Loop newsletter 020914

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this week:

Welcome Center and Coffee Bar


Kansas Street Entrance (South)

> Chili Cookoff

8:30 a.m. Worship


Tutt Chapel

Leonard Street Entrance (West)

> Pie Auction Recap


9:45–10:45 a.m. Bible Study for All Ages

> Middle School Retreat


11:00 a.m. Worship

> SEND Opportunity


Franklin Street Entrance (North)

CHILI COOKOFF Saturday, February 22 6:00–8:00 p.m. Social Room

Bring your chili, bring the kids, and bring your friends to the Social Room at Second Baptist for a night of great fun and fellowship.

Faith Community Newsletter

february 9, 2014

Second Baptist Church ..................................................................................

Sunday Mornings with Us . . .

• We will have some of the best homemade chili you can imagine. • Bob Dusin and friends always bring the laughs. • Todd Lamanske will bring a walkaround sleight-of-hand style magic you won’t believe. Anyone can bring a pot of your favorite chili for others to enjoy and if you want your chili to be a part of the “Cookoff” bring it by 5:30 p.m. to the kitchen. We begin eating at 6 p.m. We encourage you to bring your family and friends to this event, even if they don’t attend 2BC! Invite them today! If you plan to bring chili, please help us by contacting the church office at 781-2824 or email Maggie at mhenderson@2bcliberty.org.

potato bar and pie auction: ReCAP! On Sunday, February 2, over 200 people stayed after worship for the 3rd Baked Potato/Salad Lunch and Pie Auction to support the Student Choir’s upcoming trip to the YouthCue Festival at Baylor University in Waco, TX. After the buffet lunch and fellowship around the tables, auctioneer and church member, Jeff Cates, whipped the crowd into a frenzy as he auctioned 10 pies that had been prepared and donated by church members. Pies were auctioned for $150 to an amazing $1,100, with many wisecracks and light-hearted jabs flying about the room. The 10 pies raised $5,700. After the auction, 5 more pies were raffled. bringing the total raised for the day to over $6,000. The YouthCue festival costs each student more than $400 each, but with the proceeds from the auction, that amount will be reduced to $200. The Music Ministry, the participating students, and their parents want to thank the congregation for their enthusiastic support!

Middle School Retreat March 7-8 I don’t know about you, but my Middle School years were pretty rough. It felt like I was living on the serengheti and I was just trying to be the antelope that gets away! And I know lots of folks who would never, ever want to relive their early teenage years. Now that I work in youth ministry I find myself wondering, “Do our Middle School years have to be this hard?” In early March, the Middle School students from Second Baptist will be going on a one-night retreat to Miracle Hills Ranch near Bethany, MO. We’ll be spending time playing Capture the Flag, paintball, and lots of board games! But we’ll also be having some intentional conversations about identity. We’re going to focus on three questions: 1. Who am I? 2. Who are you? 3. Where does God fit into all of this? As we flesh out these questions together we’ll focus on the surprising places we might find our identity. Maybe our identity is not found in what other people think of us, but instead by realizing that the Creator of the Universe is continually giving us grace, hope, and love. For more information or to register a Middle School student contact Associate Pastor, Tyler Tankersley (ttankersley@2bcliberty.org). 2



second baptist church

Making space for God’s transforming presence.

HEIFER INTERNATIONAL RANCH*, Perryville, Arkansas Saturday and Sunday, April 5–6, 2014 *Great Opportunities for families with younger children.

a tour of the global village, and animal interaction. (Goat milking anyone?)

What if Second Baptist could offer an experience that would open your eyes just a little wider to the world around us? What if it was an experience for the whole family? The 2BC SEND Initiative is providing an opportunity at no cost to Second Baptist individuals and families to spend a night at the 1,200 acre Heifer Ranch in Perryville, Arkansas and learn about these sustainable solutions. This will include meeting Heifer staff from around the world, a ranch tour,

What is HEIFER INTERNATIONAL Heifer International’s mission is to work with communities to end hunger and poverty and care for the Earth. It is committed to sustainable community transformation in areas where hunger and poverty are prevalent. Heifer International is a ministry with its roots in the Church of the Brethren. While known for providing animals at little or no cost to individuals and families for nutrition, income, education and management skills, Heifer also sponsors clean water projects, works to empowering women, and promotes sustainable and environmentally healthy farming and gardening.

