The 2BC Monthly | December 2016

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belong | believe | become belong | believe | become

If you are a first-time guest, please complete a guest card from a pew pocket or Friendship Register and drop it in the offering plate so that we may get acquainted with you. Also, text “Explore” to 816-355-4736. We would like to communicate with you via text and email with some brief informational messages over the next few weeks. Please see an usher if you’d like a listening aid. Each Sunday in the Welcome Center (just inside the Kansas Street entrance on Level 1), our Hospitality Team is waiting to help you get connected. This may include finding a Bible study class, showing you where children and student ministries meet, or sharing the day’s activities and schedule. You may also enjoy a cup of coffee at the Welcome Center’s coffee bar and get to know others at Second. Children’s worship bags filled with books and activities are available at the Sanctuary entrances. If you’d like an alternative for your children, childcare for birth through Pre-K is available on Level 2 at any point in the service. Our Welcome Center is also available for those with restless infants, and you can view the service on a monitor there. In addition to placing your offering in the offering plate, you can give online at or via your smartphone by scanning this QR code. We have “online giving” cards in the pew rack that you can place in the offering plate to represent your gift if you choose.

Take a moment to prepare your heart for worship… “The action of God in history is often sudden, unexpected, and, to our eyes, even intrusive. The will of God cannot be equated with group progress, human growth, or social development, arising naturally out of the human possibility. God’s will does not always work gently, climbing quietly like ivy up the lattice of history. Sometimes an Elijah appears, a nation repents, a Berlin Wall is dismantled, a Martin Luther King, Jr., strides across the landscape. God’s will shatters the mold, violates the categories, breaks in on the world as a jarring surprise. So the doors of Matthew’s gospel suddenly swing open, and there stands John in the wilderness of Judea, looking for all the world like Elijah of old. It’s a shock to see him. Who could have guessed it? His surprising appearance is, itself, a claim that God’s ways with the world are often strange, unforeseen, and unpredictable. Here at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, John the Baptist is a call to worship in the flesh – not a benign and cheery “Good morning,” but a real call to worship that shakes the cobwebs off the pews: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven has come near.” — M. Eugene Boring

Jason Edwards, Senior Pastor | Mike Lassiter, Assoc. Pastor, Missions & Community Care Connie McNeill, Assoc. Pastor, Administration & Discipleship | Charles Smith, Assoc. Pastor, Student Ministry Gwen Phillips, Children’s Pastor | Ann Posey, Organist David Fulk, Interim Worship Leader | Don Brown, Interim Choir Director

The Second Sunday of Advent | December 4, 2016

Gathering Music

Joni Triplett (11:00) Student Ensemble (11:00)

Invitation to Worship


Mike Lassiter

“In the Bleak Midwinter” Lydia Bunch, Harp

+Processional Hymn 79

“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”



During the processional, children in the pews are invited to join the pastor and other children at the Advent Tree for the lighting and the litany.

Lighting of the Advent Candle and Litany

Parker Mendel Jason Edwards


Because Jesus came to bring reconciliation in the world


We light this candle of Peace.


While the wolf and lamb live together, the leopard and goat sleep together, and the cow and bear graze together,


A little child shall lead them. Blessed be the Lord who does wondrous things.


Jesus is our Peace!


May our steadfast God grant that you live in harmony with one another.


May God fill us with peace in our believing so we may abound in hope.


Jesus is our Peace!

Advent Carol 82

“Light the Light, the Fire of Life”


Light the light, the fire of life, let the candle reveal his glory. Jesus Christ has come to earth and for us shall come again. (repeat at end) Light the candle of His peace, light the light of angels singing, Light the candle of His peace, light the light that shone that night. Words and Harm. Copyright © 1999 Broadman Press (Admin. By LifeWay Worship)

Choral Meditation

“Creation Will Be at Peace” Sanctuary Choir

Prayers of the People

arr. J. Paul Williams/ Anna Laura Page Harold Phillips

+Hymn 105

“Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming”

Gospel Reading

Matthew 3:1-12


Judy Boring (8:30) Donna Howell (11:00)

(Pew Bible, page, 2, New Testament)

Leader: The is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. Sermon

“A Surprising Leader”

Practicing the Presence of God +Hymn of Response 132

Jason Edwards

A time of silent prayer and reflection

“It Came upon the Midnight Clear”


The worship of the living God invites our response. Anyone wishing to profess faith in Christ and/or to unite with the church is invited to come forward and share that decision with a pastor.

