belong | believe | become
If you are a first-time guest, we invite you to complete a guest card from a pew pocket or the Friendship Register and drop it in the offering plate so that we may get acquainted with you. Also, text “Explore” to 816-355-4736. We would like to communicate with you via text and email with some brief informational messages over the next few weeks. Your information is private and will not be used for any other purpose than to keep you informed about 2BC. Please see an usher if you’d like a listening aid. Each Sunday in the Welcome Center (just inside the Kansas Street entrance on Level 1), Our Hospitality Team is waiting to help you get connected. This may include finding a Bible study class, showing you where children and student ministries meet, or sharing the day’s activities and schedule. You may also enjoy a cup of coffee at the Welcome Center’s coffee bar and get to know others at Second.
Take a moment to prepare your heart for worship “It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.” ― Mark Twain “Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently.” ― Maya Angelou
Children’s worship bags, filled with books and activities, are available at the Sanctuary entrances. If you’d like an alternative for your children, childcare for birth through Pre-K is available on Level 2 at any point in the service. Our Welcome Center is also available for those with restless infants, and you can view the service on a monitor there.
In addition to placing your offering in the offering plate, you can give online at or via your smartphone by scanning this QR code. We have “online giving” cards in the pew rack that you can place in the offering plate to represent your gift if you choose.
WiFi Hot Spot: 2BC-Guest Password: 2bcguest#01 Church Phone 816-781-2824
Jason Edwards, Senior Pastor | Mike Lassiter, Assoc. Pastor, Community Care and Missions Connie McNeill, Assoc. Pastor, Administration and Discipleship | Charles Smith, Assoc. Pastor, Student Ministry | Gwen Phillips, Children’s Pastor | Ann Posey, Worship and Music Associate David Fulk, Interim Worship Leader | Don Brown, Interim Choral Director
May 28, 2017
8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Gathering Music
Sue Wright (11:00)
Invitation to Worship
Carrie Bartlow (8:30) Jennifer Huffman (11:00)
Candlelighting Prelude
Caroline Huffman (11:00) “Brethren We Have Met to Worship”
+Hymn of Praise 217
“Alleluia! Sing to Jesus”
New Testament Reading
Gail Scott (11:00) HYMN TO JOY
1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11
Judy Boring (8:30) Ken Chatlos(11:00)
(Pew Bible, page 184, Old Testament)
Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God! Practicing the Presence of God Worship Through Music Choral Worship
An invitation to silent prayer “Like a River Glorious” Cathy Lawrey, violin “Jesus Paid It All” Sanctuary Choir
Prayers of the People +Hymn 293
A Gospel Reading
Stan Pethel (8:30) Robert Sterling (11:00) Milton Horne (8:30) Jim Tanner (11:00)
“O For A Faith, a Living Faith” Refrain & First Verse, Choir Refrain All Second Verse, Solo Refrain, Third and Fourth Verses, All Matthew 22:15-22 (Pew Bible, page 19, Old Testament)
Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God!
Anna Davis (8:30) Karin Yohe (11:00)
“What is God’s”
+Hymn of Response 275
“I Surrender All”
Jason Edwards SURRENDER
The worship of the living God invites our response. Those who wish to profess faith in Christ and/or to unite with the church are invited to come forward and share your decision with the pastor.
+Offertory Prayer Offertory
+Presentation of Offerings
Gary Smith (8:30) Bill Riggs (11:00) “The Lord’s My Shepherd” Cathy Lawrey, violin “Doxology”
Robert Powell
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise Him, all creatures here below; O praise Him! Alleluia! Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. O praise Him, O praise Him! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! +A Time of Greeting
Jason Edwards
The Thailand Team commissioning Mike Lassiter Christy Edwards, Loulla Efstathiou, Angie Fuller, Tracy Zahnd, and Jordan Lewis +The Sending Forth 423
“This is the Threefold Truth”
This is the three-fold truth on which our faith depends, And with this joyful cry worship begins and ends: Christ has died! Christ is risen! Christ will come again! Words and Music © 1980 Hope Publishing Company
“O God Our Help in Ages Past”
Dietrich Buxtehude (11:00)
All Songs UBP CCLI #1091036
All Video UBP CCVI #502497070
Organ: Ann Posey Sanctuary Sound: Dave Heston
Piano: Ann Posey (8:30) Julie Williams (11:00) Audio: John Hilton Video: Ron Whited
BIRTH Congratulations to Brandon and Krystal Moore on the birth of Jeffrey Allen Spencer Moore, born Thursday, May 18. Also congratulations to Grandmother Rae Moore, Aunts Emily and Mandy, and Greatgrandparents, Gary and Beverly Moore.
