June 2016 2BC Monthly

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belong | believe | become

If you are a first-time guest, please complete a guest card from a pew pocket or Friendship Register and drop it in the offering plate so that we may get acquainted with you. Also, text “Explore” to 816-355-4736. We would like to communicate with you via text and email with some brief informational messages over the next few weeks. Please see an usher if you’d like a listening aid. Each Sunday in the Welcome Center (just inside the Kansas Street entrance on Level 1), our Hospitality Team is waiting to help you get connected. This may include finding a Bible study class, showing you where children and student ministries meet, or sharing the day’s activities and schedule. You may also enjoy a cup of coffee at the Welcome Center’s coffee bar and get to know others at Second. Your entire family is welcome here! Children’s worship bags filled with books and activities are available at the Sanctuary entrances. If you’d like an alternative for your children, childcare for birth through Pre-K is available on Level 2 at any point in the service. Our Welcome Center is also available for those with restless infants, and you can view the service on a monitor there.

Take a moment to prepare your heart for worship…

The great people of the earth today are the people who pray! I do not mean those who talk about prayer; nor those who say they believe in prayer; nor those who explain prayer; but I mean those who actually take the time to pray. They have not time. It must be taken from something else. That something else is important, very important and pressing, but still, less important and pressing than prayer. — S. D. Gordon Quiet Talks on Prayer

In addition to placing your offering in the offering plate, you can give online at 2bcliberty.org/give or via your smartphone by scanning this QR code. We have “online giving” cards in the pew rack that you can place in the offering plate to represent your gift if you choose.

300 E. Kansas | Liberty, MO 64068 | 816-781-2824 | 2bcliberty.org Join us on social media: @2bcliberty WiFi: 2BC-Guest Password: 2bcguest#01

Third Sunday of Pentecost The Worship of God May 29, 2015

8:30 and 11:00 a.m.

Gathering Music

Debbie Lassiter

Invitation to Worship

David Fulk


Abigail Hilke

Prelude Call to Worship

“I Sing the Mighty Power of God”

Frank Hussey

“Come Before His Presence with Singing”

John Purifoy

“Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee”


+Hymn of Praise 310 The New Testament Lesson

Ephesians 3:14-21

Brandon Greason ( 8:30) Greg Greason(11:00)

(Pew Bible, page 149, New Testament)

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God! Practicing the Presence of God +Hymn 389

An invitation to silent prayer

“Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying”


Prayers of the People

Mike Lassiter

Worship in Music (8:30) The Gospel Lesson

Mark 1:35-37

Jessica Greason (8:30) Linda Greason (11:00)

(Pew Bible, page 27, New Testament)

Leader: The Good News of Our Lord. People: Praise be to our Lord, Jesus Christ. Sermon

Dr. Hulitt Gloer

+Hymn of Response 409

“What A Friend We Have in Jesus”


The worship of the living God invites our response. Those who wish to profess faith in Christ and/ or to unite with the church are invited to come forward and share your decision with the pastor.

+Offertory Prayer Offertory

Brandon Greason (8:30) Gary Smith (11:00) “Invocation to the Holy Spirit””

Larry Wolz

+Presentation of Offerings 600 “O How He Loves You and Me”


O how He loves He gave His life, O how He loves O how He loves

you and me, O how He loves you and me, what more could He give? you, O how He loves me, you and me.

Words and Music © 1975 Word Music, LLC.

+A Time of Greeting Commissioning of Colombia Team Alyssa Aunspaugh Sanford Beckett Roxann Brenton Loulla Efstathiou David Fuller Angie Fuller Naomi Fuller Adam Fuller

Mike Lassiter Mary Gilliland Kenny Williams Becky Whited Kent Yohe Karin Yohe Megan Yohe (already in country) Tracy Zahnd Luke Zahnd

Commissioning of High School South Dakota Team Abby Bland Rachel Hon Shae Crane Micah McGlaughlin Ellen Gregory Abigail Morrow Larry Gregory Charlotte Morrow Tyler Heston Laura Oberkrom Lilly Holt Charles Smith Commissioning Those Spending the Month in South Dakota Jordan Groves Emmy Gregory Elliott Yoakum

+The Sending Forth 481

“Go To The World” Stanza 4


Go to the world! Go as the ones I send, for I am with you till the age shall end, When all the hosts of glory cry 'Amen!'. Alleluia. Alleluia. Words © 1991 by GIA Publications, Inc.


