Becoming a catalyst for God’s dream to come true.
Sunday, October 5 The Dream of God Genesis 31:11: The angel of God said to me in the dream, ‘Jacob.’ I answered, ‘Here I am.’ I have this series of images running through my mind: • Watching my son Jackson moving dirt alongside Blane Baker while on mission in South Dakota. • Being prompted in worship by the beaming faces and joy-filled voices of a 2BC children’s choir. • Observing your enthusiasm while many of you have shared stories with me about how God has impacted you not only through worship, learning, and service in the past two years, but by your sacrificial choices to give to God through our Catalyst plan. • Learning about how Community Groups and Stephen Minsters have changed and strengthened the lives and the faith of specific people in our church. • Seeing light bulbs of understanding coming on in the minds of friends across the generational spectrum as we learned from Diana Butler Bass at our all church retreat. • Listening to friends like Luke Zahnd and Cathy Baker name what God was teaching them as we served among marginalized people in Northern Thailand. This is only a snapshot of the images that parade through my mind as my eyes run across each line item in our Catalyst ministry plan. As your pastor, my access to your stories and experiences make it easy for each planned dollar to pop off the page as an expression of service, worship, growth, compassion or transformation. When I see the plan, I see lives encouraged, changed, supported, and served for Christ’s sake. My hope is that you will too. As you read through the stories in this book, may they inspire, challenge and encourage you. And may they serve as a reminder that at Second Baptist, a budget is never really about dollars and cents. It’s about the Dream of God, and how we plan to participate with it in real life, among real people, with real intentionality. How will you plan to participate in the dreams of God coming true in the days ahead? Will you use this book as a resource for your plans and prayers this month? Jason Edwards Will you ask God today to help you notice every opportunity God is giving you to give your life to the good work of God in this world?
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Monday, October 6 One Direction Proverbs 3:5–6: Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. (NKIV) This verse is both broad and precise. Numerous times in my life I have come to the end of the road, not knowing which direction to take. Growing up I often felt I was not understood and had no one to turn to for support. So where does one go for guidance and reflection? Trust in the LORD . . . He shall direct your paths. When I was fifteen years old, pursuing additional levels of education seemed an impossible goal for me. I had failed class for two consecutive years; thus it was probably time for me to marry and begin my family. However, God had different plans for me. God sent a missionary who believed that I could finish my high school education if I would agree to come with her to the United States. What once seemed impossible now became a reality. After graduating high school, I returned to Cyprus and was again encouraged to get married, settle down and have a family. God again directed my path because the impossible came into reality. I would be returning to the United States to attend the School of the Ozark's to get a teaching degree. Eventually, God guided me to Liberty and the mission-minded Second Baptist Church filled both my spiritual and human needs. Trust in the LORD . . . He shall direct thy paths. Our upbringing and environment shape our future. Each and every one of our experiences help prepare us to better glorify Him. He assures us that He will send the Holy Spirt to illuminate our ways and to shield us from danger. Growing up in a fourth world environment, being educated in America, living and teaching in Liberty and worshipping and communing at Second Baptist Church makes Proverbs 3:5-6 come alive for me. God is indeed leading and guiding my way. Having experienced His presence through the Holy Spirit, I fault myself every time I spend time worrying about the insignificant road blocks that tempt my thoughts and actions. The Holy Spirit's presence provides everything needed plus much more. Loulla Efstathiou Ask God to show you the roadblocks in your life and how to overcome them with God’s strength.
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Tuesday, October 7 The Habit of Tithing Mark 12:17: Then Jesus said to them, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” And they were amazed at him. When I first started mowing lawns and walking home with crisp bills in my hands, my parents unabashedly explained the tithing concept to me – and promptly made change for my earnings so that I would have the right amount of dollar bills to put in the offering plate. Not optional. It certainly wasn’t a foreign concept. I knew that my parents gave to the church every month. It was fun to be a copy-cat giver. When I graduated to an actual job with an actual uniform (brown, pink & orange striped shirt complemented by brown baseball cap) at the local Baskin Robbins, I got my first actual paper paycheck! Having calculated the hours I worked times $2.10, I was shocked that my check was less than what I had earned. What’s a deduction? And who’s this FICA guy and why does he get some? I explained to my parents that I could no longer give 10% to the church now that I was only getting partially paid. Wrong. As a dishwasher, a pizza driver, a recreation assistant, a clothing salesman, a paralegal wannabe, the checks gradually got larger, but so did the deductions, and so did the things I “needed” the money for. But I was in the habit of tithing, I knew it was right, and I simply did it. Fast forward to marriage, mortgage, children, medical expenses, and all sorts of grownup things that compound financial pressure. As our incomes have risen (and fallen) and as our financial security has strengthened (and faltered) our commitment to a 10% tithe has remained steady. Sometimes it’s tough to write that check. Sometimes “joyful giver” is a real misnomer. But looking back over more than 30 years of consistent tithing I’m grateful for parents who instilled a value and cultivated a habit. I’m grateful for a wife who shares the belief and reinforces the commitment. I’m grateful for the ability and opportunity to continue to give to my God and my church through the Catalyst programs. With time and space it would be easy to enumerate all the reasons why, but suffice it to say, I can’t imagine not! Greg Duncan Are you a habitual tither? What steps, with God’s help, could you take to develop the habit of tithing?
