blessed and thankful Second Baptist Church NOVEMBER | 2014
belong | believe | become
Spiritual growth and change happen when we’re in relationships with people who know us well. Connecting with others at Second Baptist is a way to build community and be transformed in your faith. The best way to connect is to jump in. The 2BC Monthly LOOP is a broader edition of our 2BC Weekly LOOP, designed to give you a bit more detail about the the month ahead in our ministry. You’ll find information about upcoming events, classes, and serving opportunities to get you connected to 2BC. Keep this as a reference all month long so you can jump in often! Additionally, be sure to get a copy of our 2BC Quarterly Loop, published in Aug|Dec|Mar|June. This edition offers a longer range planning view of our ministries and faith community in action. It provides a seasonal view of the key ministries within our church, ministry plans, and target dates for special initiatives, events and opportunities. All our LOOP publications are available in printed version in our Welcome Center or online at
Jason Edwards Senior Pastor
Table of Contents Page 3 KEY NOVEMBER EVENTS Pages 4-5 Mission Partnership Celebration Pages 6-7 CHURCH-WIDE CALENDAR Pages 8-9 Holiday events | Advent Preview | Turning Christmas Upside Down Page 10 Sanctuary Sessions 3.0 Page 11 All-Church Events
2BC in the loop NOVEMBER Keeping You
pumpkin or baked apple pie with whipped cream and cinnamon dust. Gluten free substitutes of these items are available when needed.
Ticket Prices: $8 for adults $5 for kids 3-12 years Free for kids under 3 $25 maximum per family (Members who have joined 2BC within the last year get a 2-for-1 deal for adults!)
Church Family Thanksgiving Dinner Nov. 19 | 6:00-7:15 p.m. | Heritage Hall Tickets are on sale now for our Church Family Thanksgiving meal! During this annual event, we celebrate and express our thanks to God for the community we share as we walk with Christ in our world. Buy tickets in the Welcome Center on Sundays and Wednesday nights or in the church office Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Second Baptist members Jim Tinkham,CEC,ACE Executive Chef at Centerpoint Medical Center and his wife Stacey will prepare a delicious meal for us, and we have added a few children’s activities this year. Menu Garlic & rosemary roasted turkey breast resting in turkey jus, creamy roasted turkey gravy, 17 spice & fresh chive mashed potatoes with smoked sweet paprika, traditional green bean casserole topped with French fried onion straws, assorted rolls with butter, jellied cranberry sauce and choice of
A word of hope to begin the holiday season.
service of hope | Nov. 23 | 4:00 p.m. | Chapel Times of grief, illness, crisis and life transitions are realities to us all. Dealing with those in our daily lives can be trying and especially difficult during the holiday season. The Service of Hope is a worship service for people whose personal loss, illness, struggles with grief or loneliness make the holiday season a challenge. Gwen Phillips, Children’s Pastor of Second Baptist Church, will share a message of hope and healing as together we worship the God of all hope and comfort. Cookie & Coffee Reception will follow after the service in the Welcome Center. All are welcome.
Missions Partnership
A celebration of our partnership with Cooperative Baptist Fellowship??? Sunday, November 16
Sunday, November 26 In both Worship Services
Join us Sunday, November 16, for a message from Kenny and Karen Sherin, our mission partners through CBF’s Together For Hope— High Plains. Everyone is invited to join us and chat with the Sherins over a soup and sandwich luncheon after 11:00 worship.
ABOUT THE SHERINS In Catalyst 2.0 the Missions Committee has included support funds for Kenny and Karen Sherin. Following is a sketch of Second Baptist’s involvement with Together for Hope—High Plains and how supporting the ministry expenses for the Sherins is another step in our mission in South Dakota. In 2001 the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship determined Together for Hope would engage with the people in the 20 poorest rural counties in America for 20 years. With four of these counties in the heart of four reservations in South Dakota and with Second Baptist Church being one of the 4
Kenny & Karen Sherin
closest CBF churches to South Dakota, as a church, we made the commitment to engage in South Dakota. As one of the first churches to make this commitment, in 2003 we chose the Cheyenne River Reservation, specifically the community of Bridger. The last 11 years with the Lakota people have been remarkable even with the disadvantage of distance. This larger “footprint” is welcome and needed. We are now, for the most part, trusted where we have been serving in and around Bridger. The UCC Church is now recognizing what is happening in and around Bridger and asking Byron Buffalo how to develop relationships
with those willing to commit for a long term engagement. Having the Sherin’s expertise nearer (living almost in the middle of South Dakota, they are still three hours away from three of the Reservations) will only increase the possibilities of “what could be done” by helping churches engage in healthy and respectful ways. In 2008 Kenney and Karen Sherin, also part of the Together for Hope network, were commissioned by CBF to be SelfFunded Field Personnel. They began as Together for Hope consultants and about two years ago were appointed to serve the High Plains. As a strengthening step in our engagement with Together for HopeHigh Plains, the Missions Committee has added ministry expenses for the Sherins to the missions line items of the Second Baptist ministry plan. This will give them the opportunity to develop relationships on all of the reservations in South Dakota and support the work already happening on the Cheyenne River Reservation. They have already joined our annual all church mission trip the last two years and bring extensive qualifications for community development and passion for the people of these counties in South Dakota.
