2BC Weekly Worship Guide with Monthly Newsletter | February 5, 2017 | Take Initiative

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MARCH EVENTS @ 2BC Ash Wednesday March 1, 2017 Lent Our Holy Week Lunch speaker this year is Dr. Alicia Britt Chole. She is a writer, a speaker, a mentor, wife and mother who lives in southern Missouri. Check out her website at www.aliciachole.com. The lunch is April 12 with the food service line opening at 11:30 this year. Tickets for the church family will go on sale March 1. Tickets for the community will go on sale March 15. All tickets are $10. Parents of special needs children, please take advantage of the opportunity to have a second cup of tea with Alicia following the lunch. This is an area of personal interest and passion for her also. Please RSVP to this on or after March 1. Our church-wide Lenten devotional read this year is one of Alicia’s books, 40 Days of Decrease. You can order your own copy or we will have them available for purchase in the church office in mid to late February. Here’s a description of the experience of 40 Days of Decrease: We ache deep within to meaningfully honor Christ’s resurrection. Yet, in practice, this focal point in the liturgical calendar is often a celebration of public holiday more than it is of humanity’s hope. At day’s end, we fall asleep well-fed and perhaps even grateful, yet still somehow something short of awed. Enduring awe is rarely the fruit of a morning’s celebration. Enduring awe is the fruit of daily participation with Jesus, our resurrected love. 40 Days of Decrease invites readers to walk with Jesus through the holy decrease of less and loss that led Him cross-ward and beyond. Each day offers a meaningful consideration of Jesus’ journey through reading and reflection and then issues a challenging daily fast. Instead of social media, chocolate, and designer coffee, 40 Days of Decrease calls communities to a Lenten fasting of apathy, injustice, resentment, hypocrisy, and more for the love of God… Decrease is holy when it’s destination is love. We thin our lives to thicken our communion with God. (Backcover of 40 Days of Decrease).

Hospitality: Opening Our Lives

This will be a very special Lenten season as we participate in this reading and hear Alicia speak during Holy Week. Evensong Wednesdays March 8 - 29 Book and a Buck 2BC will be collecting Christian books and Bibles to help fill a developing seminary library abroad. The goal is to collect one ton of “church” books along with the money necessary to ship the books to the seminary. Watch for collection spots beginning in March and ending in July. Cookies for Our Community Outreach This spring, we will step outside the doors of 2BC to actually do just that! Watch for more information on the Cookies for our Community outreach, but for now, keep Saturday, March 4 open on your calendar.

STUDENTS Disciple Now Dates: March 10 - 12 Location: 2BC and around Liberty

Lock-In Rescheduled: March 31 - April 1 New Date: March 31 - April 1 Look for more info and a sign-up as we get closer to the date. For those of you who signed up and paid already you can either receive a refund or use the payment for the new Lock-In date

February 5, 2017 Second Baptist Church belong | believe | become

WELCOME TO WORSHIP! If you are a first-time guest, we invite you to complete a guest card from a pew pocket or the Friendship Register and drop it in the offering plate so that we may get acquainted with you. Also, text “Explore” to 816-355-4736. We would like to communicate with you via text and email with some brief informational messages over the next few weeks. Your information is private and will not be used for any other purpose than to keep you informed about 2BC. Please see an usher if you’d like a listening aid.

GETTING CONNECTED AT 2BC Each Sunday in the Welcome Center (just inside the Kansas Street entrance on Level 1), our Hospitality Team is waiting to help you get connected. This may include finding a Bible study class, showing you where children and student ministries meet, or sharing the day’s activities and schedule. You may also enjoy a cup of coffee at the Welcome Center’s coffee bar and get to know others at Second.

MEDITATION Take a moment to prepare your heart for worship… What are your most vivid memories of receiving hospitality?

What are your most vivid memories of offering hospitality?

Can you name an incident in your life where you felt you met Christ in the guise of a stranger?

Your Entire Family is Welcome! Children’s worship bags filled with books and activities are available at the Sanctuary entrances. If you’d like an alternative for your children, childcare for birth through Pre-K is available on Level 2 at any point in the service. Our Welcome Center is also available for those with restless infants, and you can view the service on a monitor there.

ONLINE/SMARTPHONE GIVING In addition to placing your offering in the offering plate, you can give online at 2bcliberty.org/give or via your smartphone by scanning this QR code. We have “online giving” cards in the pew rack that you can place in the offering plate to represent your gift if you choose.

