TSA Trumpet September 2017

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TSA Trumpet With trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the Lord, the King. Psalm 98, v6

Praise to our Choir & Organist Fare Thee Well Rights of Indigenous People

September 2017

June 2017

TSA Trumpet Contents 4 ....

From the Pulpit

5 ....

Point of View

6 ....

Lightening the Financial Burden

6 ....

Showers of Blessings

6 ....

Social Hour Success


Praise to Our Choir & Organist

7 ....

Fare Thee Well

8 ....

Church Administrator

9 ....

Golf Tournament

10 ... Thank You & Goodbye 12 .. 14 ..

Rights of Indigenous People Courier Wanted

Cover Photo courtesy of Krsto Jevtic Unsplash.com TSA Trumpet - September 2017


FROM THE PULPIT I hope everyone had an enjoyable July and August. Our summer Welcome to Trinity-St. may have been a bit wetter than we wanted, but there were quite Andrew's United Church in a few nice days. Many of you were assisting neighbours or friends Brighton, Ontario. Our active who had water issues sandbag their property or homes. I know congregation offers meaningful your efforts were much appreciated. worship with a varied music program, Sunday School, TSA continued to be active during the summer months. Thank opportunities for faith you to everyone who was able to lend a helping hand. It doesn’t exploration and discussion, as matter what the project was, your time and effort were welcome. well as fellowship, more Our summer attendance for worship was great! We met folks who traditional Bible study and have recently moved to Brighton, as well as returning summer educational opportunities for all guests who make our congregation their home for a few weeks. ages, in a liberal Christian context. With the excellent I look forward to the upcoming fall schedule. If you are asked to leadership of Rev. Ken Lewis assist on a committee or board, teach school or volunteer in we are very blessed. another way I hope you will give it serious thought. Trinity-St. Andrew’s is filled with talented people who can offer many gifts. Our mission includes elder We are blessed in so many ways. care, such as friendly visiting, and outreach activities like Blessings, Friends of Migrant Workers and the Clothing Depot. Come join us in our bright, centrally located and historic space.

Rev. Ken

Trinity-St. Andrew's is an Affirming Congregation and has a policy of full accessibility for those with disabilities.


TSA Trumpet - September 2017

TSA Trumpet September 2017 TSA Trumpet is the newsletter of Trinity-St Andrew's United Church. Our goal is to inform members and adherents of the activities and upcoming events in our fatih community MANAGING EDITOR Brian Ostrander COPY EDITOR Tammy Ostrander PUBLISHER TSA Public Relations & Publicity Committee Trinity-St Andrew's United Church 58 Prince Edward Street Brighton, Ontario K0K 1H0 613-475-1311 www.trinitystandrews.ca ADVERTISING Internal advertising for TSA functions is free of charge External advertising inquire tsatrumpet@gmail.com

POINT-OF-VIEW I hope that your summer was as filled with fun events as mine was. Tammy and I had the good fortune to spend 10 days on Newfoundland's Avalon peninsula. What a beautiful part of our nation... physically, culturally, historically... the majesty never stopped. We saw so many signs of God's creation and good grace. The whales that came to say hello.. the icebergs that floated by a number of times.. the upbeat music.. the friendly greetings. And who couldn't fall in love with a place that has more United Churches than Starbucks!?!? We were sad to say goodbye to Newfoundland, but glad to know we'll be making it a destination in our future. We also travelled to Ottawa twice, where we saw the amazing street performance brought from France, La Machine. Ottawa Tourism spent a bundle on these giant robots to roam the city and entertain the crowds. And boy did they ever entertain. Our second trip to Ottawa was for me to attend the Association of Municipalities of Ontario conference, and while spending three days with 2500 politicians may not be your cup-of-tea it certainly is a great way to see and hear how others are dealing with similar issues that Brighton deals with day in and day out. And just as our summer was winding down, we acquired a new addition to our family.. Hermione is our new Dachsund/Rat Terrier puppy.. and I think she almost has us trained. Welcome back for those who have been away,

Advertising in this newsletter does not constitute endorsement by Trinity-St Andrew's United Church, nor guarantee quality, value or effectiveness of any products, services or methods advertised.