“Trumpet Tune”

All Songs UBP CCLI #1091036

Alice Jordan

All Video UBP CCVI #502497070

Worship Leader: David Fulk Organ: Ann Posey Piano: Ann Posey (8:30) Leslie Bunch (11:00) Sanctuary Sound: Dave Heston, Gary Pennington, Alex Trischler Media: John Hilton, Isaac Langford

WELCOME, DR. HULITT GLOER Dr. W. Hulitt Gloer is professor of Preaching and Christian Scripture Baylor University's George W. Truett Theological Seminary, and he and his wife, Sheila, are former members of 2BC. A 1972 Baylor graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Greek and Religion, Gloer received a Master of Divinity degree cum laude from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary as well as the seminary's Michael Wilson Keith Prize in Homiletics, and earned his doctorate in New Testament Studies from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He also has studied at Hebrew-Union College in Cincinnati and completed post-graduate work at Eberhard-Karls University in Tubingen, Germany, and Cambridge University in England. Before joining First Baptist Church, Corpus Christi, as pastor in 1997, Gloer served as a professor at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Mo., and in several other teaching positions. He also has served as pastor, interim pastor and youth minister in congregations throughout the country. Dr. Gloer is a noted editor, author, and teacher, with many books and articles to his credit. His honors include Who's Who in Religion, Who's Who in Biblical Studies and Archaeology, Outstanding Young Men in America, Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, and Personalities of the South. Gloer and his wife, Sheila, a senior lecturer in the Baylor School of Education have two sons: Jeremy, a case worker for homeless veterans, and Joshua, a film production coordinator in Kansas City, MO.

VALLEY MANOR-EXCELSIOR SPRINGS Betty Jewell, rehab HOME FROM LONG TERM CARE Jim Stayton, under hospice

WORSHIP LEADERS TODAY David Fulk joined 2BC in 1985 while a student at William Jewell. He is director of philanthropic giving at KCUR 89.3. David and his wife, Carolyn, have a son, Davis.


Abigail Hilke is a fifth grader at Warren Hills and is the daughter of Jill and Pat Hilke.

OTHER PRAYER CONCERNS The family of Hsark Pu Htoo, a Karen from Burma who drowned while fishing in the Blue River Friday, May 13. He was faithful in attendance at the Karen Grace Baptist Church. His mother, a non-Christian, is devastated. Please keep his family and the Karen Church in prayers.

Brandon Greason has been attending Second since returning to Liberty in 2000 to attend William Jewell College. He is employed with the North Kansas City School District.

Debbie Lane, health Travel safeties for Wes and Debbie Blanton, traveling overseas 5/28 - 6/11 to see family. Ellie Cunningham, 11 years old, stage 4 cancer.

Bob James, recuperating from gallbladder surgery . Sam Buhlig, home from the hospital following emergency appendectomy. Karen North, cancer. Mason Barnard, 3rd grader at EPIC; diagnosed with cancer; father Matt Barnard teaches at Liberty North.

Greg Greason is adjusting to a new lifestyle having a newly retired wife with lots of ideas that involve carpentry, landscaping, and assorted other DIY projects! The majority of his day is spent in service to children of the North Kansas City School district where he is a bus driver. In addition, he tries very hard to keep up with grandsons Tate and Hayes. Jessica Greason married Brandon in 2007 and has been active at Second Baptist since their marriage. They are parents of four-year old Tate and 22-month old Hayes. Linda Greason recently retired after a 36 year career in public education, Linda is now enjoying a bit of free time for hobbies such as cross stitching and gardening. A couple of part time positions use part of her time as she supervises student teachers and is the Executive Assistant for the Future Leadership Foundation. However, the highlight of her retirement comes on Wednesdays when she is babysitting Tate and Hayes Greason - grandsons extraordinaire! Gary Smith joined Second in 1995. He and Debra have three children: Amanda, Matthew and Emily. He has worked in the telecommunications industry for 25 years. He previously taught Middle School Sunday School and was a part of the 2BC radio ministry for 11 years

JUNE 2016 MONTHLY A NOTE FROM PASTOR JASON Shifting gears When I was 15 years old, my dad taught me how to drive a “stick shift.” This involves more than moving the stick to the 1, 2, 3, or 4 position when you want the vehicle to go faster. Dad took me to the park and showed me how to drive the hills, which requires down shifting. He showed me how to keep the engine from stalling out while stopped on an incline. And, of course, he helped me learn how to discern the best moment to shift into a new gear while accelerating down the highway. Shifting upward or downward at just the right moment in a given situation involves paying attention to the engine’s RPM’s. Sometimes there’s a gauge that shows you when they’re too low or too high. In time though, the gauge is in you. You can hear or even feel when a gear shift is needed. Many of us begin to sense this need in ourselves (in our souls) this time of year as the busyness of May gives way to possibilities of rest, vacation and adventure in June. Underneath it all our soul is crying out for nurture. My prayer is that your soul finds that this summer as you knowingly shift into a lower gear. My hope is that we will be able to find some of this together as we learn about colorful stories in worship, gather together for small group Bible studies, serve together through mission trips and special projects, and catch up on Tuesdays during our Me2 lunches. Will you look through these pages and identify ways you might renew your soul through time spent with God and others in the days ahead? May we find and embrace the nurture of God together…