Ellen Gregory, Ministry Assistant for Computer Support. Ellen works Monday and Wednesday from 9:30 - 4:30. She is the information specialist for The Hub and church software. Ellen also maintains all attendance and visitor records. Janet Hill, Interim Ministry Assistant for Communications and Marketing. Janet works from 9:00 - 2:00, Monday - Friday on all things related to our publications, website and social media postings. Pam May, Ministry Assistant for Office Support. Pam works from 8:30-4:30, T - W - Th. Pam’s primary responsibilities relate to financial functions and providing support to pastoral staff with large projects or ministries. She does not deal with donations or payroll. Dawn Thurlo, Ministry Assistant for Congregational Support. Dawn works from 8:30 - 4:30, M-W-F. In addition to being our front desk on those days, she provides support to the various ministry groups within the congregation—committees, ministry teams, etc. This includes helping groups and individuals schedule activities on the HUB calendar and managing the locking and unlocking of doors. She is also responsible for taking information about prayer requests, reservations and bereavement which she passes on to the Pastoral Leadership Team. Volunteer Staff Cathy Baker, Director of Hospitality. Larry Gregory, Facilities Manager. Kim Halfhill, Director of Equipping. Roxanne Brenton, Wedding Coordinator.

THIS WEEK @ 2BC INFORMATION Sunday, February 5

2:30 p.m. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Social Room 3:00 p.m. Children’s Valentine Party, Assembly Room Monday, February 6 10:00 a.m. Senior Adult Coffee ‘n Conversation, Social Room Tuesday, February 7 9:30 a.m. WOM Meeting, Social Room Wednesday, February 8 Regular Service Schedule Friday, February 10 9:30 a.m. MOPS, Social Room Saturday February 11 9:30 a.m. Hillcrest Hope Field Trip

Our Ministry Team Jason Edwards, Senior Pastor | Mike Lassiter, Assoc. Pastor, Community Care and Missions Connie McNeill, Assoc. Pastor, Administration and Discipleship | Charles Smith, Associate. Pastor, Student Ministry | Gwen Phillips, Children’s Pastor | Ann Posey, Worship and Music Associate David Fulk, Interim Worship Leader | Don Brown, Interim Choir Director

belong | believe | become

300 E. Kansas | Liberty, MO 64068 | 816-781-2824 | 2bcliberty.org Social media: @2bcliberty WiFi: 2BC-Guest Password: 2bcguest#01

Our Ministry Team—Who Does What?

Jason Edwards, Senior Pastor. “God called me into vocational ministry when I was 17 years old, and I treasure that calling. But for me, it is also a special treasure to be in a place where I can be more than a pastor serving a congregation. At Second Baptist, I also feel the freedom to simply be a person sharing a journey with God’s people, who are also our people. “ Mike Lassiter, Associate Pastor of Community Care and Missions. “As Associate Pastor for Community Care and Missions, and “Fun” (my word, not in the official job title), I have really enjoyed my service at Second Baptist. Mostly because the congregation engages so well with each other, neighbors and the communities where they live. I am responsible for all the church-wide community building congregational events as well as giving leadership to our mission endeavors with the Missions Committee.” Connie McNeill, Associate Pastor of Administration and Discipleship. “As the Associate Pastor of Administration and Discipleship, I have the opportunity to serve in a way that brings deep joy to my life. One of my passions is helping people learn what it means to be a disciple of Jesus—being re-formed like Jesus, so the world is transformed by our projected image of Christ into the world. I am privileged to grow and serve with you. My responsibilities are for the Discipleship ministry which includes hospitality and equipping. I also am responsible for leadership to support staff, oversight of the communications and marketing, and overall administration of the church.“ Charles Smith, Associate Pastor of Student Ministry. “I grew up in the Kansas City area and attended Second Baptist Church as a student at William Jewell College. From Jewell, I completed my Master of Divinity degree at Wake Forest University. I served as minister of youth at Emerywood Baptist Church in North Carolina and as Director of Students at Platte Woods United Methodist Church here in the Northland. I am responsible for our ministry to middle school and high school students. I am also a resource for our college ministry.” Gwen Phillips, Children’s Pastor. “My position as children’s pastor allows me to continue to connect with children, whom I have always loved, but also to reach out to the family and have a part in the total picture. What a joy! I am responsible for leading our children’s ministry including our liaison with MOPS and Second Friends. “ Ann Posey, Worship and Music Associate. “I have been richly blessed to be able to serve this church through music with four pastors and two ministers of music. Not many people get to do what they love to do in one place for this long, so I thank God for this opportunity. “ Part-time Ministry Assistants Administration is the infrastructure of what supports all of our ministries and programs. If we do things well, we are never noticed. If we get noticed, we probably have not done something well. We have been very busy with onboarding new employees. Here’s the list with a summary of responsibilities in each area: Marsha Ramsey (Alliance Maintenance employee). Marsha provides our custodial and light maintenance needs. She works closely with Larry Gregory with our maintenance needs that are outsourced. Marsha’s hours are Sunday - Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9:00 - 3:00.

