Deuteronomy 32:1-11
Second Baptist Church belong | believe | become APRIL 2015
Welcome to Easter at Second Baptist! Spiritual growth and change happen when we’re in relationship with people who know us well. Connecting with others at Second Baptist is a way to build community and be transformed in your faith. The best way to connect is to jump in. The 2BC Monthly LOOP is a broader edition of our 2BC Weekly LOOP, designed to give you a bit more detail about our ministries in the month ahead. You’ll find information about upcoming events, classes, and serving opportunities to get you connected to 2BC. Keep this as a reference all month long so you can jump in often! If you are a guest with us today, we want to extend a special welcome to you and thank you for sharing this Easter Sunday with us. If we can be of assistance to you as you continue on your faith journey, would you please let us know? You can contact our church office at 816781-2824.
Jason Edwards Senior Pastor
Table of Contents Page 3
The Dream Initiative Retreat Pages 4-5
Connections Class | Women on Mission | Bible Study Children’s Ministry | Students Pages 6-7
Sanctuary Mid-week Retreat Table of Faiths Pages 8-9
Churchwide Calendar Pages 10-11
Leadership Development Save the Dates Pages 12-13
Send Initiative Opportunities Pages 14-15
Opportunities | Church News
Church Retreat Friday, May 29 6:30-8:30 p.m. &
Saturday, May 30 9:30-11:30 a.m.
In the Social Room
Retreat is free | Childcare available One of the most exciting programs we will undertake this year is our collective action initiative or what we are calling the Dream Initiative. It will launch at our church retreat in May! Each and every 2BC member’s insight and experience will be valuable as we begin to dream big about how we can fulfill God’s Dream for Liberty and the surrounding area. We will invite key civic leaders, professionals, and residents who can speak directly to issues and inform us of different critical needs in our immediate region.
FRIDAY | Envision & Learn We’ll discuss: • What need or needs in Liberty and the
surrounding area could be addressed or strengthened if a faith community or communities became more intentional or focused in those areas?
• How does openly and honestly
addressing these questions together put us in touch with the dream of God in this world?
• What churches bring to any community development conversations.
SATURDAY | Discern & Decide We will: • Learn about and experience the power of the group decision process for the use of the Catalyst 2.0 Dream Initiative funding.
• Work with a community development decision process.
• Decide the next steps the group takes. • Discuss what it would look like for Second Baptist to continue to explore ways to be the presence of Christ in Liberty and the surrounding area
Register at 2bcliberty.org/dream
2BC in the loop Keeping You
coming up at 2bc . . . Second Baptist Church
Revangelical Study April 12-May 3 | Bible Study Hour | Social Room-East Side
Jeff Langford will lead us through Lance Ford’s book, Revangelical, as it challenges Connections Class those of us who are or have considered Sundays, April 12-May 10 | 9:45 a.m. | Oak Room (301) ourselves evangelical. “When you hear Connections a five-week class led by Greg the word evangelical do you think ‘Good Welcome! Duncan and designed for new members and News’? That’s what the word means, and glad you’ve to take our 2BC Connections those who I’m aresonew to ourdecided congregation. Not it’s class. whatAtwe’re meant to be. Yet too often, Second Baptist, we believe that God has called us to live out our faith in only will you explore more about who 2BC is it’s God nothas how others see us. Do you ever say the context of Christian community. We also believe that gifted as a faith community can best each one of usand for a how specialyou role within the Christian community. you’re anOur evangelical Christian and see prayer is that you move through this Connections class, youimmediately will gain connect, but you’ll beasable to examine your others grow defensive? Do they greater understanding of what makes our community unique, as well as own giftedness and perhaps discover new assume you’re judgmental or angry; do they what makes your calling distinct. opportunities for personal growth and ministry make assumptions about your beliefs, your Your very presence in this class is a symbol of your interest in Second here at Second Baptist. intelligence, or your politics? When people Baptist Church, and that is exciting. I would love for this class to serve look us, do they see the Jesus we claim to as our opportunity to welcome you more deeply into the life at of our To sign up,fellowship. contact Even Maggie Henderson at more, I hope these weeks will servelove?” as a vehicle for Haven’t found a place to participate in mhenderson@2bcliberty.org 816-781-2824. you to move more deeplyor into your relationship with Christ as you strive Sunday morning spiritual formation? You are to know him more clearly, to love him more dearly, and to follow him welcome to come to Revangelical. more nearly.
