the train and go to Kootenai and go to church and walk out to our friends at Whiskey Jack. There’ve been floods in the spring of the year. Before the dams went in, water came down from all the creeks. Originally Sand Creek was a tributary. Sand Creek itself went out at Ponderay until there was a land slide. From 1923 on up, I’ve known Sand Creek. The bridge that I knew the best was a footbridge across the creek that Humbird built in the early 1930s. It was further up the creek than the current Cedar Street Bridge, right there at Bopp’s place, off of First Street. My dad worked at the planer mill. We had friends over there and as kids we used to walk across the footbridge. Cars could not go across it because of the fact that there were three steps down and three steps up. I remember Pierson’s Hill, sliding down it onto the ice on Sand Creek and getting dunked, sometimes. Ole Pierson was Johnny Humbird’s father-in-law. I was six years old when we moved there. I lived at 708 North Fourth right on Sand Creek until 1939. Then I owned the property at 719 across the street.-Wilma Allen hen the business association had the races on Sand Creek, the Green Thumb Girls dressed up like flowers. One of us was in a tulip or a pansy costume and we had painted faces. We were the first ones to put two canoes together and we won. Q6 News interviewed us and asked what our secret was and we said “beer and M&M’s.” We were the first girls to win. We were so far ahead we could paddle back and meet up with the other contestants. It was ‘84 or ’83—Amber Cropper y memories are all illegal. In the early ‘60s they used to have a night watchman at the Sandpoint Marina and he slept in a little house there. We were 12 and we used to dive in and swim under the docks The watchman was old and he didn’t hear us. In the early 60’s we never stole anything but the whiskey or the beer. No fishing gear or anything.Anonymous These memories, collected during Celebration Sand Creek, will continue in our next issue.
Spud Cup-
22 September 2004 | The River Journal | Page 11 (Continued from page 1)
moderate wind from the westsouthwest increased in strength towards mid-day but stayed pretty much from the same direction. There were 33 boats on the lake Saturday morning in four classes. A group of five Coronado 15s from Canada were the smallest craft to participate in this year’s regatta. They provided much of the drama and excitement during the first day. As the wind grew in strength these small, two-person crafts showed their speed and the skill of their crews. One of the ‘15s on the upwind leg toward the finish laid their sail in the water three times in the space of five minutes. The crew righted their boat quickly enough to finish in second place for that race. I talked to the couple who raced that boat during the break for lunch. The first question they asked was, “When will the races restart?” When they were told they said, “Good, we’ve got time to go over to the motel, soak in the hot tub and get some dry clothes.” This couple was probably in their late sixties, and they were real sailors. Over the seven races that the Coronados competed, this couple, Johnny and Lyalla Lancaster of Cranbrook, B.C., finished second overall. Their competitive spirit made them a favorite on the committee barge and among the rest of the participants. Another crowd and committee favorite was Al Rueter. Al sailed his J80 in all nine races over the two days to an overall second place finish in his fleet. What made Al noteworthy was that his crew consisted of just himself! He single-handedly managed his boat, shifted sail and flew his spinnaker. In this writer’s view, Al represents all the traits that made this regatta the success it was. The races were not the only drama and excitement that occurred over the two days. There was much of what I call the “Zen Duck” going on. Simply stated the “Zen Duck” is a state where, on the surface, all is calm tranquility but underneath the surface, that duck is paddling like hell! As an example, as the committee barge was getting ready to set the start/finish line, its motor refused to start. The decision was quickly made to tow the barge into position and fiddle with the motor once the races were started. Thanks to Barb Perusse, who volunteered her boat to tow the barge, the races started close to schedule. The race committee, officially, consisted of Terry Jensen, Mary Henriksen, Cyne Kram, Kate Henriksen and myself. We had additional help from Barb Perusse, Lynn Whitaker, Joel Whitaker and Angela Potts, who acted as an ad hoc cheering section for the all the finishers, regardless of how well or badly they performed. After the start of each race Joel,
Terry and I tried to figure out what was I can remain on wrong with the motor on the committee shore, paralyzed barge. Joel checked it with fear, or I out visually and could find no obvious can raise my sails fault with the motor. and dip and soar Terry Jensen made a quick run to shore to in the breeze." gather up some tools -Richard Bode and additional time was spent checking out the motor. It was after lunch when Terry looked at the hose between the gas Photo by Kathy Gavin tank and the motor and noted it was on backward! What horse the motor back onto the barge we had been doing every time we and proceeded to set the Start/Finish pumped the bulb was sucking the gas line. The races continued as scheduled. out of the motor, rather than giving it We ran four more races on Sunday; all gas! The motor started easily once it started smoothly, and only one boat had fuel, and no one on the boats noted even noticed that our motor was not on our problems because the races all its mount. I’m not sure if that level of started quickly and professionally. unawareness was due to the With five races completed on competitors’ focus on readying to race, Saturday all participants adjourned to the quickness of our actions, or the the canopy on the lawn near the professionalism shown by the overall Edgewater to swap stories, drink a few race committee. beers and partake of an excellent dinner At the end of the day Barb Perusse provided by Peter Mico of Sandpoint’s again came to the rescue of the race Spud’s Rotisserie & Grill. The only committee and began the tow back to other event that caused talk under the the marina. When it became obvious canopy was the loss and recovery of the that entering the marina might be more motor off ‘Phoenix’. It seems that while than Barb wanted to handle, Ray ‘Phoenix’ and ‘O’Really’ were rounding Henriksen came to our aid. He the mark, ‘O’Really’ got a little too close maneuvered that unwieldy barge like to the stern of ‘Phoenix’ and clipped the he had been doing it for years and motor, which then leapt into the lake brought it gently alongside the pier to right next to the buoy. The motor was the vocal appreciation of every retrieved by a scuba diver shortly after spectator. the last race. Oh yes, the overall winner of the After a superb breakfast, provided regatta was Russ Jones on a San Juan again by Peter Mico, Sunday promised 21. Russ, who won the San Juan Fleet, to be warmer and with less wind than had the honor of winning the ‘Spud the day before. After the previous day’s Cup’ by taking every race in his class fiasco with fuel lines the barge’s motor over the two days. The other winners was checked before leaving the dock were: Spinnaker Fleet ‘A’- “White”, and we were headed out before the captained by Al Reuter of Sandpoint; fleets. As we were jockeying into the Spinnaker Fleet ‘B’ – “T2” (T squared), position at the direction of Terry captained by Brian Tyrell of Richland, Jensen, I had my own Kodak moment. Wash; and Coronado 15 Fleet—Michael Terry wanted the barge to go a little bit and Christel Riemann of Cranbrook, more in the direction of the railroad British Columbia. trestle. I moved the tiller and increased All in all it was a weekend that will the throttle some. At that moment, one likely be remembered as the best ‘Spud arm of the motor mount shot straight C u p ’ e v e r . E v e r y p a r t i c i p a n t up into air and the motor jumped off complimented the Sandpoint Racing the transom and fell into the lake. Association for a truly memorable I grabbed the only thing in reach, event. I’m sure those who came from the battery cables (thank God for Canada and Lake Chelan will tell their electric start!) and yelled for someone friends about the great regatta they to drop the anchor NOW! As I watched attended in Sandpoint. While there the motor do a slow 360-degree were winners in each class I don’t horizontal turn underwater—still believe anyone who participated could running—I held on to the battery cables say that there were any real losers in with a death grip and wondered if they this great regatta held here in scenic, would hold the 200 pound-plus motor hospitable North Idaho. I know that I or would I watch them part as the had a wonderful time—all things motor sank to the bottom. After what considered—and look forward to seemed to be several minutes, but was participating again next year. only a few seconds, the motor quit running and just hung there. Terry Jensen and I were able to
As Veterans in Bonner County, we are appalled at the attacks on Senator John Kerry’s heroic war record by a group funded by prominent supporters of the Bush Administration. It seems obscene that Kerry would have to defend his Vietnam record against a President and VicePresident who avoided active service there. We also know this President has an abysmal record when it comes to helping Veterans. His administration has chronically under-funded VA health care. By its own estimate, it will exclude approximately 500,000 veterans from the VA healthcare system by 2005 A $1.2 billion cut is already scheduled for the VA budget after the fall election. John Kerry will insist on mandatory funding for Veterans’ health care. He also believes military retirees who have a service-connected disability should receive both military retirement pay and disability compensation—both are opposed by his opponent.
