First Followers Fourth Sunday of Lent
If you are a first-time guest, we invite you to complete a guest card from a pew pocket or the Friendship Register and drop it in the offering plate so that we may get acquainted with you. Also, text “Explore” to 816-355-4736. We would like to communicate with you via text and email with some brief informational messages over the next few weeks. Your information is private and will not be used for any other purpose than to keep you informed about 2BC.
CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY Christian Sympathy is extended to Rich, Mavis, Jordan, and Jason Groves, and family in the loss of Rich's father, Orval Groves. The funeral was held Saturday, March 10, here at the church.
Please see an usher if you’d like a listening aid.
Ellen Gregory’s mother, Una, health concerns.
PRAYER CONCERNS Adam Kankiewicz’ father, Tom, health concerns. Beth Burright, home from the hospital. Alene Wesner, health concerns.
Each Sunday in the Welcome Center (just inside the Kansas Street entrance on Level 1), Our Hospitality Team is waiting to help you get connected. This may include finding a Bible study class, showing you where children and student ministries meet, or sharing the day’s activities and schedule. You may also enjoy a cup of coffee at the Welcome Center’s coffee bar and get to know others at Second.
Ron and Reta Heinold’s daughter, Teresa Herbic, health concerns. Carmellitta Bland’s brother, Vince Blankenship, fighting cancer. Now under hospice care. Bruce and Jennifer Thoman’s, daughter Lillian, home from the hospital. Kristin Wooldridge’s father, Keith Kay, health concerns. Annette (Burst) Ellis, heart concerns.
Children’s worship bags, filled with books and activities, are available at the Sanctuary entrances. If you’d like an alternative for your children, childcare for birth through Pre-K is available on Level 2 at any point in the service. Our Welcome Center is also available for those with restless infants, and you can view the service on a monitor there.
Marcie Handrich’s uncle, Jack Dick, recent health downturn. Margaret Hall now on hospice. Ken Slater’s granddaughter, Mia, doing better. Jerry and Janet Hill’s nephew, Matt Morrow, treatment for a nodular melanoma. Eric Means, melanoma treatment.
In addition to placing your offering in the offering plate, you can give online at or via your smartphone by scanning this QR code.
We have “online giving” cards in the pew rack that you can place in the offering plate to represent your gift if you choose.
ONGOING PRAYER CONCERNS Linda Armstrong Paul Speaker Baylee Buck Irene Thomas Jim Edwards John Tucking Karaline Bader Gary Armstrong’s mother Cindi Moore’s friend, Julie Hampe * Bold entries are new to the list this week.
Jason Edwards, Senior Pastor | Mike Lassiter, Assoc. Pastor, Community Care and Missions Connie McNeill, Assoc. Pastor, Administration and Discipleship | Charles Smith, Assoc. Pastor, Student Ministry | Gwen Phillips, Children’s Pastor | Ann Posey, Worship and Music Associate Chip Handrich, Assoc. Pastor, Worship and Music
March 11, 2018
8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Gathering Music
Linda Greason (11:00)
Invitation to Worship
Mike Lassiter
Call to Worship
“N'ranenah L'Adonai (To God be the Glory)” Wilkinson (11:00) “Alleluia, All Creation Sings” Young Musicians: Julie Williams, Leader; Brenda Lazenby, Pianist
Candlelighting +Hymn of Praise 415 New Testament Reading
Amelia George (11:00) “Lift High the Cross” Luke 10:38-42
Melissa and Jon Dolton, Becky Dempsey
(Pew Bible, page 55, New Testament)
Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God!
Meditation God calls to each of us. Discipleship is difficult. Forgive us, patient and persistent Lord, for the very many times we turn our backs on serving you and focus on our own comforts. Forgive us when we look the other way when people are in need. Forgive us our angry attitudes and actions which hurt rather than heal. Wrap your arms around us, healing our wounds, binding us to you. Gently move us into service in your name. AMEN. —Nancy C. Townley, Ministry Warriors Each Sunday in Lent we extinguish a candle as we move closer to the darkness of Good Friday.
