The Canticles of Christmas The Fourth Sunday of Advent The Nativity of the Lord – Christmas Eve A Candlelight Communion Service of Lessons and Carols December 24, 2017 - 11:00 a.m. | 4:00 p.m. Meditation The Work of Christmas, by Howard Thurman When the song of the angels is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone, When the kings and the princes are home, when the shepherds are back with their flock, The work of Christmas begins: To find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry, to release the prisoner, To rebuild the nations, to bring peace among brothers, to make music in the heart Gathering Music
Leslie Bunch (11:00)
The children offer their music as a gift to the newborn Christ, not as a performance. Please acknowledge their offering, not through applause or taking of pictures, but with thoughtful listening, as well as appreciative words following the service. Invitation to Worship
Carrie Bartlow (11:00) Charles Smith (4:00)
Musical Reflection
“People, Look East” (Hymn 90) Instrumental Ensemble
Advent Litany and Candle Lighting Leader:
Because God’s love for us is far greater than all other loves
We light the candle of Love.
I will sing of your steadfast love, O Lord, forever; with my mouth I will proclaim your faithfulness to all generations.
I declare that your steadfast love is established forever; Your faithfulness is as firm as the heavens.
O Love that will not let me go, I rest my weary soul in thee.
O how I love Jesus, because he first loved me.
BESANCON (11:00)
Jason Edwards Kate Fisher (11:00) Jack Lewis (4:00)
Prelude to Chrstmas +Processional Carol 119 “His Name is Called Emmanuel” LASST UNS ERFREUEN Children may join Pastor Gwen Phillips on the platform for the Children’s Moment. His name is called Emmanuel, more wonderful than words can tell. God is with us! Alleluia!
Born in our darkenss, he is Light; born in our weakness, He is might. God is with us! Allelluia! God is with us! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Rejoice, and lay aside your fear. Rejoice, the Holy One is here. God is with us! Alleluia! Lift up your voices, come and sing. Come worship Christ, the newborn King. God is with us! Allelluia! God is with us! Alleluia! Alleluia! Children’s Moment
Gwen Phillips
“Sing the Canticles”
Composed by David Fulk for Second Baptist Church
Offertory Prayer Offertory
Greg Duncan (11:00) Harold Phillips (4:00) “He is Born” Instrumental Ensemble “Silent Night, Holy Night” Hope Peck, Piano
arr. Lloyd Conley (11:00) by Craig Curry (4:00)
Lighting of the Christ Candle Procession of Light
Kate Fisher (11:00) Jack Lewis (4:00)
“Creation Will Be at Peace” J. Paul Williams/Anna Laura Page Sanctuary Choir In the holy mountain of the Lord all war and strife will cease; In the holy mountain of the Lord creation will be at peace. The wolf will lie down with the lamb, the cow and bear will feed, Their young will play together; a little child will lead, a little child will lead. In the holy mountain of the Lord all war and strife will cease; In the holy mountain of the Lord creation will be at peace. The leopard and goat will graze, the lion will feed on straw. They will war no more, they will war no more; A child will lead them all, will lead them all.
In the holy mountain of the Lord all war and strife will cease; In the holy mountain of the Lord creation will be at peace.
Christmas Prayer
Luke 2:1-5 An Unexpected Journey to Bethlehem
Debbie Blanton (11:00) Beth Dusin (4:00)
Carol 107 “O Little Town of Bethlehem” O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see the lie! Above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by; Yet in thy dark streets shineth the everlasting light; The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.