Jason Jason Edwards, Senior Pastor

CHURCHWIDE On this Memorial Day weekend we remember those we’ve loved that we’ve lost. Our Second Baptist Memorial Garden is one sacred space here at church where we can go to remember. The ashes of some of our loved ones rest there. These, who are listed on plaques in our garden, are: Fred LeRoy Allen James Oliver Beasley Marjorie H. Carr Jay Bradley Chance Kris Patrick Cohoon Eleanor B. Cuthbertson Michael Edward Gilliland Dr. George Howard Hays Helen Mathis Hays Janie Katheryne House Lena L. Lemons Rev. L. Carol Lemons Virginia D. Link Dr. William C. Link, Jr. Nelson Page Zena Page Margaret H. Prather Richmond Ray Slater Gloria Ann Townsend Everett Truex Shirley Vandover Nancy Carolyn Windham Rev. Max Dale Windham May the peace of Christ be always with them.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Total receipts from Catalyst giving: May 15 Plate offering: $11,088.90 May 22 Plate offering: $9,289.00 May Direct Debit Offering: $8194.00

WHOM DO I ASK NOW THAT LINDA JONES HAS RETIRED? We have been busy preparing the church office and managing the responsibilities that need to be attended to with the retirement of Linda Jones. Our transitional plan includes the following: 1) Carol Weirich will temporarily cover part of our finances involving bill payment. She has had a long career in banking and well suited for this position. We anticipate hiring someone to fill a newly created parttime position that will include both financial responsibilities as well as providing assistance for the pastoral staff to implement ministries and programs. 2). Maggie Henderson is transitioning into a clearly defined role of congregational support. If you need assistance regarding a ministry at or on behalf of Second Baptist, Maggie is the person you want to talk with. 3) Connie McNeill will provide assistance with any administrative questions or questions you don't know where to go for answers. This could include, but is not limited to, questions pertaining to your gifts, donations or even payroll. 4) Nicole Swanson and Ellen Gregory will continue to provide communication and HUB support, respectively. So...whom do you ask? Any staff member will do their very best to get you the answer or to the person who can best help. We appreciate your patience during this time of transition and know that with the careful attention of these people, the good work of our church should continue with little to no disruption noticed by our church community. —Personnel Committee

Linda Jones’s Retirement Celebration Sunday, June 12 | 9:45 a.m. | Social Room Mark your calendars and plan to gather with us to celebrate Linda Jones’s service to 2BC and send her into retirement with our thanks!


Enjoy pieces by Torelli, Telemann, and Bach, hymn arrangements, and show stoppers from Irvin Berlin and Andrew Lloyd Weber!

This 41-voice choir is on tour from FBC Gainesville, GA!

CHURCHWIDE SUMMER YOGA IS BACK! Tuesdays in June and July (except July 12) | 10-11 a.m. | Assembly Room | $5 donation per class | Childcare available | This is a beginner’s yoga class, appropriate for those who have not done yoga before. It will be a time for self-care and stillness, to breathe and move our bodies intentionally, and to practice the presence of God.

There is a suggested donation of $5 per class. We will have childcare for ages birth through pre-K. Wear comfortable clothes, and if possible, bring a yoga mat. Contact Maggie Henderson to sign up at 816-781-2824 or mhenderson@2bcliberty.org. JOIN THE SECOND SUMMER SYMPHONY! Second Summer Symphony will begin playing for worship on June 5. All instrumentalists who are entering 9th grade through adults are invited to bring their instruments and join us in making a joyful noise each Sunday throughout the summer. We meet at 8:44 a.m. on Sunday mornings to prepare for that day's worship. Contact Ann Posey for more information at poseyannphil2@sbcglobal.net. 1 CORINTHIANS STUDY WITH JERRY CAIN Fridays, June 10-Aug. 5 (except July 8) | 10-11 a.m. | Social Room | Jerry Cain will lead “An Expository Study of First Corinthians” for anyone interested in sharing some study and fellowship!

