TSA Trumpet March 2017

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TSA Trumpet With trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the Lord, the King. Psalm 98, v6

Scents & Sensibility Taking the Call The Four Foundations of Worship

March 2017

March 2017

TSA Trumpet Contents 4... From the Pulpit - Letter from our Minister 5... Point-of-View - Letter from the Publisher 6... Sense and Sensibility 6... Food Glorious Food 7... Council Report 9... Taking the Call 10... Prayer Shawl Ministry 11... UCW News 11... Fundraising Update 12... Foundations of Worship 12... Lenten Gratitude Calendar

Cover Photo courtesy of Aaron Burden - Unsplash.com TSA Trumpet - March 2017



"If I have ever found magic, it has been in Africa" - John Hemmingway

Welcome to Trinity-St. Andrew's United Church in Brighton, Ontario. Our active congregation offers meaningful worship with a varied music program, Sunday School, opportunities for faith exploration and discussion, as well as fellowship, more traditional Bible study and educational opportunities for all ages, in a liberal Christian context. With the excellent leadership of Rev. Ken Lewis we are very blessed. Our mission includes elder care, such as friendly visiting, and outreach activities like Friends of Migrant Workers and the Clothing Depot. Come join us in our bright, centrally located and historic space. Trinity-St. Andrew's is an Affirming Congregation and has a policy of full accessibility for those with disabilities.

Photo courtesy of George Brits - Unsplash.com


TSA Trumpet - March 2017

TSA Trumpet


March 2017 TSA Trumpet is the newsletter of Trinity-St Andrew's United Church. Our goal is to inform members and adherents of the activities and upcoming events in our fatih community MANAGING EDITOR Brian Ostrander COPY EDITOR Tammy Ostrander PUBLISHER TSA Public Relations & Publicity Committee Trinity-St Andrew's United Church 58 Prince Edward Street Brighton, Ontario K0K 1H0 613-475-1311 www.trinitystandrews.ca ADVERTISING Internal advertising for TSA functions is free of charge External advertising inquire tsatrumpet@gmail.com

We never really gave anything up for lent growing up and I didn't know too many people who did, having been raised in the United Church. Tammy grew up in the Roman Catholic Church and giving something up for lent is a part of her tradition. We decided early on, for a variety of reasons, that we would raise our children in the United Church, and so a great number of Tammy's religious traditions have not been celebrated terribly well these past 24 years, but one of the things we do in our house is indeed give something up for lent. I don't think that giving up scotch (this year's Lenten journey) for forty days makes me a better Christian. I don't think that forgoing chocolate (did that a few years ago) for a few weeks comes anywhere near making me feel closer to Christ or understand the sacrifice he made for us. I do think that it recognizes a tradition of sacrifice, no matter how small, as a symbol. I know that it makes Easter Sunday all the more celebratory. Whether you chose to give something up for lent or not, I hope that you will take a moment to reflect on what we can do this Lenten season. Take a note of the Lenten gratitude calendar that was published by the Mission & Service staff, and printed on page 12, and reflect on our journey toward Easter.

Brian Ostrander

Advertising in this newsletter does not constitute endorsement by Trinity-St Andrew's United Church, nor guarantee quality, value or effectiveness of any products, services or methods advertised.

TSA Trumpet - March 2017


Scents & Sensibility

food glorious food

Submitted by Sonia Rundle

by Wendy Zinck

Fragrances have been used over the millennia for medicine, religion, romance, and simply to mask foul odors. However, the composition of today’s fragrances is quite different from that of the ancient pharaohs or the “perfumed court” of France’s King Louis XV. Until the nineteenth century, scents were made from fragrant resins, flower essences, herbs, spices and other natural ingredients. Now, they are a complex mixture of natural materials and synthetic chemicals. Several hundred chemicals may be used to make a single scented product. Chemicals used in fragrances can cause health problems such as shortness of breath, headaches and migraines, nausea, muscle pain, and cold-like symptoms. Asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, and allergies can all be adversely affected by the chemicals found in scented products. According to the Lung Association, one study found that 72 per cent of people with asthma had adverse reactions to perfumes. People who like to wear perfume may not realize that they are triggering headaches, wheezing or allergic reactions in others. The issue of sensitivity to perfumes is complex. Ingredients of different fragrances vary, and allergic individuals may not be affected by all fragrances. In addition, many cleaning and personal care products also have scents. We encourage avoiding or reducing the use of fragranced products or replacing them with unscented alternatives.