John Kerry will stand up for Veterans!
He is a life member of the VFW and is a co-founder of Vietnam Veterans of America. He served his country proudly and has consistently supported veterans rights and benefits. He is a life member of the VFW and is a co-founder of Vietnam Veterans of America. He served his country proudly and has consistently supported veterans rights and benefits. We urge our fellow veterans to support him as well. Signed: William Ahrens, Mel Avadon, Cliff Banks, Gil Beyer, Ed Bittner, Lawrence Blakey, Don Carr, John Conlan, Erik Daarstad, Joe DeForest, Chuck DiGiulio, Monte Factor, Phil Franklin, Bob Gunter, Chuck Haddad, Michael Harmelin, Paul Juhlke, Dave Lyman, Bob Marley, Gene Merica, Bob Nicholson, Harvey Pine, Jim Ramsey, Jeffrey Rich, Loren Vanek, Dale Van Stone, Kevin J. Walker, Bob Waterous, Joe Weisz, Pat Whelan, Bob Wynhauen, Yonton Gonpo Paid for by Vote Hope/Kerry Committee, Gil Beyer, Treasurer, PO Box 1, Hope, ID 83836 To get your name on future ads, to contribute of for more info call Gil at 208-265-0950; Jim at 208-265-0511; or Jody at 208-265-9881 or visit
Page 12 The River Journal | 22 September 2004
Melody Martz
Trish Gannon
Computer Help
ver lock your keys in the car? Know that gut-wrenching feeling in the pit of your stomach just as you are closing the car door? It is such a helpless feeling. You are not really sure how you managed to create this situation you now find yourself in, much less how to resolve it, yet, here you are. If only you could back up the last few events and remember to retrieve those keys before you locked the door… This same awful feeling haunts computer-users as well. Ah, I see you have experienced this for yourself. A small twitch of the wrist in the middle of a mouse click, and bedlam breaks loose across your page. The document in front of you has no resemblance to the masterpiece that lay before you only moments ago. You haven’t a clue what you did to create this catastrophe, and fixing it is obviously beyond the reach of your current skill set. Let me introduce you to your new best friends… Undo, and its twin… Redo. Most programs you will use to create user files of one type or another will have an Undo button, and perhaps a Redo button, as a part of the ”Standard Toolbar” at the top of the window. They appear as graceful curved arrows on buttons in the immediate vicinity, appropriately enough, of the Help menu option. Rather than try to “fix” a mistake you realize you have just made, you can let the program do it for you. Sometimes, you don’t even know what you did wrong, you just want to rewind back to the way it was before and have another stab at it… technology’s little way of giving you “do-overs.” In prior versions of Microsoft products, you could only Undo one event. So if you didn’t catch your error right away, or if you had made more than one mistake you wanted undone, as is often the case, you were just out of luck. But with the advent of Office 2000 and beyond, Microsoft has given you a virtual “plethora” of Undo steps. You can happily Undo one click, two, three, four, etc., until the little button “grays
out” (Microsoft’s way of telling you that you have run out of second chances.) Or, if you would like to Undo a bevy of events at once, with one swift click of the mouse, well, actually, two, you can select the small down arrow just to the right of the Undo button, which displays a drop-down menu of all the events available to you to Undo. Roll the mouse over all the events you wish to select, then click, and the program will Undo all events up to
and including the selected one. However, you cannot “jump to” a prior event and Undo just that one event. You must “rewind” through all steps you have completed since the error. But if you should go too far back, you can simply Redo in the same fashion. Those without these shortcut buttons may still have an option under the Edit menu to Undo and/or Redo a particular operation (even Solitaire, for those of you who would like to play like you do at home). You may find yourself in a situation where there just is no Undo button available to you as a menu option. Never fear, the keyboard is here. Try Ctrl + Z, the keyboard equivalent of Undo. (Hold down both the Ctrl key and the “Z” key at the same time.) Now, I can’t promise that this will always work. “Always” is not a part of Microsoft’s licensing agreement, but “sometimes” is often a life-saver. If you find yourself up a creek without a paddle, try Ctrl + Z and a silent prayer. Can’t hurt. If you are standing outside of you car door instead of staring at a computer screen, I’m not aware of an Undo button, per se, although On-Star technology is unlocking car doors across America… but I digress… If you have any questions, comments, or frustrations, about computer software, that is, email me at and I’ll see what I can do to help. Melody Martz is a Microsoft Certified Office User Specialist. She owns Computer Help, and has conducted individual and group computer training in the community since 1984. Reach her at 208-290-2924.
Football Season
don’t care what they say about the negativity that competition and rough play fosters—I love football. Former running back Walter Payton was not just the finest running back ever to exist, he is also one of the finest men who ever existed—he is one of my all-time heroes. And I’ll admit it—I love how football is a win/lose sport, especially when my team is winning. It being such a glorious sport, it’s hardly surprising the Internet is full of urban legends revolving around the game. In honor of the new season (and in honor the Bears total annihilation of Green Bay) I offer the following roundup of information you might have received in your email that you can throw away because it’s totally untrue. 1. No city sewer system has ever malfunctioned due to the simultaneous flushing of oodles of toilets during halftime at Super Bowl. 2. When they’re not flushing, men are also not abusing women in record numbers on Super Bowl Sunday.
Abusers don’t need a sport holiday to abuse—they do it all the time. 3. No reporter asked Redskins quarterback Doug Williams, “How long have you been a black quarterback?” before Super Bowl XXII. As the first black quarterback to play a Super Bowl, he was, however, asked a number of other stupid questions, such as: “Doug, do you feel like Jackie Robinson?” 4. Referee calls during the NFC Divisional Playoff in 1975 did not cause the death of Vikings quarterback Fran Tarkenton’s father. Although Tarkenton Sr. did, sadly, die of a heart attack during his son’s game, he did so prior to the fourth quarter, when two calls in favor of the Cowboys gave them the championship. 5. Okay, this one is actually true. It was during this game (the NFC Divisional Playoff of ’75) that the Cowboy’s Roger Staubach threw a desperate pass to Drew Pearson, which connected for a 50-yard touchdown completion. Since that time, this type of play has been called a “Hail Mary” pass. It is also true that Pearson finally copped, years later, to having committed intentional pass interference against Nate Wright, which allowed Pearson to connect with that Hail Mary pass.