+Offertory Prayer Offertory

+Presentation of Offerings

Roger Driskill (8:30) Greg Duncan (11:00) “Bring a Torch Jeanette Isabella” Lydia Bunch, Harp “Fantasia on ‘Greensleeves’” Orchestra “Receive From Us, O Lord”

Receive from us, O Lord, these gifts we return to You. Surprise us now with gifts of Peace, as You make all things new.

Peters & Bird (8:30) R. V. Williams (11:00)



Benjamin Zahnd Benjamin’s faith story is read by Eric Zahnd

+The Sending Forth 96

“I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light”



In Him there is no darkness at all; the night and the day are both alike. The Lamb is light of the city of God; shine in my heart, Lord Jesus. Copyright © 1970 Celebration


“O Come, O Come Emmanuel”

All Songs UBP CCLI #1091036 Organ: Ann Posey Sanctuary Sound: Dave Heston, Gary Pennington

Leslie Betteridge (11:00)

All Video UBP CCVI #502497070 Piano: Linda Greason (8:30) Julie Williams (11:00) Media: John Hilton, Kenny Williams

The flowers on the altar this morning are given to the Glory of God and for the second Sunday of Advent: In Honor of: Our children and grandchildren by Lyndell & Roxann Brenton Greg Greason & Eleanor Speaker by the Koinonia Class Mary Margaret Oberkrom by Martha Reppert Tom & Peggy Sneed by the Gil Head family In Memory of: Gene & Dee Chase, Cathy’s parents by Bill & Cathy Stilfield Dorothy Head by Gil Head John Henning by Ann Henning Walt Kopala by Lisa Kopala Nancy Modrcin by the Koinonia Class Our parents by Lyndell & Roxann Brenton Clyde & Winnie Stilfield, Bill’s parents by Bill & Cathy Stilfield

CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY Christian sympathy is extended to the family of Irene Couch in the death of Irene’s son Bill on Nov. 26. The funeral will be held on Thursday, Dec. 1 in Tutt Chapel. NORTH KANSAS CITY HOSPITAL Jackie Keeling, health concerns HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL Dorthy Bracewell Kyle Yohe, daughter-in-law of Kent and Karin Yohe. OTHER PRAYER CONCERNS Ramsey Bartlow, seizures and upcoming surgeries. George Byron Yohe, newborn grandson of Kent and Karin Yohe, will remain in NICU after his early birth, as he grows stronger. Jimmy Nickell, now at home. Bruce and Sammie Heavner’s granddaughter in Washington, DC. Twelve year old, rare spinal cancer . Becky Tucker, wife of Dr. Jeremy Tucker, Superintendent of Liberty Public Schools, health concerns. Beth Canuteson, wife of Greg Canuteson and daughter-in-law of John and Laura Canuteson, recovering following a stroke and heart surgery.

WORSHIP LEADERS TODAY Judy Boring has been attending Second since she was Judy Coffman, age five. She loves the people, the fellowship, and the opportunities to learn, grow, and serve. Lydia Bunch is married to Daniel and is the proud mom of Gideon. She became a member of Second in 2002. Greg Duncan has been a member of 2BC since 1990. He is a deacon and has served on a wide variety of committees. He teaches the Connections class. Greg is VP of Cates Auction & Realty Co., and is on the Liberty City Council. Linda Greason recently retired after a 36-year career in public education, Linda is now enjoying a bit of free time for hobbies such as cross stitching and gardening. She also uses part of her time supervising student teachers. However, the highlight of her retirement comes on Wednesdays when she is babysitting Tate and Hayes Greason - grandsons extraordinaire! Donna Howell is a retired high school English teacher, librarian, and part-time college instructor. Since coming to Liberty in 2006, she has cataloged books for the church library, taught English as a second language, served on the 2BC Music Committee, and sung in the Adult Choir. Parker Mendel is the son of Tricia and Tom Mendel and is a fourth grader in the Kearney School District. Harold Phillips has been a member at 2BC for 29 years. He works with CBF Heartland. He serves as a deacon and loves to play the accordion. Joni Triplett has been a member at Second since 2002. She is married to Doug Triplett. They are parents to Ryan, Jordan, Sydney, Jackson, Hayden, and Cameron. Julie Williams and her husband, Dustin, have been attending 2BC for four years. She is beginning her fifth year of teaching elementary music in Grain Valley. Julie enjoys working with the Music Makers (first and second grade choir) at Second and helping with VBS and Masterpiece Arts Camp.

