Loop Newsletter 050414

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may 4, 2014

Second Baptist Church ..................................................................................

Sunday Mornings with Us . . . Welcome Center and Coffee Bar

Kansas Street Entrance (South)

8:30 a.m. Worship Tutt Chapel

Leonard Street Entrance (West)

9:45–10:45 a.m. Bible Study for All Ages 11:00 a.m. Worship Sanctuary

Franklin Street Entrance (North)

Happy Anniversary 2BC!


In May, 1843, Second Baptist Church of Liberty was organized around the purpose of establishing a missions-minded congregation in a town with two and a half decades of history as the last stopping point before crossing into the wild western frontier. Along the way, Second has remained true to its identity, continually crossing new frontiers in mission and ministry. Members of the congregation of Second Baptist Church fought in the US Civil War, and served in two world wars and on countless mission fields. We’ve been the catalyst in the start of several national and local ministries and organizations over our history: Women’s Missionary Union (WMU), William Jewell College, InAsMuch Ministry, and the local Meals on Wheels. Our faith community has seen the city of Liberty grow from: [A town that] now contains three taverns, a printing office, three blacksmiths, eight stores, three groceries, two drug stores, one hatter’s shop, four tailors, three saddlers, three shoemakers, one carriage maker, two wagon makers, one tan yard, one bagging and rope factory, five physicians, six lawyers, three cabinetmakers, one oil mill, [and] one carding factory . . . (Quoted from the December 1846 issue of the Liberty Tribune) On this 171st Anniversary, we give thanks to God for our abundant and rich history, the faithful and hopeful state of our current church family, and the promise of our future. May we continue to serve God’s kingdom and to thrive and strive toward a truly Christ-centered community.


Sundays, 9:45–10:45 a.m. June 15–July 27 | Room 606 Register online at: 2bcliberty.org/animate Registration Deadline: May 25 This adult course imaginatively explores central topics of Christianity. In each Animate: Faith session, the group will watch a video featuring a leading voice from the Christian faith, spend time on personal reflection and journaling, and share ideas with the group. Each session delves into a faith topic: God, religion, Jesus, salvation, the cross, the Bible, and church. Some of the folks we will hear from are Brian McLaren, Nadia BolzWeber, Lauren Winner, and more. Rolland Yoakum and Tyler Tankersley will be leading this course. The first 15 people who register for the course will receive an Animate journal free of charge!

Serving You : Additional Reserved Parking COMING MAY 11 Where does hospitality begin? We have some nice, close, on-street parking around our church building as well as in the parking lots we use. We also have three Handicap Parking spots in the load and unload circle off Lightburne Street and four on Leonard Street. However, while we have ample parking to choose from, as attendance grows many have noticed longer walks to the building. While that is fine for most people and even provides some welcome exercise for many of us, parents with small children, those recovering from surgeries, pregnant women, or others who have difficulty walking the added distance have found it more challenging. Recently it was brought to our attention that an older single person in our church was coming to worship and could only find a parking spot at the far corners of any of the parking lots we use. Having difficulty walking and not having a handicap parking tag, the decision was made to just skip worship and return home. While driving on Franklin someone pulled out of a spot and this person was able to park on the street and attend worship that Sunday. Can something be done to help this situation? Working with the Safety Team and Larry Gregory, a plan was developed that will begin May 11 that we hope will begin to address this. First, each Sunday five more places for handicapped parking will be added with temporary signs on the west side of the Children’s Justice Center parking lot. These places will be marked each Sunday with the accepted ADA Disabled Handicap Signs. Secondly, each Sunday five places on the north side of Kansas Street between Leonard and Lightburne will be marked with temporary signs dedicated to those with mobility needs. Printed on these signs is, Please Reserve for People with Limited Mobility. Back to the original question of where does hospitality begin. While hospitality is a mindset, in this instance, for our church community it begins with making it easier for all to participate, giving additional consideration to those who might have a more difficult time entering our building. It is taking the opportunity to go beyond what is expected and radically indicate we want anyone and everyone to be here with us. Parking can be the initial step in being hospitable. Second Baptist people can join in by not only honoring any reserved parking places, but showing others who might need them where these places are located. Let’s think hospitality, together.