Carrie Bartlow has been attending Second since 2006. She is a senior Account Manager at Kemper & Company in Kansas City. Carrie and Nick have three children, Wakefield, Ramsey, and Deacon.
CHRISTIAN SYMPHATHY Sympathy to Jim and Cindy Noel and family in the death of Jim’s brother, Allen Noel. Visitation and service was Saturday, May 27th at the Country Club Congregational United Church of Christ.
Ken Chatlos had a career of teaching history at WJC from which he retired in 2006. He now has time for exercising, reading, participating in various ways at the Baptist Home in Chillicothe and visiting his two grandchildren.
Dennis Boatright and Becky Sandring and family in the death of Becky’s mother Margaret (Peggy) Sandring. HOSPITAL IN CENTRAL MISSOURI John Arnold OTHER PRAYER CONCERNS Doug Soper, rehab Linda Armstrong starting chemotherapy . Patti Benton rehab after injury. Michelle Patton raising financial and prayer support for mission work in Greece. Mary Margaret Oberkrom home from the hospital. Caden Webster, leg injury. Carole Tanner home from brief hospital stay. Leslie Bunch, shoulder surgery. John Powers, Karen Rogers brother-in-law making good progress from a stroke but would appreciate our continued prayers. Allen Zugelter, lead pastor of LUMC, leukemia treatment The Search Committee for our Associate Pastor of Worship and Music. * Bold entries are new to the list this week.
Judy Boring has been attending Second since age five. She loves the people, the fellowship, and the opportunities to learn, grow, and serve.
Anna Davis is a second year student at the UMKC School of Medicine. She is the daughter of Chuck and Bev Davis and older sister to Emma. Milton Horne has been Professor of Religion and Coordinator of Faith and Learning at WJC since 1986. Milton is a certified piano technician and is the caretaker of all the church’s pianos. Caroline Huffman just finished fifth grade at Franklin elementary school. She is the daughter of Jeremy and Jennifer Huffman Jennifer writes books for children and takes amazing photographs! Cathy Lawrey works at the Federal Reserve Bank. She loves playing the violin in several area churches’ worship services. In her spare time Cathy enjoys time with her dogs, gardening and photography. Bill Riggs has been attending 2BC since 1941 when he came as a student to WJC. Bill served in the Army during WWII, and fought in the Battle of the Bulge. In the 1960s. He served as Minister of Education here at 2BC. He is Deacon Emeritus and sang in the Sanctuary Choir for over 50 years. Gary Smith joined Second in 1995. He and Debra have three children, Amanda, Matthew and Emily. He previously taught Middle School Sunday School and was a part of the 2BC radio ministry for 11 years.
Jim Tanner was Academic Dean at WJC from l980 to 1997. He then taught English until retiring in 2003. Jim taught the Tanner Bible Study Class at 2BC for 33 years. Sue Wright serves as a Mentor Mom for MOPS, as a greeter, and serves as a deacon. She also loves helping coordinate writers for and editing the Advent and Holy Week Devotional Booklets. Karin Yohe is married to Kent and they have three children, Erik, Kyle and Megan, who all grew up at 2BC. They have strong Air Force ties as Kent flew A-10s and now their son Kyle flies B-52s. In July they will be moving to Dallas where they will be much closer to their kids and first grandchild George! They will miss everyone here at 2BC!
June 2017 Monthly A NOTE FROM PASTOR JASON Strengthening Relationships Often cited as a marriage verse, Genesis 2:18a seems to point to a truth woven deeply into the fiber of our being. Namely, we are social beings made in the image of a social God. It really “is not good for [someone] to be alone.” Studies show:
Socially engaged adults age more successfully. According to surveys of women over age 60, those who are socially engaged and visit with friends and family throughout the week are happier as they age.
Friends can help you achieve your fitness goals. Encouragement and just sharing go a long way to boost your willpower.
Happiness is contagious. If you have a friend you consider to be happy, you are more likely to be happy, and you are able to spread that happiness to the people around you.
