Becoming a catalyst for God’s dream to come true.
From Pastor Jason I have this series of images running through my mind: • Watching my son Jackson moving dirt alongside Blane Baker while on mission in South Dakota. • Being prompted in worship by the beaming faces and joy-filled voices of a 2BC children’s choir. • Observing your enthusiasm while many of you have shared stories with me about how God has impacted you not only through worship, learning, and service in the past two years, but by your sacrificial choices to give to God through our Catalyst plan. • Learning about how Community Groups and Stephen Minsters have changed and strengthened the lives and the faith of specific people in our church. • Seeing light bulbs of understanding coming on in the minds of friends across the generational spectrum as we learned from Diana Butler Bass at our all-church retreat. • Listening to friends like Luke Zahnd and Cathy Baker name what God was teaching them as we served among marginalized people in Northern Thailand. This is only a snapshot of the images that parade through my mind as my eyes run across each line item in our Catalyst ministry plan. As your pastor, my access to your stories and experiences makes it easy for each planned dollar to pop off the page
as an expression of service, worship, growth, compassion or transformation. When I see the plan, I see lives encouraged, changed, supported, and served for Christ’s sake. My hope is that you will, too. During the four Sundays in October, we’ll share vision and details for Catalyst 2.0, our plan for our next 24 months of ministry together. This Catalyst 2.0 overview brochure outlines a few new elements included in our Catalyst 2.0 ministry plan. This brochure, along with the corresponding budget for 2014–16, is designed to offer a comprehensive look at how we will move ahead over the next two years. Additionally, the daily Catalyst prayer guide serves as a companion piece for your prayer life as we prepare to launch into our next season of ministry together. Filled with stories of mission, ministry, generosity and transformation, we feel this resource will both raise awareness of what we have and plan to accomplish in ministry, as well as help you thoughtfully consider how you might generously participate in seeing God’s dreams come true here at Second, throughout the KC Metro region, and around our world. As you explore this ministry plan, hear the testimonies in the videos each week and read stories in our prayer guide and our new BRIDGE magazine, may they inspire, challenge, and encourage you. And may they serve as a reminder that at Second Baptist, a budget is never really about dollars and cents. It’s about the Dream of God, and how we plan to participate with it in real life, among real people, with real intentionality. Moving toward God’s dreams for us, together.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter from Jason
................................ 2
Our Goal for 2014-2016
The Details Becoming A Catalyst for God’s Dream to come true in . . .
the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 greater Kansas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 and Our Faith Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Next Steps | Commitment Card
Here’s what we’re asking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 The next three weeks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Catalyst 2.0 Becoming
a catalyst for God’s dream to come true for . . .
the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $400,000 Following God’s dream to regions of our country and the world where we can become the presence of Christ and where, through us, God can provide radical transformation to areas experiencing oppressive poverty and overwhelming need.
greater Kansas City. . . . . . . . .$600,000 Through Catalyst we will improve and increase our efforts to serve both local and metro-area partners. We will expand our ability to reach families and individuals of all ages through innovative outreach and proactive property acquisition.
for Our Faith Community. . . $1,300,000 Through Catalyst we will strengthen and improve our ability to serve our own faith family through worship, spiritual formation, and the community-based efforts of our ministry.
GOAL . . . . . . . .$2,300,000
. . . around the World First, it’s about becoming a catalyst for God’s dreams to come true around the world.
goal . . . . . . $400,000
• SEND 2.0 Initiative
• Partner Support & New Exploration • CBF: CBF—Heartland
CBF Global Missions
• Together for Hope—High Plains • Teaching Ministry Initiative • Fair Trade Advocacy • Baptist Home Support
One of our big Catalyst dreams was for at least 200 people from 2BC to have a new experience at serving somewhere around our world. It has been an amazing experience. Over the last 24 months, we’ve sent over 200 people to serve in 21 different locations or service opportunities where they’ve never served before, With the wonderful success of SEND in Catalyst, we’ve decided to continue this initiative in Catalyst 2.0. Our 2.0 goal will be to give 100 people the opportunity for a new mission experience and to expand SEND to give others the opportunity to continue nurturing the new mission passions God planted in them during Catalyst1.0. We continue to believe this kind of going will not only further God’s mission in the world, but that it will further God’s mission in you and in us as a faith community. We want funds to be in place that will help us all continue to embrace this dream.