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Wednesday, October 8 A School with a Church Matthew 11:25: At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. From a different perspective . . . driving Second Friends Preschoolers back from Science City last spring, I heard a little voice behind me say "Is this a church bus?” The teacher replied "Yes, it is.” Then I heard, "Oh, does our school have a church?” and I had to smile. Since then, I have reflected over that short conversation many times. One of the things that drew Larry and me to Second Baptist over 20 years ago was the number of young families with small children and the importance Second places on nurturing, education, and the security of even our littlest ones. We have raised two daughters as part of this church family and our girls have grown into women of strong faith with a passion for service to people needing help. There is no way to put a price on this, yet it is due to programs that are still going strong and are funded by the Catalyst. Sunday School ministries, Wednesday night mission programs, the youth program, choirs from children through adults, handbells, orchestra, Vacation Bible School, mission trips, children and youth camps. And we can’t forget Second Friend Preschool. Although it has become a ministry that is self-funded, it began 20 years ago as part of our church budget and has grown into a successful ministry to our community. We are a church of vision and passion with the knowledge that we must raise our future generations to develop their own vision and passion through deep relationship with the one true God. I come back around to the conversation on the bus. Yes, indeed. Second Friends Preschool has a Church. A Church that values them, prays for them, volunteers when needed, and is just plain proud of them. What more can I say? Ellen Gregory Thank God for the impact 2nd Friends Preschool has had on countless children and families over the years.
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Thursday, October 9 Thailand, Coffee and Catalyst Matthew 22:37: Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” There are some things that just transcend the many differences that separate us in this world: COFFEE is one of those things. Our language, ethnicity, culture, geography, and religion all seem to conspire to move us into our own little compartments of life where we feel comfortable and safe and with people who are like us. But get a few folks, no matter where they come from around a table with a cup of Joe, and conversation begins as you share the warm goodness and joy of that black brewed gold. I cannot help but think of coffee every time I think of Thailand. We visited many a coffee shop throughout our mission trip in June. Our leader at the Upland Holistic Development Project (UHDP) Tui, knew where all the great coffee places were. In those coffee houses I was so profoundly reminded how similar we are as a human race. We all long for community and fellowship around the table. Starbucks has a special Thai blend of coffee that is named “Muan Jai” and this means “wholehearted happiness.” In all the places we ministered in Thailand and were ministered to, we were met with the wholehearted happiness of the Thai people. Thailand is after all, known as the land of smiles. Our journey to Thailand was amazing, inspiring, convicting, and challenging (all in a good way!). From our experience, we are centering in on living life wholeheartedly and looking expectantly to sharing a cup of Joe with new friends here in Liberty and beyond! Thank you 2BC family for your gifts to the Catalyst initiative! Bryan and Sabra Boyd What transcends the differences between you and others: coffee, a soccer ball, a bicycle? Ask God to show you a way you can cross boundaries to be Christ’s presence in the world.
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Friday, October 10 Praise the Lord with the Organ Psalm 150:4b: “Praise God with stringed instruments and organs.” The pipe organ at Second Baptist was originally built and installed by the Wicks Organ Company of Highland, Illinois, in 1928 at a cost of $12,000. The previous sanctuary also contained a small pipe organ which was destroyed in the fire that took the sanctuary as well. Once installed, the organ had 5 divisions: Swell, Great, Choir, Pedal and Echo playable on a horseshoe shaped console with 3 keyboards and pedal. The church has used good stewardship in maintaining this initial investment throughout the last 86 years. The original specifications followed the English tradition. In 1969, four ranks were added – a 2’flute and a three rank mixture – giving more brilliance to the sound. In 1980 a generous bequest allowed the addition of 11 ranks which offered more opportunity for different colors and provided a new “state of the art” console. In 1993, the George Hoech family provided for the addition of the trumpet en chamade, mounted on the Echo organ, along with a later major renovation with additional ranks. The organ is now equipped with MIDI, transposer, master stop processor, piston sequencer, and additional pistons. With the recent Catalyst initiative, we have been able to correct the issues related to the 1980 work. For about five years, we were unable to use five or six ranks (a rank is a set of pipes, one per key, of the same tone color) of the most colorful sounds. In recent weeks, my husband has commented on how much he is enjoying the additional colors of the instrument. Lately, I had the opportunity to play the organ in another local church. Although the instrument is in good condition, it is much smaller and is not as flexible and easy to use as the one at Second Baptist. Having played the other pipe organs in Liberty, we are blessed to have an instrument that has a range of sounds useful in worship. As with anything, human or mechanical that is 86 years old, some things wear out and need replacing. At the time of construction, the Wicks Company was in a good period of work. Our instrument is tuned twice a year at a cost of $800 each tuning. Over the next four years, in addition to tuning, we should spend about $2000 a year for replacing parts that are wearing out. The pipe organ is not the only instrument appropriate for worship and we are blessed to have many pianists and other instrumentalists who generously offer their talents in worship. The pipe organ, with its many colorful sounds does provide good support for congregational singing as well as choral accompaniments and a variety of service music – some based on hymns, and some from the classic organ repertoire. Ann Posey
As you worship through Preludes, Offertories, and Postludes, and singing hymns accompanied by the organ, thank God that through the first Catalyst we were able to do significant repair work to the organ. Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Saturday, October 11 Being the Presence of Christ Leviticus 19:33-34: When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as you are native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God. Five years ago, several members of our church spent a weekend learning how to teach English to foreign adults and received teacher training certificates for 14 hours of training in English as a Second Language. Shortly after that, we officially began an ESL program at Second Baptist Church for anyone interested in learning English. Mostly, we have had friends from Mexico as students. However, we currently have friends from El Salvador and Guatemala. In the past, I’ve also taught women from Morocco, Frenchspeaking Canada, Peru, and Korea. What a wonderful experience this has been for me! The program began with nine men who worked at the Mexican restaurant on the Square. There has been much growth in their conversational English. One friend, Leonardo, was able to promote from dishwasher in the back to server with the customers because his English improved so much! Over the years, we have enjoyed a variety of meaningful experiences with these new friends. Babies have been born, employment opportunities opened up. Some have returned to their homeland. One of my favorite activities has been working with mothers of little ones who want to read books to their kiddos in English. We practice reading in class, then the mom takes the book home and reads it to her child several times before returning that book for another. I’ve been very proud of their hard work! Soon I will be sharing a new memory, this one with my Guatemalan friend, Lilian. Together, we studied hard on the 100 questions she needed to answer for her citizenship test and she has recently passed and completed her oral interview. This month, Lilian will go for her citizenship ceremony and she has invited me to come along. I can’t imagine the joy I will feel as she becomes a US citizen. Lilian and her family love the Lord and continue to give thanks for this opportunity. Thanks to you, Second Baptist congregation, we are privileged to be the presence of Christ to friends from all around the world. “Treat them as well as you treat citizens and love them as much as you love yourself.” Gwen Phillips The world has come to us! How can you respond to the needs of those knocking on our door? Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Sunday, October 12 They Comforted Us Matthew 25:35: I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me. During the summer of 2013, we journeyed to Ottawa, Canada, to work in two refugee ministries. Until then, most of our understanding of refugees had been gained from watching the nightly news. During our days at Matthew House, we prepared meals, cleaned, held babies, visited with residents, and sorted welcome kits. At the Furniture Bank, we moved furniture and helped clients select items for their new homes. These duties were rewarding because we knew we were helping others. But the most rewarding part of our trip was the interaction we had with the refugees and staff. We met refugees from Bulgaria, the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Afghanistan. We learned that we can make friends and have fun even if we can’t speak someone else’s language. Refugees make many sacrifices as they leave their home country. Roda, one of our friends from the Congo, had been forced to flee, leaving her four year old daughter with friends she hardly knew. She now sends money back to take care of her. Another friend, Cristobel, has begun a new life in Canada, but sorely misses the influence of her mother as she is raising a beautiful boy named Michael. David, who manages the Matthew House and has recently become a Canadian citizen, celebrates his new status and the ability it offers – he’ll be able to travel to see his mother and siblings for the first time in nearly 20 years. All of his family have now fled Zimbabwe in fear of the dictator Mugabe. Paradis, now a college student, arrived in Ottawa as a nine year old from Iran. She spent almost the first year of her life in Canada sleeping on the floor of her family’s apartment because they had no beds. Now she interns at Furniture Bank, insuring that other refugees have such necessities. Through it all, what struck us most were the determination and positive spirit that the refugees shared. They ate with us, laughed with us, carried us on their backs, and played soccer with us. They prayed with us, in English and once in French – perhaps one of the more moving moments in our visit. They could have appeared anxious and fearful; instead they were trusting and joyful, comforting us with their spirit. These friends became living examples that God’s grace is sufficient for all of our needs. We are grateful that the SEND initiative of Second Baptist made this trip possible for us. Carolyn and Davis Fulk As we continue to participate in Catalyst, may we do so with generous hearts from a deep trust and confidence that God’s abundance is sufficient for all that is before us. We pray that our lives are freed from anxiousness, and we continue to dwell in the joy of extravagant generosity.
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Monday, October 13 Stephen Ministry Galatians 6:2: Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Second Baptist started our Stephen Ministry program in 2004. Our church leadership carefully planned and budgeted for our congregation’s commitment and involvement. This program has been blessed over the years by good, solid financial support. In our first year, eight people attended the Leadership Training Conference and learned how to implement this life-changing ministry at our church. Upon their return, 10 people joined the first training class to become Stephen Ministers. Since that time, we’ve trained 17 more people. In addition to monetary support, you’ve affirmed us by commissioning Stephen Ministers and Stephen Leaders. You support our Service of Hope each year by bringing your friends and family. Most importantly, you serve as our eyes and ears and refer hurting people to receive Stephen Ministry care. Catalyst money is divided into three major areas: Our world, the greater Kansas City area, and the 2BC faith community. Our Stephen Ministry program has cared for 2BC members as well as for people beyond our faith community. We provide one-on-one distinctively Christian care to anyone going through a difficult season in their life. With 27 trained Stephen Ministers, we have touched dozens and dozens of people and made their journey less difficult. Tears of sadness often become tears of gladness. I wish I could tell you stories about some of these relationships, but, as you know, we’re a confidential group. Our ministry is successful primarily because of its confidentiality. But that doesn’t stop me from extending a deep and heartfelt THANK YOU for supporting Stephen Ministry. It is your ministry, and your Catalyst contributions make such a difference to a great many people. Thank you, 2BC, for your generosity. Carol Kingery Thank God, that through Catalyst, laypeople are highly trained, and use their training and compassion to meet the needs of hurting people.
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Tuesday, October 14 Who Does it Belong To? Luke 12:48: From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. Let’s face it: this is an affluent church. We have a membership that, compared to many, has money. Despite what we know Jesus said about the rich man and the eye of a needle, we don’t feel guilty about having money, and we shouldn’t, if we have acquired it honorably, and we do with it as God has instructed. But, another saying, “From those to whom much is given, much is expected,” does apply. A pastor from another church once presented it this way: At the end of the week, you have a bowl of fruit, let’s say 10 apples. If you acknowledge that God made it possible for you to amass this bounty of 10 apples, you must also acknowledge that God is asking in return for 1 apple, and that you give it to Him with joy and appreciation. And God’s should be the best and first apple, not the small one with the wormhole. But what if we gave back 2 apples, or 3, or more? So, “Will a man rob God?” Participating in Catalyst is a challenge to our congregation to sharpen our focus for returning to God what was already His. It is an invitation to participate in joyful, appreciative excess, to be enthusiastic givers of our financial resources, but also to hold our leadership responsible for using our gifts to enrich the lives of others, not just to fill our own storehouses. We are thankful for the ways we have seen congregational participation in this effort conducted with loving hearts, and look forward to seeing the gathered resources used more and more beyond our walls and less and less within them. Roger and Anna Driskill Is God encouraging you to give back more? What would it take for you to become a 2 apple giver, or a 3 apple giver?