22 September 2004| The River Journal | Page 13
Susan Daffron
Jody Forrest
Pet Tails
f you’ve ever seen a cat go nuts for catnip, you may be wondering, “Wow, what’s in that stuff?” Catnip, or more officially, Nepetia cataria, is a plant that’s part of the mint family. It’s a hardy perennial, which means it’s extremely easy to grow, even in North Idaho. I have one catnip plant in my garden that even now is approximately ten feet tall. I’ll be able to make kitty toys for everyone I know if I get organized enough to dry it. Although scientists haven’t exactly figured out what catnip does to cats, they have isolated the substance in catnip that makes your feline friend so happy. The chemical is called nepetalactone and apparently it has an affect on only 70 percent of cats. Even some big cats, like lions, are affected. (Now that would be something to see!) Cats also aren’t necessarily affected by catnip throughout their lives. Many kittens are immune to it, and some will even avoid catnip. For cats that are affected by “the nip” it seems like the experience is something pretty great. When you give the susceptible feline a leaf of catnip, first you see the fur ripple as the cat catches that first whiff. Then the cat really gets into it, rolling on the leaves, and zooming around the room. If you
have more than one cat, often they’ll chase each other and play vigorously. Most of the big action is in the first 5 or 10 minutes. Either exhaustion or burnout sets in and the cat has to nap for a while afterward. Apparently, the catnip-induced frenzy isn’t bad for the cat. Unlike illegal human drugs, which arguably have similar affects, no one has been able to find anything bad about kitty catnip joy. In fact, people have used catnip as a medicinal herb for centuries. Since we are talking about cats here, yes, it is possible for a cat to get bored with catnip. If you buy every catnip toy in the store, your cat probably won’t feel the thrill anymore. But if you use it sparingly, it’s cheap entertainment. One simple toy you can make if you have a bit of catnip is what a friend of mine used to call a “drug rug.” You take an old washcloth and sprinkle it with dried catnip. For some reason, it seems like rolling on the drug rug is even more fun for the cat than the normal catnip thrills. If your cat is susceptible to catnip, you may also discover, as we did, that catnip is used in some teas. We give our cats boxes to play with after they’re empty. We threw an empty box of Celestial Seasonings Tension Tamer tea on the floor for the cats and noticed that one cat stuck her entire head in the box and wandered around. After that dopey kitty performance, we read the ingredients. And sure enough, there’s catnip in there. You can’t fool a cat when it comes to catnip. Susan Daffron owns Logical Expressions Inc., an editorial and publishing company. She is a former veterinary assistant and owns four dogs and two cats. Articles are archived at
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Veterans’ News
new series of PTSD education classes is being offered by the VA Veterans Outreach Center. The free classes will be held at the Bonner County Veterans Services Office at 4100 McGhee Road in Kootenai, Ida. every Tuesday in October. For more information or to sign up, call Don Carr at 208-255-5291. A further series of more advanced classes is now in the planning stages for some time this winter, so stay tuned to future TRJ’s for more information. The V.V.A. Chapter #890 annual roadside clean-up along milepost #24 outside of Dover is scheduled for Saturday, October 16 at 8 am and volunteers are always welcome, and are asked to meet at the gravel pit once again. A disabled veteran now in the V.A. Hospital is being forced to sell his herd of over 50 horses. An auction will take place on October 2 at the Selkirk Mountain Elk Ranch, ten miles north of Bonners Ferry. For more information, or to assist, please call Don at 208-2555291. The Disabled American Veterans (Chap. #15), in conjunction with V.V.A. Chap. # 890, has been sending copies of local papers to our Iraqi troops. If you’d like to help defray the costs, please call Joe at 208-265-9881 for more information (Thanks to the Bonner County Daily Bee and River Journal for offering low-cost subs!) The American Legion is coordinating obtaining new rifles for the local Honor Guard and is hoping members of the community will be able to assist them. For more information, call Bill Stevens at 208263-9183. The Honor Guard is an allvolunteer group who performs at parades, military funerals and civic functions and it deserves our full
support. The Sandpoint VFW Post # 2453 has announced their annual “Voice of Democracy” scholarship program. It’s open to all students in grades 9 through 12. To enter, students should record their five minute essay on a five minute cassette or CD on this year’s theme: “Celebrating our Veterans’ Service.” The essay should also be neatly typed, and submitted with an entry form, which is available at all local schools. The deadline is Nov. 1. For more information call Howard Bigelow at 208-263-9626. The local DAV Chapter would like to thank the many folks who’ve contributed to their successful Van Fund, including those inadvertently left off last issue’s thank you published in The River Journal. Thanks goes out to the Selkirk Association of Realtors, the Angels Over Sandpoint, the Ray Greene family, Robert Hunt, and to all the folks who’ve been donating anonymously at Wells-Fargo Bank to the DAV Van Fund as well as to the unknown citizens who’ve been donating their aluminum cans at Pacific Recycling (on Triangle Drive in Ponderay) to the “Disabled Veterans” account. The DAV Vans are ordered by the National DAV in November of every year for delivery the following spring; we should be fully operational by April. Those interested in volunteering as stand-by volunteer drivers are asked to attend the DAV regularly scheduled meetings on the third Wednesday of every month at 7:30 pm. Meetings are held at the VFW Hall in Sandpoint, or call Russ at 208263-5419. Series Two of the Idaho Solid Silver Medallions honoring our country's veterans have just gone on sale and all funds raised will help fund the operation of Idaho's new Veterans Cemetery. The medallions can be purchased for $25 and numbered, limited editions are available for $50 from the Idaho State Treasurer's Office at 208-334-3200. Special "Veteran" license plates may also be purchased from the DMV, with a percentage also going to help fund the new cemetery. As always, All Homage to Xena!
Page 14| The River Journal | 22 September 2004
Mountain Spa & Stove
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22 September 2004 | The River Journal | Page 15
Poison—(Continued from page 1) Educational signage asking boaters to clean their crafts on shore after lake and river use has not been a significant deterrent in the spread of the unwanted species. Bergquist says. Nor has asking boaters to stay out of milfoil growth areas, especially around docks and in front of lakeshore homes. The problem has become so bad that long-term injury to the beneficial uses of the water resource could result. “People are pretty concerned,” she says. She receives calls from lakeshore homeowners who ask if they can use chemicals to kill the nonnative plants around their docks. Other people take matters into their own hands and dump pesticides into the water without a DEQ permit. It’s an issue for county government, so last month Bonner County sought a permit from DEQ to use an EPAapproved herbicide to kill milfoil colonies in two areas in the Pend Oreille River as part of a its five-year strategic plan to contain the problem plant. “It's something new; they've tried all sorts of different things,” Bergquist says, referring to the county's experimental plan to use a systemic herbicide. Following the letter of the state water quality law, she believes the county is making a decision that is squarely in the public interest despite the fact that some landowners draw their drinking water directly from the river or the lake. Although she agrees that “Herbicides are a last resort,” with an exemption given to the county from water quality regulations, she sees the scheduled treatment as a temporary situation like at Spirit Lake, where the Eurasian watermilfoil problem has been curtailed significantly. But this isn't the first time that Bonner County has used chemical treatment around the lake and it's not likely to be the last. For the past three years, the county weed department has worked to control Eurasian milfoil. Perch and Oden Bays at Sunnyside have been treated with a contact herbicide, diquat bromide, that killed the crowns of the plant, but the roots were not affected and so the weeds grew back. This year the county is experimenting with an aquatic version of the systemic herbicide triclopyr, called Renovate 3. This time the chemical will be taken up by the entire plant. “This is a miserable project,” says Brad Bluemer, county weed supervisor, “but doing nothing is unacceptable to us.” He says that a non-chemical alternative - diver dredging - had been used previously at Albeni Cove near Priest River and at Sandpoint City Beach. Mechanical harvesting of the plants have failed to contain the invasive weed. According to research studies on triclopyr, the county will likely have to treat the same areas again next year to avoid re-infestation. In fact, the county's strategic plan calls for treatment of the same areas several years in a row before containment can be considered a success. In addition, selection of new sites for treatment will occur yearly. The county's plan is one of continuity and consistency with the treatment goal for each site being less than four years. For now, the top priority sites identified for milfoil containment include public use areas like parks, boat ramps, and camping locations of all types. Most of the Eurasian milfoil debris is found on the north, northeast, and eastern shorelines. Altogether, 18 sites totaling nearly 400 acres are scheduled for treatment by the county as part of its five-year plan, including previously treated sites, Sandpoint City Beach, the Sand Creek Inlet, Springy Point State Park, Riley Creek State Park, Kootenai Bay, Ellisport Bay, and the public boat docks in Hope. Until recently, few people opposed the use of chemicals, something that surprised Bluemer. On the other hand, he says, “thousands of people, mostly
