TSA Trumpet - November 2018 edition

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TSA Trumpet With trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the Lord, the King. Psalm 98:6

Choirs Ontario Christmas Gifts FundScrip cards Gifts with Vision 10,000 Villages

November 2018

November 2018

TSA Trumpet Contents 4 .... From the Pulpit 5 .... Point of View 6 .... Choirs Ontario 6 .... UCW - Information evening 7 .... Anniversary Sunday Luncheon 7 .... Christmas Gift Cards

Cover Photo by Svetlana Sinitsyna on Unsplash TSA Trumpet - November 2018


FROM THE PULPIT Grace and Peace to all of you as October is ending and we start speeding forward to Christmas. Things are moving along very smoothly. This is a busy church, with many activities. Congratulations Brian on becoming Brighton’s new mayor. I know an election campaign is very busy, but now the work really begins. I know you will do your best and if there is any way this congregation can support you let us know. Our prayers are with the families of June Kennedy, Margaret Pidgon and Lois White, whose funerals were held in the past two weeks. There is a lot happening in the next little while. We will be doing a Remembrance Day service on Nov. 11th as that is a Sunday. Nov. 18th is our anniversary Sunday and Rev. Dr. Bill Smith will be our preacher. Nov. 4th I will be away, and a musical group Raw Gospel will be leading our worship service. I am offering to start a chimes group to hopefully play some Christmas music in December. I have a few people signed up but need a total of eight to do a good job. Our first rehearsal will be Nov. 8th at 6:30 PM. Everyone is welcome you don’t need any musical background to join. The migrant suppers have finished for this season. A big thank you to the Outreach committee for organizing ways in which our migrant workers can be supported. The combination, Decoration Day for Hillton Cemetery and our worship service was very successful. Thank you to Helmut and Janet for helping to organize the Mission and Service Sunday. We will be continuing putting the little bowls in the offering plate for change for M&S and revisit it in January to see if we want to continue. I thank you all for your support, for the way you are willing to change pews when asked and to stand in a circle to sing a hymn. May you continue to be open to the way Jesus is leading you into the future.

Rev. Anja 4

TSA Trumpet - November 2018

Welcome to Trinity-St. Andrew's United Church in Brighton, Ontario. Our active congregation offers meaningful worship with a varied music program, Sunday School, opportunities for faith exploration and discussion, as well as fellowship, more traditional Bible study and educational opportunities for all ages, in a liberal Christian context. Our mission includes elder care, such as friendly visiting, and outreach activities like Friends of Migrant Workers and the Clothing Depot. Come join us in our bright, centrally located and historic space. Trinity-St. Andrew's is an Affirming Congregation and has a policy of full accessibility for those with disabilities.

TSA Trumpet November 2018 TSA Trumpet is the newsletter of Trinity-St Andrew's United Church. Our goal is to inform members and adherents of the activities and upcoming events in our fatih community MANAGING EDITOR Brian Ostrander COPY EDITOR Tammy Ostrander PUBLISHER TSA Public Relations & Publicity Committee Trinity-St Andrew's United Church 58 Prince Edward Street Brighton, Ontario K0K 1H0 613-475-1311 www.trinitystandrews.ca

POINT-OF-VIEW 100 years ago at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month the guns fell silent across Europe as the Great War, the one that was to end all wars, came to an end. Sadly, it did not end all wars, and although most of us born in the latter half of the last century have never known true war, our world continues to be one in conflict. I have always believed the anecdote that those who fail to learn their history will be doomed to repeat it. We do not glorify war by remembering those who fell. We must remember the horrors of war, we must remember that bullets flew, bombs exploded, and gas rained down destroying lives. We must remember these things to help prevent a repeat of those wars. Lest we forget!

Brian Ostrander

ADVERTISING Internal advertising for TSA functions is free of charge External advertising inquire tsatrumpet@gmail.com Advertising in this newsletter does not constitute endorsement by Trinity-St Andrew's United Church, nor guarantee quality, value or effectiveness of any products, services or methods advertised.

TSA Trumpet - November 2018


Choirs Ontario Choral Library Open House Saturday, November 24th from 9 am till noon Where: 230 St. Clair West, Timothy Eaton Memorial Church (enter through glass doors off Warren Rd). FREE parking / FREE admission - Explore repertoire for your choir in a fun and relaxed atmosphere - Meet with colleagues - Enjoy reading sessions happening on half hour - Sacred music reading at 11:30 am (9:30 SATB; 10:30 SSA) - Coffee and treats - Used music and CD sale


TSA Trumpet - November 2018

Community Care Northumberland Hospice Services

Anniversary Sunday luncheon From the Hospitality Committee Anniversary Sunday is November 18th and there will be a luncheon following the church service. The Hospitality Committee is asking for your help with food. Would the north side please bring sandwiches and the south side cookies/squares. The Hospitality Committee will provide cheese and pickles.

Christmas gift cards From the FundScrip Team

It’s never too early, to start your Christmas shopping!! Avoid the busy malls, the hectic traffic, the line-ups, the Christmas wrapping, etc.,etc. Simply order FundScrip gift cards for family, friends, to-buy-for” person

that “ hard-

Lots of retailers to choose from: Canadian Tire, Chapters, Cineplex, Home Hardware, Mark’s, Shopper’s Drug Mart, Sport Chek, Toys R Us, Kelsey’s, Red Lobster, Tim Horton’s, to name only a few!!!! Order forms, along with cheque or cash, to be handed in after service or at the office. Order Dates: Sun, Nov.5 and Sun. Dec.2 (orders will be available in time for Christmas) See Lee Farmes or Wendy Zinck for details

TSA Trumpet - September 2018


JUST WHAT I WANTED! What do you give that person who “has everything”, or “wants nothing”? Why not support Education in Zambia, Sponsor an Indigenous Child at Camp, Plant an Olive Tree in Palestine, or Support a Transformative Therapies Choir in Newfoundland? Gifts with Vision, 2018 is here. This United Church Gift catalog is available at the back of the church, online at giftswithvision.ca, or you may have received one with the Observer. Tell your friend all about the gift by mailing or emailing a card, telling them about the gift. Of course, you can also put it under the tree. Gifts with Vision can also be a gift from you to you as it allows you to support Mission and Service and have your money go to a cause particularly near and dear to you. Take the stress out of gift giving, and at the same time have your gift give twice. May you have a Christmas of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love


TSA Trumpet - November 2018

TSA Trumpet - October 2018


church Calendar

Submissions Submissions may be sent to tsatrumpet@gmail.com

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