Women on Mission
April 7 | 9:30Grace a.m. and | Assembly Peace, Room All 2BC women are invited to the next meeting of Women on Mission! The mission project will be an offering for Camp Courageous at New Jason Edwards Pastor Hope Retreat Center. 9:30a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 4
Program: Jerry and Diane Connor, speaking about their work in Vancouver. Refreshments Study group: Eleanor Speaker
New Spiritual Formation Experience
May 10-31 | Bible Study Hour | Social Room-East Side We will offer an entirely new Sunday morning spiritual formation experience from The Work of the People. Jeff Langford will lead this visual format for small group study. If you have been wanting something that is substantive (some of the most renowned Christian scholars in today’s world) while also utilizing today’s visual technology, come to TWOTP.
STUDENTS Student Sunday in Worship April 26
CHILDREN Children’s Choirs Program May 6 All four children's choirs will sing on Wednesday night, May 6, in the Social Room after our Wednesday night dinner. This includes the 3 year olds’ Music Experience Choir, the Music Time Choir, the Music Makers Choir, and the Young Musicians Choir. Our choirs have been rehearsing since September and have led us in worship numerous times during the year. This Wednesday night opportunity to sing will be their last before the summer break. Please join us for a fun night of music and celebrate the hard work of the choirs.
senior adults Coffee & Conversation | Social Room Our Senior Adult Ministry hosts a twicemonthly Coffee & Conversation open to all. No reservations needed, just bring a friend and your coffee mug! The first Monday of each month features donuts (bring a dollar if you’d like some); the third Monday, homemade treats are shared.
Monday, Apr. 6 | Not Meeting (Church Closed) Monday, April 20 | 1:00 p.m.
Every year our students plan and run their own worship service. The middle school students generally serve in the 8:30 am service and the senior high students during the 11 a.m. service. Both worship services are in the Sanctuary on this Sunday.
Save the Date(s) for Summer Trips! Senior High South Dakota Trip: The week of June 7. Exact dates and times coming soon. Senior High Camping Trip: July 7-11. More details to come soon. Middle School Mission Trip: The middle school students will have a mission/fun trip from a Thursday to a Sunday this summer. We will get the dates to you soon!
Graduate Recognition Day Sunday, May 17, is Graduate Recognition Day where we recognize our high school graduates in the 11:00 a.m. worship. We will also recognize college or technical school graduates (from December through this summer) in the worship guide and LOOP on Sunday, May 10 (the last Sunday our Jewell students will be with us). To be included in the worship guide for either of these dates, contact Maggie Henderson at mhenderson@2bcliberty.org or 781-2824 with your name, school, and degree/program by Sunday, May 3. 5
Wednesday Nights Second Sessions 6.0
| April 8, 15, 22, 29
Kathy Benavidez | Room 611
Sanctuary is a mid-week oasis, a reset button on life—they’re hard to come by these days. We have something for everyone in the family, a spot just for you to do what you need to connect with Christ. Everything is optional, you choose. There are two parts:
Second Servings | food & fellowship 5:45-6:20 p.m. in the Social Room
MEAL COSTS $5: adults $3: children age 4–12 No cost for birth–3 year olds. $15/family maximum We request reservations by Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. To sign up, call the church office, or visit 2bcliberty.org/sanctuary.
Second Sessions | spiritual formation offerings
6:30-7:15 4-week sessions allowing you to grow and develop in a variety of ways 6
This God-centered practice is designed to strengthen us, mind, body, and spirit. We will focus on breathing and basic yoga poses. No previous yoga experience is required. All ages, body types, and fitness levels welcome. Wear comfortable clothes, and, if possible, bring a yoga mat.
Ecclesiastes Milton Horne | Rm 304-305
A mid-week bible study opportunity with a renowned scholar and a fascinating book. It’s a winning combination.
What Does the Bible Say About Money? David Fuller | Rm 306
How much does God expect me to give to others? Should I feel guilty about financial success? We will discuss relevant scriptures and apply them to today’s financial issues. Our conversations will help us consider how to build a financial legacy, based on Dave Ramsey’s The Legacy Journey.
Stephen Ministry Lite Blane Baker & Sara Langford | Rm 308
When you encounter a loss, a death, or sadness, what do you do or say? Do you ever feel inadequate and at a loss for words? Or worse, say something that you regret the second it leaves your lips? Come learn helpful, practical tips on how to support and comfort those in need. We will discuss Don't Sing Songs to a Heavy Heart by Dr. Kenneth Haugk, Stephen Ministry's founder, and explore the biblical foundation of the ministry. 6
For many years, The Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council (GKCIC) has been a notfor-profit organization striving to break the barriers amongst all faiths and religious traditions by creating a community based on cultural knowledge, respect, appreciation and trust. The Council strives to provide engaging and educational programs about the many diverse faith philosophies represented in Greater Kansas City by joining religion, spirit and community.