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Wednesday, October 15 The Many Reasons of Missions Matthew 28: 19–20: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. One thing I’ve learned from having been on several mission trips is that people take these trips for many reasons; to reach the world, to see the world, to make a difference, and/or to be a part of something bigger than themselves. One thing I can guarantee, though, is that the person on the mission trip receives much more than the recipients of the mission groups’ good deeds. This was especially true on my most recent trip to work with the Roma of Slovakia. Mission trips continue to overwhelm me. The needs are always so great and I feel so small. I was petrified by the fact that the women I was to work with and I did not speak the same language! I discovered that it’s times like these when God wants us to rely on Him. I never completely overcame the feeling of being overwhelmed, but it lessened significantly when in walked a translator extraordinaire, in the form of Diane McNary, one of our missionary hosts! There have been numerous people who have come in and out of my life at Second Baptist Church-Liberty throughout the years. They have been the salt and the light to help me walk down the path I am currently on. I prayed that I would have a similar impact on someone that God would place in my path to show God’s love, grace and truth. And if He did, I would pour myself into that person and continue to pray for them the way so many have prayed for me. I believe it was divine intervention when the topic of a mission trip to Slovakia came up during a regular Wednesday night fellowship dinner there. I was sitting at a table with a good friend who was compiling a team to work with the Roma of Slovakia. My ears perked up and the rest, as they say, is history. I am so thankful for the opportunity that the Send Initiative @ 2BC helped to make possible. I rejoice that I was called to serve and I hope some of whom I share my experience with will catch the ember that is on fire in me and will enable it to continue to flame! Roxann Brenton How can you be salt and light to a bland and dark world? Open yourself to the possibility of serving others in Liberty, the Kansas City area, and the world.
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Thursday, October 16 Heaven is Like This! Matthew 19:14: Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Teaching 4 and 5 year olds in Sunday school is a joyful and fulfilling experience. Each Sunday morning these precious children bring enthusiasm, curiosity, boundless energy and an eagerness to learn about God. Because of the generous support of the Catalyst Fund our task of teaching has been enriched by the provision of an outstanding Bible based curriculum that includes colorful posters for each unit’s memory verse, an engaging wall mural with weekly add-ons that challenges the children to remember each Bible story for the 13 week quarter, and age appropriate hands-on activities that aid their remembering and applying the lesson. The Bible story is in booklet form that is sent home each week. The Catalyst Fund has provided a resource room stocked with an amazing supply of materials such as glue sticks, construction paper, craft sticks, yarn, markers, crayons and much more. Knowing all these materials are available to use with the children has made it possible for us to focus on lesson preparation. Feedback from our students’ parents has affirmed that their children are growing in Bible knowledge, in understanding of how to have Jesus in their lives, and in living out each day, the principles Jesus taught. Finally, having Gwen Phillips to provide leadership, co-ordination and encouragement to the children’s program has been a blessing to the teachers, the children, their parents and our whole faith community. Charlie & Loretta Hughes Teaching our children about God is a wonderful yet challenging opportunity. If you have those gifts, consider volunteering with our children’s or student ministries
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Friday, October 17 I Love It! (And So Should You!) Ezra 5:11: We are the servants of the God of heaven and earth, and we are rebuilding the temple that was built many years ago. I like to tell people that when you have a building the age and condition of the building that houses Second Baptist Church, you don’t “Maintain it,” you “Love it.” And when I say “Love it,” what I mean by that is, what we do goes far beyond normal maintenance. We are the caretakers and this is the house of the Lord. This building does not belong to you or me, it belongs to God. That sets the priority! Construction began on the main part of our building in 1922. It is fast approaching its century birthday and those who have gone before us have done a tremendous job caring for our building. It is our job to make sure that this facility is passed along to future generations, not in the same condition as it was passed to us, but in better condition. Now it’s our turn to care for it and what an honor it is. People come into our building for different reasons. First and foremost to Worship. That is what it is all about. But our church building serves other uses, as well. Young families come for Second Friends Preschool and MOPS. Many attend Sunday School and Wednesday evening activities. The Liberty community uses our building to cast ballots in elections and you might even see the Sons of the American Revolution meeting here. The Catalyst approach to our budget brings a new comfort level to knowing we have the resources to make all of this happen. Whether it is a simple door handle that needs repair or something major as rehabbing the Porte Cochère, your Catalyst dollars make all the difference. I “Love it.” Larry Gregory Our building provides spaces for worship, Bible Study, Fellowship, Missions, Education, and Care. And it has been for years. Do you hear the voices of those that have gone before us?
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Saturday, October 18 They Are Not So Much Different Psalm 100:3: Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are all his people, the sheep of his pasture. The language was foreign. The food was different. The living conditions were primitive. And the heat was oppressive. But the people! The people were really not very different from you and me. With the support of Catalyst’s SEND Initiative, our family traveled to Thailand with others from Second Baptist Church. We worked at the Upland Holistic Development Project, an agroforestry ministry assisting Hill Tribe people fleeing from Myanmar. We dug holes, planted trees, painted a room, and built a roof for a well. And my teenage sons each brought home a prized possession—a handmade machete bought from a man who likely used it himself earlier in the day. As you might expect, we encountered many bewildering things. Not only was the language perplexing, the alphabet itself was indecipherable. The food was new and exotic. Especially the durian, a sweet fruit with a stench so powerful, it is banned in most restaurants and hotels. Many of the Hill Tribe people we met dressed in traditional garb, very different from Western attire. Their skin was dark; their statures' small. At first glance, they appeared very different. But as we got to know them over hard work and good meals, we quickly learned that their desires, hopes, and dreams are quite similar to ours. They want safety for their families. They want a safe food and water supply. They want good neighbors. They want to live happy, long lives in a place they can call home. And, whether expressed or not, they yearn for a relationship with the Almighty God who created and sustains all of us. The world is a big place, much bigger than the relatively comfortable confines of suburban Kansas City. Language, cuisines, living conditions, customs, traditions, and even religions vary from place to place. But God created all of us in His own image to be His people. Our core similarities overcome our external differences. For Psalmist sings truly, "Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are all his people, the sheep of his pasture." (Psalm 100:3) Eric Zahnd God, help me see that all people are your people. All are in need of a Savior Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Sunday, October 19 Experiencing Faith Hebrews 11:1: Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. As an experiential learner, I love to see things with my eyes, walk the streets with my feet and feel the love for people with my heart. I also want this for my children. So, it made perfect sense for us to travel to South Dakota to learn about the Lakota people and experience this new culture and people as a family. I can talk to my kids all day about the beauty and gift of serving alongside others, but until they begin to experience that for themselves, it is simply someone else’s story to them. Going to SD together gave my sons the chance to begin writing their own chapter in what I hope will be a lifelong novel about what it is to show the love of Christ to others. I often pray that God will use me as the hands and feet of Jesus. It was a new thing to pray this for my children. Watching Jackson work alongside Blane Baker was something I will never forget. Blane was working with the group to move a mountain of dirt. They had shovels and large buckets. Seeing Jackson wanted to participate, Blane found him a spade and a coffee can so he could join in. Jackson worked hard to fill his coffee can and help move that mountain of dirt. While working together, Blane became Jackson’s new friend and role model. In the evenings, Byron and Toni Buffalo ate with us. After dinner one night, Byron got out his flute and began playing. The music was mesmerizing, but no one loved it more than Luke. He was enchanted and every time Byron stopped playing, Luke asked for more. Seeing the way my one year old son connected to this Native American man was a gift. Children have a special way of moving beyond cultural boundaries. Going to South Dakota as a family was a rich experience for us and without the generosity of so many who have given to Catalyst, it would have been a financial burden. I’m grateful to be part of such a giving community of faith. Christy Edwards Ask God to use you as the hands and feet of Jesus: in Liberty, in the Kansas City Metro Area, and around the world.