South Dakota
We also need to deepen and widen our current mission relationships and commitments. We’ve seen incredible things happen here in the U.S. and in the world through our commitments in South Dakota and Haiti, in emerging relationships in places like Thailand and Nepal, as well as through our partnership with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship in a number of places like Romania and Slovakia.
COOPERATIVE BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP We will continue to fund and strengthen our relationship with the national organization, CBF–Heartland, and support the CBF Global Missions fund.
We’ve come a long way, but we want to go further. We want to do more. We’ve planned funds to help us accomplish this.
In Catalyst 2.0 the Missions Committee has included funds to support the ministry of Kenny and Karen Sherin, self-funded CBF Field Personnel serving with Together for Hope—High Plains. While we will continue to engage with the Cheyenne River Lakota Reservation, this is another step in our 20 year commitment with Together for Hope as it expands opportunities to three other Reservations in South Dakota: Crow Creek, Pine Ridge, and Rosebud.
Kenny and Karen Sherin
What would it take for Second Baptist Church to become a “teaching congregation” and develop a pastoral internship program? What would it look like if we combined the vast pastoral and ministry knowledge in our congregation with our love of learning and discipleship to develop an ongoing effort to nurture and mentor young pastoral candidates? How might we help prepare them for their calling somewhere in the world? In Catalyst 2.0, we’ll begin exploring how we might approach this type of initiative, the blessings it might offer, and research the key elements required to accomplish such a program. We will also begin to engage by offering quality internships to both a pastoral and a music ministry candidate.
FAIR TRADE ADVOCACY Our missions partners, coupled with our global missions experience, has expanded our thinking toward our role as advocates for those who are marginalized in our community and in the world. In South Dakota, Thailand, Haiti, and Nepal we have seen firsthand how unemployment and under-employment affect marginalized people as they try to survive on a daily basis. Even in countries where there are budding businesses, a growing entrepreneurial spirit, or where corporations have invested heavily, workers are often exploited, the environment mistreated, and concepts like mutual benefit never enter the equation.
The Baptist Home (TBH) in Missouri reaches and ministers to the aging in three ways: through resident care on three campuses in Missouri; by providing education and resources for individuals and churches preparing people for aging issues; and by using its expertise to assist aging ministries around the world. In 2012, work began to add a fourth TBH care facility in the middle of the state between Columbia and Jefferson City. Land was purchased and a master plan is being developed. Second Baptist has a long-standing relationship with The Baptist Home, and many from Second Baptist have been a resident of one of the care facilities. With this long-standing relationship and to demonstrate our continued support, the Missions Committee is recommending through Catalyst 2.0 offering a one-time gift of $10,000 beyond our ministry plan’s annual support. This will affirm The Baptist Home’s mission on behalf of Missouri Baptists and will hopefully encourage other churches to do the same.
We are in the early phases of encouraging equitable, sustainable economic development with our partners. This has led us to explore new resources through nonprofit ministries like Equal Exchange that empower family farmers and workers, and look holistically at poverty issues. Fair prices for harvests, crafts, and products, safe working conditions, and encouragement to form small co-ops all bring dignity and just solutions to impoverished areas of our world. Over the next several months we will explore what involvement might be appropriate for Second Baptist as we support local and global fair trade advocacy through our missions partners and those marginalized in our society.
This is about dreams coming true around our world.
. . . for greater Kansas City Second, this is about becoming a catalyst for God’s dreams to come true in Liberty and around the Kansas City metro region.
goal . . . . . . $600,000
• Local Partners:
Hillcrest Hope InAsMuch Love INC ReBuilding Together–Clay County Fuller Center for Housing
• School Connections Initiative • Hospitality Initiative • Collective Action Initiative
We have some incredible ministry partners in Liberty: Love INC, In As Much Ministry, Hillcrest Hope, Fuller Center for Housing, Rebuilding Together–Clay County. We need to continue to strengthen these partnerships. Through Catalyst 2.0 we will improve and increase our efforts to serve both local and metro area partners. As we step up our presence and support of these local and regional partners, we are confident that the gospel message will continue to take root in lives throughout the KC metro area.