Note from 2BC member Ed Chasteen... “As President of HateBusters and as 2BC’s Ambassador to Other Communities of Faith, I have bought two tables, each seating 10. The first 20 folks from 2BC to email me (HateBuster@aol.com) and sign up will sit at these two tables. I’m also hoping that a couple of others from 2BC might be led to buy a table for 10 and invite some folks to join them. (Those who buy a table for 10 get a 10% discount off the $350.00 cost.) I’m also hoping that individual 2BCers might buy a ticket for $35. My dream for Table of Faiths is that many of us from 2BC will find a friend of another faith, thereby enriching our mutual public lives and our individual spiritual selves. My dream is that 50 members and friends of 2BC will be present at Table of Faiths. Together we can make this happen.”
If you are interested in purchasing tickets or a table, please contact Maggie Henderson in the church office at mhenderson@2bcliberty.org or 816-781-2824 and pay at the church office. 2BC members and friends can order together, and ride to the event together in a 2BC vehicle.
7 7
calendar Tuesday, April 7 Women on Mission | 9:30 a.m. | Assembly Room (room 302) Wednesday, April 8 | Sanctuary Second Servings Food & Fellowship | 5:45 p.m. | Social Room Second Sessions (Adults, Students & Kids) | 6:30 p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal | 7:15 p.m. | Choir Room (room 501) Friday, April 10 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) | 9:30 a.m. | Social Room Sunday, April 12 Connections Class | 9:45 a.m. | Oak Room (room 301) Stephen Ministry Meeting | 5:00 p.m. | Library (room 312) Student Choir | 5:30 p.m. | Music Suite (room 501) Student Innermission | 6:45 p.m. | Student Ministry Room (room 609) Wednesday, April 15 | Sanctuary Second Servings Food & Fellowship | 5:45 p.m. | Social Room Second Sessions (Adults, Students & Kids) | 6:30 p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal | 7:15 p.m. | Choir Room (room 501) Thursday, April 16 Hands On! 2.0 Knitting Group | 6:45 p.m. | Welcome Center Sunday, April 19
Connections Class | 9:45 a.m. | Oak Room (room 301) Student Choir | 5:30 p.m. | Music Suite (room 501) Church Council Meeting | 6:30 p.m. | Room 505 Student Innermission | 6:45 p.m. | Student Ministry Room (room 609)
Monday, April 20 Senior Adults : Coffee and Conversation | 1:00 p.m. | Social Room Tuesday, April 21
Tables of Faith Event | 6:15 p.m. | Sheraton Crown Center (see page 7)
Wednesday, April 22 | Sanctuary Second Servings Food & Fellowship | 5:45 p.m. | Social Room Second Sessions (Adults, Students & Kids) | 6:30 p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal | 7:15 p.m. | Choir Room (room 501) Friday, April 24 MOPS Steering Team | 9:30 a.m. | Assembly Room (room 302) Sunday, April 26 Connections Class | 9:45 a.m. | Oak Room (room 301) Church Conference | 12:00 p.m. | Sanctuary Stephen Ministry Meeting | 5:00 p.m. | Library (room 312) New Member Fellowship | 5:00 p.m. | Jason and Christy Edwards’ home Student Choir | 5:30 p.m. | Music Suite (room 501) Student Innermission | 6:45 p.m. | Student Ministry Room (room 609) Wednesday, April 29 | Sanctuary Second Servings Food & Fellowship | 5:45 p.m. | Social Room Second Sessions (Adults, Students & Kids) | 6:30 p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal | 7:15 p.m. | Choir Room (room 501)
Leadership Development Opportunities Develop the Leader in You Join your friends from 2BC for two amazing leadership development opportunities: Leadercast Live 2015: The Brave Ones Friday, May 8, 2015 I 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. I Legacy Christian Church, Lee’s Summit | Transportation from 2BC will depart at 7:00 a.m.
Join us at Leadercast Live in 2015 as we explore The Brave Ones, and learn what it means to lead in such a way that create bold cultures, builds faithful employees, and produces high achievement. Learn more at leadercast.com. Featuring: Seth Godin • Ed Catmull • Malala Yousafzai • Peyton Manning • Andy Stanley • Rudy Giuliani • Aja Brown • CMDR Rorke Denver • Bill McDermott
Registration: $79 including lunch (By April 22) Twelve $40 scholarships from 2BC will be provided on a first come, first available basis.
