If you are a first-time guest, please complete a guest card from a pew pocket or Friendship Register and drop it in the offering plate so that we may get acquainted with you. Also, text “Explore” to 816-355-4736. We would like to communicate with you via text and email with some brief informational messages over the next few weeks. Please see an usher if you’d like a listening aid. Each Sunday in the Welcome Center (just inside the Kansas Street entrance on Level 1), our Hospitality Team is waiting to help you get connected. This may include finding a Bible study class, showing you where children and student ministries meet, or sharing the day’s activities and schedule. You may also enjoy a cup of coffee at the Welcome Center’s coffee bar and get to know others at Second.
Take a moment to prepare your heart for worship…
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged. For the Lord your God will be with you… Wherever you go. Joshua 1:9b
Your entire family is welcome here! Children’s worship bags filled with books and activities are available at the Sanctuary entrances. If you’d like an alternative for your children, childcare for birth through Pre-K is available on Level 2 at any point in the service. Our Welcome Center is also available for those with restless infants, and you can view the service on a monitor there. In addition to placing your offering in the offering plate, you can give online at 2bcliberty.org/give or via your smartphone by scanning this QR code. We have “online giving” cards in the pew rack that you can place in the offering plate to represent your gift if you choose.
300 E. Kansas | Liberty, MO 64068 | 816-781-2824 | 2bcliberty.org Join us on social media: @2bcliberty WiFi: 2BC-Guest Password: 2bcguest#01
The Worship of God July 10, 2016
8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Gathering Music
Music for VBS
Invitation to Worship
Kristin Wooldridge
Olivia Dolton
“Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho” Bill Stilfield and Friends
Jerry Nelson
+Hymn of Praise 19
“I Sing the Mighty Power of God”
The Old Testament Lesson
Joshua 6:1-14
Becky Gossett, Ben Lassiter Ron Whited
(Pew Bible, page 152, Old Testament)
Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God!
Practicing the Presence of God Choral Worship
An invitation to silent prayer
“Take My Life and Let It Be Consecrated” The Sanctuary Choir Suzanne Love, Alto Saxophone (11:00)
Prayers of the People
+Hymn 685
William Schoenfeld
Jason Edwards (8:30) Christy Edwards (11:00)
“Children Are a Gift from Heaven”
The Old Testament Lesson
Joshua 6:15-27
Becky Gossett, Ben Lassiter Ron Whited
(Pew Bible, page 153, Old Testament)
Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God!
Jason Edwards
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho. Joshua fit the battle of Jericho, and the walls come a-tumblin' down. +Hymn of Response 629
“Be Strong in the Lord”
The worship of the living God invites our response. Those who wish to profess faith in Christ and/ or to unite with the church are invited to come forward and share your decision with the pastor.
+Offertory Prayer Offertory +Presentation of Offerings
Nick Bartlow (8:30) Brad Peck (11:00) “How Great Is Our God”
Stan Pethel
Alleluia! Alleluia! Glory be to God on high; Alleluia to the Savior, Who has won the victory Alleluia to the Spirit, Fount of love and sanctity; Alleluia! Alleluia! To the Triune Majesty. Public Domain
+A Time of Greeting Commissioning of VBS Leaders and Helpers
Jason Edwards
+Congregational Blessing
Jason Edwards
+The Sending Forth 619
“Blessed Assurance”
This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long; This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long. Public Domain
“Christians, Let Us Go and Serve”
All Songs UBP CCLI #1091036
Doug Wagner
All Video UBP CCVI #502497070
Organ: Ann Posey Sanctuary Sound: Dave Heston, Gary Pennington
Piano: Helen Brown (8:30) Brenda Lazenby (11:00) Media: John Hilton, Ben Zahnd
Today we celebrate JoEllen Hill’s decision to become a member of our community of faith. She transfers from a congregation in Springfield, MO. Today we celebrate Steve Sealock’s decision to become a member of our community of faith. He transfers from a congregation in Kansas City. Thanks be to God!
WORSHIP LEADERS TODAY CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY Christian sympathy is extended to Gilbert and Geoff Head and family in the death of Gil’s wife and Geoff’s mother, Dorothy, on July 6. Services will be Sunday, July 10 at Second Baptist. Visitation will begin at 1:00 pm in the Assembly Room with the funeral following at 2:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Christian sympathy is extended to Barbara Stayton, Brian and Susan Stayton in the death of Barbara’s husband and Brian’s father, Jim Stayton, on June 26. Jim is also survived by son Keith (Karen) Stayton and daughter Linda Stayton, six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren KU MEDICAL CENTER Jimmy Nickell ST LUKE’S ON THE PLAZA Betty Lou Anderson, brain aneurysm, improving. Brian Stayton HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL Carole Tanner OTHER PRAYER CONCERNS Suzanne Love, hip replacement on July 11 Britton Whiteside, 10 year old son of Jake and Christina Whiteside, close friends of John George. Britton has kidney cancer and will have 18 rounds of chemo. Pray for Britton, his parents, and sister Allison. Larry Willis, back surgery on July 19.