POPULAR DOG BEACH is one of the areas lakeshore owners, have demanded the (county's) help to do something.” Bluemer's original schedule for 2004 herbicide application was early this summer—the prime time to kill the plants as they are actively growing. Three new sites were targeted: Thama Slough near Priest River, the Pend Oreille River between Memorial Field and the Highway 95 Long Bridge in Sandpoint, and Ellisport Bay in Hope. But before the treatment ensued, Jacqueline Smith of Clark Fork, who saw a news brief on the front page, called the county decrying the use of poison in the lake. “Fighting evil with evil makes no sense,” says Smith. Made aware of the county's plans, she did research on the Internet, wrote a letter to the editor in the Daily Bee, and organized a petition campaign. She asked why a public hearing wasn't being held to inform residents of the county's plans to use poison in the lake. Meetings of the County Commission, where the treatment plans were approved, are held during the work day, and are not sufficient for public involvement and response, claims Smith. The county held an informational meeting on the evening of June 30 and brought a representative from SePRO Corporation, the maker of Renovate 3, to speak to the public about the herbicide. Sandpoint Community Hall hosted more than 100 people—about half in support of, and half opposed to, herbicide use. Bluemer drew up the agenda which included this curious item: “Safety: Who do you believe?” with the comment, “We must make choices. Milfoil can kill you and we have valid information the herbicide use proposed will not.” This kind of predisposition toward chemical use over alternative milfoil controls troubles Smith. (Note: The comment, “Milfoil can kill you…” is in reference to the danger the weed can present to children swimming in the thick mats off of docks. To this reporter's knowledge, no children have died as a result of Eurasian watermilfoil, but there is a potential risk for serious harm in heavily infested areas.) “A lot of people came away from the meeting feeling confident about the safety (of Renovate),” says Bluemer. Indeed, there were lakeshore residents in the room, who did heartily applaud the planned use of chemicals. One longtime resident even commented that he would like to see the entire lake treated with herbicides as soon as possible. Bluemer explained that he trusts the company's safety studies and has no fear of health impacts from triclopyr and other herbicides. “People take more risk handling gasoline than this chemical,” he says. He also doesn't believe that there are health concerns associated with any use of herbicides. “Where are the medical claims?” he asks. But many in the audience, like Smith, had legitimate concerns about health impacts and were concerned about what they heard being called a “safe poison” to use in the lake. There was also misleading information from the SePRO representative, Scott Schuler. When asked about the licensure of Renovate 3, and the lack of independent
third site, Ellisport Bay near Hope, does not need chemical treatment after all. Last year's winter kill was significant enough to keep the milfoil from growing. But the county still plans to use the entire 400 gallons of DEQpermitted herbicide, costing the county around $100 per gallon, on the two Pend Oreille River sites. September 22 is the planned application date. At press time, Leslie Marshall, d i r e c t o r o f t h e P u b l i c W o r ks Department, said the treatment could be postponed or aborted. A windy (and wavy) lake would upset the accuracy of the application being made by boat. And the plants might be too mature to slated for treatment. TRJ photo be treated since SePRO recommends application during “active growing” studies on long-term toxicity, he said periods—late spring or early summer. triclopyr had been used safely in An assessment on whether or not to aquatic applications since 1988 and had proceed is underway. If treatment proceeds, bright orange been adequately tested. Yet the registration for aquatic use of triclopyr, signs will be posted at treatment sites under the brand name of Renovate 3, and within the quarter mile impact wasn’t granted by the Environmental zone. A popular swimming area, Dog Beach, is within that zone. A five-day Protection Agency until 2002. Chronic exposure was studied for restriction will be posted on water only 60 days because, according to the consumption and irrigation but no EPA and the Washington State restrictions are put on swimming, even Department of Health, triclopyr breaks though Washington state keeps down quickly in water and is relatively people—especially children—out of the short-lived. The EPA does not consider w a t e r f o r a t l e a s t 1 2 ho u r s . the herbicide to cause cancer, birth Marshall will make sure her dog isn't defects, or genetic mutations. Nor is it anywhere near the treatment site or in considered likely to cause reproductive the impact zone, but says by the or developmental effects in mammals at weekend the water will be safe for all or near concentrations encountered uses. during normal human use. In natural There are many people besides water, sunlight and microorganisms Smith who hope the herbicide treatment rapidly degrade the chemical. Residues doesn't go forward. Just ask anybody of triclopyr typically are not detected shopping for organic produce at the more than a couple of weeks after Farmer's Market in Sandpoint: dumping treatment. chemicals into the lake is a bad idea. “It's not wise to intentionally These same agencies consider it add chemicals designed to kill living things to our waterways,” prudent public health advice to says Tammy Powell, another minimize exposure to triclopyr local organizer against herbicide use. Powell has joined Smith and regardless of its known toxicity. started a group called the Coalition to Stop the Poisoning These same agencies consider it of Pend Oreille. They have gathered prudent public health advice to more than 400 signatures in opposition minimize exposure to triclopyr to chemical controls and have delivered regardless of its known toxicity. Several them to the County Commission. There people at the meeting voiced concern has been no response to the delivery of that a 60-day safe period is hardly these signed petitions by any of the adequate as cancers and other diseases commissioners, nor did they discuss it sometimes take years to show up. at their September 15 meeting. Instead, Like phenoxy herbicides, triclopyr they continue to recommend that the imitates a plant growth hormone, auxin, county adhere to their strategic fiveand kills plants by inducing distorted year plan whose mission statement and disorderly growth. According to claims that the county will use “the t h e N o r t h w e s t C o a l i t i o n f o r safest, most efficient and cost effective” Alternatives to Pesticides in Eugene, controls even if that means chemicals in Ore., studies done on the same the lake. triethylamine salt, an herbicide under a Smith and Powell don't think the d i f f e r e n t n a m e — G a r l o n 3 A — county has given enough time to manufactured by SePRO's parent considering and researching non-toxic company, Dow Chemical, also shows methods before using toxic ones. The that triclopyr is corrosive to the eyes cost of mechanical harvesting, or diver and can cause allergic skin reactions. dredging, is comparable to the cost of There were some at the meeting chemical treatment, says Marshall, but who had experience with Renovate 3, it takes longer and there are few including Dale Gill from Spokane who companies to hire for this service. They has a summer cabin at Camp Bay. He is see it as a perfect entrepreneurial a retired biologist and also serves on the opportunity for Bonner County. committee studying near shore There are other non-toxic controls pollution at Sacheen Lake in eastern besides the plant's physical removal. Washington. He said that triclopyr, The native northern weevil will feed on under the brand name of Garlon 3A, the invader milfoil to eradicate it. was used and the American Bittern, a Installing bottom barriers around native water bird, was severely swimming areas to inhibit growth is impacted. Hearing this, others in the also an option, although this would also crowd wanted to know about the smother beneficial aquatic plants. impacts on our fishery and on deer, Poisoning the lake is experimental, waterfowl and other wildlife who Bluemer says. “Our objective is to learn would drink or use the water after from this.” But Smith and Powell worry application. Still others pressed Bluemer that chemicals are easier to use, and if into explaining why the chemical residents give the county the go ahead alternative was the only one being to use chemicals, they will at every considered. opportunity. The chemical paradigm is In mid-July, the county announced entrenched in Bonner County, and with there was not yet sufficient growth to most of the resource managers require chemical treatment of milfoil deferring to Brad Bluemer's expertise, it colonies in the treatment sites they will be a hard one to change. selected. The entire project was put on “Poisoning our environment is just not hold until this month. The milfoil has acceptable,” says Powell, One thing is flourished and weather permitting, two certain: this issue will raise its polarized of the areas will be treated this week— head again next year. Memorial Field to the Long Bridge and Thama Slough near Priest River. The
