Loop Newsletter 041314

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this week:

Welcome Center and Coffee Bar


Kansas Street Entrance (South)

> Easter Egg Hunt

8:30 a.m. Worship


Tutt Chapel

Leonard Street Entrance (West)

> Holy Week


9:45–10:45 a.m. Bible Study for All Ages

> Kaleo


11:00 a.m. Worship

> Children’s Musical


Franklin Street Entrance (North)

Easter Egg Hunt and Breakfast Second Baptist Church

Saturday, April 19 9:00 a.m. Breakfast 10:00 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt For children through fifth grade. Cost: Free | Canned Good Donations Appreciated We will meet in the Social Room for those wonderful cinnamon rolls made by Steve Carder and helpers. A short program will follow, and then all will proceed to the William Jewell College campus for the egg hunt.


April 13, 2014

Second Baptist Church ..................................................................................

Sunday Mornings with Us . . .

Please bring your own baskets. The egg hunt is for all children through 5th grade. No reservations needed!

Canned Food Donations The Easter Egg Hunt and Breakfast are free but, new this year, we are encouraging families to contribute a canned food item as donation for InAsMuch Food Pantry here in Liberty. There will be baskets at the church on the morning of the Easter Egg Hunt for the donations.


holy week Lenten Lunch Wednesday, April 16 12:00 p.m. Social Room Our Lenten Lunch is a yearly tradition on the Wednesday of Holy Week. It is a time during the middle of the day to step back from the typical business to reflect on the Passion of Christ. A simple lunch of soup and salad ($5.00 donation suggested) begins at noon and is followed by special music and a message from our special guest Carmen Lile-Henley. Make reservations today at 2bcliberty.org/holyweek or by contacting the church office at 781.2824.

Beneath the Cross of Jesus

A home within the wilderness, a rest upon the way. An exhibition of crosses at Second Baptist Church

Sunday, April 6–Good Friday, April 18 The Oak Room The cross means many things to many people. For some, it is a piece of jewelry worn around the neck or on the lapel; for others, it is a visual in the Sanctuary; and for others, it is a deeply meaningful symbol of the Savior’s love for all people. Crosses from members of the congregation are currently on display in the Oak Room. We invite you to view this exhibition on display through Good Friday.

maundy thursday Thursday, April 17 7:30 p.m. Communion and Drama Our Maundy Thursday service will help us reflect on the Last Supper in the Upper Room that Jesus shared with his disciples. Join us for a drama written by Jill McRorey and and Susan Miller titled Sacrament, followed by communion.

Good Friday Friday, April 18 7:30 p.m. Join us on Good Friday for a message daring us to Live Honestly. Read ahead in Hebrews 4:14–16; 5:7–9.

kaleo Saturday, April 26 Cost: $10 All-day event; leave 2BC at 8:00 a.m. Shawnee campus of Central Seminary For students 6–12 grades and leaders. Register with Tyler Tankersley by Wednesday, April 16.

Kaleo: Call to Be, will be held on the Shawnee campus of Central Seminary. This series is designed to help youth and their leaders think about who God is calling them to be and what God is calling them to do. The focus this time will be more on seeking God through being rather than serving. The youth will be led by Central Seminary create scholars Adam Cooper and Ashton Wells who will help them think through how technology shapes their identity.


get involved Children’s Musical

tables of faith

Wednesday, April 30 6:30 p.m. Social Room

May 8 6:00–9:00 p.m. Unity Village

God of This City Imagine you are given a challenge to find a way to make a difference in your city. What would you do? What difference could you make? After all, you're only a child! Through this musical, be challenged, inspired and encouraged by the decisions made by the characters Meg, Tim, Lily, Matt and Zach, as they make waves to save a homeless shelter slated to be shut down by the city. With God's help, and through their desperate quest to keep the shelter open, these children realize they can make a difference right where they live. HE is God of This City!

Come join the children as they share what they have learned this spring in choir!

church conference Sunday, May 4 12:00 p.m. Lunch Provided for a suggested donation of $5. Please note that the Church Conference will be held on Sunday, May 4, instead of the previously published April 27. Join us for lunch for a suggested donation of $5, followed by a meeting in the Social Room at Second Baptist. Committees will give reports, and a budget update will be shared for all interested.


An Invitation to Second Baptist Church from Ed Chasteen, 2BC Ambassador to Other Faith Groups Second Baptist member Ed Chasteen, founder of Hatebusters, is a longtime supporter of the Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council, a not-forprofit organization striving to break the barriers between faiths and religious traditions by creating a community based on cultural knowledge, respect, appreciation and trust. Each year the Council sponsors The Table of Faiths. This year The Table of Faiths is held May 8 at Unity Village from 6:00-–9:00 p.m. and provides an opportunity to indulge our senses amid the beautiful surroundings in the gardens, to enjoy mouthwatering hors d’oeuvres, delicious desserts and refreshing beverages while feeding our spirit in rich, uplifting, inspiring and diverse dialogue with other guests centered around the theme “The Uncommon Response: Inspiring the Sacred in All Things” Ed has provided this opportunity for up to 50 people from Second Baptist Church to participate and, we will be taking a 2BC vehicle, leaving from the parking lot at 5:00 p.m. If you are interested in attending, contact the church office at 781-2824 or email Maggie Henderson, at mhenderson@2bcliberty.org by April 28. Childcare is available at Second, but we must have your child’s reservation by Monday, April 28. Please call Gwen at 781-2824.

april 16 No Wednesday Cafe during Holy Week. We will resume April 23. ..............................................

Children’s choir There will be no children’s choir rehearsals on Easter Sunday, April 20. ..............................................

thank you To our Second Baptist church family: Thank you for your every expression of love and concern shown to us during Jimmie’s illness. Your prayers, cards, calls and visits were meaningful and appreciated very much. God is Good, Jimmie and Pauline Van Slyke



this week


Sunday, april 13 PALM SUNDAY Beneath the Cross of Jesus (Apr. 6–Apr. 18)


8:30 Worship (Tutt Chapel) 9:45 Bible Study for all ages 11:00 Worship (Sanctuary) 4:00 Yum|Yuks Small Group 3:00 Leadership Team Meeting 3:00 VBS Leadership Team Meeting 5:00 Stephen Ministry Meeting 5:30 Student Choirs Rehearsal 6:30 Student InnerMission 7:00 Deacons’ Meeting

monday, april 14 11:30 Music Excellence Group

Christian sympathy is extended to Matt and Teresa Anderson in the death of Matt’s father, Clark Anderson, on April 9. OTHER PRAYER CONCERNS Susie Seely, health

Tuesday, april 15 12:30 Women’s Discussion Group 7:30 Special Needs Moms Support Group

wednesday, april 16 12:00 Lenten Lunch

6:45 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal 8:00 Orchestra Rehearsal

thursday, april 17

7:30 Maundy Thursday Communion & Drama

friday, april 18 Good Friday : Offices Closed

7:30 Good Friday Worship Service


Saturday, april 19


9:00 Easter Egg Hunt & Breakfast 11:00 Orchestra Rehearsal


Sunday, april 20 Easter Sunday


No Children’s Choir Rehearsals

(The events listed here are in addition to our regular Sunday schedule.)

launching easter sunday! 2BC MOBILE APP FOR iPHONE and ANDROID

2bcliberty.org 816-781-2824 300 E. Kansas Liberty, MO 64068

Second Baptist Church is committed to fostering: > Meaningful, Christ-centered community

................................................................................................................ > Whole-life faith

................................................................................................................ Subscribe on our website to receive our Weekly E-Blast and other communications! 2bcliberty.org/subscribe

> A transforming missional presence



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