DECEMBER 2016 MONTHLY A NOTE FROM PASTOR JASON “But…no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matthew 24:36) My mother worked hard that year to lower my expectations. It didn’t matter if other friends had one. It was just too expensive. I understood that, but I had also come to understand my mother’s tells. If the Atari gaming system really was too much, I knew she would have conveyed the news with an air of somberness, not with that sly grin she couldn’t seem to keep off her lips when I asked. So I knew that year my big gift wish might actually come true, and as my 9th birthday approached my excitement grew until finally the morning came and with it the emergence of that wonderful game-system-size wrapped box. The emotional sequence that followed is something I’ll never forget. As I tore off the wrapping paper, the vision I beheld pressed the pause button on my rising joy. This is not an Atari! What is this? Mom, what’s a Nintendo? It took a while for me to realize what she’d done. What I thought she’d done was taken a short cut, finding some knock off Atari to save a few bucks on fulfilling her son’s birthday wish. What she’d actually done was surprised me with the next thing, which was a better thing — something I’d never even considered that turned out to be better than what I’d imagined. In so many ways, the Gospel story tells us similar things about God’s work in our lives. We ask, we anticipate; we hope, and we have our own ideas about how God ought to come through on all of that in the end. But what if God knows something we don’t know? What if God’s ways are higher than our ways and God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts? What if the next thing God has in store for you is surprisingly different than what you’ve come to expect? What if it’s better? As we unwrap this Advent season, may we do so knowing that the God who loves us might just be planning to surprise us with a gift that’s better than what we’ve asked or imagined.

Jason Edwards Senior Pastor Note: This December Monthly will serve as our information piece for the month of December. Copies will be available all month in the stands.

CHURCHWIDE NOTE: The Church office will be closed Friday, Dec. 23 and Monday, Dec. 26 in observance of Christmas. The office will be open Dec. 27-30, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. DONATIONS FOR ADVENT FLOWERS If you’d still like to make a donation toward the Advent flowers and have your loved one’s name listed in the Weekly on Dec. 11 or 18, please fill out a form and leave your donation of at least $10 per listing at the Welcome Center desk. ADVENT/CHRISTMAS EVE MUSIC Children are invited to begin preparing two Christmas carols appropriate for Christmas Eve worship on the piano or other instruments. Advent Orchestra will play each Sunday of Advent, with a warm up rehearsal at 8:42 a.m. Instrumentalists 9th grade to 90 are invited. Questions? Contact Ann Posey, 816-507-2744. ANNUAL CHURCHWIDE NEW YEAR’S BREAKFAST Jan. 1 | 9:30 a.m. | NO 8:30 a.m. worship service or Bible study this morning | Please join us for a casual continental breakfast featuring fresh pastries, muffins, fruit, juice, and specialty coffees. Breakfast begins at 9:30 a.m. followed by our 11 a.m. worship. YEAR-END GIVING DEADLINE DEC. 31 December is the time we often offer additional gifts to groups and organizations we believe in. As you prepare to offer charitable gifts this December, please remember Second Baptist Church. Your support contributes to mission efforts around the world, and locally as well as the spiritual nurturing of people of all ages, meaningful care, gospel-shaped worship and more. The deadline for contributions is Dec. 31, 2016. If you’d like to bring your contribution to the church office in person, you must do so by 3 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 30. If you choose to mail a contribution, the letter must be postmarked by December 31, 2016.

A NOTE FROM MAGGIE HENDERSON A little over nine years ago, upon retiring after 25 years at Bank of America and predecessor banks, God led me to Second Baptist Church as Ministry Assistant for Membership. It was a God thing. I found a home and faith family I cared deeply for and from whom blessings abounded. The years have brought change, challenge, growth and expanded opportunities for ministry, and I have been right in the middle of it. Some time ago and again more recently, I experienced an emotional downturn which prevents me from continuing my position as Ministry Assistant for Congregational Support. It saddens me that I cannot return to the Welcome Center Desk. Second Baptist has good leadership on staff and in the laity, and means will be found to continue the work which fell under the scope of my job. It is a hard thing to separate professionally from a place that has occupied much of my life for a number of years, but it is necessary. I am still me and you are still you, and contact need not be broken nor friendships forgotten. Thank you, Second Baptist, for a fulfilling, rewarding, lovely experience over the years. God bless you all. — Maggie Henderson We are so appreciative of Maggie’s many years of service to 2BC. We look forward to celebrating her officially when the time is right for her.

