TSA Trumpet - May 2018

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TSA Trumpet With trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the Lord, the King. Psalm 98, v6

Prejudiced or Unprejudiced Maintaining a Balance AV Upgrades

May 2018

May 2018

TSA Trumpet Contents 4 .... From the Pulpit 5 .... Point of View 6 .... Outreach Update 8 .... Upcoming Fundraising 11 ... UCW 11 ... It All Adds Up With Fundscrip 12 ... Prejudiced or Unprejudiced 13 ... Maintaing a Balance 13 ... Search News 14 ... AV Upgrades

Cover Photo by Indah Nur on Unsplash TSA Trumpet - May 2018


FROM THE PULPIT Welcome to Trinity-St. Andrew's United Church in Brighton, Ontario. Our active congregation offers meaningful worship with a varied music program, Sunday School, opportunities for faith exploration and discussion, as well as fellowship, more traditional Bible study and educational opportunities for all ages, in a liberal Christian context. With the excellent leadership of Rev. Ken Lewis we are very blessed. Our mission includes elder care, such as friendly visiting, and outreach activities like Friends of Migrant Workers and the Clothing Depot. Come join us in our bright, centrally located and historic space. Trinity-St. Andrew's is an Affirming Congregation and has a policy of full accessibility for those with disabilities.


TSA Trumpet - May 2018

TSA Trumpet April 2018 TSA Trumpet is the newsletter of Trinity-St Andrew's United Church. Our goal is to inform members and adherents of the activities and upcoming events in our fatih community MANAGING EDITOR Brian Ostrander COPY EDITOR Tammy Ostrander PUBLISHER TSA Public Relations & Publicity Committee Trinity-St Andrew's United Church 58 Prince Edward Street Brighton, Ontario K0K 1H0 613-475-1311 www.trinitystandrews.ca ADVERTISING Internal advertising for TSA functions is free of charge

POINT-OF-VIEW Can you feel it? The nervous tension in our church? We are in a time of incredible change for Trinity-St. Andrew's. Many of us use times like these to worry, and for good reason. Our minister of 10+ years is about to retire and we will be bringing in a temporary Minister while our search committee finds a permanent replacement. We are seeking significant donations in order to upgrade our church with new AV equipment (a necessary investment, in my opinion, for the continued health of our church). We still do not have a music director (could that have something to do with not having a modern AV system?). The United Church of Canada is entering a significant period of governance change. Our denomination continues to close a church every week. So, lots of good reasons to worry.. but I think worry is a lot like rocking in a chair.. it gives you something to do but it doesn't get you very far. So what can we do instead? How about we champion the changes? Let's support the groups that are engaged in the searches. Donate to the AV Campaign and let's get that process started. Offer to lead a team. Get involved with a committee, a group, a project. Let's own these changes! Or, keep worrying.. it really is up to you!

External advertising inquire tsatrumpet@gmail.com

Brian Ostrander

Advertising in this newsletter does not constitute endorsement by Trinity-St Andrew's United Church, nor guarantee quality, value or effectiveness of any products, services or methods advertised.

TSA Trumpet - May 2018


Outreach update by Elizabeth Scriven We have the pleasure of adding two new member to our group. Sonja Rundle has agreed to join our committee and Kaitlyn Ostrander is participating in our activities when she is home this summer. Both wonderful additions. We are planning two church services this summer when Rev Ken Lewis will not be available. We hope that our presentations provide an opportunity to explore worship in different ways and with different perspectives. Please see the insert in this magazine to see what we are doing June 3rd. There are currently 5 migrant workers here at this time and the only request that we have so far received is for a large rolling suitcase. Just to give you a heads up. Two of the men have size 13 feet and find it difficult to find good work boots so if you come across good boots of any size in your spring cleaning that would be much appreciated. Please contact me if you have any that you will not be needing. May 29 at 10:00 in the hall Janet Enns will again lead Notes of Hope. Please join us as well worth working with other communities around the world to fight against injustice.


