FEBRUARY 2BC EVENTS DEACON ORDINATION AND RETREAT CHURCHWIDE February 3 Ordination Service at 6:30 PM with Reception following. ALL DEACONS February 4 Breakfast at 8:30. Daniel Vestal guest speaker beginning at 9:00. Lunch served at 12. Spouses are invited to the lunch. $10 per person. RSVP by January 25 to the church office or on the Events page of our website (http:// www.2bcliberty.org/events). SURVEY SAYS! Wednesday February 22 | 6:30-7:15 | Social Room Nick Bartlow and Daniel Bunch will return with more survey data about us. Hopefully, this information will help the Associate Pastor of Worship and Music in their discerning candidates. SAVE THE DATE! POVERTY SIMULATION
DISCIPLE NOW Dates: March 10-12 Location: 2BC and around Liberty HILLCREST TRANSITIONAL HOUSING February 11| 9:45 Join a Church Field Trip to Hillcrest Transitional Housing & Donate New Mops, Brooms, Dust Pans and Pails
HIGH SCHOOL NON-STOP TRIP Dates: February 18-20 Cost: $100 Location: Memphis, Tennessee Includes visits to the National Civil Rights Museum and Sun Studio Open to current high school students
A NOTE FROM PASTOR JASON In a Christian sense, Epiphany names a great January liturgical feast. It is rooted in the biblical story of the three mysterious Magi who journeyed from the East to offer gifts to the Christ child. The season of Epiphany begins on the 12th day of Christmas as a culmination of our celebration. The church uses it as the occasion to remind us that Christ came not just for the Jewish people but for all people. His coming was an epiphany, an awakening for all humankind.
Have you heard of the great work done by Hillcrest but never had a chance to visit one of their apartments? Would you like to donate some supplies they need to help transition clients from homelessness to self-sufficiency in only 90 days? A group will leave the church on Saturday, Feb. 11, at 9:45 AM. or meet at 10:00 AM at 612 N. Grover St., Apt. 7., Liberty, MO 64068. We'll donate the mops, brooms, dust pans and pails we have collected then tour the facility and hear an overview of the work Hillcrest has been doing for 30 years - with an impressive 95% success rate! Children are welcome. This trip is being promoted by the Boys in Action in cooperation with the Missions Committee. For more information, call Karen Rogers at 816 8080080 or email krogersmo2@sbcglobal.net.
February 25, 2017| 9:30-Noon United Services Poverty Simulation is a unique opportunity to help people understand what life is like with a shortage of money and an abundance of stress. Community wide event. Free of charge. Preregistration required and is limited to 72 participants. Registration opens January 9. Call the church office or register on the Events page of our website (http://www.2bcliberty.org/events).
“Epiphany” in its secular sense complements its Christian meaning. Here’s one definition: A sudden realization about the nature or meaning of something. To realize the meaning of something — my life, my gifts, an illness, a death, this thing of beauty, an ordinary day — it’s a rich word that points us to a particular revelation about the very nature of something. How many epiphanies have you experienced in your life? Have they come upon you suddenly or seeped in slowly? Can you name them? How have they surprised you, shaped you; shifted your focus or understanding? How has your life been enriched by a well-timed epiphany? The New Year often brings with it a myriad of resolutions. We’re now primed and ready to finally tackle that project or better those relationships, to save more money or to shave more pounds. Why not resolve to keep our eyes open for God’s next epiphany? This New Year very well could include new shaping, new shifting; new light and perhaps even new revelations about the very nature of your life. Are you open to that? Wondering (as I wander),
Sign-up at the bottom of our home page at 2bcliberty.org to receive our regular communications via email. Or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Jason Edwards Senior Pastor
Note: This January Monthly will serve as our information piece for the month of January. Copies will be available all month in the stands or for download on the “View Services” page of the 2bcliberty.org website.
THAILAND MISSION TRIP You can follow the progress of this mission trip by following the 2BC Blog (http://www.2bcliberty.org/ media), Instagram and Facebook pages. Please remember to pray for these church members while they are gone.
CONNECTIONS CLASS Sundays, Jan. 15-Feb. 12 | 9:45 a.m. | Connections is a five-week class led by Greg Duncan and designed for new members and those who are new to our congregation, or anyone who would benefit from the experience. Not only will you explore more about who 2BC is as a faith community and how you can best connect, but you’ll be able to examine your own giftedness and perhaps discover new opportunities for personal growth and ministry here at Second Baptist. Please register for this class on the events page of our website (http://www.2bcliberty.org/events) or by calling the church office. AT THE CROSSROADS, Leadership for the Second Half of Life. Sundays, Jan. 15| 9:45 a.m. | West Side of Social Room Wes Blanton will lead this featured class. The class will be a six week study around the book "At the Crossroads - Leadership Lessons for the Second Half of Life”. This Bible-based small group study will focus on how to live a purposeful and spiritually healthy life in retirement. We will examine how to make the next part of life the best while making a significant difference in the lives of others. We will also consider what needs to happen in advance to prepare for retirement. Participants will hopefully conclude the study with a greater understanding of God’s plan for their lives during this highly anticipated and meaningful phase of life. The content will be pertinent for those nearing or already in retirement. Books can be ordered online in advance and a small number of books will be available for purchase at the first class session. The first study session will be held during the Sunday school hour on January 15th in the Fellowship Hall.
