The LOOP | June Newsletter 2015

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Second Baptist Church belong | believe | become MAY 2015

At Second Baptist, we believe that growing spiritually is not something we do alone or just individually. We do it with others. We are a community of people who take our faith and our discipleship seriously. We want to help bring the reign of God to earth. One of the ways you can know what opportunities are available is through the LOOP. We publish this each week and a broader, more expanded version each month. We also have an Equipping Ministry to help individuals know their gifts and interests and connect them to ministries that are a potential match. At any time, any of our pastoral staff welcome the opportunity to visit with you and help you find ways to serve. Keep the LOOP around to remind you of important dates and activities. Please keep our senior pastor Jason Edwards and his family in your prayers as he is on sabbatical leave this summer. He will return mid-August. Blessings, Connie McNeill Associate Pastor for Discipleship & Equipping


Table of Contents Page 3

Renovatio/Summer Preaching Pages 4-5

Yoga | Sunday Bible Studies | Me2 Lunches | Oasis for Women | Wedding Invitation Pages 6-7

Children | Students | VBS Pages 8-9

Churchwide Calendar Page 10

Senior Adults Page 11

Mission Trip to Windermere Page 12-13

Walk-Run-Ride for Nepal Page 14

Stephen Ministry | Hillcrest Hope Childcare Needs Page 15

#FlatJason | Children’s Reading Nook Page 16

2BC and Team World Vision at the KC Marathon


Experiencing God Through Prayer

OUR SUMMER OF RENEWAL Haven’t gotten your Renovatio Guide for adults, students or children yet? It’s not too late to dive in! Adult Guide: Access it online or request a print copy at Student and Children’s Guides: available in class on Sunday mornings

Summer Preaching Schedule

Series on Renewal with Heather Entrekin

June 7 June 14 June 21

Why Renewal? How to Pursue Renewal What is Gained via Renewal?

June 28 July 5 July 12 July 19 July 26 August 2 August 9 August 16

Tyler Tankersley Jerry Cain Connie McNeill Charles Smith Mike Graves Drama Team Mike Lassiter Heather Entrekin

(Conclusion summer/renewal | Jason joins us in worship)


2BC in the loop Keeping You

coming up at 2bc . . . Yoga is back for the summer!

Mondays through July | 10-11:00 a.m. | Assembly Room (302) This is a beginner’s yoga class, appropriate for those who have not done yoga before. It will be a time for self-care and stillness, to breathe and move our bodies intentionally, and to practice the presence of God. This is a donation class, with a suggested donation of $5 per class. We will have childcare for ages birth through pre-K. Wear comfortable clothes, and if possible, bring a yoga mat and join us in the Assembly Room, Room 302. We will not meet June 29 or July 13. To register, contact Maggie Henderson at 816-781-2824 or

2BC Library Book Sale June 21 – 28 All of the books that we are keeping have been relocated to the adult, student, and children’s areas.

The second step is to dispose of excess books. So 2BC is holding a book sale June 21-28 in the Library on Level 3. Look for more information next week.

Second Summer Symphony

Rehearsal Sundays beginning june 7 at 8:39 a.m. | Play in worship at 11:00 a.m. Calling all instrumentalists entering 9th grade to 90! Questions? Contact Ann Posey, 781-1132. 4

Sunday Morning Bible Studies Offered This Summer Only!

Sundays this summer | 9:45-10:40 a.m. | Social Room-West side Sundays in June: The Lord and His Prayer by N.

T. Wright. Wright is a world renowned professor of New Testament and early Christianity. This look at the Lord’s Prayer sums up what Jesus was all about in his first-century setting. He locates the prayer, clause by clause, within the historical life and work of Jesus.

Sundays in July: Making the Good News Good Again, Recovering the Wonder of the Gospel by Judson Edwards. Edwards has been a pastor for more than 30 years. In this book, he asks questions shared by many longtime Christians. Wouldn’t it be great if the Bible fascinated us once again? Wouldn’t we do almost anything to sense the presence of God anew in our lives? Wouldn’t we pay almost anything to get the wonder back? Coming in August: Sacred Rhythms: Arranging

Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation by Ruth Haley Barton. This study takes us more deeply into understanding seven key spiritual disciplines along with practical ideas for weaving them into everyday life. Spiritual disciplines open us to God’s transforming love and the changes that only God can bring about in our lives. Barton is a writer, spiritual director and pastoral staff member. Come join us if you are interested in the topics, your regular class dismisses for the summer OR if you haven’t found a place to be part of Sunday morning yet. Small group Bible studies and spiritual formation groups are important to our being disciples of Jesus.

