The 2BC Weekly | Nov 20, 2016

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belong | believe | become

If you are a first-time guest, please complete a guest card from a pew pocket or Friendship Register and drop it in the offering plate so that we may get acquainted with you. Also, text “Explore” to 816-355-4736. We would like to communicate with you via text and email with some brief informational messages over the next few weeks. Please see an usher if you’d like a listening aid. Each Sunday in the Welcome Center (just inside the Kansas Street entrance on Level 1), our Hospitality Team is waiting to help you get connected. This may include finding a Bible study class, showing you where children and student ministries meet, or sharing the day’s activities and schedule. You may also enjoy a cup of coffee at the Welcome Center’s coffee bar and get to know others at Second. Children’s worship bags filled with books and activities are available at the Sanctuary entrances. If you’d like an alternative for your children, childcare for birth through Pre-K is available on Level 2 at any point in the service. Our Welcome Center is also available for those with restless infants, and you can view the service on a monitor there.

Take a moment to prepare your heart for worship…

When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude. — G. K. Chesterton

When we focus on our gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out and the tide of love rushes in. — Kristin Armstrong

Communion at Second Baptist Church is open to all who profess Jesus Christ as Savior. Our Communion Bread is always gluten-free.

In addition to placing your offering in the offering plate, you can give online at or via your smartphone by scanning this QR code. We have “online giving” cards in the pew rack that you can place in the offering plate to represent your gift if you choose.

Jason Edwards, Senior Pastor | Mike Lassiter, Associate Pastor, Missions & Community Care Connie McNeill, Associate Pastor, Administration & Discipleship | Charles Smith, Associate Pastor, Student Ministry Gwen Phillips, Children’s Pastor | Ann Posey, Organist David Fulk, Interim Worship Leader | Don Brown, Interim Choir Director

Thanksgiving/Christ the King Sunday November 20, 2016

8:30 and 11:00 a.m.

Gathering Music

Carole Tanner (11:00)

Invitation to Worship

Gwen Phillips


Alyssa Hoffman

Prelude +Hymn of Praise 307

“Thanksgiving Praise” Sanctuary Handbells

Dan R. Edwards (11:00)

“All Creatures of Our God and King”

New Testament Reading

Philippians 4:4-9


Judy Boring (8:30) Wes Blanton (11:00)

(Pew Bible, page, New Testament)

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God! Practicing the Presence of God Worship in Music

An invitation to silent prayer “Declare Your Maker’s Praise” Sanctuary Choir Christie White, flute

Prayers of the People The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen

Lloyd Larson

Jason Edwards

+Hymn 196 The Gospel Lesson

“Alleluia No. 1” John 6:25-35


Mary Margaret Oberkrom (8:30) Debbie Blanton (11:00)

(Pew Bible, page, New Testament)

Leader: The Good News of Our Lord. People: Praise be to our Lord, Jesus Christ. Sermon

A Sign of Thanksgiving

Jason Edwards

Communion Passing the Peace Leader: The Peace of the Lord be always with you. Congregation: And also with you. At this time you’ll be asked to share signs of God’s peace. Greet each other by saying, “Peace of Christ be with you.” Respond, “And also with you.” +Hymn of Response 572

“He’s Done So Much For Me”


The worship of the living God invites our response. Those who wish to profess faith in Christ and/or to unite with the church are invited to come forward and share your decision with the pastor.

+Offertory Prayer Offertory

Mary Margaret Oberkrom (8:30) Carol Kingery (11:00) “How Great Thou Art” Sanctuary Handbells

Cynthia Dolorinski

+Presentation of Offerings 373

“Give Thanks”


Give thanks with a grateful heart; give thanks to the Holy One. Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son. And now let the weak say, “I am strong”; let the poor say, “I am rich,” Because of what the Lord has done for us. Give thanks! Words and Music © 1978 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music

+A Time of Greeting

Jason Edwards

+Congregational Blessing

Jason Edwards

+The Sending Forth

“The Doxology”


Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; O praise Him! Alleluia! Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. O praise Him, O praise Him! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Copyright © 1991 Baptist Hymnal


“O Worship the King”

All Songs UBP CCLI #1091036 Organ: Ann Posey Sanctuary Sound: Dave Heston, Gary Pennington Interim Worship Leader: David Fulk

Kenneth Leighton

All Video UBP CCVI #502497070 Piano: Leslie Bunch (8:30), Brenda Lazenby (11:00) Media: John Hilton, Isaac Langford Interim Choir Director: Don Brown

CELEBRATIONS Congratulations to Erik and Kyle Yohe on the birth of their son on Nov. 15 in Dallas. Grandparents are Kent and Karen Yohe. Baby Yohe was not due until February but is doing fine. CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY Christian sympathy is extended to Heather Schumacher in the death of Heather’s father Robert Lee Flippin on 11/10. Christian sympathy is extended to Delight Cain and family in the death of Delight’s husband Bill on 11/11. NORTH KANSAS CITY HOSPITAL Dorthy Bracewell, health concerns Jackie Keeling, health concerns HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL Michelle Welch, Carolyn Libby’s daughter. BENTON HOUSE, Tiffany Springs Tom Sneed OTHER PRAYER CONCERNS Jimmy Nickell, now at home. Becky Tucker, wife of Dr. Jeremy Tucker, Superintendent of Liberty Public Schools, health concerns. Beth Canuteson, wife of Greg Canuteson and daughter-in-law of John and Laura Canuteson, recovering following a stroke and heart surgery. Bruce and Sammie Heavner’s granddaughter in Washington, DC. Twelve year old, rare spinal cancer.