Begins Jan. 15 | 2:30-4:30 p.m. | led by a team | The EHS Course, with Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Day by Day, will take you on a powerful 8-week journey of transformation that will equip you with tools to develop a deep interior life with Christ. If you found our fall emphasis on Emotionally Healthy Spirituality helpful, this is your opportunity to take your next step and go further in-depth on these concepts. Please register for this class on the events page of our website (http://www.2bcliberty.org/events) or by calling the church office. Course books for this class are $10 and the Day by Day Daily Office guide is $9. Please indicate in your registration if you’d like to purchase the books through the church office. CHOIR AND ORCHESTRA Choir Wednesdays | 7:15-8:30 | Rm 501 Orchestra | TBA Was your heart stirred by the choir and orchestra during Advent and Christmas? Do you sing or play an instrument? Then perhaps you might consider being part of one of these ensembles as they prepare for the Lenten and Easter seasons. For information about the choir, contact director Don Brown at brownhouse601@att.net or choir president Leslie Bunch at lbunch62@yahoo.com. The choir meets Wednesdays from 7:15 to 8:30. For information about the orchestra, contact organist Ann Posey at poseyannphil2@sbcglobal.net
LOST AND FOUND We have a growing collection of umbrellas in the Welcome Center. If you have lost yours, please check the table to see if we have acquired it. JANUARY CHURCH COUNCIL The January Church Council meeting will take place on January 22 instead of January 15. CHURCH CONFERENCE will be held the following Sunday, January 29th at noon
SECOND SERVINGS Meal reservations are due by Monday at noon. You can make reservations and get menu information by calling the church office or online at http://2bcliberty.org/wednesdays SECOND SESSIONS Wednesdays Jan. 11-Feb. 15 | 6:30-7:15 Following supper Adults have 3 options for discipleship: Renegade Gospel with Hadley Fisher. Who was Jesus, really? Wasn’t the central figure to the Christian faith a man who denied all preconceived notions about what God should look like? Wouldn’t associating with him have meant joining a rebel movement? Doesn’t it still? Renegade Gospel is a church study that challenges believers to come to terms with the real Jesus—the rebel Jesus. The Faith of a Mockingbird with Jane Boswell. In The Faith of a Mockingbird, based on Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, uses Lee’s beloved characters to explore Christian faith, theology, and ethics. Join Scout, Atticus Finch, Boo Radley, and Tom Robinson in this study considering God’s world and what it all means. Hoodwinked with Michele Peck. Moms have been hoodwinked tricked into believing lies that keep them from not only enjoying motherhood, but forging friendships with other moms who might tackle the tasks of motherhood differently. Myths such as Mothering is natural, easy, and instinctive cause moms to feel like failures if they have questions or apprehensions in raising their kids. Operating from the premise that the way I mother is the right (and only) way puts up fences between moms instead of building bridges of encouragement between them. Lies such as I am my child s choices tempt moms to mistakenly believe that if their child makes a wrong choice then they, in turn, must be a bad mom.
STUDENTS WINTER LOCK-IN Dates: Friday, January 13 Saturday, January 14 Time: 6:00pm-9:00am Location: 2BC and around KC Cost: $30 What to bring: A snack and a drink to share Description: Join us for an incredible Winter Lock-In experience complete with a trip to Power Play, hours of ACG's, and all-night fun at the church! Dinner and unlimited Power Play games and attractions are included in the cost of $30. Bring a snack and drink to share with everyone. Online registration will be available soon! STUDENT SUNDAY Date: January 29 Time: 8:30 & 11:00am services Includes performances from Student Choir, Student Handbells, and messages from our high school senior speakers. CHILDREN MINDFUL PARENTING RETREAT AT 2BC January 20, 5:30-8p and Jan. 21, 9 a.m.-noon | Sonya Richardson-Thomas, LPC, RPT will lead this community-wide retreat for parents of 0-7 year olds. As of Dec. 2 the cost is $125 and you can bring your spouse or partner. Register at squareup.com/store/sonyarichardson-thomas, or find the link on Sonya’s Facebook page.