November 2017 Trumpet

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TSA Trumpet With trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the Lord, the King. Psalm 98, v6

Make a Real Difference This Christmas Bakeless Bake Sale Mission & Service Partnerships

November 2017

October 2017

TSA Trumpet Contents 4 ....

From the Pulpit

5 ....

Point of View

6 ....

A Bakeless Bake Sale

6 ....

Christmas Hampers

8 ....

Letter to the Editor

8 .... Christmas Carol Sing 9 .... Outreach 9 .... Lions Christmas Cakes 9 .... Catherine Christie 10 ... Hospitality

Cover Photo courtesy of Jennifer Langley TSA Trumpet - November 2017


FROM THE PULPIT Ah November, let's see.....snow tires - warmer clothing out and lighter clothing packed away - lawn and garden implements stored until spring - outdoor Christmas lights at the ready, I love Welcome to Trinity-St. November. I know I'm in the minority when I say this, but I do Andrew's United Church in enjoy this much maligned month.I think it is the unpredictability of Brighton, Ontario. Our active November that I enjoy. The weather can change three or four congregation offers meaningful times in the run of a day. It can be very cold one day and quite worship with a varied music mild the next. The colours of a November sky can be quite program, Sunday School, striking with vivid blue or rich deep gray almost black cloud opportunities for faith formations. There is intensity to this month not found in any other. exploration and discussion, as November is the "be prepared for anything month" because we well as fellowship, more know winter is on the way. It may not arrive today or tomorrow, traditional Bible study and but it will come and most of us have been around long enough not educational opportunities for all to be caught off guard. We should always be alert to the ages, in a liberal Christian possibility of sudden change and ready to alter our plans at a context. With the excellent moments' notice. November is quite unforgiving. November's leadership of Rev. Ken Lewis unpredictability for me is a constant reminder that like God, when we are very blessed. our Creator decides to do something it may come without warning and we better be ready! Our mission includes elder To be caught napping or too busy to be paying attention to real care, such as friendly visiting, life concerns could have terrible consequences. Do not get lulled and outreach activities like into the dreary and seemingly uneventful November days Friends of Migrant Workers because they are just waiting to bring forth God's majesty and and the Clothing Depot. Come no time! join us in our bright, centrally Of course November is also the month of remembrance. There located and historic space. are many veterans and their families as well as others who need to know that we are thinking of them. It really is the least we can Trinity-St. Andrew's is an do. May God bless them, always. Affirming Congregation and Shalom, has a policy of full accessibility for those with disabilities.

Rev. Ken


TSA Trumpet - November 2017

TSA Trumpet


November 2017 TSA Trumpet is the newsletter of Trinity-St Andrew's United Church. Our goal is to inform members and adherents of the activities and upcoming events in our fatih community MANAGING EDITOR Brian Ostrander COPY EDITOR Tammy Ostrander PUBLISHER TSA Public Relations & Publicity Committee Trinity-St Andrew's United Church 58 Prince Edward Street Brighton, Ontario K0K 1H0 613-475-1311 ADVERTISING Internal advertising for TSA functions is free of charge External advertising inquire

Last month as I was putting the Trumpet to bed, having edited and slashed and tossed as much as I could, we still had a banner number of pages to publish. Our community news was overwhelming and support for our Faith Community and its newsletter was flourishing. What a difference a month can make. It would seem that the advertising support that helped with the production costs at bay are starting to dry up. If you are reading this online, there are still production costs involved in making a web version. The magazine industry is more and more returning to print as publishers find that they can get more advertising dollars from a print edition - and the cost/benefit analysis shows that the significant up-front costs remain. Also, publishers know that printed editions get more use and better read-through than online editions. I will ask for a quick favour, would you ask your dentist, your lawyer, your financial advisor, your accountant, your lawn care professional, your massage therapist, your chiropractor, your.... to support our newsletter with an ad? We can be very flexible and our congregation will show them how much we appreciate their support!

Brian Ostrander

Advertising in this newsletter does not constitute endorsement by Trinity-St Andrew's United Church, nor guarantee quality, value or effectiveness of any products, services or methods advertised.

TSA Trumpet - November 2017


a bakeless bake sale Announcing a bit of news today A bakeless bake sale is on the way On those busy days, now would you bake, Pies or cookies of evan a cake? The idea is simple, the directions are clear It doesn't get easier than this. No pans to grease, no cookies to bake That's something we won't miss You would be surprised, if you count the cost Of materials, heat and the pan that you lost Cooking for sale, is extra work, And nobody really wants to shirk. So we have thought of a plan that is grand, And we feel quite certain that you will understand In this little envelope, plase put the price of a pie or a cake or something nice! Without a fuss or bother, you've done your part, I'm sure you will give with an open heart; This is the end of our little tale. Wish us success with out bakeless bake sale. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS Please include your name and address or offering envelope number with your donation. Envelopes may be placed in the offering plate, dropped at the church office or given to any TSA UCW member.