TSA Trumpet - May 2018

TSA Trumpet - April 2018


Upcoming fundraisers Pie Social and Band Concert June 9th 9th Annual Golf Tournament June 23rd Loonie and Toonie bins will be handed out in June. (To be returned in September) Annual corn roast August 15th. For more information contact Sharon McMullen (613) 475-2928

TSA Trumpet - January 2018


ucw by Elizabeth Scriven We have been pleased to provide 3 speakers for information sessions to our Church community this year. Sheena Smith provided us with a lot of useful information of her work with Methadone Clinic. It is a problem that touches us all and we now have a better understanding of the question. In April we presented an evening with Peter Elston, an associate of Alissa Camp. Peter talked to us about the necessity of wills and powers of attorney. And in May we had the pleasure of listening to Paul Chatson talk about the work and responsibility of a Funeral Home. We will be continuing this series on end of life issues. The whole congregation is welcome to join us.

...it all adds up with Fundscrip by Helen Bonisteel The facts: • No need to dip into your pocket to donate to Trinity-St. Andrew’s United Church....just go shopping!!! • A percentage of what you buy when using FundScrip gift cards comes back to TSAUC...2 10 % depending on the retailer. To-date your gift card purchases have added up: Thanks to the $250 club (those who have earned up to $250 in rewards for the church): Anne T, Aubrey W, Bev Mc, Grace P, Harma B, Lori C, Lynn A, Sharon G, Thian H! To our $500 club (those who have earned up to $500 in reward for the church): Brian B, Bruce G, Earlien Mc, Geneva K, Joan W, Marlene S, Rosemary and Elwood, Ruth M, Sharon Mc, Sheena and Ken, Tom R., Wendy Z! To our $750 club (those who have earned up to $750 in rewards for the church): Helen and Jack, Brian and Tammy, Iain and Erla! ... it all adds up! Keep ordering those cards and TSAUC will thank you!!! Next order date: June 3 receiving orders June 17

TSA Trumpet - May 2018


PREJUDICED OR UNPREJUDICED? by Helmut Enns Upon entering the exhibition devoted to hatred and prejudice at the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles, the visitor is asked to choose between two doors. One is marked Prejudiced and the other is marked Unprejudiced. But when you go to the door marked Unprejudiced, you find it is locked and the inscription that lights up asks you to think, then go through the other door. On Sunday June 3rd, Dr. Aruna Alexander, a United Church minister will speak to us on the topic or racism, and what we can do to be a better neighbour, to be more Christian. Dr. Alexander has been described as “one of Belleville’s most “tireless” advocates for newcomers to the city”, and as such has been awarded the Newcomer Champion Awards, for her work in promoting inclusion and diversity. “Her volunteer work in the community has opened doors and created opportunities for individuals and families from around the world now living in Belleville,” reads a statement from the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade, which administers the awards. Aruna is well known in the Bay of Quinte Conference. She chairs the Interfaith, Intercultural Action Group, and thanks to the work of this group, at its annual meeting this spring the Bay of Quinte Conference passed a resolution, statin we in this conference will work with UNESCO’s Canadian Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination towards eliminating Racism and Discrimination in Eastern Ontario. TSA Trumpet - May 2018


2. Why is this important? We believe we are all equal before God. We believe racism is a sin and violates God’s desire for humanity. We believe racism is present in our society and in our church, and throughout time has manifested itself in many forms in varying degrees. We believe change is possible. We believe in forgiveness, reconciliation, and transformation and the potential to learn. On June 3rd, please join us in church to think, to learn, to change.

Maintaining a Balance by Nora Sanders Most of us feel pulled in many directions at once. How to be prepared enough for Conference annual meetings and General Council? How to do what is expected of us in our jobs, whether within the church or outside it? How to respond to the news of snipers firing at protesters and medical personnel in Gaza, and pedestrians being run over on the streets of Toronto? How to juggle the various schedules in a household and meet the needs of different generations of family members? How to find time to clean the house and make dinner? How to carve out time to accompany sponsored refugees or volunteer in the community? How to carve out time for ourselves? So often, in our long “to-do lists”, that final question comes last, or is left out altogether.

exercise of some kind, (ideally of a kind that we enjoy!), but if we focus only on our physical beings, that is not enough either. Somehow, the mental and physical elements of our lives gain meaning as we develop our spiritual lives. Spiritual practices can take many forms. We can take part in Sunday worship. We can read scripture alone or with others. We can look for the Holy Spirit in each person we meet. We can try to offer the light of Christ to each person we meet. We can find comfort in God’s promise to Moses, “I will be with you.” We can take to heart the simple reminder in a beloved hymn, “Take it to the Lord in Prayer.” We can share a meal at a table with people we love. You can add to this list for yourself. Loving our neighbours, and loving ourselves, involves our actions, but also our hearts and our souls. God is with us. We are not alone. Thanks be to God.