Page 16 |The River Journal |22 September 2004
Legendary Duo Plays the Panida
oy Rogers, the acknowledged master of the slide guitar, returns to the Inland Northwest along with the Steve Miller Band’s wild sideman and premier harmonica player, Norton Buffalo. Both skilled performers, this show is known for its incredible interplay and spontaneous dueling between two friends at the peak of their abilities. They will appear together at Sandpoint’s Panida Theater at 8 pm on
Friday, October 15. Tickets are on sale at Eichardt's Pub, Pack River Potions and Monarch Mountain Coffee in Sandpoint, and at The Long Ear in Coeur d'Alene. "All it takes is a sampling of the slide guitar/harmonica dialogue to comprehend how potent and exciting the chemistry is between Rogers and Buffalo." - Downbeat
Di Luna’s Celebrates 5 years Thursday, October 30 is the beginning of a huge music weekend at Di Luna’s Café in Sandpoint, Ida. Three big nights of dinner concerts are planned as a fifth anniversary party for the venue, located at 207 Cedar St. Chris Webster, Nina Gerber and Beth Pederson will be performing
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Thursday, September 30 and Friday, October 1. Chris Webster is the dynamic singer of Mumbo Gumbo, and is known to mix rhythm and blues with country and little jazz. Nina is one of the best acoustic and electric guitarists in the country and has performed and/or recorded with such headliners as Nanci Griffith, Jerry Jeff Walker, Karla Bonoff, and Tom Paxton. Also on stage we will be lucky to experience our own, hometown celebrity, Beth Pederson, who is somehow able to touch the hearts of all with her beautifully honest lyrics. Tickets for the concert are $15 in advance and $18 at the door. On Saturday night, October 2, folk singer T.R. Ritchie will be performing in his unique style. Think of Will Rogers, Samuel Clements and Arlo Guthrie, all blended into one. T.R. is a songwriter who knows how to write a story into song that is both entertaining and thought provoking. Concert tickets are $10. All concerts begin at 7:30, with doors opening at 5 and dinner beginning at 5:30. Get your tickets early for this series of great entertainment. For more information, or to make reservations, call 208-263-0846.
Grammy Award Winner
George Winston Sept. 24—8 pm
Sandpoint’s Panida Theater Get Tickets At: POAC Office Eve’s Leaves Eichardt’s Pub HiHopes Café Bonner Books Mercer’s Memories Panida Box Office Or online at
Sponsored by Pend Oreille Arts Council and Coldwater Creek
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The Corner Gallery’s new Exhibit Collaboration “Collaboration,” an exhibit by artists Gordon Wilson and Scott Kolbo, will show at North Idaho College’s Bosswell Hall Corner Gallery in Coeur d’Alene, Ida. T h e y h a v e w o r k e d together before. Wilson is the current chair of the Whitworth College art department and Kolbo is an assistant art professor there. A gallery walk will be held at 10:30 am on Tuesday, October 5 in the gallery followed by a slide lecture discussion presented by the artists at 1 pm in the Driftwood Bay Room of NIC’s Edminster Student Union Building. The opening reception for the exhibit will be from 5 to 7 pm Tuesday, October 5 in the gallery. The Boswell Hall Corner Gallery is open from 10 am to 4 pm Monday through Friday. Admission to the gallery is free. For more information call 208-769-3427. The Harlem Ambassadors at NIC The Harlem Ambassadors are coming to town Friday, October 1. Their game, at 7 pm at the North Idaho College Gymnasium in Coeur d’Alene, is a charity benefit against local players to support the Women's Center. If you are interested in playing, a limited number of spots are still available on the local team. You will need a sponsor at $150. Call Alice Bundy 208-765-6014 or Shirley Thagard at 208-772-2786. The Harlem Ambassadors travel the world every year spreading a message of education and clean living to students. The event is definitely a family affair that will entertain all ages. Tickets are available through the NIC Box Office at 208-769-7780 and there will be limited tickets available at the door. Advance purchase tickets are $7 adults, $5 students or $8 and $6 at the door the night of the game. This event is brought to the community by Soroptimist of Coeur d'Alene, a business women's organization that supports the
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Women's Center, the Soroptimist Children's Center and other organizations. Schweitzer Offers Pre-season Pass The early season pass deadline for Schweitzer Mountain is September 30. Adult Unlimited prices are currently $509, junior passes are $199, college and midweek passes are $279. All prices are subject to tax and expire September 30 with the exception of the college pass, which expires November 15. Passes are available for purchase online at or by calling 208-263-9555 or 800-831-8810. Inner Geometry Of Nature with Jonathan Quintin Acclaimed New Zealand artist Jonathan Quintin uses the inner geometry of nature to demonstrate an inherent order that can be found in the universe, and the sublime beauty that exists on the archetypal planes of creation. Quintin is visiting the Unity Church in Coeur d’Alene, Ida. as part of an international speaking tour. He will be presenting “The Zen of Geometry,” an audio-visual presentation that takes the audience on a cyber-journey exploring the intrinsic order of nature. Quintin will be speaking Friday, October 1 at 7 pm. Unity Church is in Unity Center at 4465 N 15th, call 208664-1125 for more information. Wild Mind at Hi Hopes Cafe Wild Mind: A Fiction Reading with a Digression on Rebel Creativity in the Age of Commerce, featuring Rory Metcalf, will take place on October 10 at 2 pm at the Hi Hopes Café, next to the post office in Hope, Ida. Rory Metcalf’s reading and discussion is the first in a three-part series on “Rebel Creativity in the Age of Commerce” presented by Lost Horse Press. Please watch for news about November and December “Sunday Afternoon Salons” at the Hi Hopes Cafe. For additional information about this or other Lost Horse programs, please call 208-255-4410. George Winston Opens POAC Season The Grammy Award-winning solo pianist George Winston is not to be missed! His melodic impressionistic style—he calls it rural folk piano—is a cross between traditional American folk music and instrumental pop/R&B. George may also surprise you with his other talents, including R&B piano and slack-key guitar. George Winston will perform on Friday, September 24 at 8 pm at the Panida Theater in Sandpoint, the first
The Boar’s Breath
22 September 2004| The River Journal | Page 17
Now Hear This! Panida Offers Assisted Listening
performance in the Pend Oreille Arts Council’s 21st Annual Performance Series. Tickets are on sale at the POAC Office in the Power House Building or by calling 208-263-6139. Assisted listening devices will be available at this and other POAC performances throughout the year. Tickets are $16 for POAC Members, $20 for non-members, and $8 for students age 18 and under. Robin of “Heronwood” Sandy Compton provided a bare bones script and the Heron Players took it and changed an age-old tale into one with roots in the Clark Fork Valley. The tale of Robin and his band of not-so-merry men is set in the king’s forest at Heronwood. Princess Mary Ann (Jen Opland) of Bull River Kingdom helps the “love of her life, her Lord, her liege, Robin of Heronwood” (James Bender) in eluding capture from the evil Sheriff of Noxonham (Rob Harker). Robin and Princess Mary Ann find romance on a deserted island in Bull Lake. Together, they provide “provender for a fortnight.” The Sheriff of Noxonham and his evil deputies create havoc with
Robin’s camp until Robin and his band are captured. An archery contest ensues and the true champion emerges. The unnamed “Minstrel” (Chris Compton) will host the performance as one who tries to play several instruments until he finally finds the one he can master. The cast has several new members from Clark Fork and Noxon and several returning veterans. Dick Hale returns as “William Vermillion” and Bud Mosley is the delightful “Friar Duck.” Diane Mosley portrays “Nurse Nellie,” Mary Ann’s companion and confidante. Dinner theater performances are October 15, 16, 22, and 23 at 7 pm. Kae’s Katering will cater the dinner and the menu includes: Robin’s kabobs, Nellie’s hot potato, King Richard’s golden corn, and the Merry Men’s forest greens. Tickets are $15. The matinee performance is October 24 at 3 pm The adult tickets are $6 and children under 6 are $3. Tickets may be purchased from Kathy Hale at 406-8472288 or at the Heron Store.