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Monday, October 20 With Kindness and Clarity Acts 16:9: During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” On the oldest maps it is called “Disputed Territory” but today it is marked as North East India connected to the rest of India by a tiny strip of land barely 25 miles wide. A unique feature of the “disputed territory” is the strength of over 7000 Baptist churches located in these seven states approximately the size of Kansas and Missouri combined. The first Christian missionaries arrived in Arunachal Pradesh in 1965 and today 26% of the population has embraced the good news of Jesus. Mizoram has the highest literacy rate in India and is 85% Christian. The residents of Nagaland embraced their first missionary in 1872 and now over 91% of the population is Baptist. This strategic Christian community is bordered on all sides by four major worldviews and has daily interaction with Communist China on the north, Buddhist Burma to the East, Muslim Bangladesh to the south and Hindu India on the west. Much like the early Christians in the Acts of the Apostles, these followers of Jesus speak with kindness and clarity to worldviews we seldom encounter in Clay County. And now these brothers and sisters feel led to start a Christian liberal arts university. Second Baptist Church had a part in this nascent cause by supporting Steve Smith and me last April to visit this “disputed territory” and advise concerning the birth of North East Christian University. One sleepless night Paul envisioned a Macedonian saying, “Come over and help us,” and he took the gospel to Europe thus impacting the way people in Clay County see the world. North East India has now made that same request, “Come over and help us,” and 2BC responded through the Send Initiative. Only history will tell if the “disputed territory” becomes the epicenter of peaceful, international religious interchange through North East Christian University. Jerry Cain Who is calling to you, “Come over and help us?” Ask God to open your ears and your eyes to the call.
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Tuesday, October 21 Why Should I Bring My Tithe Into the Storehouse? Malachi 3:10: “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” There are so many ways to spend my money these days. There are many opportunities for entertainment, or if I really feel philanthropic I can find lots of non-profit organizations that are doing great work. However, while I enjoy concerts, and I have my favorite organizations that help the poor in our community and make the community better, I support them with the funds I have available AFTER I bring my tithe into the storehouse of the Lord. While I work hard for the salary I receive, I only have that job because God made it available to me. I only have the education I need to be able to do the job I do because God prepared the way for me. With this in mind it only seems appropriate that I also return to the Lord at least a tenth of what He has given to me. I don’t believe that by giving back to the Lord, I will not face challenges in my life. I don’t believe that you can buy salvation. I don’t believe that by giving to the Lord it makes me any better than anyone else. I do believe that it is what God wants, what God teaches, and what is expected of a Christian. Giving must be from the heart, and it must be without a grudge, for scripture also says that the Lord loves a cheerful giver. As we enter into Catalyst 2.0, I hope you will give to your fullest capability and thank the Lord for the opportunity. Larry Jones
We are an affluent people. Ask yourself if you are maximizing the resources God has gifted you with in order to further God’s kingdom.
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Wednesday, October 22 Positive Sacrifice Romans 12:1: Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Life’s opportunities for sacrifice are presented in different ways and are usually out of our control. Our employer needs a worker for an extra event. A friend cancels an outing and needs someone to just listen. A family member asks for financial assistance. Large and small, sacrifices are a frequent and necessary part of our existence. Our reaction is also perceived as out of our control but we frequently approach sacrifice with a negative attitude. After all, sacrifice has a negative connotation and by definition means that we are giving up something. We are somehow instinctively designed to not like giving up anything. But can we learn more about sacrifice? Can sacrifice be more than a burden? We struggled to meet our Catalyst goal and actually fell short, but in making the extra financial sacrifice, we reaffirmed our belief in God’s promise to pour out blessings without measure. We have been provided with all that we need and much more. Our involvement in the Music Ministry at Second Baptist has been enriched by Catalyst giving in the forms of great music to teach and perform. And even though we could not go on a mission trip, our giving to the Send Initiative has allowed us ownership in helping to send others. But beyond all this, we have become more positive about how we approach life’s sacrifices. God has a plan for us. The opportunities His hand presents can be a joy and an opportunity to do His work. Sacrifice, in all its different forms, is an ancient and sacred instrument for focusing on our eternal Father. Don and Lisa Long How can you change your mindset from “sacrifice is a burden” to “sacrifice is a privilege?”