Second Baptist Church

Life Together 2014 Church-wide Adult Retreat June 6–8 at Second Baptist Church

$20.00 | Childcare available REGISTER TODAY! 2bcliberty.org/lifetogetherretreat 2

all-church event church conference Sunday, May 4 12:00 p.m. Social Room Lunch Provided for a suggested donation of $5. Join us for our Church Conference following the 11:00 worship. Lunch will be provided by Drew Kingery and his volunteer team. In addition to the normal reports from committees and staff, a proposal from the Missions Support Committee will be heard and voted on. Also in the reports will be a summary of the new anniversary recognition policy which was adopted by the Church Council on April 27, 2014. Mike Lassiter will be taking a Sabbatical this summer and details about that that will also be discussed. Please plan to attend as we celebrate our 171st anniversary and tend to important church business.

graduate recognition sunday May 18

GRADUATE RECOGNITION IN WORSHIP Sunday, May 18, is Graduate Recognition Day at Second Baptist Church where we recognize our high school graduates in the 11:00 a.m. worship. We will also recognize college or technical school graduates (from December through this summer) in the worship guide and newsletter on Sunday, May 11 (the last Sunday our Jewell students will be with us). To be included in the worship guide for either of these dates, please contact Maggie Henderson at mhenderson@2bcliberty.org or 781-2824 with your name, school, and degree/program by this Sunday, May 4.

Byron and Toni Buffalo planning to visit 2BC Tiana Buffalo will be graduating from Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, KS, May 9 with an Associate Degree. Byron and Toni will be here for the weekend and plan to attend worship with us Sunday, May 11. We hope to hear from them in worship that Sunday as they bring greetings from the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation and speak to the good things happening.

“for all the world to see” Visual culture and the struggle for civil rights Nationally Touring Civil Rights Exhibition Now – May 23 William Jewell College | Curry Hall, Quad Level Free and open to the public. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Wednesdays: 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Sundays: 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. “ … we had averted our eyes for far too long, turning away from the ugly reality facing us as a nation. Let the world see what I’ve seen.” –Mami Till Bradley For All the World to See: Visual Culture and the Struggle for Civil Rights, a nationally touring exhibition from NEH on the Road, opened April 7 at William Jewell College in the Curry Gallery, Curry Hall. Through a compelling assortment of photographs, television clips, art posters, and historic artifacts, the exhibition traces how images and media disseminated to the American public transformed the modern civil rights movement and jolted Americans, both black and white, out of a state of denial or complacency. 3

may 7 Leftover Night ($2 night) *Watch our Facebook page for a detailed list of menu options. Reservations are appreciated by Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. each week. Contact the church office at 781-2824 or mhenderson@2bcliberty.org to make a reservation.


2BC Church Picnic & annual birthday party

Sunday, May 25 4:00 p.m.– dark Bennett Park (at the Shelter by the Ball Field) Plan to join us!



this week


Sunday, may 4 : Anniversary | Student Sunday

CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY Christian sympathy is extended to the family and friends of Hugh Painter who died April, 26.

8:30 Worship (Sanctuary) 8:45 Student | Middle School Handbells 9:45 Bible Study for all ages 11:00 Worship (Sanctuary) 12:00 QUARTERLY CHURCH CONFERENCE 4:00 Yum | Yuks Small Group 5:00 Stephen Ministry Meeting 5:30 Student Choir Rehearsal 6:45 InnerMission

monday, may 5 10:00 Senior Adults: Coffee and Conversation

wednesday, may 7 5:45 Wednesday Cafe

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30 7:20

Beginning Handbells (Room 502) Sanctuary Handbells Wednesday Night Formation Mission Friends (Pre K and K) Boys in Action (1st–5th grades) Girls in Action (1st–5th grades) Formation (6th–8th grades) Watershed (9th–12th grades) Parenting Teenagers Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

friday, may 9

9:30 MOPs Meeting

(The events listed here are in addition to our regular


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2bcliberty.org 816-781-2824 300 E. Kansas Liberty, MO 64068 Subscribe on our website to receive our Weekly E-Blast and other communications! 2bcliberty.org/subscribe

LIBERTY HOSPITAL Loretta Hughes Bernice Benningfield LIBERTY TERRACE CARE CENTER Roy Rodgers, Gary Rodgers father HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL Riley Lassiter HOME FROM REHAB Maureen Michel OTHER PRAYER CONCERNS Nila Lasher, Jo Lasher’s daughter-in-law, health Carole Tanner, pending surgery

Susan Edwards and family, and Rus Roach and family, health, friend of Kathleen Edwards REMEMBER THOSE ON MISSION

Jerry Cain and Steve Smith, India 4/19–5/6.


Second Baptist Church is committed to fostering: > Meaningful, Christ-centered community

................................................................................................................ > Whole-life faith

................................................................................................................ > A transforming missional presence



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