Community Development. As Self-Funded Field Personnel for CBF, he is a Community Development Specialist with South Dakota State Extension. Karen has a BA in English and English Education, and a Master of Divinity from Campbell University Divinity School. They both have served churches in North Carolina and worked for the Raleigh Baptist Association. Regarding this opportunity in South Dakota, Karen says, “Since childhood, Kenny and I have had a love for rural communities. Over time that love has evolved into a call to minister in rural settings. We love rural communities, rural churches and, most importantly, the people that make up the
They are from North Carolina and have two boys, Matthew and Caleb. Kenny has a BA degree in Natural Resources and Ecosystems Assessment, a Master of Divinity from Campbell University Divinity School, and a PhD in Rural Sociology and
Saturday, November 1 Men’s Ministry Breakfast | 8:30 a.m. | Social Room
Sunday, November 2 | All Saints’ Day | Food Share Sunday Connections Class | 9:45 a.m. | Oak Room (room 301) Ministry Equipping Session | 3:00 p.m. | Social Room
Monday, November 3 Senior Adults : Coffee and Conversation | 10:00 a.m. | Social Room Ministry Equipping Session | 6:00 p.m. | Social Room Tuesday, November 4
Women on Mission | 9:30 a.m. | Assembly Room (room 302) Wednesday, November 5 | Sanctuary Second Servings Food & Fellowship | 5:45 p.m. | Social Room Second Sessions (Adults, Students & Kids) | 6:30 p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal | 7:15 p.m. | Choir Room (room 501) Sunday, November 9 Connections Class | 9:45 a.m. | Oak Room (room 301) Church Conference | 12:00 p.m. | Social room Stephen Ministry Meeting | 5:00 p.m. | Library (room 312) Deacon Meeting | 7:00 p.m. | Assembly Room (302) Wednesday, November 12 | Sanctuary Second Servings Food & Fellowship | 5:45 p.m. | Social Room Second Sessions (Adults, Students & Kids) | 6:30 p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal | 7:15 p.m. | Choir Room (room 501) 6
NOVEMBER Friday, November 14 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) | 9:30 a.m. | Social Room Sunday, November 16 | Missions Partner Celebration Connections Class | 9:45 a.m. | Oak Room (room 301) LUNCH W/SHERINS | 12:00 p.m. | Social Room Church Council Meeting | 6:30 p.m. | Room 505
Monday, November 17 Senior Adults : Coffee and Conversation | 1:00 p.m. | Social Room
Wednesday, November 19 Church Family Thanksgiving Dinner | 6:00 p.m. | Heritage Hall, Liberty Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal | 7:15 p.m. | Choir Room (room 501) Sunday, November 23 Service of Hope | 4:00 p.m. | Tutt Chapel Stephen Ministry Meeting | 5:00 p.m. | Library (room 312) Thursday & Friday, November 27-28 | Thanksgiving Holiday Church Office Closed
Friday, November 30 | First Sunday of Advent COME TO CHRISTMAS | 6:00 p.m. | Sanctuary and Social Room
Come to Nov. 30 | 6:00 p.m.
COME TO CHRISTMAS Nov. 30 | 6:00 p.m. | Sanctuary and Social Room (Previously Hanging of the Green)
Join us as we start the season of Advent by singing the songs of the season, hearing the prophecies of the coming Christ, and listening to our children’s choirs sing. Then we’ll move to the Social Room for fellowship with warm treats, fun songs of the season, a special musical treat from the Student Choir, and for a limited engagement— a worldrenowned choir making ground-breaking history in its Liberty debut. It’s a special Christmas treat you will not want to miss.
Second Baptist Church
Advent 2014 Preview November 30 | First Sunday of Advent O Come, Thou Wisdom Isaiah 11:1–9 December 7 | Second Sunday of Advent O Come, Our Dayspring Isaiah 58:1–11 December 14 | Third Sunday of Advent O Come, Desire of Nations Isaiah 9:1–7 December 21 | Fourth Sunday of Advent O Come, Emmanuel Isaiah 7:1–17
December 24 | Christmas Eve Decoding Advent Luke 2
Why are we turning Christmas Upside Down?
To remind everyone that, with a few tweaks to your thinking about how you celebrate Christmas, you can promote just and fair practices in your gift giving, support small, entrepreneurial businesses, advocate for those who are marginalized or vulnerable, and support in a healthier and more dignified way those who might be struggling this year to provide Christmas for their families. Have a family discussion to see if any of these tweaks would work for you this Christmas. The three tweaks are:
Level Playing Field Commerce | We believe in supporting small farmers or co-ops, good and humane labor practices around the world, and areas where the people are using their own abilities and resources to move from poverty and vulnerability. Action step: Purchase items at 2BC Fair Trade Shop starting Nov. 16. Using E-Commerce | When you make purchases online through the 2BC Living Zoe portal (, a percentage of items purchased online supports ministries engaged directly with abandoned children, those being rescued from sex trafficking, or escaping from being forced child soldiers. In addition, the Second Baptist Christmas Store starting receives part of the percentage to purchase gifts.Oct. 9. Action step: Navigate to your favorite shopping website by first visiting the 2BC Living Zoe page: and clicking “Shop For Our Cause.” There’s no additional cost! The Christmas Store Dec. 12-13 | Like last year, we will again provide referred families a way to shop, purchase and wrap gifts for their children as an alternative to having an organization hand them gifts. We received many thank yous from parents for allowing them to provide Christmas and not have to rely on outside organizations or ministries. Action step: Donate new, unwrapped toys to stock the Christmas Store.