The Big Band Era
eck Productions will present "The Big Band Era" on September 25 at the Panida Theater in Sandpoint, Ida. The show begins at 7:30 pm. Featured in the concert is Sandpoint's own 18-member Swing Street Big Band, who will be playing your favorite numbers of the big bands of the '30s and '40s, including the hits of Benny Goodman, Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey, Glenn Miller, Artie Shaw, Harry James and many others. Also featured will be Vickie Bullock, band vocalist, and the Swing Shift Quartet, composed of David and Tammi Gunter, Alan Bail and Jonie Dirks. Melanie Henning, a 15-year-old dancer from Washington, who so delighted audiences in last year's production, will perform one of her original dances with the band. Two masters of ceremony, Richard Brown of KXLY-TV in Spokane and
Dave Sweeney of KOIN-TV in Portland, will light up the stage with their shenanigans. There will also be guest stars in the production who have shared their considerable talents in previous Peck Productions shows and brought the house down, so to speak. The Big Band Era concert is dedicated to the memory of Ed Brown, former band manager and drummer in the Big Band and organizer of the Band Shell project at the Bonner County Fairgrounds. The concert is a benefit for that project. Tickets are $15 adults, $12 seniors and $5 for students and may be purchased at Pack River Potions and Main Stage Cafe, both in the theater building, at Meyer's SportTees at Ponderay's Bonner Mall, and at the Senior Center on Main St. in Sandpoint.
udience members who struggled to hear performances clearly at the Panida Theater now have something to look forward to. By wearing a headset (that can be used with a hearing aid), a person who is hard of hearing can amplify the sound of music on stage, from their seat, without amplifying other noises. Pend Oreille Arts Council (POAC) recently purchased an assisted listening system for use at POAC performances in the Panida Theater. The Phonic Ear system was purchased through a grant from the Idaho Commission on the Arts and the Holly Eve Foundation. This effort is in response to comments and requests by potential and current audience members, many of whom are Pend Oreille Arts Council members. Without an assisted listening system, it is difficult for these individuals to decipher words, and performances sound garbled. The purchase of a listening system solves that problem. Sandpoint has a large elderly population (over 15 percent of the population was over 65 in 2000 according to the Idaho Department of Commerce), but not all users are elderly. Julie Hoyle, a speech-language pathologist with Lake Pend Oreille School District #84, was consulted about student use of the devices, and is excited about this possibility for hardof-hearing students. It has become clear that while other types of systems and devices exist in Sandpoint, this will be the first FM system in Sandpoint. This system can serve up to 20 people at each performance. There is no additional cost to use the system at the performances. The listening system allows the Pend Oreille Arts Council to better serve our current members, meet ADA requirements, and reach a greater audience. All performances are also accessible to wheelchair users. The assisted listening system is portable, easy to install and operate. Users wear a headset that plugs into a small, portable receiver (3 oz, 3 inches). The receiver receives a digital FM radio signal from the transmitter (plugged into the sound system) that amplifies and clarifies the sound carried through the sound system.
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Digital audio processing and direct digital synthesis provide superior sound clarity for the hard-of-hearing. In this way, the performance sound is improved, while audience noise remains unamplified. Because these headsets go over the ear, they can be used with a hearing aid. The headsets will be sanitized and reused at each POAC performance. In response to recommendations by specialists and users, POAC searched for a system that allows the users to adjust the volume on their individual units. While competitive bids for similar systems were offered, the Phonic Ear system is the only one available with adjustable-volume receivers. This system will best serve our audience and this community, and be the best long-term investment. The Pend Oreille Arts Council is the primary provider of performances at the Panida and serves the largest audience each year. Several options for assisted listening devices were discussed with a number of individuals and groups before selecting the best one for our community. “SHHH”, the Self Help for Hard of Hearing group based in Sandpoint, expressed interest in assisted listening devices and gave advice on the types of systems available, as well as Ron Kocsis at the Kootenai Medical Center in Coeur d’Alene, an Occupational Therapist who works specifically with hard of hearing clients.
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Page 18| The River Journal | 22 September 2004
September 22 Village Lives A forum with community activist Mark Lakeman, 7 pm, Sandpoint Library at 1407 Cedar St., FREE. 22 Neighbor John Kelly At Arlo’s Ristorante on First Avenue in Downtown Sandpoint Ida. 23-26 Idaho Draft Horse International. The Northwest’s largest draft horse show takes place at the Bonner County Fairgrounds. The event includes several shows of beautifully matched horse and mule teams, plus an auction. 208-263-8414. 23 Neighbor John Kelly At Arlo’s Ristorante on First Avenue in Downtown Sandpoint Ida. 24 to 26 Baskets of North Idaho. Clark Fork Field Campus, Clark Fork, Ida. 208-264-8204 24 George Winston in Concert. The Pend Oreille Arts Council kicks off its 2004-05 Performance Series with the famed solo pianist George Winston – who also occasionally solo performs on guitar and harmonica – at the Panida Theater in Sandpoint, Ida.208-263-6139 24 Neighbor John Kelly At Arlo’s Ristorante on First Avenue in Downtown Sandpoint Ida. 25 Meet Independent
Sheriff Candidate Bean Johnson, Oden Bay Community Hall, 6 pm, $7 at the door or $5 advance, tickets at Eichardt’s and Everyday Internet Café in Sandpoint. 25 Tailgate Sale 9 am to 2 pm at Hope’s Memorial Community Center off Hwy. 200. 208-264-5481. 25 Big Band Concert. Peck Productions event, 7:30 pm at the Panida Theater in downtown Sandpoint, Ida. 208-2639191 25 Planting and Maintaining a Wildlife Sanctuary. 9:45 am, Sandpoint Library, 1407 Cedar St. Free. 208-267-4459 25 Charlie Packard at Arlo’s Ristorante on First Avenue in Downtown Sandpoint Ida. 25 Swing, Tango and Salsa Dance. 2 pm to 5 pm Sandpoint Community Hall, potluck dinner after. 208-437-0274. Alcohol, tobacco and fragrance free. 25 Shoot the Bull, Bull River Outdoors Education presentation, 6 pm at historic Bull River Ranger Station, Hwy. 56, Noxon, Mont. Email for information. 28 Creating Inclusive Communities & Organizations 8 am to 1 pm, Lake Coeur d’Alene Room, Edminster Student Union, North Idaho College. 29 Neighbor John Kelly At Arlo’s Ristorante on First Avenue in Downtown Sandpoint Ida. 30 Public Hearing Bonner County Commissioners, 1:30 pm at the Bonner County Courthouse. Proposed subdivision of 20 acres into two lots on
Southside School Road. 30 Chris Webster, Nina Gerber and Beth Pederson at DiLuna’s, Cedar St. in Sandpoint. 7:30 pm. Tickets $15 advance, $18 at the door. 30 Neighbor John Kelly At Arlo’s Ristorante on First Avenue in Downtown Sandpoint Ida.