ME2 LUNCHES WITH 2BC STAFF Tuesdays | noon | various restaurants | Join our pastoral and support staff as they host lunches at various restaurants around the Liberty/KC area. Think of these lunches as a chance to get to know the 2BC staff better, to meet other people from the 2BC congregation, and to enjoy some great food! Here’s the schedule for June/July: June 7


June 14 Chappell’s June 21

Jason Edwards/ Ann Posey

Charles Smith/ Nicole Swanson


June 28 Huey’s

Connie McNeill/ Maggie Henderson

July 5

Arthur Bryant’s

Jason Edwards

July 12

La Costa

Mike Lassiter

July 19

La Tienda Chiquita Gwen Phillips

July 26

Jerusalem Café (Westport)

Connie McNeill/ Ellen Gregory

SENIOR ADULT WEDNESDAY NIGHTS OUT Wednesdays | 5:00 p.m. | Local restaurants | Senior adults and friends are invited to gather to enjoy local restaurants and each others' company! If possible, RSVP to the church office at 816-781-2824 by Tuesday noon each week. Anyone wanting/needing a ride or more information, contact Carroll Makemson at 816-781-1160 or cmmtcm@gmail.com.


WHETHER YOU’RE A TINY BIT CURIOUS OR ALREADY SIGNED UP, YOU ARE INVITED TO THE TEAM WORLD VISION LAUNCH PARTY! The Team World Vision launch party will be after 11:00 a.m. service on Sunday, June 5. This luncheon is for anyone who still wants to sign up to walk or run the half or full marathon on Oct. 15, people who have already signed up, or anyone who wants to support TWV participants. We will have a soup and salad lunch and provide information about:  how to sign up if you haven’t already  how to join the Saturday morning Northland group training run at Pleasant Valley Baptist  training tips  fundraising tips Sign up at teamworldvision.org/kansascity! Questions? Concerns? Fears to overcome? Chat with Team Leader Michelle Prindle: 816-804-6464 or jprindle1@kc.rr.com WOMEN ON MISSION June 7 | 9:30-11:30 a.m. | Assembly Room | Women with an interest in missions can join our monthly meeting. 9:30 a.m. Eleanor Speaker, Morocco Trip 10:30 a.m. Refreshments 11:00 a.m. Speaker: Paulo Barros Mission Action Project: Bring school supplies for Children's Home (Please NO crayons or pens) SOCCER AND FELLOWSHIP It was a great time of fellowship with the Karen Soccer team from Grace Baptist Church Sunday night May 22 at Happy Rock Park. About 50 Second Baptist and Grace Baptist supporters were treated to a semi-watchable soccer match, but the highlight was the fellowship and good competitive fun. There were high fives and thankyous after the game and time for group picture. (Grace Baptist wore the blue jerseys.) We all agreed we would like to do this again. —Associate Pastor Mike Lassiter

STUDENTS MOUNTAIN CAMP REGISTRATION EXTENDED THROUGH JUNE 12 July 16-22 | Winter Park Resort, Colorado | Rising 9th Graduated 12th | $100 deposit due at registration Find all the details at 2bcliberty.org/students! Contact Charles Smith at csmith@2bcliberty.org or 816-781-2824 ext. 314 for information. MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH DAKOTA TRIP June 27-30 | This will be an opportunity for middle school students to experience South Dakota and begin to build relationships that will continue throughout their high school careers and beyond. Projects will include construction, gardening, and cleaning. We're also hoping to partner with the nearby school on any projects they may need as they prepare for the new school year in the fall. Relationship-building with the community, and especially the children, will also be an important part of the experience. Register (and pay the $100 cost online) at 2bcliberty.org/students. Contact Charles Smith (csmith@2bcliberty.org) with questions! THANK YOU NOTES To the members of Second Baptist Church, I cannot begin to thank you enough for everything you have done this year for the staff and students of Schumacher Elementary. We all have been touched by your generosity. You have taken in our school and shown our students so much love, compassion and kindness. We are so fortunate to have so many Youth Mentors from Second Baptist, our students just crave the attention and guidance these wonderful friends give. Thank you for the delicious staff breakfast you provided during Education appreciation Week. Thank you for all the treats for Secretary’s Day, flowers, gift card and dessert. You all are the BEST and we are so GRATEFUL for all you do! Sincerely, Cathy Mitchell Secretary, Lillian Schumacher Elementary

SATURDAYS 9A—NOON 2BC ANNEX (20 N. LEONARD) A THANK YOU FROM GWEN PHILLIPS “With many hands, the load is not heavy” …words could not be more true! Our very first day at the Fair Trade was a great morning, and it could not have taken place without so many volunteers and helping hands. Let me attempt to list all the people who have worked so hard so far: Ken Personett and his son, Kenny Charlie Hughes Luda Teterina Connie McNeill Mike Lassiter Charles Smith Suzie Goertz Cindy Noel Boys in Action with John George and Terry Chapman Middle Schoolers with Erin and Mark Hilton Harold Phillips Loulla Efstathiou 2BC missions committee Children painting their hand prints for the wall hanging David Johnson Nicole Swanson Hugs to each of these and great thanks to all of you who are praying for this new ministry. Come see us on Saturdays from 9:00 – noon!