How silently, how silently the wondrous gift is given! So God imparts to human hearts the blessings of His heaven. No ear may hear His coming, but in this world of sin, Where meek souls will receive Him still, the dear Christ enters in. Lesson
Luke 2:6-7 Baby Jesus is Born
“A Cradle Carol” The Sanctuary Choir
Grace Fisher (11:00) Melissa Dolton (4:00) Dan Forrest and Rebekah Pringle
Lord Jesus, Savior, infant weak, Why come to earth as one so meek? A newborn babe, helpless and small; And yet Creator of us all. Thou hast no beauty, form, nor grace; No fortune, rank, no fame, no place That men should see Thee and adore A babe so humble and so poor. But to the soul whose eyes are healed, To whom the Truth has been revealed, Thy glory challenges the sun; Thou art a thousand joys in One. Though strangers see a babe in straw, Thy children see the Lord of all Who laid aside His rightful reign to take away our sin and shame. This sacrifice of love divine, This condescension to mankind With beauty robes Thy lowly frame, and sanctifies Thy simple name. O aid my worship, Mighty King, That I might with the angels sing, “Glory to God on high!” Now crowned again beyond the sky! Oh, help me see Thee and adore this Child, my God and Lord. Lesson
Luke 2:8-14 A Spectacular Birth Announcement
+Carol 103
“O Come, All Ye Faithful” ADESTE FIDELES
O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant, O come, ye, O come ye to Bethlehem! Come and behold Him, born the King of angels!
Brooke Fisher (11:00) Sophia Ferguson (4:00)
O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!
Sing choirs of angels, sing in exultation, O sing, all ye citizens of heaven above! Glory to God, all glory in the highest! O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord! The Homily
“Gloria in Excelsis Deo!”
Jason Edwards
GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST! +Carols of The Angels 124 “The First Nowell” THE FIRST NOWELL The first Nowell the angel did say, was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay; In fields where they lay keeping their sheep, on a cold winter’s night that was so deep. Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel. 127
“Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” Hark! The herald angels sing, “Glory to the newborn King; Peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled!” Joyful, all ye nations rise, join the triumph of the skies; With angelic host proclaim, “Christ is born in Bethlehem!” Hark! the herald angels sing, “Glory to the newborn King!”
“Angels We Have Heard on High” Angels we have heard on high sweetly singing o’er the plains; And the mountains in reply echoing their joyous strains. Gloria in excelsis Deo! Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Communion Anthem
“Gesu, Bambino” Sanctuary Choir
Pietro Yon/Jay Rouse Charles Smith, Violin
When blossoms flowered amid the snows upon a winter night, Was born the Child, the Christmas Rose, the King of love and light. The angels sang. The shepherds sang. The grateful earth rejoiced. And at His blessed birth, the stars their exultation voiced. O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord! Again the heart with rapture glows to greet the holy night That gave the world its Christmas Rose, the King of love and light. Let ev’ry voice acclaim His name, the grateful chorus swell! From paradise to earth He came that we with Him might dwell. O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord. Was born the Child, the Christmas Rose, the King of love and light.
Carol 110 “Away in a Manger” Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head; The stars in the sky looked down where he lay, The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.
The cattle are lowing, the Baby awakes, But little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes. I love Thee, Lord Jesus, Look down from the sky And stay by my cradle till morning is nigh. Be near us, Lord Jesus, we ask Thee to stay Close by us forever, and love us, we pray. Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care, And fit us for heaven, to live with Thee there. Carol 132 “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear” It came upon the midnight clear, that glorious song of old, From angels bending near the earth, to touch their harps of gold: “Peace on the earth, good will to all, from heaven’s all-gracious King.” The world in solemn stillness lay, to hear the angels sing.
All ye, beneath life’s crushing load, whose forms are bending low, Who toil along the climbing way with painful steps and slow, Look now! for glad and golden hours come swiftly on the wing: O rest beside the weary road, and hear the angels sing. Lighting of Candles Carol 134 “Silent Night, Holy Night” Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright Round yon virgin mother and child! Holy infant so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace, sleep in heavenly peace.
