WEEKLY EditioN Kasey Jones, senior pastor of National Baptist Memorial Church in Washington, D.C., and CBF moderator this year, will be in the pulpit for the 8:30 and 11 a.m. worship services as part of our celebration of our partnership with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF). A free church-wide lunch will follow the 11 a.m. service, prepared by our sister Haitian Church in Kansas City. A fun Q&A with Reverend Jones will follow. Reservations appreciated by today, April 26, in the church office. If you can't make an advance reservation but would like to attend, you will be welcomed!
Partnership, Collaboration, Connection, Relationship
These are words that describe how 2BC engages in the dream of God in the world. While we are transformed both personally and collectively as we journey together, we sense we are transformed for more than ourselves. The dream of God is a redemptive dream for all of creation, and we have the privilege of being a part of it. So, we connect and partner with other missions and ministries doing the same. The CBF is a network of churches and individuals also on this journey. We appreciate and respect the approach to mission engagement, we value the thoughtfulness of scripture study and application, and we sense the community with other churches and individuals we have with the CBF. In addition to the financial support for CBF ministries and missions, we also support the annual Global Missions Offering, which goes directly to mission needs of the field personnel. This year, the GMO goes specifically to #ENDHUNGER.
Catalyst As part of Catalyst 2.0, we will give an additional $10,000 Connection to the Global Missions Offering to help end hunger. Visit our website: Church office: 816-781-2824
April 26, 2015 Student Sunday
CBF Partnership Celebration May 3
Coming Up @ 2BC
Church Conference Meeting Today 12:15 P.M. | SANCTUARY
Our quarterly Church Conference meeting is April 26 and we hope you'll make time to come! At these meetings, our volunteer and staff leaders review what has gone on over the last quarter in church business.
New Spiritual Formation Experience
MAY 10-31 | BIBLE STUDY HOUR | SOCIAL ROOM-EAST SIDE We will offer an entirely new Sunday morning spiritual formation experience from The Work of the People. Jeff Langford will lead this visual format for small group study. If you have been wanting something that is substantive (some of the most renowned Christian scholars in today’s world) while also utilizing today’s visual technology, come to TWOTP.
Graduate Recognition Day
Sunday, May 17, is Graduate Recognition Day where we recognize our high school graduates in 11:00 a.m. worship. We will also recognize college or technical school graduates (from December through this summer) in the worship guide and LOOP on Sunday, May 10 (the last Sunday our Jewell students will be with us). To be included in the worship guide for either of these dates, contact Maggie Henderson at or 781-2824 with your name, school, and degree/program by Sunday, May 3.
Registration Extended for Leadercast Live: The Brave Ones |
FRIDAY, MAY 8, 2015 I 8:00 A.M. – 3:30 P.M. I LEGACY CHRISTIAN CHURCH, LEE’S SUMMIT | TRANSPORTATION FROM 2BC WILL DEPART AT 7:00 A.M. Registration has been extended for Leadercast now have until Monday, April 27! Learn what it means to lead in such a way that create bold cultures, builds faithful employees, and produces high achievement. Learn more at It features speakers Seth Godin, Ed Catmull, Malala Yousafzai, Peyton Manning, Andy Stanley, Rudy Giuliani and more! To reserve your spot and scholarship, email Maggie Henderson at mhenderson@2bcliberty. org or call 816-781-2824. Cost is $79 including lunch.Twelve $40 scholarships from 2BC will be provided on a first come, first available basis.
Mid-Week Sanctuary
All-Church Retreat
Children’s Choirs Program
May 6 | 6:30 p.m. | Social Room All children's choirs will sing on May 6 after our Wednesday night dinner. This includes the 3 year olds’ Music Experience Choir, the Music Time Choir, the Music Makers Choir, and the Young Musicians Choir. Our choirs have been rehearsing since September and have led us in worship numerous times during the year. This will be their last opportunity to sing before summer break. Join us for a night of music and celebrate the hard work of the choirs.
Wednesday Nights in May
May 13: Dr. Thomas Howell from 2BC and William Jewell College, an expert in the Middle East, will offer an understanding of the present dynamics in that part of the world and a discussion on what we believe would be Jesus' response. May 20: Final evening for Wednesday night activities for spring. We offer our blessing to our Senior Pastor and his family as he soon begins his sabbatical. We'll get a preview of the launch of own summer of spiritual renewal called Renovatio, which officially launches May 31.
Church Retreat
Friday, May 29 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Saturday, May 30 9:30-11:30 a.m.
One of the most exciting programs we will undertake this year is our collective action initiative or what we are calling the "Dream Initiative." It will launch at our church retreat! Each and every 2BC member’s insight and experience will be valuable as we begin to dream big about how we can fulfill God’s Dream for Liberty and the surrounding area. FRIDAY // We will envision & learn SATURDAY // We will discern & decide Read more information about the questions and processes we'll use each session at
300 E. Kansas | Liberty, MO 64068
Gluten free, vegetarian, and MSG free options available
Instead of the normal dinner cost, just pay $1 per slice.
Domino's pizza night!
this week
Sunday, April 26 | Student Sunday 8:30a Worship | Sanctuary 9:00a Children’s Choirs 9:45a Bible Study for all ages Connections Class | Oak Room (301) 11:00a Worship | Sanctuary 12:00p Church Conference | Sanctuary 4:30p Yum | Yuks Community Group | Room 301 5:00p Stephen Ministry meeting | Room 312 Anna Davis Recital/Reception | Sanctuary 5:30p Student Choir Rehearsal 6:45p Student InnerMission 5:45p 6:00p 6:15p 6:30p 7:15p
For the rest of the story, visit the 2BC Blog @
For seven years Al and Mary Ann Ditrow from McPherson, Kansas and Caby and Betty Byrne for 17 years from Clinton, Mississippi have been drawn to Heifer Ranch, a 1,200 acre Camelot outside Perryville, Arkansas, where they volunteer for months at a time. Now for just a day five of us have come from Liberty, Missouri so these four long-termers can work their magic on us, sharing with us the Heifer vision for the world and showing us the simulated world villages housed on their acres, the animals they share with the world
Not a Cup: But a Cow | by Ed Chasteen (Heifer International Visit on April 18)
on the blog...
Wednesday, April 29 | Mid-Week Sanctuary Second Servings (meal) | Social Room Beginning Handbells (grades 4–5) | Room 502 Sanctuary Handbells | Music Suite Room 501 Sessions 4.0 (adults, students, kids) Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal | Choir Room
Sunday, May 3 | CBF Partnership Celebration & FOOD SHARE SUNDAY 9:45a Connections Class | Oak Room (301) 12:00p Lunch/Q&A with Kasey Jones | Assembly Room (302) 1:15p Camp SERVE | Assembly Room (302) 3:00p New Member Fellowship Jason and Christy Edwards' home 6:30p Deacons Meeting (The events listed here are in addition to our regular Sunday schedule.)
Follow us @2bcliberty
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