The Worship of God Take the Initiative! February 5, 2017

8:30 and 11:00 AM

Gathering Music

Helen Brown (11:00)

Invitation to Worship

Cathy Baker (11:00)

Call to Worship

“Surely the Lord Is In This Place” Sanctuary Bells and Choir

Herbert Colvin (11:00) arr. Mary Kay Parrish


Paul Benavidez (11:00)

+Hymn of Praise 249

“The Church of Christ Cannot Be Bound”

The Gospel Reading

Matthew 25:31-46


Roger Driskill (8:30) Becky Dempsey (11:00)

(Pew Bible, page 22, New Testament)

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God! Practicing the Presence of God Hymn 275

An invitation to silent prayer

“Who Is My Mother, Who Is My Brother”

Prayers of the People


Mike Lassiter

Choral Anthem

“Come to the Water”

The New Testament Reading

Romans 12:1-13 (Pew Bible, page 123-124, New Testament)

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God!

John Foley arr. Jack Schrader Judy Boring (8:30) Rolland Yoakum (11:00)


Hospitality: Opening Our Lives

Hymn of Response 440

Jason Edwards

“Though I May Speak with Bravest Fire”

POVERTY SIMULATION February 25, 2017| 9:30 a.m. - Noon


The worship of the living God invites our response. Those who wish to profess faith in Christ and/or to unite with the church are invited to come forward and share your decision with the pastor.

Gratitude Moment and Offertory Prayer Offertory

Barb Yoakum

“All Praise to Thee” (Hymn 352) Sanctuary Bells

+Presentation of Offerings 435

arr. Barbara Kenyon (11:00)

“Share His Love”


Share His love by telling what the Lord has done for you, Share His love by sharing of your faith, And show the world that Jesus Christ is real to you Every moment, every day. Words and Music © 1973, Ren. 2001 Van Ness Press, Inc. (Admin. By LifeWay Worship)

+A Time of Greeting

Jason Edwards

+Congregational Blessing

Jason Edwards

+The Sending Forth 249 “The Church of Christ Cannot Be Bound”


The church of Christ cannot be bound by walls of wood or stone. Where charity and love are found, there can the church be known. Words © 2005 by GIA Publications, Inc.


“We Come As Guests Invited”

Dennis Johnson

All Songs UBP CCLI #1091036

All Video UBP CCVI #502497070

Organ: Ann Posey Sanctuary Sound: Dave Heston

Piano: Ann Posey (8:30) Helen Brown (11:00) Media: John Hilton, Bob Dusin

United Services Poverty Simulation is a unique opportunity to help people understand what life is like with a shortage of money and an abundance of stress. Community-wide event. Free of charge. Preregistration is required and limited to seventy-two participants. Please register before February 18. Call the church office or register on the Events page of our website (2bcliberty.org/events). WOMEN ON MISSION February 7, 2017 | 9:30 9:30 a.m. - Make Valentines 10:30 a.m. - Refreshments 11:30 a.m. - Speaker: Lynelle Melton, Egypt Mission Project – Give to Madge Truex Fund

SENIOR ADULTS COFFEE & CONVERSATION Monday, Feb. 6 | 10:00 a.m.. | Social Room | All senior adults are invited to come for a hot cup of coffee, donuts, and good conversation.

STUDENTS HIGH SCHOOL NON-STOP TRIP Dates: February 18-20 Cost: $100 Location: Memphis, Tennessee Includes visits to the National Civil Rights Museum and Sun Studio. Open to current high school students

CHILDREN VALENTINE’S DAY PARTY Sunday, February 5 | 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. K- 5th graders | Assembly Room We’ll create valentines for the patients at Children’s Mercy Hospital and have some yummy refreshments together! No reservation needed; see you there!