Global Leadership Summit Live Simulcast Thursday-Friday, August 6-7, 2015 I 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Pleasant Valley Baptist Church, Liberty No matter where you lead, The Global Leadership Summit is a world-class experience designed to help you get better and embrace your grander vision—the reason God called you to lead. Broadcast live from Willow Creek Community Church near Chicago to over 375 Premier Host Sites in North America and later around the world, you are invited to join an expected 260,000 leaders in 2015. Featuring: Bill Hybels • Sallie Krawcheck • Adam Grant • Brian Houston • Ed Catmull • Sam Adeyemi • Sheila Heen • Jim Collins • Albert Tate • Horst Schulze • Dr. Brené Brown • Liz Wiseman • Craig Groeschel
Registration: $149 (By May 10) Twelve $75 scholarships from 2BC will be provided on a first come, first available basis.
To reserve your spot and scholarship for either event, please email Maggie Henderson at mhenderson@2bcliberty.org or call 816-781-2824.
Churchwide New 2BC Missions Prayer Calendar We encourage you to pick up one of the new 2BC Missions Prayer Calendar. They can be found in the Welcome Center and north entrance foyer. Please feel free to take one urch ist Ch d Bapt 2015 Secon NDAR December R CALE r| PRAYE gust | Octobe
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or more and place them where you most often find yourself in prayer. Take one for your bedside, one for your desk, one for your Bible —whatever works for you. We invite you to spend a few moments each day in prayer for specific aspects of the mission ministries of 2BC.
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So deep are 2BC’s mission roots and so vital are her ever-emerging mission commitments that it was impossible to include each but the Missions Committee has made a beginning effort. It is our hope that, as we pray together each day, we will experience that sense of working alongside the missioners among us; that we will become more closely connected with them and that they will realize blessings resulting from our communal prayers.
MO 640
Save the Date for VBS!
Fifth ages 4-
Registration Will Open in May!
Making space for God’s transforming presence.
2015 SEND OPPORTUNITIES For 2015, 2BC has once again identified the following opportunities for our SEND Initiative. We hope you’ll review the opportunities and contact the people listed for more information and to explore how you might serve. Remember, if you engage in any of these opportunities for the first time, SEND will provide you with a supplemental amount of funding. More information is available by contacting Mike Lassiter, Associate Pastor mlassiter@2bcliberty.org | 816-781-2824 ext. 307
Mike Lassiter
Conference Center June 22–26, 2015 Second Baptist continues to enjoy a good relationship with Windermere Conference Center, located at Lake of the Ozarks. On June 22–26, we will travel to Windermere to help in various areas as the conference center serves a variety of ministries from around the state and country. College students, recently retired, those with the summer “off”, senior adults or families are all invited to consider joining us in this service opportunity. Lodging and meals are provided by Windermere, and those who attend will be asked to work in various areas about six hours each day while also enjoying free time. 12
In addition to the free time, in the evening we will have the opportunity to join in worship with any of the groups Windermere is hosting for the week. We will also have our own short group time to close each day. See our website 2bcliberty.org/send for a list of tasks you can get involved with. The pace is easy, and there is time for fellowship with others. You can drive separately or ride in a 2BC vehicle. Please indicate the desire to ride when you sign up. Visit the 2BC website, and under missions, look for the Windermere sign up. (There is also a RV park if you prefer to stay in your own RV or camping trailer.) Contact Mike Lassiter if you need more information or want to be a part of this SEND opportunity.
Heifer International Ranch April 18–19, 2015
Heifer International is a mission organization making a difference by teaching and encouraging sustainable practices for families to move beyond the immediate needs of poverty. Every area of our world provides some type of garden and animal husbandry opportunities, and Heifer helps families tap into the possibilities. The weekend of April 18–19, 2015 we will travel to this educational farm in Perryville, Arkansas. This is especially good for families with young children, but all ages enjoyed the trip in 2014. The 1,200-acre Heifer Ranch is filled with gardens and livestock, including water buffalo, camels, goats, pigs, llamas and more. Come meet the animals and take part in our hands-on interactive programs and activities promoting sustainable solutions to global hunger, poverty and
environmental degradation. We will learn good practices from Heifer International regarding community development and sharing the Good News. Last year we milked goats and fed chickens. We heard from international staff and we even saw the weight of the food we didn’t eat that was thrown away after each meal—it was eye opening for everyone. The deadline to sign up is Sunday, April 12, and we have a limited number of places left. If interested, contact Mike Lassiter, mlassiter@2bcliberty.org for more information or to sign up. Learn more about Heifer International at www.heifer.org.