Building a circle of friends makes you happy. People who see themselves as a leader in their social circle are happier than those who see themselves as outsiders — another reason why actively building relationships instead of waiting for the phone to ring is important.
Friends lessen grief. A series of interviews with parents who lost a baby during pregnancy or immediately after birth showed that those who felt they were receiving social support from friends or family were better able to cope with their grief. The most welcome forms of support were simply being physically present, listening, and offering sympathy, encouragement, and practical help, such as making meals or funeral arrangements. In contrast, feeling socially alone tends to worsen grief.
Being social boosts your immune system. Being socially engaged leads to more positive emotions, which in turn may actually boost your body’s immune system and reduce the physical signs of stress, say health experts.
These sample findings really just skim the surface of the meaning positive relationships brings into our lives. In this way, modern research and the Bible do agree. We do get stronger when our lives are deeply invested in healthy, life-giving community. With this in mind, I hope you’ll choose to lean into meaningful, Christ-centered community as we move into the summer months. You’ll notice the staff hosting Me2 lunches each Tuesday. All are welcome. Our Senior Adults will also be meeting for meals around Liberty each Wednesday evening. All are welcome. You might consider strengthening your commitment to a Sunday morning Bible study group or forming a midweek community group where all would be welcome. Another opportunity to connect is the Strong Leaders, Stronger Second leadership retreat. Friday night begins with a dinner and then we are hosting an outdoor community concert. This is a great time to reach out to a neighbor or friend and invite them to come. Or you might simply choose to engage in regular phone calls, Skyping sessions or one-on-ones over coffee or a meal with people who always make you feel welcome. I hope you will. It would be so good for your soul. May these summer months be good for our souls…
Jason Edwards Senior Pastor
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2017 July 10-14, 2017 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. For children ages 4 through 5th grade It's free! At Maker Fun Factory, kids discover that God made them—and for a purpose! Kids participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, make and devour yummy treats, experience one-of-a-kind Bible adventures, and test out Sciency-Fun Gizmos that they’ll take home and play with all summer long. Plus, kids will learn to look for evidence of God all around them through something called God Sightings. ONLINE REGISTRATION OPEN. VBS VOLUNTEERS We need volunteers of all ages, abilities, and interests. Would you like to volunteer during VBS? Sign-up at or contact the church office. We will be in touch to find out your interest and get you assigned and trained! All volunteers must have a background check that was completed between June 2014 and June 2017. We will check our service and let you know if you need to complete a new background check.
Training Dates (Choose ONE meeting): Thursday, June 15 | 7-9 p.m. | Assembly Room Sunday, June 25 | 2-4 p.m. | Assembly Room VBS DONATIONS A list of all the items we need is on the following pages of this newsletter. We're also using to organize our Maker Fun Factory VBS donation sign-ups. Follow this link to see what we need and sign up: You will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on
Vbs donation needs Pick up a sticky note off of the donation poster In the Welcome center or Sign-up at Return Items to collection bins marked VBS. Item Needed
$10-15 Home Depot - Gift Cards
Large Pieces of Cardboard (larger than 3 ft x 3 ft)
as many as possible
Large Pieces of Foam Board (larger than 3 ft x 3 ft)
as many as possible
Multi-color strings of Christmas lights - blinking or non-blinking
6 strings
Wooden or metal Ladders (4 feet or 6 feet in height) can be old looking or newer (to borrow)
Egg Cartons (any kind, plastic, foam or cardboard)
as many as possible
Cardboard Cookie Trays with Plastic tops (the kind your get from a bakery) as many as possible Disposable, aluminum pie plates - any size
Spool of fish line 3/4 in. x 72 in. Black Self-Sealing Plumbing Pipe Wrap Insulation
Medium to Large White, Disposable Foam Coolers 5 Gallon Plastic Water Cooler Bottles (large - can be damaged)
