WEEKLY Edition January 18, 2015
Jan. 23 | 7:00 p.m. | Social Room All ages are invited to our movie night. Madagascar 3 will be shown in the Social Room and begins at 7:00 p.m. The movie will be for children and adults. Popcorn and other typical movie “food” will be available. Childcare is available for birth–age 3.
Children’s Valentine Party Feb. 1 | 3:00–4:00 p.m.
For the past several years, our children have made valentines for the patients at Children’s Mercy Hospital. It’s been a great success, and we have contributed some awesome valentines for those kiddos who won’t be participating in a valentine party at their school. We will continue the tradition again this year! Children from K – fifth grade will meet in the Assembly Room on Sunday afternoon to create all sorts of wonderful cards and messages. Come join us!
Visit our website: Church office: 816-781-2824
Movie Night @ 2BC
Coming Up @ 2BC
SENIOR ADULTS Northland MLK Celebration | Jan. 19 | 10:30 p.m. | William Jewell College The Northland’s 31st Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebration is at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, January 19th, at William Jewell College’s Gano Chapel. Rev. Susan McCann will be speaking and Community Service Awards for 2015 will be given. A church vehicle will provide shuttle services from the parking lot beginning at 9:20 with an intermediary stop at College Place West. The shuttle will return the parking lot after the service. If you want transportation to this Celebration, please call the Church Office to reserve a seat. This opportunity takes the place of the third Monday, Coffee & Conversation.
Church conference | Jan. 26 | 12:00 p.m. | Social Room Our Quarterly Church Conference is scheduled for Sunday, January 26, immediately following 11:00 a.m. worship. Please plan to join us! Lunch will be provided for a donation of $5.Childcare will be available.
Deacon Retreat 2015 | Friday & Saturday, Feb. 6–7 Second Baptist Church Deacons, mark your calendar for the 2015 Deacon’s Retreat. The retreat will be held February 6–7 at Second Baptist Church. Deacon Banquet (see details below) will be served the evening of Friday, February 6, to kick off the weekend. The retreat will continue Saturday morning, February 7, with a breakfast and a morning session of working, learning and planning together.
Deacon BANQUET 2015 | Friday Feb. 6 | 6:30 p.m. | Second Baptist Church Please join us for our Annual Deacons” Banquet at Second Baptist Church in the Social Room. Come dressed in your favorite tropical attire! Please RSVP by February 1 via the HUB email invitation you received or by contacting Cathy Baker 816-377-5844 | Childcare is available. Please contact Gwen Phillips at to confirm your child’s spot.
Register Today!
DISCIPLE NOW February 20-22
Welcoming Guest Leader Abby Pratt
Student Disciple Now | Feb. 20-22 | Second Baptist Church Begins at 6:00 p.m. Friday, Feb. 20. | Ends at 12:00 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 22 Cost: $50.00 Disciple Now is an in-home, local discipleship retreat for students in grades 6-12. The students will spend an entire weekend with their friends and small group leader(s) hosted overnight by 2BC member families. The weekend is filled with good food, fellowship and formation designed to shape discipleship in Christ. For all middle school and high school students.
SECOND SESSIONS | Mid-week Adult Options
We’ve restructured our adult offerings into the new Second Sessions. These sessions are in blocks of four-week offerings with a “GaP” (Gather and Pause) week in between, where we’ll all get together for one special session before we begin again.
Sessions 5.0 | Jan. 14, 21, 28 Feb. 4 Yoga w/ Kathy Benavidez | Room 611
In our busy lives, we sometimes overlook how important it is to find time for stillness and mindfulness. If you appreciate the “Practicing the Presence of God” moment in worship or are looking for more sabbath, this may be a good class for you. This God-centered practice is designed to strengthen us: mind, body, and spirit. We will focus on breathing and basic yoga poses. No previous yoga experience is required. All ages, body types, and fitness levels welcome. Please join us in comfortable clothes, no jeans and, if possible, bring a yoga mat.