Yet as people of faith, we follow one who has told us to, “Love your neighbour as yourself”.

search News

So we are to love our neighbours, and it is implicit in this teaching that we must love ourselves too. I don’t think that is about being selfish and self-centred. I think it is about maintaining a balance of mind, body, and spirit. It is about maintaining a balance in our lives to enable us to be healthy enough to serve others and to serve God.

The process that we used to call the JNAC is nearing completion. Your Search Committee has completed the process of creating a Financial & Demographic profile, we have prepared a Mission and Ministry profile and a Ministry Description. All of these documents will be brought before Church Council on May 24th and if they are passed a Congregational Meeting will be called to get the congregation's approval. Once that has happened we will need Presbytery to okay them (the Committee meets near the end of June) and then we may begin to advertise for a new minister. TSA Trumpet - May 2018 13

When the focus is all on the mind, on the things we can analyze, plan, figure out, and solve, our lives are not complete. We need to give our bodies healthy food and

by Brian Ostrander

AV Upgrades by Brian Ostrander In 2014 the congregation of Trinity-St. Andrew’s United Church passed a strategic plan to take us out 5 years. That plan included “Incorporate Audio/Visual Technology into the Sanctuary”. As a result of this congregational direction Church Council formed an Ad-Hoc Audio Visual Committee to investigate options and costs. The AV committee agreed that the current system is aging and does not fulfill the congregations strategic mandate and asked sent requests to five (5) companies to provide bids. One (1) company declined as they were too busy. One (1) company did not respond to the request. One (1) company could only assist with audio. Two (2) companies came for a site visit, surveyed our sanctuary, hall and the current system and provided quotes. Port Hope based. Quote provided upgrades to the Sanctuary & Community Hall. Quote provides a remote access system allowing the TSA team to control the system from their smart-phones or tablets from anywhere in the church. Contractor can remotely access the system to assist with any issues (including on Sunday if required) from Port Hope. Equipment and parts: $53.481.63 Labour: $ 9,366.72 Contingency: $ 1,257.65 HST: $8,333.78 Total: $72,439.78 Church Council agreed with the AV Committee’s recommendation in principle and passed a motion accepting the proposal from Sonic Systems with the caveat that $40,000 would TSA Trumpet - May 2018


have to be raised on or before June of 2014 to begin the project. Sonic Systems was told that they were our preferred bidder but that the church needed to raise a good portion of the money prior to agreeing to proceed with the work. Chris from Sonic was more than understanding and wished us well in our endeavours and looks forward to hearing from us soon.

Sanctuary upgrades: 4 x 8” High - power two-way surface speakers (congregation sound) 1 pair 3” two-way surface speakers (Choir monitor speaker) 3 overhead microphones (Chancel) 2 portable lavliere microphones 1 handeld microphone. 1 x 135” motorized screen. 1 ceiling mounted projector 2 LED screens (for the choir) Community Hall upgrades: 1 Pair 6.5” two-way surface speakers 1 mount for the existing projector All new wiring for high-speed connectivity and rewiring to increase clarity of sound. 1 wall mounted touchscreen control pannel (for hall users/renters) Control Panel full replacement: Remove all of the existing sound control systems and donating them to the national museum of very old tech equipment. New rack for equipment; 1 Compact Power Conditioner with Auto Reboot; 1 - 3100 GB Router; 1 - 8 port websmart GB switch; 2 Apple TV Media Players; 1 Dual-distance 66 HDMI matrix switcher; 1 - 8 channel commercial power amplifier; 1 - 3 series control system set-up and calibration for our sanctuary and hall; 1 - 8 digital signal processor.

TSA Trumpet - May 2018


church Calendar

next issue Next Trumpet, May 27th, 2018 Deadline for submissions: May 18thth Church pick-up will be Sunday May 27th Articles may be submitted to the church office or via via e-mail to: TSAtrumpet@gmail.com

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