Brian Ostrander

TSA Trumpet - September 2017


Lightening the Financial Burden


by Kaitlyn Ostrander

We have been and continue to be blessed with dedicated and supportive volunteers for our TSA Clothing Depot. Barbara Halliday kindly consented to step up and take on the duties of handling scheduling and petty cash from Doreen Green. We are so fortunate and we thank Barb for helping us.

I am writing to thank the congregation for the generous $1,500 bursary towards my studies. I very much appreciate this generosity and I feel blessed to know that the congregation is being supportive of my goals in becoming a minister in the United Church of Canada. Over the summer I worked for Northumberland County Tourisms as a Student Assistant and I also worked as a waitress at Arthur's Pub. I am excited to return to school for my final year to complete my Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in sociology and communications. I plan on applying to my Masters of Divinity program during this last year of school. Through the support of Trinity St.Andrew's United Church congregation, Reverend Ken Lewis and my family, I know that I can reach every one of my goals that I have set for myself. Thanks to the congregation I am one step closer to these goals. Everything this congregation has done for me is greatly appreciated. This Bursary has lightened the financial burden that is post-secondary education; this will allow me to put forth a greater focus on my education. As always this congregation has inspired me to follow my dreams and be the best version of myself that I can be. I hope that one day I can provide another aspiring minister with the support that this congregation has blessed me with.


TSA Trumpet - September 2017

by Jean Finkle

Thank you, Barb!

social hour success by Wendy Zinck Many thanks to everyone who helped the Hospitality Comittee with fellowship time each Sunday. Your participation helps make our social hour a success.


Fare thee well by Joe McMullen

Doreen Green served our congregation for fifteen years, from July 1996 to Aug. 2011. She fulfilled her job as secretary so well, we gave her a new title of Office Administrator. During those 15 years I invite everyone to take a moment to reflect on Doreen came to the aid of many of us, when we how our church choir and our organist are a got ourselves in a jam with Sunday’s bulletin, wonderful blessing which enhances our or a letter that had to go out yesterday. Going the celebration of Jesus Christ each Sunday. Martin second mile certainly applies to Doreen. Doreen Luther wrote that the gift of language combined was especially helpful to the new ”Learn on the with the gift of song was given to people that they Job” Fundraising Committee for the new Church should proclaim the Word of God through Music. and Community Hall, and Doreen looked after a Without the music of our faith with which our choir lot of Thank-You’s to the members of the and organist lead us and enable our participation, congregation. We wish her well in her new home. our worship service would be far less meaningful and spiritually moving than it is. Together they certainly bless us all year long in every season and occasion with their precious gifts of sacred music.

by Suzanne Bruyea & Colin Wright

Thank you Ken Laird for coming “out of retirement” as our temporary choir director. You are wonderful! It is amazing to think of how many hours you have spent in your lifetime practicing and practicing your music. You work with the full range of talent in our volunteer choir to maximize the strengths of those who sing to our Lord with gladness here at Trinity-St. Andrew's. You direct our choir members’ practices and Sunday morning worship while consistently choosing hymns which compliment Rev Lewis’ sermons. All of this helps the congregation perceive the magnificent nature of our God and the glory of His Grace in Jesus Christ. Bless you. We hold you in very high esteem and appreciate your music artistry. Thank you all choir members for your faithful ministry and thank you Ken Laird for your contribution in making it possible. TSA Trumpet - September 2017


Church administrator by Iain Henderson After several years of faithful service, Lynda Douglas has advised that she plans to retire effective September 30th. If any member of the congregation would like to apply for this position, please contact any member of the M and P Committee – Lori Cooper, Pam Pettigrew or Iain Henderson. This is a contract position with benefits, requiring five mornings a week in which to bank deposits, confirm hall bookings and keep a calendar of same, answer phone calls, prepare notices and bulletins, act as secretary to the minister and for correspondence to Council. A good level of computer skills and ability to use our printer is required to carry out these duties. Ideally, we would like to fill this position from within the congregation as soon as possible, so that the candidate can benefit from Lynda’s presence during September.