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Thursday, October 23 Presence Matthew 28:20b: And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. In June 2014 ten of us from Second Baptist Church traveled to northern Thailand to participate in several projects among hill-tribe people near the border between Thailand and Myanmar. Our partner on these projects was Upland Holistic Development Project UHDP, founded by CBF and dedicated to promoting sustainable agriculture and serving as advocates for human rights. In addition to working on various projects in this hill-tribe region, we experienced opportunities for spiritual renewal and reflection. Several factors, I believe, contributed to our focus on relationship with God. As part of daily devotions, we participated in daily readings together twice a day and also prayed individually during the day. As we reflected as a group, we felt that God was here before us and presently with us. While not a new discovery, the presence of God permeating our world is truly one of the mysteries of our faith. This reality both comforts us and challenges us to be aware of God’s presence. Another way that we focused more on God’s presence was through our interactions with local people. Even though we often did not speak the same human language, we shared bonds of commitment to sustainability in our world and advocacy for all people. We could see God’s hand at work through the development of an 80% edible forest from land that was once barren; we also saw how once-displaced villagers were finding paths to citizenship. Through these experiences we are reminded of God’s constant presence. We cannot be separated from God’s love or comforting, supporting presence. Where we go God has already been and continues to be. With support from Catalyst and our SEND Initiative, many of us have experienced God’s presence through missions. I am grateful for these experiences and pray that we will continue these efforts throughout the world. Blane Baker You don’t have to ask God to be with you; realize that God is present with you right now and always. Jesus promised it.
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Friday, October 24 A Space in a Place for Face-to-Face! Exodus 25:8: Then have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them. A change in about 5% of our church building has, I think, resulted in about 95% of the change in our church personality. The Welcome Center is playing a big part in how we connect with one another. Remember how it used to be? Three of the one-time four church entrances opened into a hallway or small landing with steps. The front entrance still uses steps to get us into a small narrow foyer, bounded on two sides by steps leading up and down. That foyer leads into the Sanctuary, whose name and ambiance invite holy meditation more than relaxed or exuberant meet-and-greet. Even the newest entrance leads into a larger lobby area, to be sure, but that area is busy with parents and children—and from there you go right back into a hallway. The hallways encouraged us to move on to our destinations—Sunday School classes, meeting rooms—places where we met our small groups separate from the rest of the church body. The larger spaces—Social Room and Assembly Room—are still more like destinations than pass-throughs, and are often filled with small groups already in session. So we spoke our “hellos” hurriedly in the halls and moved on. Now the Welcome Center is filled with happy sound—laughter and conversation among people of different age groups. It’s a space where you can gather until all the group has arrived for a meeting. It’s a space where you can catch up on all the news of the entire church body, with the written materials, the video, and, of course, the people. Hospitality, community, fellowship—these are holy values. And the Welcome Center is one of the encouragers of those values. A space in a place for face-to-face! Becky Dempsey As we celebrate paying off our Renovation Debt this month, thank God for wonderful transformations that have occurred in our church because of the Welcome Center and other updates in the building.
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Saturday, October 25 What if To What Is Acts 2:44: All the believers were together and had everything in common. Changing “what if” to “what is” may merely be the change of one letter, but it can also be the difference between justice and injustice; between health and happiness and misery and disappointment; between dreams deferred or denied, and dreams realized . . . between death on a cross, and resurrection. One year ago, I and others meeting in the most diverse square mile in the United States, where more than 60 languages are spoken, began to ask “what if?” We began to wonder, to explore the possibility for refugees and others marginalized by economic and political persecution. We visioned together, dreamed together, and decided together, the future of this community and the use of the community’s resources—decisions too often made by socalled experts, by politicians, bureaucrats, and outsiders. We asked, “what if the community invested resources in a common fund for community transformation? What if every resident could join in a process to decide the use of those community funds? What if the process was one of consensus, not competition, of dialogue and deliberation, not advocacy and argumentation?” With those questions in mind, an experiment in direct democracy—the community trust—was born. On a night in August, nearly one hundred individuals speaking ten different languages and representing a variety of ethnic groups and nationalities met in small groups of eight to ten in the hallways, commons, and classrooms of a local school to share visions of a safe community, an educated community, a housed community, an employed community, a connected community, and a playful community. They spoke in Somali, French, Farsi, Arabic, Nepali, and English, to name a few of the languages. They discussed potential areas of community focus—areas needing resources and attention based on their shared visions of community; and they decided—together. When results were announced . . . participants in the room smiled, laughed, clapped, and cheered on that August night . . . Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu; Somali, Bhutanese, Burmese, Congolese, African-American, Afghani, Ethiopian, and others. What if? Chris Thompson Catalyst 2.0 will offer the opportunity for our community to discover the greatest needs in the Kansas City area. Begin thinking now what those needs are and how best to respond. And be willing to participate in the process.
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Sunday, October 26 Be Intentional 1 Timothy 4:12: Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. Brent's backyard was the place. Horseshoes was the game. The sun was low; the air was cool, and the sky soft pastels. Mosquitos zipped away from slapping hands and horseshoes alternated between thudding in the grass (mine) or clanging around the pole (Brent's). There was laughter and conversation and fun. It was nothing short of beautiful. It was nothing short of community. We were in Bridger, South Dakota, a place I have been many times. In the last couple of years, with the SEND initiative, I have been able to travel with many students and friends who had not been before. It is a very unique, and somewhat precious, experience to share a place that has been so formational to me and remains so near and dear to my heart. It has been of particular interest to me to see the student ministry of Second develop such an intentionality in being an active part of the partnership between 2bc and Bridger. Watching the faces of the students light up when they meet the children of Bridger, or when I see them invest the better part of an afternoon listening to the stories of the community adults, or when they get down and dirty in the various projects, my heart is glad. These are things that I know make a community. These are things that I know speak of Christ and show him to the world. I am so thankful that SEND allows students the chance to experience new places and to see expressions of God's grace and love in other parts of the world. Abby Bland Is God calling you to go to a new place? Thoughtfully consider how you can be a part of the SEND Initiative, either by going or by giving.