CHRISTMAS CAROL AT OUR LADY OF MERCY WITH THE DEACONS Sunday, Dec. 11 | 4:30 p.m. (Meet at 4:15) | Our Lady of Mercy Country Home | Help the Deacons spread some Christmas cheer at Our Lady of Mercy Country Home, where several of our church family are residents. We’ll sing some carols while the residents eat their evening meal. Singers of all ages and levels of experience are welcome! Song sheets will be provided. Come by yourself, grab a friend, or bring the whole family! Plan to join us at 3:50 p.m. outside the cafeteria. Any questions? Contact Amy Duncan at 816-868-1156 or

Dec. 18 | 5 – 7 p.m. | Pastor Jason’s Home | Jason and Christy Edwards and our Deacons will host this churchwide Christmas Party, and you all are invited! The Edwards’ address is 431 Arthur, Liberty. A shuttle will be available from the 2BC parking lot from 5–7 p.m. as limited parking space is available at the Edwards’ home. If you do park on Arthur Street, please park on the opposite side of the street from their house.

Worship on Christmas Eve is a very special time to share music, carols, and a Christmas message. We will have two services: 5 p.m.: Family-friendly candlelight worship 9 p.m.: Liturgical candlelight worship with communion

6:30-7:15 p.m. | Nov. 30-Dec. 14 | Social Room Under Wraps is our churchwide intergenerational Wednesday night Advent experience. After the fellowship meal, we will stay around our tables in the Social Room as families and friends (children and student activities will not meet). There are many surprises and things we keep “under wraps” as humans during this season. If we don’t pay attention, we may miss some of what God has intended for us, so we are going to help each other pay attention and unwrap treasures that give us a fuller, more meaningful Advent experience. We wait. We are surprised. And we share joy.

Dec. 4 : 8:30a & 11a A Surprising Leader 5:00 p: Celebrating the Season Dec. 11 : 8:30a & 11a A Surprising Question Dec.18 : 8:30a & 11a A Surprising Pregnancy Dec. 24 (Christmas Eve) : A Surprise Delivery 5p: Family-friendly candlelight worship 9p: Liturgical candlelight worship with communion Dec. 25 (Christmas Day) : 11a only The Element of Surprise January 1 (First Sunday after Christmas): 11a only

You can access the devotionals three ways:  Receive the devotionals each morning via email. If you already receive the weekly eblasts, you'll get these emails too. Sign up on the homepage at to get on the list.  Visit to read them on your computer/device.  Pick up a hard copy at the Welcome Center desk.

SENIOR ADULTS COFFEE & CONVERSATION Dec. 5 at 10 a.m. | Dec. 19 at 1 p.m. | Social Room | Our Senior Adult Ministry hosts a twice-monthly Coffee & Conversation open to all. No reservations needed, just bring a friend and your coffee mug! The first Monday features donuts (bring a dollar if you’d like some); the third Monday, it’s homemade treats.

LOOKING TO 2017 COFFEE WITH THE PASTOR Sunday, Jan. 8 | 9:45 a.m. | Oak Room | Join Pastor Jason Edwards and a few members of 2BC for an informal coffee. Ask questions and chat about anything you want to know as you get familiar with the 2BC faith family.

STUDENTS STUDENT CHRISTMAS PARTY Sunday, Dec. 18 | 6 p.m. | Student Area | We'll celebrate Christmas and the start of the holiday break! We'll have festive decorations, games, food, and the always hilarious White Elephant gift exchange! STUDENT FUN NIGHT: WINTER FUN! Friday, Dec. 2 | 6-10p | Crown Center ice Skating Rink and 2BC | Cost: $10 | Register/pay online at Students will need to fill out a 2BC Medical Info form if they have not already for a 2016 event. COLLEGE SUNDAY COLLEGE MEAL Sundays | noon-6 p.m. | Abby Bland’s House on Leonard | We are offering a weekly crockpot come-and-go meal for college students in and around the Liberty area. Would you provide one of these crockpot-style meals? For more information, click the link at

CONNECTIONS CLASS Sundays, Jan. 15-Feb. 12 | 9:45 a.m. | Connections is a five-week class led by Greg Duncan and designed for new members and those who are new to our congregation. Not only will you explore more about who 2BC is as a faith community and how you can best connect, but you’ll be able to examine your own giftedness and perhaps discover new opportunities for personal growth and ministry here at Second Baptist. To sign up, contact the church office at 816-781-2824. EMOTIONALLY HEALTHY SPIRITUALITY SUNDAY CLASS Eight Sundays starting Jan. 15 | 3 p.m. | led by Connie McNeill | If you found our fall emphasis on Emotionally Healthy Spirituality helpful, this is your opportunity to take your next step and go further in-depth on these concepts.