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL JULY 11-15 Jesus gives us hope Courage direction love and His power

We are working hard to turn this plot of land known as Second Baptist Church into an exciting cave exploring adventure for children all over the greater Liberty area! Save the dates and plan to invite a friend and join us. There is a CAVE QUEST VOLUNTEER form online that you can fill out to help us find just the right spot for you!

DONATIONS REQUESTED FOR VBS We have many snacks and activities to prepare for CaveQuest VBS! Please check the lists on the pillar in the Welcome Center to see if there is something you would be willing to purchase. Donations are needed by June 12.




INTERIM MUSIC PERSONNEL During the interim period before we call a new Minister of Music, David Fulk will act as our Interim Worship Leader and Don Brown will act as our Interim Choir Director. JOB OPENING FOR MINISTRY ASSISTANT FOR OFFICE SUPPORT As part of our plan to distribute the responsibilities of the Church Administrator position, we will be hiring a Ministry Assistant for Office Support. It is a part-time position, working 8:30a-4:30p Monday-Wednesday. Here are a few of the skills required:  Experience and accuracy working with financial responsibilities including: accounts payable, reconciliations, financial reporting, and payroll.  Management skills to effectively administer the internal needs of an office supporting six pastoral staff.  Pleasant, customer service-oriented demeanor. Some of the tasks this role will perform:  Works with our bookkeeping service provider in doing accounts payable, reconciliations, financial reports, and pay roll.  Manages internal needs of the church office to insure that pastoral staff receives office support.  Evaluates safety and security issues and implement change with the Associate Pastor of  Administration and Discipleship.  Coordinate the church’s insurance needs with the APA&D.  Maintain records of absentee time granted to personnel with the APA&D.  Conduct background checks for all persons who have potential contact with children and youth.  Coordinate scheduling for use of facilities, equipment, church vehicles and approved driver information. For the complete job description, visit 2bcliberty.org/jobs. All interested persons should send a resume and cover letter by June 15 to: Connie McNeill, 300 E. Kansas, Liberty MO 64068 or cmcneill@2bcliberty.org.

SUMMER COULD BE TIME FOR A STEPHEN MINISTER We like to think of summer as being a relaxing, enjoyable time. But hurts, struggles, crises, and problems don’t take a vacation. Many times our difficulties seem even worse during the summer because everyone else seems to be enjoying life while you are feeling down. If you are experiencing a difficult time—emotionally, spiritually, or relationally—you don’t have to suffer alone. Our Stephen Ministers are trained caregivers, ready to listen, care for and encourage you, pray with and for you, and provide one-to-one Christian care to help you through whatever it is that you are facing. Men are matched with male Stephen Ministers, and women are matched with female Stephen Ministers. It’s free. It’s confidential. And it will make a difference in your life!

To find out more about Stephen Ministry for you or someone you know, talk with one of our Stephen Ministry Leaders. Visit 2bcliberty.org/stephenministry or contact Mike Lassiter at (816) 781-2824 or Carol Kingery at (816) 916-8407.


WHO DELIVERS NEARLY 340 MEALS EACH WEEK? Liberty Meals on Wheels, and they need some more help! It only takes an hour for one volunteer to deliver up to six meals to local senior citizens in Liberty. Can you spare just one hour, one day a work week over the lunch hour? For more than 40 years, Liberty Meals on Wheels has been delivering meals to home bound individuals within our community. The non-profit organization needs volunteers who can deliver just one day a week. The meals are picked up at the Clay County Election Board office parking lot. Volunteers are assigned a route that takes approximately 30-45 minutes to deliver. If you are interested in delivering meals, contact the Meals on Wheels office at 816.439.4398. This could be a great project for a Sunday School Class or community group.


COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER DRIVE Tuesday, June 7 | 3-7 p.m. | Social Room Sign up in the Welcome Center today,or schedule your appointment online at savealifenow.org (enter sponsor code: secondbaptist). Register to donate and receive a BUY ONE GET ONE FREE coupon from Schlitterbahn Waterpark.

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