Luke w/ Joshua Smith | Room 304-305
Participants will have the opportunity to engage in a series of conversations focused on wide themes in the Gospel of Luke, including: the role of question-asking in our everyday faith practices, the subversive good news of equality, and the "power of powerlessness" that comes with being a follower of Jesus.
Senior Gems w/ Vivian Bunch | Room 303 Caring for aging parents/family.
Bully-Proofing Your Kid w/ Beth Dusin | Room 308
Bully-Proofing Your Kid: Sometimes it seems it’s hard to turn on the TV without hearing a story about bullying. We know it’s a problem in our schools and communities. What we don’t always know is what to do about it. During these sessions we’ll try to figure out what to do. We’ll consider questions like: What’s the difference between being mean and bullying? What can we do to keep our kids safe? What do we do if we believe our kids are being bullied? What if my kid is the bully? What about social media and technology-enabled bullying?
The Art of Writing w/ Sue Wright | Oak Room
This class is for the born-to-write, those reluctant to write, anyone anxious to try their hand at writing, and you content to read and appreciate other people's writing. At Second, you don't have to write a literary masterpiece for your work to rise to the level of art. According to the red print in our Bibles, Jesus spoke wisely but seldom in long sentences. Like Him, what we say-- our prayers for Sunday worship, our Advent devotionals, and our mission reminisces can be short and still be sweetly divine-- exhales we folks driven to write have to breathe out to stay alive. They are what we're about, and like us, true creations of art. Starting with Robert Stewart's new book, THE NARROW GATE, Writing, Art & Values, we'll explore the spiritual nature of writing. We'll also trade practical tips for helping writers enjoy the act of writing and feel inspired to write even more.
The Haiti Experience w/ Mike Lassiter | Room 505
The mission team traveling to Denise Haiti will be training and preparing for their journey and how they might serve with our friends in Dinise. Join the team as they explore the skills, cultural and environmental factors, and approaches the team will encounter and offer in February as they travel to this rural Haitian village and humbly serve as the presence of Christ.
300 E. Kansas | Liberty, MO 64068
SECOND SERVINGS MENU: beef stew, lime jello with slaw, cornbread, Texas sheet cake; (gluten free, vegetarian, and no msg available)
January 21, 2015
this week
Sunday, January 18 8:30 Worship (Tutt Chapel) 8:45 Student Handbells 9:00 Children’s Choirs 9:45 Bible Study for all ages 9:45 Coffee with the Pastor (Oak Room 301) 11:00 Worship (Sanctuary) 4:00 Financial Peace University (Social Room) 5:00 Stephen Ministry Meeting 5:30 Student Choir Rehearsal 6:30 Innermission 6:30 Church Council Meeting (Room 505)
For the rest of this post, visit the 2BC Blog @ or on our mobile app..
Deacons at Second Baptist Church have long been a service-oriented body committed to serving the needs of our congregation. The Deacons work in a variety of ways to support our ministerial staff each week, such as hospital visits, outreach to guests at church, and ministry to families in crisis or members with special needs. As we head into the new year, we will be more intentional with that commitment searching for different ways to express our calling to serve. . . .
January 15, 2015 DEACON MINISTRY @ 2BC by Cathy Baker, Deacon Chair 2015 Matthew 25:40 reminds us that when we serve others, we serve Christ.
on the blog...
Monday, January 19 | CHURCH OFFICES CLOSED 9:15-10:00 Shuttle to MLK Program from Church Parking Lot. 10:30 Senior Adults: MLK Program at WJC
Wednesday, January 21 5:45 6:00 6:15 6:30 7:15
Second Servings (meal) : Social Room Beginning Handbells (grades 4–5) : Room 502 Sanctuary Handbells : Music Suite Room 501 Sessions 4.0 (adults, students, kids) Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal : Choir Room
Friday, January 23 7:00
Cabin Fever : MOVIE NIGHT | Madagascar III
Sunday, January 25 12:00 Church Conference & Luncheon 1:30 Choristers Guild Youth Choir Event (The events listed here are in addition to our regular Sunday schedule.)
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