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Monday, October 27 Welcomeness Psalm 122:1: I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD.” Do you remember the first time you stepped through the doors at Second? Were you nervous, excited, or moved? What did you experience? Did people introduce themselves, invite you to a Bible Study class, or show you to the sanctuary? Why did you come back? Was it because you felt accepted and knew you could grow your relationship with Christ at Second? The answers to these questions determined if you returned to Second and still determine if visitors return to Second. How our church community welcomes visitors is a critical component of hospitality. Hospitality involves all of us, not just the greeters and the ministerial staff. Jesus said in Matthew 25:35 “…I was a stranger and you invited me in.” I truly hope that after a visitor attends an event at Second they do not feel like a stranger but feel invited in to our community of faith. Over the next several months, Second will be working to improve our already-strong hospitality plan and we will need everyone’s help. Visiting Second was a life-changing event for my family and me. It is my desire to help continue and even strengthen the impressive culture of “welcomeness” that I experienced when my family first visited 2BC on Sunday, April 14, 2013. I want to thank those of you who interacted with our family on our first visit to Second. We were greeted with a smile as we entered the Welcome Center, escorted to and introduced to Maria Rucker and Gwen Phillips in the nursery, taken to Steve Guinn’s Sunday School class where we were greeted warmly, and finally taken to the sanctuary where at least three couples approached us and welcomed us. After the service, we picked up Hannah and Lauren from childcare, where we met Marilyn Buhlig and other caring, helpful teachers. Becky Gossett later arrived at our house to thank us for attending and dropped off bread for us to enjoy. As we closed the door of our home after briefly visiting with Becky, we knew we had found our church home. Though you might not remember talking with me that day, thank you for your hospitality; you changed four lives for the better as you helped start the Mees family on our journey to Believe. Belong. Become. . . . at Second. Greg Mees How can you become a welcoming presence to stranger (and future friend) that walks through doors of Second Baptist Church?
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Tuesday, October 28 Be an Example Deuteronomy 6:6–9: These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. It was a Saturday ritual among many Saturday rituals. After the yard was mowed, the garden tended to, the cars washed and waxed, and showers taken, we sat down to dinner (which was usually one of two favorite meals). After the dishes were cleaned and put away and after we watched “Hee Haw,” my dad would always read through his Sunday school lesson for the next day, then he would write the tithe check to the church. On occasion he would explain to my sister and me that our family’s offering to the church was just one of many ways to express our love and obedience for God. He would also explain that our tithe would support the ministries and programs of the church, provide salaries to the ministers and staff, and support the work of missionaries all over the world. And my parents would always make sure that my sister and I had something to put in the offering plate as well. It was the perfect illustration that made an impression for a lifetime. Fortunately Anne’s parents also taught that lesson to her family. We had both, individually decided that tithing would be a spiritual discipline. So when we established our home, tithing our joint income was a no brainer. It was something we did and continue to do. Before the house payment is made, before the electric bills are paid, before the car insurance is paid, we tithe. We’ve also tried to be good examples to our daughters, just like our parents were to us. When they were young it was a quarter in their offering envelope. As they got older and they received an allowance we taught them that the first part went to God, the second to their savings, and the third was theirs to spend. As they have gotten jobs we have tried to impress upon them the importance of continuing that habit. We are grateful for Godly parents who demonstrated good habits. We hope that we have done the same. Allan Aunspaugh If you still have children at home, talk to them frequently about giving to God. Show them how you give and instill in them the same desire.
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Wednesday, October 29 Why Missions?
I have wrestled with the words to describe why and how at Second Baptist church we accept missions as such a priority. While a final description is still in the works, I have at least come to a beginning place. When asked why Second Baptist Church engages in missions I hope at least part of the response is that each person is encouraged to find the one or two things that speak deeply to an individual and move that person to invest in the Dream of God for all people. When asked how Second Baptist engages in missions I hope at least part of the response is that if you look at the people and situations we engage with as a faith community the common thread is people who are marginalized or vulnerable. While we would all agree that any person should be able to hear and respond to the best news of Gods reconciling work in Jesus on humanity’s behalf, I am also convinced that collectively we are willing to walk with anyone who has experienced injustice or loss of dignity because of systems, society, or other people. I believe we are willing to invest our lives where we find people who are hurting the most. In Biblical days lepers, orphans and widows were considered marginalized or vulnerable people. Isaiah 1:17 says, “Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow." What would we add today to this verse? As we enter Catalyst 2.0 for 2015-2016, maybe you have discovered a desire to advocate for those with no advocate, noticed a group of people whose plight seems overwhelming, found a cause you must speak to or sensed an injustice you would like to see changed. Maybe you haven’t found that “thing” you are passionate for. In either case, if you have determined now is the time to be involved for the dream of God to move forward, at Second Baptist we want to encourage you and help you move into that mission which God is prompting. We have concluded the SEND Initiative and the master list says we have had 203 individuals engage in missions in a new location or with a new opportunity. Our goal was 200 people. So while we celebrate reaching our goal, we celebrate even more the stories of what has shaped us. Many have either examined missions in a fresh way, for the first time, or engaged with people where a passion for their plight has grown. People have allowed transformation to happen in their lives. Mike Lassiter
Because the world is changing at the speed of life, continue to consider how God is stirring us to be in the world alongside another person and not just view a person who needs to be preached at.