We’ve seen some amazing things happen in our family ministries. Our children’s and student ministries continue to grow and thrive. We hit record numbers through our Vacation Bible School ministry this year. Our MOPS group continues to thrive and is still the largest in the KC metro region. These are wonderful things, and we don’t want these good things to stop. As we pursue these dreams, we need to take note of the dreams that are already coming true here. In experiencing God, Henry Blackaby once said, “we shouldn’t work and invite God to bless it, but to find God’s will, we should notice where God is working and lean into that.” That’s why we want to step up our support for family ministries. This is about dreams continuing to come true here in the Northland. Through Catalyst 2.0 we will expand our ability to reach families and individuals of all ages in our region through our ongoing outreach programs and a few new initiatives.
SCHOOL CONNECTIONS INITIATIVE This last year, we volunteered to respond to the Liberty School District’s need for space and are now housing the district’s “Necessities Closet.” In doing so, we began a wonderful relationship that warrants additional exploration on just how we might support the teachers, administrators, students and families in our neighborhood and community school district in key ways.
We have put a team in place, led by volunteer Greg Mees, to develop and implement a radical hospitality system that will help ensure that whenever our doors are open, whether on Sunday morning, mid-week, or during special events, we will always offer a welcoming, loving and inclusive environment for guests. Our hospitality team is currently working on our Sunday morning efforts and developing processes and systems to deliver consistent, high-quality hospitality at 2BC.
Greg Mees
L M O We C E
One of the most exciting programs we will be launching in the next year is our collective action initiative (DREAM INITIATIVE) led by our own Chris Thompson.
Chris Thompson
Chris has spent the last several years working in community development in Georgia. Chris has developed a process by which groups can collectively identify, prioritize, and ultimately name a key problem and develop the processes, resources, and implementation plan to mitigate and/or resolve a community issue and strengthen community relationships while doing it. It’s a powerful process. Chris has agreed to lead us as a community of faith (we’ll be the first church to launch a program like this!) in a program where we invite key civic leaders, professionals, and residents who can speak directly to issues and inform us on different critical needs in our immediate region. We will join together in a discernment process where, as a group, we will discuss, uncover, and prioritize issues in our community where defined resources and managed efforts could make a positive impact. We’ll debate, discuss, and dream of the one opportunity the collective group feels we could work together toward as a single initiative. That single initiative, once voted on by the entire collective, will launch with a $40,000 grant to implement and bring to fruition that change initiative in our community. It’s an exciting process, and the prospect of us being able to make a focused, collaborative, and meaningful impact on a local issue confronting our community is very exciting.
This is about dreams coming true for greater Kansas City.
• Equipping/Engaging Initiative • Building Improvements Chapel | Porches | Rm 611 • Debt Service Annex Building (20 Leonard)
. . . for Our Faith Community Thirdly, we want this movement to be a catalyst for more of God’s dreams to come true here at Second Baptist Church.
goal . . . . . . $1,300,000 Beyond our daily and ongoing personnel, facility, utility, and operational costs represented in this portion of our Catalyst plan, we will focus on three key areas during Catalyst 2.0.
During 2014-2016, we will be working with Charlene and Vernon Armitage to become an Ephesians 4 Church. Ephesians 4:11–12 teaches that pastors and leaders are to “. . . equip the saints for the work of ministry, that is, to build up the body of Christ.” That means we must continue to strengthen all of our existing ministries, so more people will grow in their relationships with Jesus and others. We will work with key church leadership to become an equipping and engaging congregation, where more people can identify their God-given gifts and find a place to use those gifts toward Kingdom goals. Through development of leadership training, systems and process development, and congregational education, our Equipping Team, facilitated by Charlene and Vernon Armitage, will spend the next 24 to 36 months working to improve our ability to engage and equip our members for service and discipleship. In Catalyst 2.0, we’ve included funds to support Charlene and Vernon’s work with us, to coach us, and walk alongside as our Equipping Team helps move us toward this goal.