+Hymn 576
“I Stand Amazed in the Presence”
Prayers of the People Music for Worship New Testament Reading
Roger Driskill (8:30) Marilyn Buhlig (11:00) “I Worship You” Amy Duncan
Cindy Berry (8:30)
John 11:1-6,17-27
Melissa and Jon Dolton, Becky Dempsey
(Pew Bible, page 80, New Testament)
Leader: This is the Word of the Lord.
People: Thanks be to God!
Choral Worship
“Jesus I Come” Words by William Sleeper (11:00) Sanctuary Choir Music by George Stebbins Dana Woolard-Hughlett, Cello arr. by Phillip Keveren
“Mary and Martha”
+Hymn of Response 482
“Here Am I, Lord”
Connie McNeill HERE AM I, LORD
The worship of the living God invites our response. Those who wish to profess faith in Christ and/or to unite with the church are invited to come forward and share your decision with the pastor.
Commissioning of Stephen Ministers/Offertory Prayer Carol Kingery and Angie McElhaney (11:00) Amy Deaton, Kaye Nickell, and Anne Sizemore Leader: Are you prepared to meet the requests that are asked of you? Stephen Ministers: Yes, with the help of God Leader: Are you prepared to nurture the skills you have learned and use them in service to others-—to support, encourage, build up, and comfort people in all their needs? Stephen Ministers: Yes, with the help of God. Leader: Now, we ask you, members of Second Baptist, to open your hearts to the ministry of these people and to pray for them, that they may be effective servants of Christ. Are you prepared to meet this request? If so, answer, "Yes, with the help of God." Congregation: Yes, with the help of God. Leader: We also ask you to accept their ministry when you need help, to allow these individuals to work with you as you face struggles in your life, that you might receive support and help from them. If you are prepared to meet this request, answer, "Yes, with the help of God." Congregation: Yes, with the help of God. Leader: Are you prepared to serve as Stephen Ministers at Second Baptist? Stephen Ministers: Yes, with the help of God. Leader: Join me in a prayer of blessing. Offertory
G. B. Pergolesi (11:00)
+Presentation of Offerings 7 “Worthy of Worship” You are worthy, Father, Creator. You are worthy, Savior, Sustainer. You are worthy, worthy and wonderful; worthy of worship and praise.
Worship in Music
Young Musicians Choir
Julie Williams, Leader (8:30) Brenda Lazenby, Pianist
+A Time of Greeting
Connie McNeill
+Congregational Blessing
Connie McNeill
+The Sending Forth 473 “Will You Come and Follow Me” Lord, Your summons echoes true when You but call my name. Let me turn and follow You and never be the same. In Your company I’ll go where Your love and footsteps show. Thus I’ll move and live and grow in You and You in me.
Copyright ©1987 Wild Goose Resource Group, Iona Community, Scotland, GIA Publications, Inc., exclusive North American agent
“Te Deum”
Anonymous (11:00)
COMMISSIONED STEPHEN MINISTERS Amy Deaton As I moved here last year and became part of Second Baptist Church, my prayer was to find where God would have me use my spiritual gifts. The Stephen Ministry is where I felt God leading me to be an encourager to someone who needed a friend to walk alongside of them, to be an active listener, to pray with them, and reassure them of God's grace and love for them. My prayer is that through Stephen Ministry I will serve well, share with others the hope that is within me, and speak the truth in love. Kaye Nickell Because of my involvement with Deacon Family ministry, I knew a little something about caring ministry. However, Stephen Ministry has provided wonderful insight into how God can use us to walk alongside folks as God leads. I hope and pray that Stephen Ministry is a path for me to live more fully whole in Christ. Anne Sizemore Because of the many years I have spent in deacon family ministry, caring relationships are not new to me. Stephen Ministry offers me new avenues to grow spiritually while serving my Lord and my church family faithfully.