TSA Trumpet - March 2017

The Hospitality Committee wishes to thank everyone for your generous donations of food to each event we have hosted and will be continuing to host over the next few weeks. Our committee helped the Fundraising committee with the soup and sandwich lunch on March 5th by providing sandwiches and helping in the kitchen. We will be hosting the lunch following the Lenten service on March 22nd and also the lunch for the AGM meeting on April 2nd. Your generous donations of sandwiches and sweets are most appreciated, we could not do it without the help from our congregation. For the AGM lunch we are asking that the North side please bring sandwiches, the South side cookies or squares, the choir, cheese and veggies and the Hospitality committee, pickles and fruit.

Council report by Iain Henderson Your Church Council met twice during the month of February, once on the 13th as the Executive Committee and again on the 21st as the full Council. The latter meeting was squeezed in to handle an urgent item before our Minister departed on vacation. Please do not let this deter anyone from serving on a committee. Council consists of a Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary plus the Chairs (or delegate) from each individual church committee. The Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary usually also serve on other committees. It is our stated practice to hold full Council meetings every second month, with an Executive Committee meeting in between, only as required. Speaking of Committees, we are actively seeking new members to spread the work load, particularly for the Stewardship Committee and the Ministry and Personnel Committee. Also, a new Chair of Council is required for the coming year as Colin Wright has completed his agreed term. Members are urged to prayerfully consider how they may contribute a few hours a month and thus participate more fully in these aspects of the work of our church. Sincere thanks were expressed to the Fund Raising Committee whose Valentine’s Ham Dinner raised $2,600.00. Well done! The Music Director Search Committee interviewed one candidate already but was hoping for a greater response to our advertisements in local papers. There has been none to date, so if any member has a suggestion pleases contact Jean Finkle or Pam Pettigrew. The Annual General Meeting has been postponed to April 2nd and will again be chaired by Brian Ostrander.

At the special Council meeting of February 21st, we considered two very close quotations for the supply and installation of a gas furnace and central air conditioning unit for the downstairs (Clothing Depot) portion of the Service Building. This will reduce our environmental footprint by using less energy more efficiently and will also substantially reduce our hydro bills, thus enabling us to recover the costs very quickly. A further incentive to our rapid action was the generous offer of a substantial five year loan, at no interest, by a member of the congregation. The contract will be awarded to Comfort Zone Heating and Air Conditioning, who recently supplied the new furnaces for the Sanctuary and with whom we also have a service contract. It is expected that the work will commence in April or May, depending on when Union Gas can install a service line.

TSA Trumpet - March 2017



TSA Trumpet - March 2017

Taking the Call by Kathryn Corbett In September of 2013 I got a call from my dad. He was phoning to say he didn't feel up to joining us for Applefest as planned. He reassured me that he would be fine and my brother was keeping an eye on him. We missed having Dad with us as we wandered downtown that weekend, but enjoyed the festivities anyway. Along Main Street someone was selling raffle tickets on a handcrafted replica of the Presqu'ile Lighthouse. I bought a ticket, tucked it in my purse and forgot about it. The following week I was summoned from my school library to take a call in the office. It was sad news: My father had just passed away. I went home to connect with my family. Shortly after I got home, I overheard my husband at the door telling the visitors that this wasn't a good time to speak with me, but I could also overhear their disappointment. I poked my head around the corner to see that the people at the door had come to deliver the 3 foot tall lighthouse! Although preoccupied with grief, I attempted to accept this prize graciously, plunked it in a corner of our rec room and forgot about it. By the fall of 2015 I had retired and was idly browsing in Lighthouse Books when the owner took a call. I heard her tell the caller that if she didn't find a buyer for the store soon, she would sell off the stock and close it down. I could not picture this town I had come to love without my favourite bookstore. Way back in my university days I was an English major working part time at WH Smith bookstore. Not long after I married a man with a business background, became a teacher-librarian and eventually a parent who loved reading with our own children. By 2006 we had picked Brighton as a place to plan our retirement. After all, Brighton has so much to offer. As well as an active United Church, there is a Provincial Park, tennis courts and a sense of community in people who choose to support their neighbourhood businesses. And so it felt right to answer the call that our local bookstore seemed to be making. My husband and I (and our 3 foot lighthouse) have found a perfect place to be.

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY by Carol Saucier “Shawls – made for centuries universal and embracing, symbolic of an inclusive, unconditionally loving God. They wrap, enfold, comfort, cover and give solace. Those who have received these shawls have been uplifted and affirmed, as if given wings to fly above their troubles.” Written in 1998 by Janet Severi Bristow. What is a Prayer Shawl? A Prayer Shawl is a product of caring and prayer that anyone can either knit or crochet. While knitting or crocheting the prayer shawl, the person prays over it. Then when a few are made, they are brought to be blessed by Reverend Ken. Who can have one? Anyone who is either ill, had or is having surgery, had a baby, lost a pet or is depressed or lonely, undergoing medical procedures, as a comfort after a loss or in times of stress, and during bereavement. There is no cost for a prayer shawl. So far since the Prayer Shawl Ministry started at Trinity St Andrew’s, 21 shawls have been given out. (I have one also which was a comfort during my cancer treatments.) All you have to do to receive a prayer shawl is to contact the church office at 475-1311 or Carol Saucier at 613-439-9547. If you wish to participate in creating one, wool, needles and patterns are available free of charge.