Cordie Kingery, Drew’s mother Karen North
Nick Bartlow has been a member of Second since 2000. He currently serves on the Research Taskforce and is Director of Brand Strategy at Barkley. Olivia Dolton will be a third grader at Schumacher Elementary. She is the daughter of Melissa and Jon Dolton. Christy Edwards is married to Pastor Jason Edwards. They have three children: Jackson, Luke, and Norah. Christy is in the CPE chaplaincy program at St Luke's Hospital. She is a member of MOPS and is Chair of the CBF Missions Council. Becky Gossett has been a member of Second for more than 25 years. She is a deacon, on the board of Second Friends Preschool, and a member of the Sanctuary Choir.
Ben Lassiter has been at Second since he was two years old. He works at American Century Investments and enjoys helping with the youth. He is married to Allison whom he met at Second while looking for donuts in the nursery. Brad Peck is a teacher at Park Hill South High School. He is the facilitator for the 2BC Safety & Security Team.
Ron Whited is president of MinistrySense, a company helping churches move into 21 century technology. He is a deacon, coordinator of the multimedia team, and sings in the Sanctuary Choir. Ron has been at Second since 1990. st
CHURCHWIDE WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEAL TEAM MEETING TODAY Want to be part of the Cooking Teams that provide our great Wednesday night meals? You’d cook just three times from August to May. If you are interested or if you’ve already committed, meet in the Social Room Sunday, July 10, at 9 a.m. to discuss logistics. If you can’t make the meeting, contact Mike at mlassiter@2bcliberty.org with a “yes,” and we will form a team for three Wednesdays. 1 CORINTHIANS STUDY W/ JERRY CAIN Fridays through Aug. 5 | 10-11 a.m. | Assembly Room | Jerry Cain will lead “An Expository Study of First Corinthians” for anyone interested in sharing some study and fellowship! BEGINNER’S YOGA CLASS WITH KATHY BENAVIDEZ Tuesdays in June and July (except July 12) | 10-11 a.m. | Assembly Room | $5 donation per class | Childcare available for birth-Pre-K | Wear comfortable clothes, and if possible, bring a yoga mat. Contact Maggie Henderson to sign up for the class and childcare at 816781-2824 or mhenderson@2bcliberty.org. MISSIONS SLEEPING BAGS NEEDED FOR S. DAKOTA We are collecting new or gently used sleeping bags for those who might run out of propane for heating in the winter. Drop off in the Welcome Center tub that says South Dakota by July 24. MUSIC 2BC SUMMER SINGERS Join us in the choir loft in June and July! No robes needed, and we will come down out of the loft after the anthem. The next rehearsal will be July 20 at 7 p.m. and Sunday morning warm-ups at 10:40 a.m. For more information, contact Don Brown at 816-507-3345 or brownhouse601@att.net.
JOIN THE SECOND SUMMER SYMPHONY! All instrumentalists who are entering 9th grade through adults are invited to bring their instruments and join us in making a joyful noise each Sunday throughout the summer. We meet at 8:44 a.m. on Sunday mornings (except July 17) to prepare for that day's worship. Contact Ann Posey for more information at poseyannphil2@sbcglobal.net. STUDENTS JULY INNERMISSION SCHEDULE July 10 - Summer Innermission & VBS Prep 6-7:30 p.m. in the Student Room. We'll help the church get ready for VBS, then hang out after and do something like play volleyball or go to Sonic. Come earlier at 3 p.m. for VBS training if you'd like to volunteer at VBS. July 17 - No Innermission (Mountain Camp) July 24 - Summer Innermission | 6-7:30 p.m. with a hang out after July 31 - Pool Party! We'll meet at the church at 5:30 p.m. and head over the O'Dell's home for a pool and pizza party! We'll plan to return to the church around 8:30 p.m. INVITATION ED AND MARY GILLILAND’S 50TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY From Mark and Linda Davis... Because you have shared in their lives by your friendship and love, we invite you to join in the celebration of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Ed and Mary Gilliland on Sunday, July 17, 2016 from 2-4pm. Open House at the home of Mark and Linda Davis, 12603 NE 150th St. Liberty, MO 64068. THANK YOU, SERGIO Sergio Miranda has been the Day Porter assigned to us from City Wide Maintenance for the past year, and has helped take good care of our facility with room setups, cleaning, and other tasks. He has an opportunity to take full-time employment with another company, so he’s moving on from City Wide. We’d like to thank him for his help over the past year and congratulate him on this new opportunity.
VBS JULY 11-15
9a-noon | Age 4-5th grade
We’ll be working FROM 5-7 p.m. (note time change) and can use lots of hands to help!
For VBS volunteers serving during VBS week, remember the mandatory training Sunday at 3-4:30 p.m. in the Chapel.
REGISTER AT 2BCLIBERTY.ORG/MASTERPIECE ME2 LUNCH | Tuesday, July 12 | 11:45 a.m. La Costa on the Liberty Square | Hosted by Mike Lassiter
SR. ADULTS WEDNESDAY NIGHT OUT | July 13 | 5 p.m. Conrad’s (Next week: IHOP) RSVP to the church at 816-781-2824 by Tuesday noon.