All Songs UBP CCLI #1091036
All Video UBP CCVI #502497070
Organ: Ann Posey Sanctuary Sound: Dave Heston
Piano: Linda Greason (8:30) Brenda Lazenby (11:00) Audio: John Hilton Video: Jack Kankiewicz
WiFi Hot Spot: 2BC-Guest Password: 2bcguest#01
Marilyn Buhlig and Mark joined second in 1990. She serves as a deacon, sings in the choir, and works in the Preschool during Sunday morning Bible study. Marilyn and Mark have two grown sons. Amy Deaton is a retired nurse. She sings in the choir, is part of the HandsOn 2.0 and is a Welcome Desk volunteer. Amy is sister to Gwen Phillips. Becky Dempsey is a deacon, sings in the choir, and serves on the Drama and Green Teams. She is assistant director in the theatre department at Liberty North High School, and she acts on stage and camera. She and Craig have three grown children and a grandson. Jon and Melissa Dolton have been worshipping at Second since 2013. They have participated on a Wednesday night Second Servings cooking team along with their daughters Lucy and Olivia. Amy Duncan has been a member of Second Baptist Church since 1975. She is currently involved in Bible study, the sanctuary and handbell choirs, and the deacon ministry at Second Baptist. Amy is also a Senior Sales Director with Mary Kay Cosmetics. She and Greg have two grown children. Amelia George is a fifth grader at Epic Elementary and is the daughter of Karri and John George. Linda Greason and Greg have two grown sons, two grandsons and a granddaughter. She loves retirement and the time it gives to pursue fun with friends and family, volunteer activities, gardening and other hobbies.
Carol Kingery is the Referrals Coordinator for 2BC’s Stephen Ministry Program. She and Drew, have been members since 1998. Carol enjoys teaching ESL and serves the church in many ways. Brenda Lazenby, Steve, and their children, Jacob and Katelyn, joined Second in 2014. Brenda is the accompanist for the Music Makers Children’s Choir. Kaye Nickell and Jimmy were members of Second Baptist Church from the late 70s to 1986 before transferring to Denver. They have moved back to Liberty and once again make 2BC their church home. Kaye and Jimmy are both deacons. Kristi Cates is their daughter. Anne Sizemore and Chris joined 2BC in 1994, when William Jewell College brought them to Liberty. Anne is a long term Family Ministry Deacon and former 2BC deacon chair. She has served on a mission trip to Belarus and is now being commissioned as a Stephen Minister. The Sizemores, both genealogists, have three sons and six grandchildren. Julie Williams and Dustin have been members at 2BC for several years and she teaches elementary music in Grain Valley. Julie enjoys working with the Young Musicians choir at Second and helping with VBS and Masterpiece Arts Camp. Julie and Dustin have been joined by two sweet foster daughters, Ember and Evelyn. Dana Woolard--Hughlett is the principal cellist of the Liberty Symphony Orchestra and an adjunct instructor at William Jewell.
Second Baptist Church • 300 E. Kansas, Liberty, MO 64068 • 816.781.2824 •
plan of worship and reflection during Lent. Evensong is a special time of gathering, worship, and study.
HOLY WEEK DINNER DR. MIKE GRAVES, AUTHOR OF TABLE TALK Wednesday, March 28 | 5:30 p.m. Purchase $10 Tickets by March 26 Available on The Hub and The Welcome Center
This year's Evensong Lenten theme is "Following Jesus through Holy Week." The March 14 service will focus on "The Anointing." “While he was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of Simon the Leper, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head.” (Mark 14:3)
Table Talk explores more than just Communion practices because a new way of doing church is happening around the world, gatherings more horizontal than vertical. For two thousand years, Christians have oriented themselves toward God in the presence of others; now a growing number of congregations, part of the dinner church movement, are orienting themselves toward each other in the presence of God. This book tells their story and helps us rethink our own.
COFFEE WITH THE PASTOR Sunday, March 18 | 9:45 a.m. | Oak Room Guests and new members, Join Pastor Jason Edwards and a few members of 2BC for an informal coffee. Ask questions and chat about anything you want to know as you get familiar with the 2BC faith family.
You can purchase this book from your favorite book distributor. Bring your copy to the Holy Week Dinner on Wednesday, March 28. Dr. Mike Graves will be our featured speaker and he will autograph your book. SECOND SERVINGS FOOD AND FELLOWSHIP Wednesday, March 14 5:45 – 6:30 p.m. This Week’s Menu— Crack Pot Slowww Cookers Tacos with fixin’s, Spanish Rice, Ice Cream with toppings Gluten-free choices are always available. Please make reservations by Tuesday at noon on The Hub or by calling the church office at 781-2824. SECOND SESSIONS—EVENSONG Following Jesus through Holy Week The Anointing Wednesday, March 14 | 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. | Assembly Room We invite you to add Wednesday Evensong to your
Friday, March 16 | 6:30pm-9:30pm | Above All Trampoline Park | Cost: $20 There's a new place to jump in Liberty! Friday, March 16, we'll go to Above All Trampoline Park and bounce the night away! The cost of the event is $20, which will include 90 minutes of jumping, a pizza party for our group, and special jumping socks. All students in grades 6-12 are invited - this is a great event to bring friends to! Signup and download parental permission/liability waivers on The Hub.