WORSHIP LEADERS TODAY Debbie Blanton and Wes have three children and six grandchildren. Debbie serves as a Mentor Mom for MOPS, greets in the Welcome Center, and is a part of the new School Connections Team. Wes Blanton is the Director of Commercial Banking for Citizens Bank and Trust. He and Debbie have been members of Second since 1988. Over the years Wes has served as Deacon Chair and Chairman of the Church Council. Judy Boring has been attending Second since she was Judy Coffman, age five. She loves the people, the fellowship, and the opportunities to learn, grow, and serve. Leslie Bunch and Alan have been members at Second since 2005. They have two children, Daniel and Audra, and a beautiful grandson, Gideon. Alyssa Hoffman is a fourth grader at Ravenwood Elementary. She is the daughter of Amy and Thom Hoffman. Carol Kingery is the Referrals Coordinator for 2BC’s Stephen Ministry Program. Brenda Lazenby, husband Steve, and kids Jacob and Katelyn, joined Second in 2014. Brenda is the accompanist for the Music Makers Children’s Choir. Mary Margaret Oberkrom is a mentor Mom in Mops and a 40+ year member. She retired from teaching after a 35-year career and now enjoys time with family, friends and in her gardens. Carole Tanner and Jim joined Second in 1980. She is an experienced musician in organ, piano, and violin, and she was the organist at Liberty United Methodist Church for eleven years.

CHURCHWIDE NOTE: The church office will close at noon on Wed., Nov. 23, and will be closed Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday. LAST DAY TO ORDER ADVENT FLOWERS Each Sunday of Advent, large flower arrangements will be provided to honor or remember our loved ones. To honor a loved one with flowers and have his/her name in the bulletin, please make a donation of at least $10 per listing. Fill out the form and make your donation in the Welcome Center today or turn forms and donations in at the Welcome Center desk. COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE Tuesday, Nov. 22 | 7 p.m. | St. James Catholic Church | The Liberty-Area Ministerial Alliance hosts the 2016 Thanksgiving Service, which will include choir numbers, scripture readings, prayers, and a short sermon. There will be a freewill offering in support of local charities. This is a unique and powerful opportunity to fellowship with local churches.

JOB OPPORTUNITY: MINISTRY ASSISTANT FOR COMMUNICATIONS This is a 25 hour per week position, working MondayFriday, 9 a.m.-2p.m. The Ministry Assistant will initiate, design and produce internal/external communications, including the weekly worship guide, promotional materials, event programs, and others. The Assistant will also manage and produce digital media including the website and social media content and graphics. This person will lead the pastoral staff in developing a 12-month communication plan and manage volunteer teams. Proven experience and knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite or equivalent needed. Visit jobs for the complete job description. Send resumes/cover letter to Connie McNeill at THANKS DOLORIS, & WELCOME ROXANN! Roxann Brenton will assume the job of wedding coordinator in January 2017. We welcome her in this role. She follows Doloris Forman, who served in this capacity for over 20 years.

THANK YOU FROM CAROLE TANNER “About a year ago, I was diagnosed with Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus, a condition sometimes referred to as ‘water on the brain.’ The June 28 surgery went fine, but now we go back to KU Hospital every week or two. With the help of so many friends (prayers, food, cards, flowers, visits) we are beginning to feel better about this life-long situation, for which there is no cure. Please accept our heart-felt thanks for the may ways you have blessed us. You are such a loving and caring family for us, and we love you.” MISSIONS CHRISTMAS STORE TAGS AVAILABLE! Please return your purchased items by Dec. 7 | The Christmas Store allows families experiencing financial hardship to shop for gifts at a reduced price. Gift tags are near Tutt Chapel, in the narthex and wrapped around the pole in the Welcome Center. If you could benefit from shopping at the Christmas Store, call the Christmas Store line at 816-781-2824. x 311. STUDENTS SERVING AT THE THANKSGIVING MEAL Nov. 20 | 5:30p | Students can serve by helping to bus tables or with children’s crafts. If you’d like to serve, come at 5 p.m. SAVE THE DATE Student Fun Night Dec. 2: Winter Fun! CHILDREN SAVE THE DATE: “SING FOR THE KING” PARENTS NIGHT OUT/CHRISTMAS PARTY Friday, Dec. 9 | 6:30 – 9 p.m. | Watch for more info! MUSIC ADVENT MUSIC OPPORTUNITIES Children are invited to begin preparing two Christmas carols appropriate for Christmas Eve worship on the piano or other instruments. Advent Orchestra will begin playing for worship on Sunday, Nov. 27, with a warm up rehearsal at 8:42 am. All instrumentalists, 9th grade to 90 are invited. Questions? contact Ann Posey, 816-507-2744. NO WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEAL OR ACTIVITIES ON NOV. 23.

Next Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent, and 2BC's talented team of writers and editors have been busy preparing the 2016 Advent Daily Devotional for you! You'll be able to access the devotionals three ways:  Receive the devotionals each morning via email. If you already receive the weekly eblasts, you'll get these emails too. Sign up on the homepage at to get on the list.  Visit to read them on your computer or device.  Pick up a hard copy at the Welcome Center desk.

Jan 20: 5:30-8 p.m., Jan. 21: 9 a.m.-noon | at 2BC Led by Sonya Richardson-Thomas

Early bird registration price of $100 ends Dec. 1 (bring your parenting partner for free!)

To register: Online payment available AND if childcare is needed, please indicate that in the "merchant note" with ages of children

Gather in the Sanctuary as we start the season of Advent by singing the songs of the season, hearing the prophecies of the coming Christ, and listening to our children’s choirs sing. Then we’ll move to the Social Room for fellowship with treats and fun songs of the season.

300 E. Kansas | Liberty, MO 64068 | 816-781-2824 | Social media: @2bcliberty WiFi: 2BC-Guest Password: 2bcguest#01

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