First Followers Third Sunday of Lent
If you are a first-time guest, we invite you to complete a guest card from a pew pocket or the Friendship Register and drop it in the offering plate so that we may get acquainted with you. Also, text “Explore” to 816-355-4736. We would like to communicate with you via text and email with some brief informational messages over the next few weeks. Your information is private and will not be used for any other purpose than to keep you informed about 2BC. Please see an usher if you’d like a listening aid. Each Sunday in the Welcome Center (just inside the Kansas Street entrance on Level 1), Our Hospitality Team is waiting to help you get connected. This may include finding a Bible study class, showing you where children and student ministries meet, or sharing the day’s activities and schedule. You may also enjoy a cup of coffee at the Welcome Center’s coffee bar and get to know others at Second. Children’s worship bags, filled with books and activities, are available at the Sanctuary entrances. If you’d like an alternative for your children, childcare for birth through Pre-K is available on Level 2 at any point in the service. Our Welcome Center is also available for those with restless infants, and you can view the service on a monitor there. In addition to placing your offering in the offering plate, you can give online at or via your smartphone by scanning this QR code.
We have “online giving” cards in the pew rack that you can place in the offering plate to represent your gift if you choose.
MENORAH MEDICAL CENTER Beth Burright, hip surgery PRAYER CONCERNS Carmellitta Bland’s brother, Vince Blankenship fighting cancer. Now under Hospice care. Helen Brown, home from the hospital. Bruce and Jennifer Thoman, daughter Lillian, home from the hospital. Kristin Wooldridge’s, father Keith Kay, health concerns. Ron and Reta Heinold’s daughter, Teresa Herbic possible cancer concerns. Annette (Burst) Ellis, heart concerns. Marcie Handrich’s uncle, Jack Dick, recent health downturn. Linda Thomas, rejection concerns following double lung transplant. Margaret Hall now on Hospice. Ken Slater’s granddaughter, Mia, ATV accident. Jerry and Janet Hill’s nephew, Matt Morrow, treatment for a nodular melanoma. Moira Carder, consultation at Mayo Clinic. Linda Davis’ granddaughter, Cassidy, migraines have returned. Eric Means, melanoma treatment. ONGOING PRAYER CONCERNS Linda Armstrong Paul Speaker Baylee Buck Irene Thomas Jim Edwards John Tucking Karaline Bader Gary Armstrong’s mother Cindi Moore’s friend, Julie Hampe Kevin Weaver’s brother, Walt Weaver Jason Edwards’ father, Glen, surgery recovery Kevin Ewing, friend of Jo Lasher * Bold entries are new to the list this week.
Jason Edwards, Senior Pastor | Mike Lassiter, Assoc. Pastor, Community Care and Missions Connie McNeill, Assoc. Pastor, Administration and Discipleship | Charles Smith, Assoc. Pastor, Student Ministry | Gwen Phillips, Children’s Pastor | Ann Posey, Worship and Music Associate Chip Handrich, Assoc. Pastor, Worship and Music
March 4, 2018
8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Gathering Music
Leslie Bunch (11:00)
Invitation to Worship
Sue Wright
Candlelighting Call to Worship
+Hymn of Praise 158 New Testament Reading
Paul Benavidez (11:00) "Amen, Siakudumisa!" Molefe (11:00) Based on a South African hymn arr. Vicki Hancock Wright “We Delight in the King of Kings” Schram and Williams Music Makers Choir, Angie Fuller, Leader “Jesus Shall Reign”
Matthew 10:1 - 8 (NIV)
(Pew Bible, page 7-8, New Testament)
Chip Handrich
Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God! Meditation O God, you are our light and our salvation. Living in your presence, we have nothing to fear. Open our hearts to your word this day. As we hear the story of the call of the first disciples, make us ready to follow Jesus on whatever path He leads us. Cast aside our fears and doubts, and teach us to trust wholly in you. For we ask this in Jesus’ Name, Amen. — Nancy C. Townley, used by permission Each Sunday in Lent we extinguish a candle as we move closer to the darkness of Good Friday.