Charlene Armitage
Vernon Armitage
The gifts he gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, 12 to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, 13 until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ. 11
Repairing and updating our Chapel to first, be the beautiful and sacred space it has been in the past and second, to bring it more to the aesthetic level of our sanctuary is an important part of this goal. Additionally, integrating flexible elements to allow that space to accommodate other ministry demands, varied worship opportunities, weddings, funerals, and group event needs is important to our ongoing growth in this location.
We will need to repair the damage and weathered rot on the west entrances and porch structures to assure safety and structural integrity. This will also better align the overall building aesthetics with our renovated east covered drive and north entrance.
PORCHES This is about dreams
FACILITY MAINTENANCE AND RENOVATION We must continue to make sure that our facilities and resources are maintained and appropriately and flexibly equipped to nurture worship, respond to our spiritual growth, fellowship events, and community care needs.
During Catalyst 2.0 we will hope to redesign and renovate Room 611 (the old college ministry and storage rooms) to meet the demands for more Sunday morning Bible Study space and provide much needed restroom facilities on the sixth level for both the adult and student ministry participants.
Rm 611
Lastly, we will continue to service the acquisition debt for the new Annex Building at 20 Leonard Street.
20 Leonard
coming true for Our Faith Community.
So here’s what we’re asking of you ...
Over the next two years, we want to challenge you to prayerfully consider continuing or increasing your generous financial commitment to the ministries of God through Second Baptist Church as we continue to pursue our goal of being catalysts for God’s dreams to come true. Our goal is for our church to generously commit to giving $2.3 million dollars to ministry over the next two years. With God’s help and your generosity, we believe that is a very reachable goal. To make these moves toward God’s dreams, our collective generosity will need to be moved by God. Our generosity will need to be as transformational as our goals. Please prayerfully consider how God is moving in your life and in your heart. Wrestle with the financial commitment using numbers that may seem too challenging and determine how you will respond.
Second Baptist’s Generosity goal for the next TWO YEARS . . .
$2.3 million over two years . . . will fund our current ministry budget including the initiatives we’ve highlighted
Gift Level
1 $100,000.00 2 $75,000.00 3 $50,000.00 4 $40,000.00 8 $30,000.00 11 $25,000.00 20 $15,000.00 30 $10,000.00 50 $6,000.00 40 $3,600.00 40 $2,400.00 Other <$2,400.00 (209 Gifts) Total for 24 Months
Monthly Gift Translation
Total at Level
$4,166.67 $3,125.00 $2,083.33
$100,000.00 $150,000.00 $150,000.00 $400,000.00
$1,666.67 $1,250.00 $1,041.67 $625.00 $416.67
$160,000.00 $240,000.00 $275,000.00 $300,000.00 $300,000.00 $1,275,000.00
$250.00 $150.00 $100.00
$300,000.00 $144,000.00 $96,000.00 $85,000.00 $625,000.00 $2,300,000.00
Over the next three weeks, we will explore how God’s generosity through us can be made manifest at Second Baptist Church. Jason will be preaching on the Dream of God, the Mathematics of God, and the Faith of God. We will all be invited to consider how God might be calling each of us to participate. Then on Sunday, October 26, when we gather for worship, all of us will bring our Catalyst commitment card (attached below) as an offering to God, indicating how each of us intends to invest in the Catalyst ministry plan over the next 24 months of ministry together. We believe the next two years will continue to be transformational for each of us at Second Baptist Church. We know our dreams are reachable. They are realistic. Our movement toward them did not just begin and will not end this month. This is part of a larger movement of God in our midst. Our method of pursuit—our fall emphasis—has served us well. We believe this intentional consideration with a prayerful focus is a direct response to where God seems to be nudging us. Our common dream is that God’s Kingdom would come, and God’s will would be done on earth as it is in heaven. This is about dreams coming true . . . in very specific and life-changing ways.
Becoming a catalyst for God’s dream to come true . . . around our World. . . . for greater Kansas City . . . for Our Faith Community
belong | believe | become
belong | believe | become
300 E. Kansas St., Liberty, MO 64068
816.781.2824 |