Silent night, holy night, Son of God, love’s pure light Radiant beams from Thy holy face, with the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth. Silent night, holy night, wondrous star, lend thy light; With the angels let us sing alleluia to our King; Christ the Savior is born, Christ the Savior is born. +Christmas Blessing
Jason Edwards
+The Sending Forth 137 “Sing We Now of Christmas” Sing we now of Christmas, Noel, sing we here! Hear our grateful praises to the Babe so dear. Sing we Noel, the King is born Noel! Sing we now of Christmas, sing we now Noel! Postlude
David Maxwell
All Songs UBP CCLI #1091036
All Video UBP CCVI #502497070
Organ: Ann Posey Violin: Charles Smith and Stewart Duncan Oboe: Teresa Miller Sanctuary Sound: Dave Heston, Gary Pennington
Piano: Julie Williams Flute: Michelle Cook and Alana Duncan Clarinet: Jennifer Driskill Media: John Hilton, Ben Zahnd, Kenny Williams
FLOWERS IN WORSHIP Today’s Advent flowers are given to the Glory of God and:
In Memory Of Rayma (Davis) Gragg by Lyndell and Roxann Brenton Ralph and Rosemary Davis by Lyndell and Roxann Brenton George Thompson by Bob and Carol Calder Frances Thompson by Bob and Carol Calder Rose Calder by Bob and Carol Calder My Husband, Gary Deaton, by Amy Deaton Erin’s Brother, Michael O’Rourke by Tom and Erin Lankford Nina Pearson by Cindi Moore Catherine Pierce by Cindi Moore Jimmy Pierce by Cindi Moore Frank, Peggy and Bill Millen by Norman and Marianne Neth Denny Anderson by Mary Margaret Oberkrom and Martha Reppert Margaret, Kate and Hugh Triplett by Patsy and Dan Triplett Harvey Thomas by Patsy and Dan Triplett Kathy, Dora Alice and Lyman Berndt by Patsy and Dan Triplett
In Honor Of
The wonderful Elves that helped decorate our beautiful church for Christmas. Thank You, by Kristi Cates. Calvin DeSalvo by Lyndell and Roxann Brenton Larry Gregory by Ellen, Lindsey and Emmy Gregory Irene Thomas by Patsy and Dan Triplett
The white lily arrangement is given in honor of Kaye & Jimmy Nickell’s 60th wedding anniversary by Kristi & Jeff Cates We are grateful to our volunteers, led by Kristi Cates, for creating our Advent ambiance with thoughtful décor. Items were added each week. This week the love banner and the floral arrangements have been added.
Communion at Second Baptist Church is open to all who profess Jesus Christ as Savior. Our Communion Bread is always gluten-free. During the service, you will be invited to follow the usher’s instructions and exit your pew, walk to one of the stations to receive the cup and the bread. If you prefer or are unable to walk forward a deacon will be available to bring communion to you. If you are a first-time guest, we invite you to complete a guest card from a pew pocket or Friendship Register and drop it in the offering plate at the end of the service so that we may get acquainted with you. Also, text “Explore” to 816-355-4736. We would like to communicate with you via text and email with some brief informational messages over the next few weeks. Your information is private and will not be used for any other purpose than to keep you informed about 2BC. Please see an usher if you’d like a listening aid. The offering received today is used for ministry and missions locally, nationally and internationally. Today, 10% of the cash offering will be used to replenish our benevolence fund, which is used to assist people locally with immediate financial needs.
belong | believe | become 300 East Kansas Liberty, MO 816-781-2824
A NOTE FROM PASTOR JASON Welcome to Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion here at 2BC. We are so glad you’ve chosen to worship with us today as we celebrate together the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
In the early days of the church, when most people didn’t read, the flow of the liturgical calendar was used to explain to common people the story of Christ. The year began with Advent, the anticipation of Christ’s arrival, with stories centered on the long wait for God’s coming Messiah. Today our focus changes from Advent anticipation to Christmas celebration. “For unto us a child is born! For unto us a son is given!” (Isaiah 9:6) Christ has come! God is with us! Our service today is designed to help you recall the story of Christ’s Bethlehem arrival and reflect on the impact His arrival has on our lives. Our hope is that you will experience a rich Christmas blessing as we celebrate the wondrous gift that was given and remember that the Christ child still imparts “to human hearts the blessings of His heaven.” We’ll continue our celebration next Sunday, December 31st with a Christmas breakfast at 9:30 and worship at 11:00. We’d love for you to join us then and every Sunday thereafter for Bible study and worship. Merry Christmas to each of you and thank you for joining us here at Second Baptist Church on this holy day as we celebrate the birth of our Savior.
Jason Edwards Senior Pastor