COMMUNITY NEWS Doctors with A Heart Friday, February 17 | 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. (appointment required) | Seaport Family Dentistry Free dental treatment to families without access to dental care. Appointments must be made on February 11 between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. In exchange for the free dental care donations for Hillcrest Hope. See the events page at 2BCliberty.org for details. Miller Management Services Greetings Friends, Clients and Other Acquaintances, I am contacting you in hopes of increasing our hiring reach through networking. We have several full-time and part-time accounting and clerical positions open because of our continued growth. We are looking for people who have good skills, but even more important, a heart for serving the Kingdom. If you know of anyone, please direct them to our website: www.MMSMidwest.com I think it is a true win/win in that we might get a good employee and you might get credit for helping someone find a great job! Glenn A Miller, CEO Miller Management Systems, LLC

Second Baptist Church belong | believe | become

COMING UP AT 2BC... CHURCHWIDE SEARCH COMMITTEE LISTENING SESSION The Search Committee for the Associate Pastor of Worship & Music is conducting various listening sessions on a number of topics in the coming weeks. The purpose of these sessions is to listen to you and your opinions about this important search. Feedback from our church community is crucial to ensure that we gain understanding of what our church desires in a candidate. These listening sessions will provide a foundation for our process and inform a quantitative survey for the church to respond to. We anticipate launching the quantitative survey in mid-February.    

Sunday Feb 12, 1:00-2:30 p.m. General Church Focus Sunday Feb 12, 4:30-6:00 p.m. Performing Arts Focus Sunday Feb 12, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Student/Youth Focus Wednesday Feb 15, 6:10-7:10 p.m. Performing Arts Focus

ALL CHURCH SURVEY Please take a few minutes to complete an online semi-annual all church survey. There are both familiar questions and new questions. The survey will take about 12 - 15 minutes to complete. The survey will close on Feb 9. The link for the survey can be found on the 2BC website on the events page(http://2bcliberty.org/events). A few hard copies of the survey will be available in the Worship Center if you prefer not to fill out the online survey. Please return these to the church office. SURVEY SAYS! Wednesday February 22 | 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. | Social Room Nick Bartlow and Daniel Bunch will return with more survey data about us. Hopefully, this information will help the Search Committee in their discerning as they look for a candidate to fill the position of Associate Pastor of Worship and Music.

MONTHLY MEN’S BREAKFAST Saturday, Feb. 18 | Social Room The monthly Men’s Breakfast welcomes men of all ages for great food, fellowship and lively conversation. If you haven’t been before RSVP to Phil Posey at poseyannphil2@sbcglobal.net. SECOND SERVINGS This week’s fellowship menu is Potato Soup, Chicken Vegetable Soup, Dessert, TBA. Prepared by the Cracked Pot Slooowww Cookers. Meal reservations are due by Monday at noon. You can make reservations or get more menu detail by calling the church office or going online at http://2bcliberty.org/wednesdays.

MISSIONS HILLCREST HOPE FIELD TRIP Saturday, Feb. 11 | 9:45 - 10:45 a.m. | 2BC Bring a broom! Or a mop! Or a dust pan! Or a pail! And join others from 2BC on Feb. 11 for a field trip to Hillcrest Transitional Housing. A group will leave 2BC at 9:45 a.m. and will return at 10:45 a.m. We’ll donate the cleaning tools we’ve been able to collect and we’ll get a tour of one of Hillcrest’s apartments as well as an overview of the services Hillcrest provides. If you can’t join in the trip, you may leave your mops and brooms in the labeled tub in the Welcome Center. This event is being coordinated by the Boys in Action and the Missions Committee.

SERVE MONTH AT 2BC Celebrating our servant volunteers as we are “Building God’s Dream Together.” When you need to remember something important, where do you write it? Your calendar? Your to-do list? A sticky note? This sticky note is to collectively remind us of something significant in our community of faith. As we continue Building God’s Dream Together at Second Baptist and beyond, we have much to be grateful for as a church. Over the next few weeks, you are invited to join Team SERVE as we celebrate and say thank you to those who serve in volunteer roles across all of the ministries in our church. Join us! Write a note to express your gratitude for someone who serves as a volunteer at Second. It can be to an individual or a group. As you exit worship today, please leave your note in the designated space outside of Tutt Chapel, in the vestibule, or at the front of the Sanctuary. SAVE THE DATE MINISTRY FAIR   

Sunday, Feb. 19 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. • 10:30 - 11:00 a.m. • 12:00 - 12:30 p.m. 2BC Social Room

HOSPITALITY MINISTRY, THIS WEEK’S FOCUS Hospitality is the bridge that connects there to here. It’s often that cup of cold water, but sometimes it’s the warm smile that greets us, or the friendly face that holds the door open. It says, “Please, sit here with me.” It takes us out of our comfort zone to make another feel welcomed. Hopefully you’ve experienced some of that here at 2BC. Hopefully, you have expressed some of that. Whether you serve on the Hospitality team in an “official” capacity or not, we are all called to extend the hand of friendship to our neighbors. This spring, we will step outside the doors of 2BC to actually do just that! Watch for more information on the Cookies for our Community outreach, but for now, keep Saturday, March 4th open on your calendar. In the meantime, there are many ways you can serve in the Hospitality Ministry such as serving at the Coffee Bar, writing Welcome Notes, passing out Worship Guides, being the first face of Second as a parking lot greeter, being part of the Umbrella Brigade, or simply reaching over a pew or two to make a new friend. Contact Cathy Baker to find out more ways you can be part of this important ministry.