Looking Ahead...
Second Baptist will welcome Kasey Jones To Celebrate CBF Partnership | May 3
Wednesday, May 13
Second Baptist Church will celebrate our missions’ partnership with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Sunday, May 3. CBF is a fellowship of Baptist Christians and churches who share a passion for the Great Commission and a commitment to Baptist principles of faith and practice. The Fellowship’s mission is to serve Christians and churches as they discover and fulfill their God-given mission. Kasey Jones, senior pastor of National Baptist Memorial Church in Washington, D.C., and CBF moderator this year, will be in the pulpit for the 8:30 and 11 a.m. worship. She is the 24th CBF moderator and the second African-American. Growing up in a small town in California, Jones was not exposed to female role models in ministry. By age 7, she and her siblings were involved in door-to-door evangelism, ministry to the sick and other areas of church work, but she never considered serving in the church as a minister. After working more than 15 years as a community organizer and advocate, she earned her master of divinity degree from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington. She is both the first woman and the first African-American to be pastor of National Baptist Memorial Church, a congregation established in 1905. 14
Dr. Thomas Howell from 2BC and William Jewell College, an expert in the Middle East will offer an understanding of the present dynamics in that part of the world and a discussion in what we believe would be Jesus’ response.
Wednesday, May 20 | Sabbatical & Renovatio We offer our blessing to our Senior Pastor, Jason Edwards, and his family as he soon begins his sabbatical and we get a preview of the launch of our own summer of spiritual renewal with our Renovatio Guide. The official launch is May 31, but come get a sneak preview of the potential of these experiences. Wednesday, May 20, is the final evening for Wednesday night activities for the spring.
Children’s Reading Nook On the fourth floor where the children from kindergarten through 5th grade meet, there is a little “nook” by the windows that is now a lending library for kiddos! When your children have a few extra minutes at church, let them take a look at the books available to read. There is no checkout system; children simply find something they are interested in and take it home to read. When they bring books back, there will be a basket to leave them in! The best way that our nook can be successful is if all of us will treat it like the library in our own home. Take care of the books, return them when you are finished, and enjoy reading!
Save the Date
Linda Jones Begins Her Sabbatical: April 6 2BC members Linda Cain and Doloris Forman are preparing to fill Linda’s role as finance administrators during this time. Additionally, Larry Gregory will cover Linda’s facility and property responsibilities and the remainder of Linda’s tasks will be handled through the office support and ministry team. During this time, Connie McNeill will fill Linda’s supervisory duties in regard to support staff. Linda Jones
Linda Jones prepares for Sabbatical Linda Jones celebrates 10 years of ministry service at 2BC this year. As part of this milestone, Linda will be taking a ministry sabbatical from April 6 through May 27.
Linda will be working on her Church Administration Certification through the The Church Network (formerly the National Association of Church Business Administrators). Additionally, she and newly retired husband, Larry, will be spending time resting and renewing with family and friends. 15
Click here for a direct link to the HUB3 login page FROM our website.
Jump on the HUB3 online From our Homepage @
2bcliberty.org 3
HUB Hint: I don’t understand the 3 difference between the HUB and our church WEBSITE? There is a big difference between our 2BC website and our church-wide communication platform we call “the HUB3” You get to both via the internet and your desktop browser. Both offer a full look at 2BC events but that’s where the similarity ends. Here is a quick reference of features to help you understand where to go for best results . . .
HUB3 Key Features:
• Secured for congregational use only
WEBSITE Key Features:
• Open to Public • Event information and registration • Sign-up for weekly church e-news • Wednesday night menus/reservation link • Session overview and room locations • Ministry & Missions overviews • Church-wide Calendar of Events • Current media archive: Newsletters,
Worship Guides, Sermon videos, Bridge magazine.
• “I Am New” Overview
Great place to get an idea of who we are!
• Catalyst Budget Tracking • Flowers for worship scheduling/ordering • Online Giving/Tithing
(need password from church to access! )
• Overall ministry communication platform (integrated with your own desktop email)
• Congregational Contact Information • Schedule Church Events • View Group/Church-wide Calendars • Personal Contact and privacy preferences • Engage in Ministry via Ministry Teams • Volunteer to serve • Establish your availability/desire to serve and much more . . .
Connect via Social Media Follow @2bcliberty
Second Baptist Church info@2bcliberty.org
300 E. Kansas | Liberty, MO 64068