Choral Worship
“Cantique de Jean Racine” Sanctuary Choir
Gabriel Faure
O Redeemer divine, Our sole hope of salvation, Eternal Light. On this Thy holy day, we kneel in adoration. O Savior, turn on us Thy loving eye, O Savior, turn on us Thy loving eye! Send down on us the fire of Thy grace all consuming, whose wondrous might, dispersed the pow’rs of hell And rouse our slumb’ring souls with radiance all illum’ning, that they may waken Thy mercy to tell! O Christ, bestow Thy blessing on us, we implore Thee, who here are gathered on penitent knee. Accept the hymns we offer Thine everlasting glory and these Thy gifts we return unto Thee. Copyright © 1952, 1980, 1999, 2001 by Broude Brothers Limited
Music for Worship
Ron and Becky Whited (8:30)
Prayers of the People +Hymn 494
Jeff Buscher (8:30) Sanford Beckett (11:00) “Take My Life, Lead Me, Lord”
New Testament Reading
Matthew 9:9 - 13 (NRSV) (Pew Bible, page 7, New Testament)
Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God! Sermon
Jeanice Corum (8:30) Jeff Langford (11:00)
“Matthew, Simon the Zealot, James the Less, and Thad”
Jason Edwards
+Hymn of Response “Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy” Come, ye sinners the poor and needy, Weak and wounded, sick and sore. And Jesus ready stands to save you. Full of pity love and power. Chorus: I will arise and go to Jesus He will embrace me in His arms And in the arms of my dear Savior Oh there are ten thousand charms Come, ye thirsty come and welcome. God’s free bounty glorify. True belief, and true repentance, Every grace that brings you nigh. Chorus: Come, ye weary heavy laden, Lost and ruined by the fall. And if you tarry until you're better You will never come at all. DAN HAMILTON | JOSEPH HART | ROBBIE SEAY | RYAN OWENS | TAYLOR JOHNSON © 2005 BIRDWING MUSIC (ADMIN. BY CAPITOL CMG PUBLISHING)
The worship of the living God invites our response. Those who wish to profess faith in Christ and/or to unite with the church are invited to come forward and share your decision with the pastor.
+Litany and Offertory Prayer
Bob Corum (8:30) Bert Stouffer (11:00)
You called Matthew to turn from selfishness and greed, to leave behind great riches for the sake of your Kingdom. You call us, even today, Oh God. We are no different from Matthew, holding tightly to our own possessions. Loosen our grip on our earthly treasures that we might fully follow you with open hands to give, heal and serve. We sometimes doubt that you can bring about radical change in our selfish hearts. Give us faith to trust your work of grace, Oh God, and make us new. Offertory
“You Have Come to the Lake Shore”
Robert B. Farlee (11:00)
+Presentation of Offerings 7 “Worthy of Worship” JUDSON You are worthy, Father, Creator. You are worthy, Savior, Sustainer. You are worthy, worthy and wonderful; worthy of worship and praise. Worship in Music Music Makers Choir Angie Fuller, Leader (8:30) +A Time of Greeting
Jason Edwards
+Congregational Blessing
Jason Edwards
+The Sending Forth 473 “Will You Come and Follow Me” Lord, Your summons echoes true when You but call my name. Let me turn and follow You and never be the same. In Your company I’ll go where Your love and footsteps show. Thus I’ll move and live and grow in You and You in me.
Copyright ©1987 Wild Goose Resource Group, Iona Community, Scotland, GIA Publications, Inc., exclusive North American agent
“Jesus Calls Us”
Emma Lou Diemer (11:00)
All Songs UBP CCLI #1091036
All Video UBP CCVI #502497070
Organ: Ann Posey Sanctuary Sound: Dave Heston
Piano: Ann Posey (8:30) Marianne Neth (11:00) Audio: John Hilton Video: Jack Kankiewicz
Sanford Beckett and Diane retired to the Northland in 2012 from Northern Virginia. They enjoy being near their grandson in Kansas City and much closer than before to their three grandchildren in Iowa City. Paul Benavidez is a fifth grader at Franklin Elementary. He is the son of Kathy and Frank Benavidez. Jeff Buscher is the Chaplain at Jewell and has served there since 2004. He and Kayle, have grown children ,who were active in the youth group. They have a grandson, Jonah, who lives with his parents in Helena, Montana. Jeff is currently chairing the Missions Committee and also coordinates Jewell’s Village Partners international service projects. Bob Corum began attending 2BC in 1961. He is retired from federal service. Bob and Jeanice live in Liberty and are active in the community. Jeanice Corum joined 2BC in 2005. She is a 30 year veteran of the Liberty Police Department. Her grown children are Jake Smith and Jenna Welch (Tony).
Angie Fuller has been a member of 2BC since 1997. She serves in the Music and Children’s Ministries and on the Arts and Environment Team. Angie and David are parents to Naomi and Adam. Jeff Langford joined Second in 1998 and teaches the Winepress Bible Study class on Sunday mornings. He and Sara are parents to three boys: Ian, Seth, and Isaac. Jeff is Coordinator of CBF Heartland. Marianne Neth enjoys spending time with her grandchildren and serving at Second Baptist including being a Mentor Mom for MOPS. She and Norman have been members since 1995. Bert Stouffer has been a member of Second Baptist since 1992. He is a business executive, sports fan, and barbecue connoisseur. He and Jacque are the parents of Will and Jake. Sue Wright and Dick live in Liberty with their cats, Bootsy and Beau. She is a graduate of WJC and the MU School of Social Work. Sue serves as a Mentor Mom for MOPS, greets at the front doors on Sunday mornings, and serves as a deacon. She also loves helping coordinate writers for and editing the Advent and Holy Week devotional booklets.