Oasis for Women

Wednesdays through July 1 | 10:00 a.m. to noon

Me2 Lunches are Back!

Join our pastoral staff as they host lunches at various restaurants around the Liberty area. Think of these lunches as a chance to get to know the 2BC staff better, a chance to meet other people from the 2BC congregation, and a chance to simply enjoy some yummy food around the area!

June 9 | with Allan Aunspaugh | Five Guys June 16 | with Gwen Phillips | Luigi's June 23 | with Linda Jones | La Costa June 30 | with Mike Lassiter | Fish Market July 7 | with Connie McNeill | Minsky's No July 14 | VBS July 21 | with Mike Lassiter | Big Biscuit July 28 | with Connie McNeill | Dickey's Aug. 4 | with Charles Smith | Hunan Gardens Aug. 11 | with Allan Aunspaugh | Godfather's

Ladies, are you interested in a special summer activity just for you? We will gather at the church and study the book The Day I Met Jesus: The Revealing Diaries of Five Women from the Gospels by Frank Viola and Mary Demuth. What if we had diaries from the woman caught in adultery, the prostitute who loved much, the desperate Samaritan woman, the woman with a flow of blood and the woman whom Jesus loved? By looking at these encounters and their stories in fresh ways, we will find renewed hope, faith, and love in our own stories and encounter with Jesus. After the study, we will have a mystery fun experience, directed by Suzie Boggess! Each week you will be told what to bring, and some may involve a small cost. There will be childcare for birth through 5th grade for a small fee; please indicate your need for childcare when you register. Adults will be provided snacks, but please pack a snack for your children.

YuMYuKs (Young Marrieds with Young Kids) Meets Sundays | 4:00-5:15 p.m. | Oak Room It’s a special season of life when you are young marrieds with young kids. Join with others in that same stage in the YuMYuKs small group to study and share life together. Email Heather Lewis at for more information.

We would like to invite our church family to the wedding service of our son, Stewart Duncan, to Alana Bruner on Saturday, June 13, at 2:00 p.m. at Second Baptist Church. Reception immediately following in the Social Room.

­— Greg and Amy Duncan


STUDENTS Welcome, Charles smith!

We are pleased to welcome Charles Smith as our new Associate Pastor for Students. Charles grew up in the Kansas City area and attended Second Baptist Church as a student at William Jewell College. From Jewell, he completed his Master of Divinity degree at Wake Forest University. He served as minister of youth at Emerywood Baptist Church in North Carolina and currently serves as Director of Students at Platte Woods United Methodist Church here in the Northland. Charles is married to Stephanie Swanson, who also attended 2BC and Jewell and is now pastor of First Baptist Church-Smithville, MO. They are parents of three-year old son, Finn. The family also includes two rescue dogs, Dudley and Wrigley. He is looking forward to living in and being part of our 2BC community and our immediate neighborhood. Charles enjoys playing frisbee sports, making music, and going to Royals games.

Save the Date(s) for Summer Trips! Senior High Camping Trip July 7-10 We will be returning to the Current River for a float trip, including floating and kayaking. We will be camping at Pulltite Campground. Cost is $125/student. Visit for an FAQ sheet; sign ups will be up soon. Middle School Mission Trip: The middle school students will have a mission/fun trip from a Thursday to a Sunday this summer. We will get the dates to you soon! 6

children Meet Sara Lane, Sunday Preschool Coordinator

Let’s welcome Sara Lane, who will be working with Gwen Phillips as our new Sunday Preschool Coordinator. Sara has been at Second Baptist her whole life, becoming a member when she was 12. She attended Oklahoma Baptist University and graduated in 2011 with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. She is currently working on a Masters in Counselor Education from the University of Central Missouri. Her goal is to become a Play Therapist and to counsel children. Sara is employed by the North Kansas City School District working for the School Age Child Care at Bell Prairie Elementary School. When she’s not working or in class, she likes to play with her cat, Callie, and watch sports. She’s a big Sporting KC, University of Oklahoma, and Nascar fan.