TSA Trumpet - June 2017

Golf Tournament by Brian Ostrander 8 years ago Tammy Ostrander and Tracy Crowe started our golf tournament off as a fundraiser for our new building fund. 8 years later our golf tournament has become much more than just a fundraiser. Although we recognize the important contribution that the tournament has toward our fundraising needs, it has become as much a fellowship and outreach. Fellowship in that we come together as a faith community and laugh outreach in that we bring groups and people from our community out who might not otherwise get a sense of who we are as a community of faith. This year 43 golfers registered (9 or so more joined us for dinner). 15 local business wrote cheques in support of our church, and many more donated prizes, everyone left with a gift. All in all we had a great day and in the process we managed to raise almost $5200.00

Thank you and Goodbye by Doreen Green I wish to take this opportunity to say thank you for the warm farewell I was given Sunday, July 16th. Thank you to Colin Wright for organizing the event, Brian Burke, Joe McMullen, Ruth Moore and Jean Finkle who spoke and Sharon McMullen and the Hospitality Committee for the delicious cake. Thank you for the wonderful gift, a Maude Lewis print. It will hang in the living room of my home in Belleville to always remind me of my Trinity-St. Andrew’s church family. Over the past 25 plus years at TSA I have met and worked with wonderful people and leave with many good memories. I will miss my TSA family.

TSA Trumpet - January 2017


rights of indigenous people Dear Prime Minister Trudeau: Greetings, in the spirit of reconciliation, from The United Church of Canada. I write today to once again acknowledge your government’s commitment to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as the framework for reconciliation, and with appreciation for the Principles respecting the Government of Canada’s relationship with Indigenous peoples released by the Department of Justice on July 14, 2017. We welcome your government’s emphasis on several key elements of the UN Declaration within these principles: self-determination, participation in decision-making, and the right to cultural and spiritual identity. The United Church also strives to implement these principles, norms, and standards in our own policies and practices. As recently noted by John Borrows, Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Law at the University of Victoria, the Principles document “recognizes that changing the relationship between Indigenous peoples and the Crown requires a repudiation of past policies and abuses. It acknowledges that building a brighter future means recognizing Indigenous peoples as key decision-makers across this land.” Should such recognition become reality, it would represent a profound, and positive, shift in Canadian identity, governance, and society. A shift of this nature cannot be achieved by words alone, no matter how well-intentioned. As Professor Borrows suggests, only “sustained legislative commitment can start to turn the tide.” 12

TSA Trumpet - September 2017

Such commitment could begin with Bill C-262, a private member’s bill that calls for a 20-year plan, developed in full partnership with Indigenous peoples in Canada, to harmonize Canadian law with the Declaration and to achieve its objectives. Bill C-262 also establishes a process for reporting to Parliament on the progress of implementation, thus ensuring transparency and accountability in this crucial work. As Dwight Newman, Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Rights at the University of Saskatchewan College of Law, has recently noted in The Globe and Mail, this is particularly important with regard to the principles of free, prior, and informed consent and the right to lands and resources. These are key elements of the UN Declaration and are of profound importance to Indigenous communities seeking viable economic and ecological futures, yet are a site of contention in Canada today. They require clarity and commitment if we are to achieve reconciliation. The Principles document references not just the UN Declaration but also the recommendations of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. It demonstrates a historical knowledge of the cost of promises made but not kept, and speaks of hope for a dynamic and innovative future. It is the United Church’s prayer that this not be left to words alone but made real in law. For these reasons, we ask that your government support Bill C-262 when it comes up for second reading this fall. All My Relations, The Right Reverend Jordan Cantwell Moderator, The United Church of Canada

church Calendar

courier needed Doreen Green & Cy Peister have retired as couriers for the Trumpet. In an effort to keep postage costs down, we depend on our couriers to deliver those magazines that are not picked up at church. If you are able to deliver in the St. Paul's Church area or the Alice/Hope/Dundas area one day each month, please contact TSAtrumpet@gmail.com OR the church office 613-475-1311

next issue Next Trumpet, October 15th, 2017 Deadline for submissions: October 6th Church pick-up will be Sunday October 15th Articles may be submitted to the church office or via via e-mail to: TSAtrumpet@gmail.com


TSA Trumpet - September 2017

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