renew Mid-Week Retreat @ 2BC
Sessions 3.0 | Nov. 5 & 12 | 6:30-7:15 p.m. Jonah with Tyler Tankersley
For kids, Jonah is one of the most popular stories in the Bible. Kids love the images of rolling waves and the wide-gaping mouth of a giant fish. However, there is much to the story of Jonah that we often ignore; Jonah is a story about obedience, humor, and intentionality. For two weeks, we will immerse ourselves in a book that has surprisingly prophetic implications for 21st century issues such as race relations, interfaith dialogue, and the balance between judgment and love. Join us as we allow our hearts and minds to be open to what God has to say through this little book of mystery.
Yoga with Kathy Benavidez
In our busy lives, we sometimes overlook how important it is to find time for stillness and mindfulness. If you appreciate the “Practicing the Presence of God” moment in worship or are looking for more sabbath, this may be a good class for you. This God-centered practice is designed to strengthen us mind, body, and spirit. We will focus on breathing and basic yoga poses. No previous experience is required. All ages, body types, and fitness levels welcome. Wear comfortable clothes (no jeans) and, if possible, bring a yoga mat.
I Love You More Marriage Enrichment with
Kristin Wooldridge
Continued from 2.0 Social Justice with Christy Edwards
& Susan Miller
Continued from 2.0
Nov. 5 Menu spaghetti and meatballs veggie salad garlic bread dessert -TBD
$5: adults | $3: children age 4–12 No cost for birth–3 year olds $15/family maximum We are requesting reservations by Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. each week. Make reservations at secondservings or call the church office at 816-781-2824.
2BC in the loop Keeping You
all-church Church Conference | Sunday, Nov. 9 12:00-1:00 p.m.| Social Room Plan to attend the Church Conference meeting next Sunday, Nov. 9, after the 11:00 service. We’ll vote on the Catalyst 2.0 budget, the licensing of Susan Miller, and hear reports from various areas of the church. Lunch is provided for a $5.00 suggested donation (no reservation needed). Childcare is also available by contacting Gwen Phillips at or 781-2824 ext. 313.
NEW Advent Flower Opportunity We have a new plan for flowers at Advent this year. Traditionally, the Arts & Environment committee offered individual poinsettias placed during the last Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve worship services to honor and/or remember our loved ones during this very special season. This year, on each Sunday of Advent, one or two (based on requests) large fresh flower arrangements will be provided. If you wish to help us fill the sanctuary with flowers for Advent, you can contribute and have your loved ones name added to the dedication in the weekly worship guide by filling out a request form and donating at least $10.00 toward the flowers. A member of the Arts and Environment Committee will be available in the Welcome Center on Sunday, November 9, 16, and 23 to take donations/submissions. Deadline for requests is Sunday, November 30. If you have questions, please contact Patsy Triplett at
Women on Mission | Nov. 4 | 9:30 a.m. All women are invited to join us for Women on Mission! 9:30 a.m. Study Group, Eleanor Speaker 10:30 a.m. Food & Fellowship 11:00 a.m. Speaker: Luis Mendoza, Multicultural Nations, Kansas City Association Mission Project: Christmas Shoebox items
Preventative Health Screenings | Dec. 2 Second Baptist Church will host a preventive health event with Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings. Five screenings will be offered that scan for potential health problems related to: blocked arteries, abdominal aortic aneurysms, hardening of the arteries in the legs, atrial fibrillation or irregular heart beat, and a bone density screening, for men and women. Register for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with our member discount). All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete. To register and to receive $10 off any package priced above $129, call 1-888-653-6441 or visit
senior adults Coffee & Conversation | Social Room Our Senior Adult Ministry hosts a twicemonthly Coffee & Conversation open to all. No reservations needed, just bring a friend and your coffee mug! The first Monday of each month features donuts (bring a dollar if you’d like some); the third Monday, homemade treats are shared.
Monday, Nov. 3 | 10:00 a.m. Monday, Nov. 17 | 1:00 p.m.
Find all you need to know online at or on our
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> FOR IPHONE USERS: Visit the App
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the Google Play Store: Apps – type in Second Baptist Church Liberty. Follow the instructions to download. Look up member contact information, check event dates and start times, get the latest news from the church, watch sermon videos, quickly visit our website’s mobile view, and much more.
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THE LOOP Pick up your copy each Sunday morning or read it online. Both Weekly and Monthy editions for the fall.
Second Baptist Church
300 E. Kansas | Liberty, MO 64068