5 Gallon Buckets (orange are cheaper)
2 Gallon pails
Empty paint cans - can be dirty - do not need tops
D Batteries
Old Food Cans - large / medium / small
Rolls of Black Duct Tape
Rolls of Colorful duct tape Flexible duct work (dryer hose) in silver or black (plastic) (4-8 ft in length)
Slinkies any color / size - plastic or metal
as many as possible
Pool noodles - any color or design
as many as possible - lots and lots
30 inch Bunjee Cords
18 inch Bunjee Cords
Rolls of paper towels
PVC Pipe Glue
Packages of magnetic tape strip
3 packages
Old Recycled (cleaned) materials - any kind (Bottles, plastic, cans, etc.) Packages of magnetic tape strip
Any kind - and as much as possible
3 packages
Item Needed (Continued)
Package of (100 count) lollipop sticks
1 package
Package of colored plastic drinking straws
3 packages
Roll of clear contact paper
Plastic Lids (all sizes and all colors welcome)
Any kind - and as much as possible
Empty Cardboard Tubes (Toilet Paper / Paper Towel)
As many as possible
Large Roll of vinyl table cloths - solid color
Containers of playdoh
Packages of Yarn - any color
$10 Hobby Lobby - Gift Cards
$20 Five Below - Gifts Cards
Mini-Marshmallows (10 oz bag)
Graph Paper (100 sheets)
Flexible Straws (box of 100 count)
Rolls of scotch tape
Boxes of Glue Dots
Boxes of sandwich baggies (125 count)
$25 Amazon Gift Cards
Faith or Factory Themed stickers
Any kind - and as much as possible
Gold Fish Crackers (66 oz. carton)
Veggie Straws (20 oz bag)
Graham Crackers (14 oz box)
Vanilla Wafers (reg. box)
Animal Crackers (large tub)
Mini- Oreos (14 oz bags)
Mini-Pretzels (40 oz tub)
Cheez-its (3 lb box or set of 4 boxes)
Golden Grahams Cereal (set of 2 boxes)
Mini-Marshmallows (10 oz bag)
Chocolate Chips (12 oz bag)
Ziploc Bags (500 sandwich size)
Cups (250 count)
Aldi - Gift Card
Hy-Vee - Gift Card
Sam's Club - Gift Card
COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE Tuesday, June 13 | 3:00-7:00 p.m. | Social Room We hope to have 30 donors at MEMORIAL DAY OFFICE HOURS this blood drive. Please book The church office will be closed on Monday, May 29 in your appointment today at observance of Memorial Day. If you need to reach a, enter minister when the church office is closed, call 816-781Sponsor Code: secondbaptist. 2824 and follow the prompts. The minister on call will Or use the QR code here. For additional details contact be notified of your need and return your call. Luda Teterina at If you have questions 2BC SUMMER GOLF about medical eligibility call 800-688-0900. Mondays June 5, 12, 19 and 26 | 5:45 p.m. | Liberty Hills All men and women 16 and older are welcome to come ME2 TUESDAY LUNCH BUNCH During the summer on Tuesdays, one of our staff and play nine holes in two or foursomes. Cost is $15 members will choose a restaurant and will meet you at which includes the green fee and cart. You can pay at the course when you arrive. No sign-up or reservations 11:30 for a pay on your own lunch. Everyone is invited. No reservations required--we'll see you this summer needed. Just show up ready to play! Prizes for the longest drive on par 5 and closest to the hole on par 3. around town for lunch! Contact Alan Bunch at 816-365-9630 or Phil Posey at Rock and Run Charles Smith June 13 816-605-2810 for more information. Liberty Square La Costa June 20 Ellen Gregory BROWN BAG & BIBLE Liberty Square Wed., June 7 | 11:45-1:15 | Assembly Room Brown Bag & Bible with Q39 Bar-b-que Janet Hill June 27 Jason Edwards, the subject is Westport Parables (based on a sermon series he will be preaching). MISSIONS Bring your lunch and a Bible WOMEN ON MISSION and join Jason to discuss the June 6, 2017 parables as he preaches this 9:30 a.m.—Mary Gilliland and series. This is open to all and Becky Whited – Colombia you can come and go as you 10:30 a.m.—Refreshments need to do so. This is the first of three Brown Bags & Bibles this summer. Please call the church office and let 11:00 a.m.—Bob Springate Dawn know you are coming, 816-781-2824. We won’t Children’s Home Mission Project: School Supplies provide childcare, but children are welcome to be in FOOD SHARE SUNDAY IS NEXT WEEK the room with their coloring books and crayons. The first Sunday of every month is FOOD SHARE
SECOND SUMMER SYMPHONY Sundays beginning June 11 | 8:44 a.m. |Sanctuary Second Summer Symphony begins Sunday, June 11 with rehearsal at 8:44 a.m. (yes, 8:44) in the sanctuary. Instrumentalists entering 9th grade thru adults are invited to participate every Sunday you are in town and come to rehearsal on the day you play for worship. Questions? Call Ann Posey 816-507 -2744.