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Thursday, October 30 Growing in Christ Ephesians 4:11–13: So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Life in Christ is truly a journey. It’s just that it’s usually true for everyone but me! It is tempting to believe that I have arrived, or am simply refining the imperfections. In Ephesians four Paul encourages the church (then and now) to “grow in every way …” This isn’t surprising language from scripture. We are accustomed to this type of instruction and encouragement. However, as we look more at chapter four, we quickly realize our rugged American individualism may be in jeopardy. As the church we are called to unity (4:3), and to the use of our individual gifting (4:11). Not a problem. I can do my job and play nice with others. But let’s read again … “Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from who the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.” Ephesians 4:15-16 ESV (Emphasis added) We are to mature in all areas of the Christian life. But, the Holy Spirit does not gift us in every area of the Christian life. Uh oh. To obey and follow Jesus I need other people? That’s the design? Yes, the entire body. Thank you, Jesus I’m not doing this on my own … especially when I think I can. I have a dream. I am praying for the day when every member of this body will know that they have a valued role based on the ability to name their spiritual gifts and experience fulfillment and joy as they serve, encourage each other and become more Christcentered. Charlene Armitage Ask God to help you learn more about your gifts and how to use them for God’s kingdom. Pray for the opportunity to more fully use them with people you come into contact with. Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Friday, October 31 When We Look Back, We See God’s Work Romans 10:14: How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? Becky and I were on vacation in Chicago, summer 2009, and wanted to tap into worship at 2BC on Sunday morning. We managed to locate our radio broadcast on the Internet and listened in. "Wouldn't it be nice if we could see and hear the service also?" "What about the camera mounted on the balcony for providing video to the Welcome Center?" In the ensuing months, I began to work with Allan on understanding the camera. 2BC had a laptop and we captured video of the worship using a simple interface. From there we moved forward. In 2010, we experimented with capturing Standard Definition to a laptop, developed a media website, and enlisted 5–10 camera operators. In 2011, we provided DVDs of services to 2BC members and positioned 2BC for ondemand video. In 2012, we replaced the laptop with a hardware server, ran a connection to the Internet so that anyone could view delayed worship services, and positioned 2BC for live video streaming. In 2013, we installed commercial media server software and began to live stream 2BC services. In 2014, we expanded live streaming through Amazon web services to allow more viewers and installed four new cameras and video equipment to provide multi-camera feeds to the Welcome Center and the internet in high definition. Thanks to Catalyst and the hard work of many volunteers we continue to reach others with the Good News, and look forward to enhancing the media ministry among us. In our lives, little steps move us to greater places in our walk with the Lord. Along the way, let us be faithful; bathe our lives in gratitude; and find ways to love others along the journey. Then as we look back, we will see God at work, and rejoice! Ron Whited Ask God to share with you new opportunities to share the Gospel with others.
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Saturday, November 1 We Dreamed a Dream! 1 Corinthians 12:4–6: There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. When the Catalyst initiative started, Tyler Tankersley was the Youth Pastor at Second Baptist. He was invited to “dream big” about what more funding could provide for the student ministry. Tyler reached out to volunteers and students to dream with him. We dreamed up a budget that would allow for meaningful summer trips, service opportunities, parties, informed speakers, and more. A budget that would allow our student ministry to go from something that simply served our inner core of students to a ministry that reached out to the local and global community. Our student ministry is blessed to have people contributing in a number of ways. We have great parents who volunteer to be present, provide meals, transportation, and support in a variety of ways. We have a congregation that values our students, empowering them to be leaders in our church. Our volunteers attend weekly events, overnight excursions, and week long trips. And our students are always willing to serve, to be present at events, and to contribute to whatever is happening in the student ministry. The funds that Catalyst provides, along with all of the nonmonetary contributions listed above, allows our student ministry to grow more into the ministry that we dreamed about two years ago with Tyler. I, for one, am excited to see the student ministry that exists two years from now thanks to the generosity of everyone at Second Baptist. I know it will be a student ministry that has purpose and vision and continuing dreams for their contribution to God’s work in Liberty, Missouri, and the world. Ashton Wells Contributions are not always monetary. Beyond your financial contribution, what else could you give? Talents . . . time . . . ?
Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Sunday, November 2 Today is the first day of a new season at Second Baptist Church. Today is “First Fruits” Sunday. Today is the beginning of Catalyst 2.0. Today I am eager. I am eager because I know that God has some exciting things in store for our congregation over the next 24 months. As we continue to grow in our ministry of hospitality I know our ability to welcome new people into meaningful, Christ-centered community will only become more robust. As every one of us becomes more equipped and motivated to serve in ways God has designed us, I know that we will continue to embrace our longing to live out a whole-life faith. As we dream together through our Collective Action Initiative, I know God is going to stir something tangible in us that will continue to help us pursue our desire to bring glory to God as a transforming, missional presence around our world. And I am also grateful. I am grateful for the generosity that has brought us this far. So many of you have chosen to allow God’s generosity to flow through you over the past 24 months. You have given of your time, your talents, and your resources in ways that have enhanced our church’s ability to pursue the dream of God together. I am grateful for the mark you continue to allow God to make upon you, our city, our region and our world through the spiritual practice of generosity. And I am also grateful for the mark you have made upon me. At the beginning of our Catalyst journey I was privileged to hear many of you share with me what you planned to do during Catalyst. I left those conversations inspired and challenged: So challenged, in fact, that Christy and I changed our own giving plans. You may remember me sharing this with you. Before Catalyst we tithed, we gave 10% of our monthly income to the church. We also gave money to the renovation fund and another organization we support on top of that. Finally we planned an additional monthly giving amount for Catalyst. We felt good about our plans, but after being inspired by some of you, we prayed about it and decided to double the additional amount we had planned to give for Catalyst. Now I have to tell you, giving this amount of money was not easy for us. Sometimes we weren’t sure we were going to be able to follow through. But on faith, we did. And through this process, God has been faithful to supply our needs. Somehow or another, there has been enough. And that enough has been multiplied. Sacrifice always leaves a mark. It’s transformative. Your sacrifices have left a mark on us, leading us to practice generosity in a way that has continued to mark us. And for that I am grateful. My hope and prayer is that a mark will continue to be left as we move through this next season of life and ministry together; that we will continue to feel the marks of God’s generosity on us; that we will continue to be impacted by the generosity of others in our community; that our world will continue to be marked by our generosity; and ultimately, that through all of that, we and our world will be transformed. Today is a good day for us. Let’s move forward from it with eagerness and gratitude as we seek to become catalysts for God’s dreams to come true. How have you decided to participate in the dream of God with our faith community over the next 24 months? Will you pray for the wisdom, direction, and courage to be daring and committed for Christ’s sake in the months ahead? Jason Edwards Second Baptist Church | 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 | 816.781.2824 |
Second Baptist Church 300 E. Kansas St., Liberty, MO 64068 816.781.2824 |