Save the date for an exciting new “Arts Week” for kids coming Aug. 3-7! Aug. 3-7 | 9:00 a.m. to noon For kids who’ve completed Kindergarten through 5th grade.


vacation bible school

fth Grade

Children ages 4-Fi

SonSpark Labs VBS has kids engaged and eager to learn about God’s plan from the moment they enter the building! Leaders and volunteers will help kids discover God’s plan for each of them ­—God’s Plan 4 U = Jesus

With age-appropriate Bible stories, experiments, games, crafts, snacks and songs, each day of SonSparks Labs VBS involves kids in exploring an amazing aspect of God’s life-changing plan. By providing opportunities for interactive learning at VBS, we can share with the children in our communities the good news about Jesus and God’s remarkable plan of salvation.

You Can Volunteer!

You also can join the team of adults and youth who will transform our church building into a living laboratory and shepherd them through the week as we seek to help children discover God’s love. There is childcare available during VBS week for younger kiddos for any VBS worker.

Register to attend or volunteer at 7 7


calendar Sunday, June 7 | Food Share Sunday Second Summer Symphony Rehearsal | 8:39 a.m. Simply Jesus Study 9:45 a.m. | Social Room Monday, June 8

Summer Yoga | 10:00 a.m. | Assembly Room (room 302)

Wednesday, June 10 Oasis Bible Study for Women | 10:00 a.m. | Social Room

Friday, June 12 Grand Adult Psalms Study | 10:30 a.m. | Social Room Saturday, June 13 Bruner-Duncan Wedding | 2:00 p.m. | Sanctuary Sunday, June 14 Second Summer Symphony Rehearsal | 8:39 a.m. Team SERVE Coaches Meeting | 8:30 a.m. | Oak Room (room 301) The Lord & His Prayer Study | 9:45 a.m. | Social Room Stephen Ministry meeting | 5:00 p.m. | Library (room 312) Deacons Meeting | 6:30 p.m. | Monday, June 15

Summer Yoga | 10:00 a.m. | Assembly Room (room 302) Senior Adult Coffee & Conversation | 1:00 p.m. | Social Room


JUNE Wednesday, June 17 Oasis Bible Study for Women | 10:00 a.m. | Social Room Friday, June 19 Grand Adult Psalms Study | 10:30 a.m. | Social Room Saturday, June 20 Walk-Run-Ride for Nepal | 9:00 a.m. | William Jewell College Sunday, June 21 Second Summer Symphony Rehearsal | 8:39 a.m. The Lord & His Prayer Study | 9:45 a.m. | Social Room Church Council Meeting | 6:30 p.m. | Room 505 Monday, June 22

Summer Yoga | 10:00 a.m. | Assembly Room (room 302) Wednesday, June 24 Oasis Bible Study for Women | 10:00 a.m. | Social Room Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal | 7:15 p.m. | Choir Room (room 501)

Friday, June 26 Grand Adult Psalms Study | 10:30 a.m. | Social Room Sunday, June 28 Second Summer Symphony Rehearsal | 8:39 a.m. The Lord & His Prayer Study 9:45 a.m. | Social Room Stephen Ministry meeting | 5:00 p.m. | Library (room 312)


senior adults Psalms Study For Grand Adults with Jerry Cain Fridays | 10:30 a.m. | Social Room All our Grand Adults (seniors who really are grand!) are invited to a summer offering of Bible study and fellowship. This beloved Old Testament book speaks to all dimensions of human life. Following the study, those interested will eat together at a pre-selected restaurant.

To register, contact Maggie Henderson at 816-781-2824 or If you would like/need a ride, please also let Maggie know that information.

Senior Adult Coffee & Conversation Social Room

Our Senior Adult Ministry hosts a twicemonthly Coffee & Conversation open to all. No reservations needed, just bring a friend and your coffee mug!

Monday, June 15 | 1:00 p.m. | Ice cream and home-baked brownies

Stay connected at 10 10

Senior Adult Wednesday Nights Out

Wednesdays | 5:00 p.m. | Local restaurants Senior adults are invited to gather on Wednesday nights this summer to enjoy local restaurants and each other’s company! We like to let the restaurants know how many to expect each week, so we request reservations by Tuesday at noon each week. Contact Maggie in the church office to make your reservation: or 816-781-2824. Anyone wanting/needing a ride, contact Carroll Makemsom at 816-781-1160 or June 3 | Corner Cafe | 8301 Flintlock Rd. June 10 | La Costa | south side of Liberty Square June 17 | Conrad’s | 210 N. State Rd. 291 June 24 | IHOP | 125 N. Stewart Rd. Suggestions for July and August: Dickey’s, Cracker Barrel, Texas Road House, Stroud’s, Cascone’s, Bob Evans, Gino’s, Tanner’s, Joy Wok Buffet, Minsky’s Pizza, Mi Hacienda. Let Carol know your choices.





children’s arts week

Making space for God’s transforming presence.