SUNDAY, when we support the Link Food Pantry of In As Much Ministry by donating items to stock their shelves. Collection bins will be inside each entrance. Needed items include: Canned beans/fruit, rice sides, sugar, cake/brownie mix, Jello/pudding, vegetable oil, tea, coffee, shampoo, paper towels, toilet paper, deodorant, lotion, soap, toothpaste/brushes, laundry/dish soap. BAPTIST HOME JEANS COLLECTION Do you have jeans you don’t need? The Baptist Home in Chillicothe is in need of clean,
gently used jeans material for projects. Bring to the Welcome Center and place in the sport wagon until May 26 or contact Ann Henning who will deliver the material.
SENIOR ADULTS SUMMER MEET & EAT Wednesdays | 5:00 p.m. | Local restaurants Senior adults and friends are invited to gather to enjoy local restaurants and each other’s company! If possible, RSVP to the church at 816-7812824 by Tuesday noon. Anyone wanting a ride or more info, contact Carroll Makemson: 816-781-1160 or
VIOLIN AND BOW NEEDED If you have a violin and bow in good condition that you are willing to lend to a Second Summer Symphony participant please contact Ann Posey at 816-507-2744 LOST AND FOUND Please check the table in the Welcome Center and see if any of the items are yours. On May 31 anything remaining will be donated or thrown away.
THIS WEEK @2BC Sunday, May 28
6:00 p.m. Student Intermissions
Monday, May 29
Offices Closed
Wednesday, May 31
5:00 p.m. Meet & Eat | Tanners 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir
Friday, June 2
COFFEE & CONVERSATION JUNE 4 AT 10 A.M. | JUNE 19 AT 1 P.M. | SOCIAL ROOM Saturday, Our Senior Adult Ministry hosts a twice-monthly Coffee June 3 & Conversation open to all. No reservations needed, just bring a friend and your coffee mug! The first Monday features donuts (bring a dollar if you’d like some); the third Monday, it’s homemade treats.
FINDING GOD IN THE SHACK Sundays June 25-July 23 | 9:45-10:45 a.m. | Social Room | Jeff Langford You may have read the book or seen the movie and it raised several theological questions for you. You aren’t alone! Come, bring your questions and join the conversation.
Wednesday, May 31 | Jose Peppers | 9050 NE Barry Rd | Mike Lassiter Host Wednesday, June 7 | Olive Garden, Liberty | Carroll Makemson Host
6:00 p.m. Churchwide Dinner 6:30 p.m. Matt’s Family Jam Concert 8:00 a.m. - Strong Leaders, Stronger 2:00 p.m. Second Leadership Retreat
Minister On Call: If you need to reach a minister when the church office is closed, call 816-781-2824 and follow the prompts. The minister on call will be notified of your need and return your call.
belong | believe | become 816 • 781 • 2824
Leadership Retreat Reservation All are welcomed to attend. We especially encourage those currently in positions of leadership and those planning to be. Retreat cost: $10.00. Childcare is available with reservation. You can register at The Hub as well.
Please Reserve My Place Friday, June 2.
Please Reserve Childcare. Please bring a sack lunch and drink for your child.
Friday Supper
Friday Night
Saturday Morning
Please Reserve My Place Saturday, June 3.
Saturday Afternoon
Morning Session Lunch
Children’s Names and Ages:
Afternoon Session
All are welcomed to attend. We especially encourage those currently in positions of leadership and those planning to be. Cost is $10.00.
Please tear off and place in the offering plate.
Friday, June 2 Churchwide Event Concert Open to the Community 6:00 p.m. Supper 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Concert Matt’s Family Jam Saturday, June 3 8:00 a.m. Casserole breakfast 8:30 a.m. Greg Mees, Stronger Data 10:00 a.m. Break 10:15 a.m. Terrell Carter, Stronger Eyes 12:00 p.m. Boxed Lunches 12:30 p.m. Terrell Carter, Stronger Ministries 1:30 p.m. Terrell Carter & Greg Mees, Conversation 2:00 p.m. Dismiss Childcare is available for all sessions with reservation. Please bring a sack lunch on Saturday.