Overview of the trip: • Staying on the ranch in Bartel Lodge • Experience begins Saturday at noon (with lunch) and ends on Sunday (includes lunch) • Meals included. (lunch and dinner Saturday through breakfast and lunch Sunday) • Instruction and learning with the Heifer staff If you are interested in being a part of this trip or want more details contact Mike Lassiter, Associate Pastor: mlassiter@2bcliberty.org | 816.781.2824 ext. 307 Parents’ Note: Do you have children singing in the musical April 30? This would be an opportunity for them to gain some mission perspective as they prepare to sing. If you have a child who would enjoy being a part of the musical April 30, contact: Angie Fuller: fuller2250@sbcglobal.net | 816.415.2250


february 12 Reservations are appreciated by Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. each week. Contact the church office at 781-2824 or mhenderson@2bcliberty.org to make a reservation.




Stephen Ministry Unconditional.

It is hard to find anything that is unconditional. Everything seems to have strings attached to it. Yet God’s love is unconditional—we don’t have to earn it or achieve anything to receive it.

At times, however, we can feel quite removed from God’s unconditional love. We can feel guilty, undeserving, or downright “unlovable.” At those times, Stephen Ministers can help. They are trained to listen and care in a non-judgmental way, focusing on letting Christ’s unconditional love flow through them and into the life of the care receiver.


this week Sunday, february 9 8:30 Worship (Tutt Chapel) 8:45 Student Handbell Choir Rehearsal 9:00 Children’s Choir Rehearsal 9:45 Bible Study for all ages 11:00 Worship (Sanctuary) 3:00 Heart Throbs: Children’s Valentine Party 4:00 Yum|Yuks Small Group 5:00 Communication Leaders Meeting 5:30 Student Choirs Rehearsal 6:00 Senior Adults to KC Wind Concert 6:30 Student InnerMission

TUESDAY, february 11 9:30 MOMSnext Meeting 11:00 MOPS Valentine’s Party

wednesday, february 12 5:45 Wednesday Cafe

6:00 Beginning Handbells (Room 502) 6:15 Sanctuary Handbells 6:30 Adult Bible Study 6:30 Mission Friends (Pre K and K) 6:30 Boys in Action (1st–5th grades) 6:30 Girls in Action (1st–5th grades) 6:30 Formation (6th–8th grades) 6:30 Watershed (9th–12th grades) 7:20 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

KU MED CENTER Jeff Moore OTHER PRAYER CONCERNS Janice Overman, health (Austin, TX) Gary and Amy Deaton, Gwen Phillips brother-in-law and sister, Gary’s health (Mount Juliet, TN) Todd House, Gwen’s nephew, accident recovery (Houston, TX)

THURSDAY, february13

7:00 HandsON 2.0 Group

Sunday, february 16

4:30 Missions Committee Meeting (Room 505) 6:30 Church Council Meeting (Room 505)

(The events listed here are in addition to our regular Sunday schedule.)


If you or someone you know has been struggling with guilt or feeling unlovable and would like to learn more about Stephen Ministry, please contact Mike Lassiter, Associate Pastor, call (816)781-2824 or email mlassiter@2bcliberty.org

CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY Christian sympathy is extended to Jason and Jennifer Dilts and family in the death of Jason’s grandfather, Fred Kuszmaul of Winamac, Indiana on Feb. 2.

Join us on @2bcliberty

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.................................................... 2bcliberty.org 816-781-2824 300 E. Kansas Liberty, MO 64068

Second Baptist Church is committed to fostering: > Meaningful, Christ-centered community

................................................................................................................ > Whole-life faith

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> A transforming missional presence



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