Mission Trip to Windermere Conference Center June 22–26, 2015 Second Baptist continues to enjoy a good relationship with Windermere Conference Center, located at Lake of the Ozarks. On June 22–26, we will travel to Windermere to help in various areas as the conference center serves a variety of ministries from around the state and country. College students, recently retired, those with the summer “off,” senior adults or families are all invited to consider joining us in this service opportunity. Lodging and meals are provided by Windermere, and those who attend will be asked to work in various areas about six hours each day while also enjoying free time.

In the evening we will join in worship with any of the groups Windermere is hosting for the week. We will also have our own short group time to close each day. Visit for a list of tasks you can get involved with. The pace is easy, and there is time for fellowship with others. You can drive separately or ride in a 2BC vehicle. Please indicate the desire to ride when you sign up. Visit the 2BC website, and under missions, look for the Windermere sign up. (There is also a RV park if you prefer to stay in your own RV or camping trailer.)

Contact Mike Lassiter at 816.781.2824, ext. 307 or or if you need more information or want to be a part of this SEND opportunity.


Second Baptist Church joined others at the Hindu Temple A Benefit for Survivors of Nepal Earthquakes May 30, 2015 | by Ed Chasteen By Second Baptist Church Bus and private cars, members of 2BC joined with hundreds of other folks from around the KC Metro, known to us as Greater Liberty, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 30, at the Hindu Temple. Our gathering was a benefit for survivors of the earthquakes in Nepal. Local Nepalese folks presented music and dance of Nepal. A video showed the devastation. Speakers explained how we all could help. Folks at the Temple had spent the day preparing Nepalese food. All in attendance had been urged to bring money to purchase food and make donations, all money raised to go toward helping survivors in Nepal. An onscreen estimate of the cost of recovery: $5 billion. Compared to this figure, none of our individual benefits amount to much. They might even seem pointless. NOT SO! If thousands of little places on the planet did as we do this day, the outpouring of support could even exceed this huge amount. In so far as money alone is concerned, survivors in Nepal would be restored, but also the world as witness would be encouraged and inspired to see compassion draw the world's people toward goodness. As another small link in this compassion train, Second Baptist Church in Liberty is joining the Center for Justice and Sustainability at William Jewell College, Everest Outreach-USA, HateBusters, Inc., and the Kansas City Nepalese Society to sponsor a Walk • Run • Bike— Nepal Survivors Benefit to be held at William Jewell College on Saturday, June 20 from 9 a.m till high noon. Everyone who hears of this event is encouraged to come and be a part. And if you should be inspired to plan a benefit of your own in your little piece of God's good earth, we will be glad. 12

. . . community response for Nepal . . . community response for Nepal

walk walk run run Saturday, June 20

ride ride

Saturday, 20 9:00June a.m.-12:00 p.m. Openp.m. Walk | Run | Ride 9:00 a.m.-12:00 Saturday, June 20 | self-paced family-friendly no entry | donations invited Open Walk | Runfee | Ride 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. family-friendly | self-paced

(50 mile ride begins at 7:30a.m. | 25 mile beings at 9:00 a.m.)

(50 mile ride begins at 7:30a.m. | 25 mile beings at 9:00 a.m.) no entry fee | distance self-determined | donations invited


Liberty, MO 64068 family-friendly | self-paced track Sign In at Track Entrance off South East Parking Lot ride(s): see website for map/start locations (R.E.Bowles Dr. & Mill Street)


walk || run: Green no entry fee | distance self-determined donations invited Stadium walk | run: Green Stadium Track @ WILLIAM JEWELL COLLEGE ride(s): see website for map

Learn more at(R.E.Bowles Dr. & Mill Street)

Sign In at Track Entrance off South East Parking Lot

| run: Green Stadium Track All proceeds gowalktoride(s): Nepal Earthquake Survivors see website for map Learn more at


think globally, act locally

think globally, act locally

速 | Hatebusters速 Inc. Learn more at Sponsored by: Second Baptist Church | Everest Outreach - USA Sponsored by: Second Baptist Church | Everest Outreach - USA | Hatebusters William Jewell College |Dept. of JusticeJewell and Sustainability | Kansas City Nepaleze Society and Sustainability Kansas City Nepalese Society William College: Center for Justice

Sponsored by: Second Baptist Church | Everest Outreach - USA | Hatebusters速 William Jewell College Dept. of Justice and Sustainability | Kansas City Nepaleze Society


Stephen Ministry


Stephen Ministry is a one-to-one lay caring ministry that equips and empowers caregivers—called Stephen Ministers—to provide highquality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting. Stephen Ministry is appropriate for people experiencing: grief, divorce, cancer, hospitalization, physical rehabilitation, long-term care,chronic illness, terminal illness, job loss, loss of a home, military deployment, the onset of a disability, loneliness, spiritual crisis, or other life struggles.