TSA Trumpet - March 2017

Fundraising up[date by Sharon McMullen The Fundraising Committee is very happy with the support they have been getting from the congregation for all their events. Our cheese orders are going very well this year. The Ham Supper was very well attended raising $2,600.00 and our soup lunch raised $622.00. We are holding a pancake lunch on Palm Sunday. Keep in mind that our Skills and Gifts Silent Auction is coming up in May and we will be looking for your entries. Call Sharon at 613475-2928. The Yard Sale is May 4,5,6th and the Fashion Show is May 13th. The Band Concert and Pie Social will be held on June 10th and the Golf Tournament will be June 24th. We would appreciate your support for these upcoming events.

UCW News by Ruth Moore Our UCW is saddened at the sudden death of Shirley Irvine, long time & very active member. Shirley chaired Unit 3 as well as the UCW Steering Committee. Shirley lived as the hymn we sang in church recently says – “ I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me”. That’s how she lived until her last day. Besides UCW she held many offices in the church, both local and beyond at presbyterial over the past 43 years. Shirley was a Trustee, helped the Hospitality Committee and volunteered at the Clothing Depot until her death. She will be missed – her positive attitude, helpful ways, her sense of humour and wonderful smile – especially by Unit 3!

TSA Trumpet - February 2017


TSA Trumpet - January 2017


The Four Foundations of Worship by the Rev. Dr. Andrew Stirling We worship to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ. Every time we enter a sanctuary, God is there and we remind ourselves of His presence in our lives. All too often our lives are so busy and hectic that we forget about God and the fact that He is always present. Worship opens up the lines of communication between God and ourselves. We listen to God’s word read and proclaimed, and in turn we express our deepest emotions and feelings through prayer. This allows us to open ourselves to His love as we reaffirm our belief and our commitment. We learn about God and His will through various parts of the service: the reading of the scriptures, the children’s time, and the proclamation of the Word in a sermon. There is no better way to convey the truth and application of the Gospel than a good sermon and for most Christians this is the only means they receive on a weekly basis of learning about their faith. No Christian can be a true believer in isolation from other believers. We need the support, nurture and love of those who also love Jesus Christ. In the secular society in which we live, many temptations can cause us to stray from Christ so we need others to remind us of God’s presence. Worship develops those bonds of friendship that we desperately need. In this fellowship, the Holy Spirit gives each of us gifts for the building up of the body of Christ. 12

TSA Trumpet - March 2017

We need a diversity of people with their gifts to carry out the work of Christ. Worship develops these gifts and enables them to be demonstrated in the open arena of Church life. We all need the care and support of other Christians. In our North American culture we lead such busy lives that for our own peace of mind, we need to have a rest. The Sabbath was designed to give men and women a break from work and allow them time to gather as families and communicate their ideas. God’s wisdom has never faltered and the need for rest is as great today as it has always been. Worship makes us take time to relax and renew ourselves in god’s presence. Even the most healthy and vigorous person needs that time of holiness. The Psalmist sums this up so appropriately. “Be still and know that I am God.” I am convinced that there are many other wonderful reasons why worship is important. For some it is a family time, and for others a time for forgiveness, while for some it is a time for praise and adoration. Whatever our reasons, God knows that we must worship. It is an essential part of our life and faith and without it we are much the poorer.


TSA Trumpet - March 2017

church Calendar Sunday, March 26th

Service at 10:30 a.m. Trumpet December Issue released

Tuesday, March 28th

Notes of Hope 10:00 a.m.

Friday, March 31st

Men's Coffee Hour 2:00 p.m.

Sunday, April 2nd

Service at 10:30 a.m. Annual General Meeting 11:30 a.m. (following service)

Sunday, April 9th

Palm Sunday Service at 10:30 a.m. Pancake Lunch (Fundraiser) Noon

Monday, April 10th

Take Time Out Group 10:00 a.m.

Thursday, April 13th

Trumpet articles due Noon

Friday, April 14th

Good Friday Service 10:30 a.m.

Sunday, April 16th

Sunrise Service 7:00 a.m (Gosport Pier) Easter Sunday Service 10:30 a.m.

Tuesday, April 18th

UCW Unit 6 7:00 p.m.

next issue Next Trumpet, April 23rd, 2017 Deadline for submissions: April 13th Church pick-up will be Sunday April 23rd Articles may be submitted to the church office or via via e-mail to: TSAtrumpet@gmail.com

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