Second Baptist Church belong | believe | become


February 2017 MONTHLY

GETTING TO KNOW ONE ANOTHER Worship leaders today

NORTH KANSAS CITY HOSPIITAL Tom Sneed, North Kansas City Hospital, successful hip replacement surgery. HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL Lora Mattly OTHER PRAYER CONCERNS Ramsey Bartlow, test results and second surgery next week. Amy Hoffman, fall on ice two weeks ago and Alyssa Hoffman (daughter) testing for possible seizures. Grandson of Kent and Karin Yohe, George Yohe, tests for breathing issues. Former members Donald, Rachel and Jackson Keeney. Donald has been put under Hospice care for his final days of brain cancer. The Search Committee for our Associate Pastor for Worship and Music.

Cathy Baker and Blane became members of Second Baptist in 2000. Cathy is the past chair of Deacons and is active in Hospitality and Leadership Development.

A NOTE FROM PASTOR JASON Take the Initiative in 2017

Paul Benavidez is a fourth grader at Franklin Elementary. He is the son of Kathy and Frank Benavidez.

It’s only month two of 2017 and our church already has many things for which to be excited. By now you know that your generosity sent us into this year with a significant budget surplus (wonderful!), but those paying close attention know that our Catalyst commitment was about far more than finances. We ended 2016 with a collective commitment to “Get Stronger” in the months to come and I imagine we will be experiencing the surplus of that commitment to God’s dream for years to come.

Judy Boring has been attending Second since she was Judy Coffman, age five. She loves the people, the fellowship, and the opportunities to learn, grow, and serve. Helen Brown has been a member of Second Baptist since the fall of 1967 when she moved to Liberty with husband, Don, to join the music faculty of William Jewell College. She is involved in the Sanctuary Choir, the Adult Handbell Choir, and Beginning Handbells as well as many other church activities. Becky Dempsey is a deacon and choir member. She taught children’s Sunday School and led children’s worship services here for over 20 years. She acts in films, commercials and plays, is a Teaching Artist for Kansas City Young Audiences, and is Assistant Theater Director for Liberty Public Schools. She is involved with the Drama Ministry here at Second. Barb Yoakum has been a member of Second since 1988. Barb is a nurse. She and Rolland have two sons, Mitchell and Elliott. Rolland Yoakum has been at Second since 1991. Rolland is a Science Teacher at Excelsior Springs Middle School. He completed the Team World Vision Kansas City Marathon with the 2BC team in October 2015.

Early signs point to yes. We committed in November to develop a Thailand/Myanmar ministry network and we’ve already strengthened that commitment. Our 2BC/William Jewell Thailand team returned to Liberty only two weeks ago with greater awareness of how we can partner with the Upland Holistic Development Project and others in the network and with an ever deepening commitment to do it. New doors are already opening for us to strengthen our global missions presence in South East Asia and I’m looking forward to sharing more about developments with this partnership in the days ahead. I also continue to enthusiastically welcome and celebrate encouraging things that are happening much closer to home. It seems we are entering into a season of renewed vitality as a congregation. Our pastoral staff has been encouraged by the number of new guests we’ve seen, even as we’ve noticed others of you engaging more deeply. Honestly, I’m not always sure why these splashes of renewal and vibrancy happen, but when we see them, it’s hard not to be encouraged and enthused. God is up to something in our midst. Let’s lean into that. This month you’ll notice our series in worship is entitled “Take the Initiative.” The title is derived from that fact that we will spend three Sundays focusing on three ministry initiatives at 2BC we’ve adopted in recent years to help us live more deeply into our mission, namely: Hospitality, Equipping, and the Send Initiative. To be clear, these initiatives support our commitment to foster meaningful, Christ-centered community (Hospitality), whole-life faith (Equipping), and a transforming, missional presence (Send). Our hope is that each of us and all of us will consider taking these initiatives and making them our own. Let’s do take the initiative. Let’s do get stronger together. Let’s do throw aside everything that hinders, fix our eyes on Jesus, and run the race He has marked out for us (Hebrews 12:3), so that we can fully participate in seeing all of God’s dreams for us come true. With hope,

Jason Edwards Senior Pastor Note: This February Monthly will serve as our information piece for the month of February, 2017. Copies will be available all month in the stands or for download on the “View Services” page of the 2bcliberty.org website.

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