Who Can Receive Care? A care receiver is a hurting individual from the congregation or the community who receives care from a Stephen Minister. Men are matched with men; women with women. If a care receiver’s needs exceed what a Stephen Minister can provide, the team makes a referral to appropriate professional community resources or other services. If you are would like to receive care from a Stephen Minister, please contact: Mike Lassiter, Associate Pastor at or (816) 781-2824 ext 607 Carol Kingery, Referral Coordinator, at or (816) 916-8407

Childcare Request from Hillcrest Hope...

Hillcrest Hope is a transitional housing program for working families struggling with homelessness. Our families are working full-time, trying to pay down debt and saving money to once again live independently and have a place of their own. Finding quality, affordable childcare is one of their greatest obstacles. As our church partner, we look to you for support. Please contact us if you (or someone you know) is providing childcare to working families in the Clay County area. Please email one of our case managers or if you can help. Join us as we try to build a network of support for our families as they work hard to create a future for themselves and their family. Thank you, Hillcrest Hope 14


You can still pick up a paper copy of “Flat Jason” if you don’t have one already. During the summer, take him with you as you travel on a vacation, go swimming, have a family outing, see a ballgame or a movie, even go out to eat. While you’re there, have someone take a picture of the “two of you” and share it on your Instagram page with the hashtag #flatJason. (Adults are welcome to join the fun too!) We will share the posts to the 2BC Instagram page (@2bcliberty), and that photostream will show up on the website home page ( Although we aren’t going to be corresponding with Jason and his family while he’s on sabbatical as we don’t want to burden him with needing to respond, we can all enjoy sharing our summer fun with him through photos. And the best part: Pastor Jason is going to post some photos of his sabbatical travels via Instagram too! We’ll also have a map on the wall in the Welcome Center and will post any pictures we receive and watch where Jason is traveling.

Follow 2BC on Instagram: @2bcliberty

Children’s Reading Nook

On the fourth floor where the children from kindergarten through 5th grade meet, there is a little “nook” by the windows that is now a lending library for kiddos! When your children have a few extra minutes at church, let them take a look at the books available to read. There is no checkout system; children simply find something they are interested in and take it home to read. When they bring books back, there will be a basket to leave them in! The best way that our nook can be successful is if all of us will treat it like the library in our own home. Take care of the books, return them when you are finished, and enjoy reading! 15

2BC and Team World Vision at the Kansas City Marathon Oct. 17 2BC is one of five churches in the Kansas City metro to help launch the inaugural Team World Vision (TWV) for the Kansas City Marathon. TWV raises funds to provide clean water in Africa. You do not have to be a runner to join the team! Eighty percent of those who run are not full-time runners but people with a passion to see clean water available in every African community. What happens if you join the 2BC team? • You’ll receive a training schedule that will take you from the couch to either the half or full marathon. • You’ll receive a fundraising webpage from TWV to accept your donations. • Beginning in July, a Northland group will have Saturday distance runs for anyone who wants the added boost of community as you train. Why is this important to 2BC? From the early 2000s, 2BC partnered with a former church member from Nigeria who returned to his country as a pastor to bring water wells to 20 communities. Because of the turmoil in Nigeria in the last three years — which includes threats to Christians — he and his family had to relocate to Canada last fall, ending our ability to continue drilling wells. But the 2BC passion for clean water in our world has not changed, and World Vision has provided this opportunity. Their website,, explains how their water projects are sustainable, comprehensive and creative.

Interested in joining the 2BC team?

1. Join at 2. Follow the links to also submit your official Kansas City Marathon race registration, using the discount code: TWVKCM

Questions? Contact Mike Lassiter at mlassiter@2bcliberty.or

Second Baptist Church 300 E. Kansas | Liberty, MO 64068 816-781-2824

Connect via Social Media Follow @2bcliberty

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