TSA Trumpet - November 2017

want to make a real difference in the lives of people this christmas? by Harma Badgley & Ken Laird Don't bother watching your favourite "reality show" but step into your own community's reality. Some 132 families received much needed (and much appreciated) Christmas hampers last year and we would love to see the programme continue being successful. Gifts of hats, mitts and scarves (many from the TSA mitten tree) food, toys, personal hygiene products have to be sorted, packed and organized for delivery or pickup. We are looking for your donation of time, effort, good cheer and patient cooperation to get the job done. From our experience, not only do you give freely fo some time, but you will experience the joy of giving and the community spirit which is so evident in this activity. And what can be more satisfying during this "Season of Giving" than really giving of yourself? We look forward to seeing you, and hope that you have a peaceful and restful Christmas. Where? Evangel Church on Butler Street (Brighotn) When? December 18th, 19th and 20th Please contact us by calling 613-392-5276

letter to the editor Dear Brian, Thank-you very much for the issue of the Trumpet. It is very good. The large print made it so much easier to read and enjoy. Sincerely, Jean Finlayson

Christmas Carol Sing Submitted by Dan Buchanan Hilton Hall Heritage Centre December 16, 2017 @ 2 PM 50 Chatten Rd, North of 401, East of No. 30 The Friends of Hilton Hall Heritage Centre are pleased to present the third annual Christmas Carol Sing. Music will be provided by talented local musicians: Ian and Sharon Graham and some of their friends. Join us for a fun afternoon of your favorite Christmas tunes. Don’t be shy! All you need to bring is an enthusiastic singing voice and your love of Christmas music. Song sheets will be provided. Be ready to experience a warm and friendly atmosphere and a boost to your Christmas spirit. Admission: Free Donations Appreciated Contact: Dan Buchanan 613-439-8992 The Friends of Hilton Hall Heritage Centre operate under the auspices of the Brighton Heritage Advisory Committee.

Outreach by Elizabeth Scriven Clothing depot and Benevolent fund oversight are currently part of the policy book job of the outreach committee and we are asking that when there is an update that these things be removed from our mandate as they are being done by others. We are working on an increase in information in the bulletin, trumpet and local paper information. CHURCH SERVICES- Nov 26th Catherine Christie is joining us for Church service. She has spent 7 years working with Korean Christian Church and has just come back to Canada. More information to follow. MIGRANT WORKERS- One man still here. There will be a meeting of people who are involved with this ministry and we will put info in Trumpet when compiled. Migrant Workers- 10,000 villages on Dec 8th, 9th & 10th – Dec 8th 6-9 will be open mic, Dec 9th 10-3 – Grannies for Africa book and bake sale- Dec. 10th Open after Church service and after Vocalease concert. NOTES OF HOPE- Good turn out and lots of letters written on Oct 31st- Next Notes for Hope Nov 28th 10:00 Suppers Ready- update- All is going well. We could use an additional TSA person to assist.

Brighton Lions Christmas Cakes by Harvey Moore Available from any Lion for $14.00, these are now in decorative Christmas boxes. They are square now and the same weight as before. As always, they are delicious.

Catherine christie by Elizabeth Scriven The outreach committee is pleased to announce that, in conjunction with Rev Ken Lewis, we are pleased to welcome Rev Catherine Christie to our service on Nov 26th. Our church contributes annually to Mission and Service and her visit gives us the opportunity to hear firsthand about the work of this valuable outreach . Catherine Christie, ordained in 1988, was settled in the prairies and served in rural churches until 2010 when accepted as overseas personnel and went to Korea. Catherine served for 7 years as overseas personnel with Korean partners the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea and Korean National Council of Churches. This fall, before retiring, she is sharing the story of this M & S partnership. Hear about the work of our partners.

NEW BUSINESS – Nov 13th – Training session in Cobourg re Elder Abuse – Helmut will look into having someone attend and bring info back for Suppers Ready Next meeting – Not set yet TSA Trumpet - November 2017


a hospitable welcome by Wendy Zinck We are pleased to welcome Barb McClintock and Dawn Donnelly to the Hospitality committee.


TSA Trumpet - November 2017


TSA Trumpet - October 2017

church Calendar

courier needed In an effort to keep postage costs down, we depend on our couriers to deliver those magazines that are not picked up at church. If you are able to deliver in the St. Paul's Church area or the Alice/Hope/Dundas area one day each month, please contact OR the church office 613-475-1311

next issue Next Trumpet, December 10th, 2017 Deadline for submissions: December 1st Church pick-up will be Sunday December 10th Articles may be submitted to the church office or via via e-mail to:

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