October 1 & 2 Global Cinema Café film series. 7:30 pm at the Panida Theater in downtown Sandpoint, Ida.. 208263-9191 1 Chris Webster, Nina Gerber and Beth Pederson at DiLuna’s, Cedar St. in Sandpoint. 7:30 pm. Tickets $15 advance, $18 at the door. 1 Neighbor John Kelly At Arlo’s Ristorante on First Avenue in Downtown Sandpoint Ida. 2 Oktoberfest and Oompa Fest. There are celebrations at Hidden Lakes Golf Resort and at Schweitzer Mountain Resort, both in Sandpoint, Ida. Hidden Lakes' Oktoberfest includes a 20-piece live German band, huge German good buffet and beer from the old country. 208-263-1642 Schweitzer's Oompa Fest features live polka, microbrews, bratwurst and sauerkraut, plus a scarecrow-making contest for the kids. 208-2639555 2 Friends of Cathy Walk, Run, Bike for Life. An art show, 2 to 6 pm, behind Sandpoint’s Panida Theater. Sign-up 9:30 am, Walk 10:30 am in Heron, Mont. 406-847-2024. 2 Friends of the Library Book Sale, 10 am to 3 pm, Sandpoint Library, 1407 Cedar St.
2 Meet Legislative Candidate Dale Van Stone Memorial Community Center in Hope, 3 pm to 5 pm. 2 Dinner Concert at DiLuna’s Café, Cedar st. in Sandpoint. TR Ritchie. Dinner 5:30 pm, concert 7:30 pm. Tickets and reservations, 208-263-0846 2 Neighbor John Kelly At Arlo’s Ristorante on First Avenue in Downtown Sandpoint Ida. 3 The Mikado. POAC presentation, 7:30 pm Sandpoint’s Panida Theater. 208-263-6139 6 Walk to School Day, many Bonner County schools participating. 6 Neighbor John Kelly At Arlo’s Ristorante on First Avenue in Downtown Sandpoint Ida. 7 Marianne Love, featured speaker, Friends of the Library, Sandpoint Library at noon. 7 Tri-State Water Quality Council bi-annual meeting, Rivers Bend Golf Course, Thompson Falls, Mont. 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Call 208-265-9092 7 Neighbor John Kelly At Arlo’s Ristorante on First Avenue in Downtown Sandpoint Ida. 8 & 9 Grace Awakening Concerts 7 pm at the Panida Theater in downtown Sandpoint, Ida.. 208263-9191 8, 9 & 10 Pioneer Days, Noxon Mont. Arts & Crafts Fair, entertainment, sing along, campfire, silent auction. Call 406-847-2735 (days) 8 Neighbor John Kelly At Arlo’s Ristorante on First Avenue in Downtown Sandpoint Ida. 9 Grace Awakening Conference 9 am at the Panida Theater in down-
town Sandpoint, Ida.. 208263-9191 9 Neighbor John Kelly At Arlo’s Ristorante on First Avenue in Downtown Sandpoint Ida. 9 Harvestfest. The Sandpoint Farmers Market closes its season with this annual celebration, from 9 am to 3 pm at Farmin Park. Live entertainment, barbecue, last of the season produce and flowers, arts and crafts. 208-265-5250 9 Stimulus. Ski film presented by Schweitzer Mountain Resort and Rage Productions, 7:30 pm, Sandpoint’s Panida Theater. 208-263-9191 10 Wild Mind. Rebel creativity in the age of commerce. Fiction reading with Rory Metcalf, 2 pm, High Hopes Market, Hope, Ida. 208-255-4410 13 Forbidden Hollywood. The POAC Performance Series presents the smash hit live music comedy of the movies at 7:30 pm at the Panida Theater in Sandpoint, Ida. With record-breaking runs in L.A, New York, Toronto and Chicago, creator Alessandrini’s spoof on Hollywood is this season’s must-see. 208-263-6139 15 Roy Rodgers & Norton Buffalo at Sandpoint’s Panida Theater. Call 2639191. 17 Vigilante Players, Neon Dream, Plains High School (Mont) 7 pm. $8 22 Quilters. Musical presented by Center Stage of Spokane, 8 pm at Sandpoint’s Panida Theater. 208-263-9191. 23 Warren Miller Ski Film. Sponsored by Alpine Shop, 3 pm and 7 pm at the Panida Theater in Sandpoint. 208-263-5157.
23 & 24 4th Annual Fall Colors Excursion. Train trip Sandpoint to Plains. Call 800-519-7245. 28 Hal Ketchum. Sandpoint’s Panida Theater, 8 pm. Mountain Fever Productions 208-263-9191 29 A Dream in Hanoi. Documentary Sandpoint’s Panida Theater. 8 pm. 208-263-6139. 30 A Midsummer Night’s Dream. 8 pm at the Panida in Sandpoint, Ida. 208-2636139 30 Halloween Party at the Boar’s Breath, Noxon, Mont. Mark Your Calendars!
Each Tuesday Metaphysical discussion at the Dolphin House in the Bonner Mall in Ponderay, Ida. 7 pm The Priest River Chess Club meets 6:30 pm. West Bonner Library 219 Main Street, Priest River, Ida. Chess enthusiasts of all ages and levels of ability are welcome. Please call l Rebekah Leaf, 208-4482344. Always on Tuesdays, exploration of herbs, Peacable Kingdom, call 208263-8038
Each Wednesday Bruce Bishop, Tom Newbill & Friends at 7 pm for Music Night at Hi Hopes Café in Hope Ida.