HOLY WEEK DINNER DR. MIKE GRAVES, AUTHOR OF TABLE TALK Wednesday, March 28 | 5:30 p.m. Purchase $10 Tickets by March 26 Available on The Hub and The Welcome Center Table Talk explores more than just Communion practices because a new way of doing church is happening around the world, gatherings more horizontal than vertical. For two thousand years, Christians have oriented themselves toward God in the presence of others; now a growing number of congregations, part of the dinner church movement, are orienting themselves toward each other in the presence of God. This book tells their story and helps us rethink our own. You can purchase this book from your favorite book distributor. Bring your copy to the Holy Week Dinner on Wednesday, March 28. Dr. Mike Graves will be our featured speaker, and he will autograph your book.
HOLY WEEK Palm Sunday March 25 | 8:30 Tutt Chapel | 11:00 Sanctuary Holy Week Dinner Wednesday, March 28 | 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. | Social Room Dr. Mike Graves, author of Table Talk—Communion and Community Tickets $10 | Deadline is Monday, March 26. Maundy Thursday March 29 | 7:00 p.m. Dramatic Portrayal of the Last Supper Good Friday March 30 | 7:00 p.m. Easter Sunday April 1| 8:30 and 11:00 | Sanctuary
mug! The first Monday features donuts; the third Monday, it’s homemade treats.
CHURCHWIDE TUTT CHAPEL RENOVATION SURVEY The Chapel Renovation Task Force is soliciting your feedback to ensure that we create a renovation plan that aligns with what our church community desires. We ask that you take five minutes to complete a survey to provide us with that input. There are hard copies of the survey available in The Welcome Center or you can access it online from our home page. The link is at the bottom of the home page and under the tab “Connections.” Be sure you scroll through the entire survey. The survey will close on March 5.
MISSIONS AND COMMUNITY WOMEN ON MISSION March 6, 2018 9:30 a.m. Jan Venable, India 10:30 a.m. Refreshments 11:00 a.m. Gary Venable, India Mission Project: Monetary Gift for Russian Missions Children's Camp.
CHILDREN EASTER BREAKFAST & EGG HUNT Saturday, March 24 | 9:00 a.m. Please bring a basket and food or a hygiene item for In As Much Ministry.
TIME CHANGE SUNDAY, MARCH 11 Spring Forward! SECOND SERVINGS FOOD AND FELLOWSHIP Wednesday, March 7 5:45 – 6:30 p.m. This Week’s Menu Mudhole BBQ, Slaw or Potato Salad, Chips, Ice Cream and Toppings
EASTER CANDY DONATIONS NEEDED MARCH 4-14 | WELCOME CENTER All candy must be individually wrapped and able to fit in an Easter egg. Suggestions: Starbursts, chocolate eggs, mini tootsie rolls, smarties, sweet tarts, etc. NO CANDY WITH PEANUT PRODUCTS, please! All donations can be left in the wagon, which can be found in the Welcome Center. ALL CHURCH EGG FILLING PARTY! Saturday, March 17 | 10:30 – 11:30 am | 2BC Social Room We will be filling the 2500+ eggs for the annual Easter Egg Hunt with candy and little toys. All are welcome to join in this fun event!
HELPERS NEEDED We are expecting 200+ people at this year’s hunt. Please make reservations by Tuesday at noon on The The Deacons are looking for volunteers to serve in a Hub or by calling the church office at 781-2824. variety of ways—planning the event, set-up, greeting folks as they arrive, spreading eggs on the WJC SENIOR ADULTS campus, serving cinnamon rolls, face painting, clean-up COFFEE & CONVERSATION and lots more! If you would be willing to assist with Monday, March 5 | 10 a.m. | this event, please contact Debbie Lane at (816)781March 19 | 1 p.m. | Social Room 9281 or Our Senior Adult Ministry hosts a twice-monthly Coffee & Conversation open to all. No reservations needed; just bring a friend and your coffee Gluten-free choices are always available.
This Week @ 2BC Sunday, March 4
Monday, March 5
Tuesday, March 6
Wednesday, March 7
Friday, March 9
belong | believe | become 300 East Kansas | Liberty, MO 816-781-2824 |
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