EASTER CANDY DONATIONS NEEDED MARCH 4-14 | WELCOME CENTER All candy must be individually wrapped and able to fit in an Easter egg. Suggestions: Starbursts, chocolate eggs, mini tootsie rolls, smarties, sweet tarts, etc. NO CANDY WITH PEANUT PRODUCTS, please! All donations can be left in the wagon in the Welcome Center.
NEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC CHAMBER SINGERS Open rehearsal | Friday, March 16, 2018 | 7:00 p.m. William Jewell College Gano Chapel The prestigious New England Conservatory of Music Chamber Singers will rehearse and perform with the William Jewell College Concert Choir. The rehearsal is on campus in Gano Chapel and is open to the public. The performance is on Sunday, March 18 at 4:00 p.m. in Grace Cathedral, Topeka, KS.
ALL CHURCH EGG FILLING PARTY! Saturday, March 17 | 10:30 – 11:30 am Social Room We will be filling the 2500+ eggs for the annual Easter Egg Hunt with candy and little toys. All are welcome to join in this fun event!
VBS 2018 IS COMING! ROLLING RIVER RAMPAGE—Experience the ride of a lifetime with God! July 9-13, 2018 HELPERS NEEDED FOR THE As you are making decisions about your summer ANNUAL EASTER EGG vacation and how your family will be spending these HUNT! days, don’t forget to mark your calendars for our VBS Preparations are under way for the week! July 9-13 will be a week packed with raft riders 2BC annual Easter Egg Hunt. This year’s hunt will be who will discover that life with God is an adventure Saturday, March 24, at 9:00 a.m. and, as usual, we are full of wonder and surprise. We want the kiddos to expecting 200+ people. know they can trust God to be with them through anything. The Deacons are looking for volunteers to help with this fun event. Helpers are needed to serve in a There are dozens of opportunities for you to engage variety of ways—planning the event, set-up, greeting in during that week: everything from “behind the folks as they arrive, spreading eggs on the WJC scenes” preparations; creating décor with a team; campus, serving cinnamon rolls, face painting, clean-up being a guide for a small group of rafters as they and lots more! If you would be willing to assist with meander through the “white waters” of adventure; this event, please contact Debbie Lane at (816)781teaching music or Bible Study; working with crafts or 9281 or recreation; preparing snacks; punching and stapling; praying for the week; and the list just goes on and on! CONVERSATIONS ON RACE Begin praying now for guidance about your role with The Northland Justice Coalition has recently us this summer. We would love to have a “boat-load” convened some "Conversations on Race." One was of volunteers working alongside us. Don’t forget to held recently at Garrison School Culture Center. Another is scheduled for March 24 at Grace Episcopal. look around your neighborhood and find children to invite. Breakfast is served at 8:45 and the program will begin at 9:20. You can read about the last conversation online at
HOLY WEEK Palm Sunday March 25 | 8:30 Tutt Chapel | 11:00 Sanctuary Holy Week Dinner Wednesday, March 28 | 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. | Social Room Dr. Mike Graves, author of Table Talk—Communion and Community Tickets $10 Deadline is Monday, March 26. Maundy Thursday March 29 | 7:00 p.m. Dramatic Portrayal of the Last Supper Good Friday March 30 | 7:00 p.m. Easter Sunday April 1| 8:30 and 11:00 | Sanctuary Invitation Postcards will be available beginning on Sunday, March 18. Please pick some up from the Welcome Center and invite your friends and family members to celebrate Holy Week with us this season.
This Week @ 2BC Sunday, March 11
Friday, March 16 Saturday, March 17 Sunday, March 18
Monday, March 12 Tuesday, March 13 Wednesday, March 14
belong | believe | become 300 East Kansas | Liberty, MO 816-781-2824 |