Each Thursday Join the Pend Oreille Pedalers for weekly meetings and social bicycle rides. 7 pm at Eichardts Pub and Grill in downtown Sandpoint
Each Friday Jam Session at the Boars Breath With the Steve and Mary Band 9 miles from the state line on Highway 200 in Montana
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STEPHEN SMITH 112 North 4th Avenue, Sandpoint PHONE (208) 265-4562 • FAX (208) 263-7866
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22 September 2004| The River Journal | Page 19 Coffelt Funeral Sandpoint, Idaho
Paul L. Kemp, 77, passed away in Spokane, Wash. on September 13. Funeral services were held in Coffelt’s Moon Chapel with Pastor Terry Cummings, of Cheney, Wash., officiating. Interment followed at Pinecrest Memorial Park. Born in Keota, Okla., Paul was raised in Russleville, Ark. He served with the US Navy, in the Pacific, in World War II. After he worked construction for Morrison Knudsen, working on the Cabinet Gorge Dam near Clark Fork, Ida., Chief Joseph Dam in Bridgeport, Wash., the Noxon Dam in Noxon, Mont., and the Wanupan Dam in Vantage, Wash. He married Elizabeth Weisz in Thompson Falls, Mont. and in 1961 established Kemp’s Texaco at the north end of Sandpoint’s Long Bridge, which he operated until retirement in 1988. He was an avid car collector who belonged to the National Corvette Owner’s Asso. He enjoyed his orchard and building with his hands. He and his wife celebrated 51 years of marriage. Carl Edward Verdal, “CV”, age 80, passed away on September 12 in Sandpoint, Ida. A service was held at First Lutheran Church in Sandpoint. Born in Sandpoint in 1924 he was a graduate of Sandpoint High School. He joined the army in 1942 and fought in the Battle of the Bulge. After the service he worked at Schafer-Hitchcock Pole and Joselyn Pole companies. He was a member of the Sandpoint Elks, a bowler, and an active member of First Lutheran Church. He loved to grow flowers and contributing to making Sandpoint a more beautiful place to live. He also loved to travel. Although he had no children of his own, his nieces and nephews considered him their “favorite” uncle. Memorials in his name may be made to the First Lutheran Church. Ambrose Vincent Martinowsky, 87, went to be with the Lord and many loved ones on September 5 in Sandpoint, Ida. Funeral services were held at Sacred Hearth Catholic Church in Clark Fork, Ida. with Father Timothy J. O’Donovan officiating. Burial followed at Clark Fork Cemetery. Born in Dawson, Neb. he grew up on a farm there. In 1945 he enlisted in the US Army ground forces division. He lived in California for many years, where he was president of the
Dachshund Club and he bread and showed dogs. He moved with his wife, Ruth, to Clark Fork in 1974 where he worked as a carpenter and was known as “Handy Andy.” He was actively involved in establishing the Clark Fork Ambulance and the Senior Citizens Center. He was a member of the Clark Fork Rod and Gun Club, the Grange, and the volunteer fire department. He served two terms as a city councilman and two terms as mayor. He loved the
God’s finger touched him, and he slept. -Lord Alfred Tennyson
Mock Shots
community where he lived, and gardening was his favorite pastime. He used to say “never enough time for weeding.” Louise V. Nielsen, 75, passed away September 4 in Coeur d’Alene, Ida. Born in Portland, Ore., she graduated from Oregon State University, then married the love of her life, Galen B. Nielsen. Galen served in the Coast Guard and the pair moved 14 times in 14 years. After his retirement they returned to Oregon, and Louise received a degree in business from OSU and taught at Central High School. Louise was an active supporter of her four daughters in Job’s Daughters and taught English in the migrant worker program. In 1964 the couple bought property on the Hope Peninsula and they spent summers here. In 1988 they built a log home on the property. In ‘74 they moved to Saudi Arabia where Louise was one of the first women hired on contract by IKO, served as administrative assistant of the Saudi Director of Civil Aviation, and taught English as a second language. They lived there until 1989. They moved full time to Hope in 1995, and Louise was active in bridge groups. She loved to travel and did so extensively. She met lots of interesting people and left a lasting impression of the best qualities of Americans. She lived a joyful and blessed life and shared it with others openly. Wayne Evans, 89, passed away in Sandpoint, Ida. on September 2. A private family service was held. Born in 1914 in Garwood, Ida. he spent most of his young life commercial fishing on Lake Pend Oreille. His family was known for the
best smoked bluebacks on the lake. He served with the US Army in World War II, spending time in India. In 1975 he retired from the Great Northern Railroad. He was an active member of the Sandpoint Lions and, in 1984, was presented with the Lion’s distinguished service award. In 1985 he was named Lion of the Year. He also volunteered with the local food bank. He was a lifetime member of the Sportsmen’s Association and the American Legion. He loved to pick huckleberries, snowmobile, hunt and gather firewood. Memorials may be made to Toys For Tots, c/o Sandpoint Lions, PO Box 414, Sandpoint, ID 83864 or to the Sportsmen’s Association, PO Box 1011, Sandpoint, ID 83864. Robert William “Bob” Selle, 88, passed away September 1 at his home in Sunnyside. Memorial services were held at Coffelt’s Moon Chapel in Sandpoint, Ida. with Pastor Jon Pomeroy officiating. He was born and raised on a farm near Colville, Wash. and moved with his family to Sandpoint in 1923. His grandfather and father homesteaded north of Sandpoint in the Selle area, the area named after them. He was a graduate of Sandpoint High School and joined the Civil Conservation Corps after graduation. He worked for LD McFarland Cedar Products Co. and worked there for 40 years. He was an avid fisherman, hunter and outdoor sportsman. Memorials in his name may be made to the Bonner County Historical Society. Jane Elizabeth Wiens, 72, passed away in Sandpoint, Ida. on August 27. She had suffered with Parkinson’s Disease for the last five years. Memorial services were held at the Schweikkert family residence on Hoodoo Mountain Road with associate pastor Geoff Rinehart officiating. Born in California, Jane received a Bachelor of Science degree, then served the Catholic Church as a teacher for 18 years, as Sister Mary Angela Hanson. She then received a Masters in the arts. She lived in California and New Mexico before moving to Hoodoo Mountain, near Priest River, Ida., in 2001. She was a member of the Lakeview Community Church in Coeur d’Alene, and enjoyed roller skating, skating on a performance team while in Calif. She was also an accomplished tailor, seamstress and artist. Memorials in her name may be made to Bonner Community Hospice. ONE OF NATURE’S MOST BENEFICIAL MAMMALS, (they eat both mosquitoes and spiders) the bat is found in back yards all over this area, so you’ve probably spotted them before. But maybe not quite like area photographer Jay Mock has captured one in this photo. If you're interested in obtaining some of Mock's photos of this world we live in, send him an email at
CLASSIFIEDS Classified advertising—$5 for 35 words. Call 208-255-6957
FOR SALE Tarps—Dozens available. Rough sizes include 28x24, 32x28 and 20x24. Call Holiday Shores at 208-264-5515 Herbalife Independent Distributor. For opportunity or products, call: 208-263-6998 1972 Johnson Outboard ESL 50hp with controls. $795 1962 5 1/2 HP Johnson Outboard Long shaft, $225. Reconditioned, deep cycle, etc batteries, 1 year warranty—$25. I buy batteries Call: 208-264-5529 1998 Sunlight Pop-Up Camper that fits in short bed pickup truck. Has queen size bed and large refrigerator. Excellent condition—used very little. Always stored under roof. Call: 406-827-9722 GUN SAFES In stock. Delivery Available. Mountain Stove & Spa, 1225 Michigan, Sandpoint. Call: 208-263-0582. Herbalist, 22 yrs. exp., shares favorite formulas w/ instructions & use. Send $5.00 to Elena Narkiya, P.O. Box 27, Bonners Ferry, Id. 83805 Natural, grass fed beef and lamb, grass hay in round or square bales, and retail greenhouse selling bedding and nursery plants. Call Pat or Joan Kelly Phone: 406-847-2743
FOR RENT Home with a view in Thompson Falls Large 3 bedroom, 2 bath multi-level home with view of the river. Garage, W/ D, fridge, stove, dishwasher, fenced yard, deck with full basement, close to schools. No smoke/pets. $685 w/lease. 112 Preston Ave. Available Sept. 20th. Please DO NOT DISTURB tenant. Call: 406-827-4132 for appointment. For rent: 3 bedroom, 2 bath custombuilt home on 10 wooded acres of total privacy in the Selle Valley. Large yard, fenced garden with raised beds, beautiful landscaping. Large kitchen with island. Washer/dryer. Dog runs, storage shed, wood shed. Outdoor pets OK. Located 9 miles northeast of Sandpoint. $900 per month, plus deposit and references required. Call: 208-290-6276
MISCELLANEOUS Now’s the time for small engine tuneups. Lawn tractors, mowers, tillers, generators and older outboards. Tecumseh and Briggs Stratton parts. Ron’s Repair. Call: 208-264-5529 DOG OUT OF CONTROL? New Puppy? You need obedience training. Small classes with expert advice. OR is your dog a budding athlete? Have too much energy? Try agility classes, they're a blast! GREEN MEADOW KENNELS Call: 208-263-2544
Classified advertising, just $5 for 35 words. Call 208-255-6957, email or fax your ad to 208-263-4045.
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