CHILDREN MINDFUL PARENTING RETREAT AT 2BC January 20, 5:30-8p and Jan. 21, 9 a.m.-noon | Sonya Richardson-Thomas, LPC, RPT will lead this community-wide retreat for parents of 0-7 year olds. The cost is $100 and you can bring your parenting partner for free (price good through Dec. 1). Register at, or find the link on Sonya’s Facebook page.

FIND SHOP OPEN TIMES AT THE MANY HANDS FACEBOOK PAGE Keep up to date on when the store will be open on its Facebook page: It’s a great place to do holiday shopping that makes a real difference in the world!

At Christmas, many families do not have adequate resources to purchase gifts for their children and struggle just to make ends meet with the necessities of life. The Christmas Store allows them to shop for gifts at a reduced price, empowering them to make their own choices and purchase affordable gifts for their own family. It protects the sense of pride and dignity parents have in being able to provide for their children.

THURSDAY, DEC. 15 | 6-8 P.M. FRIDAY, DEC. 16 | 5-9 P.M. SATURDAY, DEC. 17 | 9-11 A.M.

All of it is made possible through donations and volunteers. Prayerfully consider how you might help families in need during this special time of year. See details below.

WHO BENEFITS FROM THE STORE? Families from the community are referred to the Christmas Store by elementary, middle and high school counselors and social workers, In As Much Ministries, Love Inc. and other organizations in the community with ties to Second Baptist Church. They will refer parents or guardians with children birth through high school. WHAT HAPPENS AT THE STORE? Each client registers and reserves an appointment time. When they arrive, they will be greeted by volunteers and treated to holiday music, decorations and refreshments. Free childcare is provided, and the children will enjoy crafts, snacks, games and a Christmas movie. The parents have an opportunity to select two gifts and fill a stocking for each child ($5 per child). When they have finished shopping, they can either have the gifts wrapped, wrap the gifts themselves or take home gift wrapping supplies. HOW IS THE CHRISTMAS STORE STOCKED? Gifts come from members of Second Baptist Church. Donated gifts should be brand new and in the box (no used gifts will be accepted). The suggested price range for donated gifts is $10-40. HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL THIS YEAR’S STORE SERVE? Last year, the store served 61 families and 202 kids. We expect to serve even more this year. VOLUNTEER AT THE STORE: Visit to find the sign-up link that shows all shifts and opportunities. Opportunities include preparations and set up, working during the store, clean up and providing cookies. Each area has minimum age requirements for children volunteering without an adult. Children 12 years old or younger can volunteer with a parent/guardian immediately alongside them.  There will be a brief volunteer training session the afternoon of Sunday, Dec. 11. STOCK THE STORE DONATE TOYS BY DEC. 7: Purchase a gift for that gender and age child in the chosen price range. Ideas of gifts to buy are on the back of the tags. Then, bring it back to the church (unwrapped) by Wednesday, Dec. 7. DONATE FUNDS: We also accept cash donations to buy additional items for the store.

Gather in the Sanctuary as we start the season of Advent by singing the songs of Advent and Christmas and listening to our children’s choirs sing. Then we’ll move to the Social Room for fellowship with treats and fun songs of the season.

FREE PARENTS NIGHT OUT & CHILDREN’S MINISTRY CHRISTMAS PARTY Friday, Dec. 9 | 6:30 – 9 p.m. | Register by Dec. 7 We are providing a FREE Parents’ Night Out for all children birth through 5th grade. Parents will have the opportunity to be child-free so they can shop for Christmas, take in a movie, go out to eat, sit in the tub and vegetate for two hours … their choice! We will entertain the children and provide some Christmas cheer. There are registration/permission forms at the Welcome Center desk and online at Questions? Ask Gwen Phillips at 300 E. Kansas | Liberty, MO 64068 | 816-781-2824 | Social media: @2bcliberty WiFi: 2BC-Guest Password: 2bcguest#01

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